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40Hex Issue 13 File 000

40Hex Number 13 Volume 4 Issue 1 File 000
No, we are not dead. We are however insanely busy. This upcoming
year will be a legendary year for P/S with regards to various programming
projects. Can I tell you about them? Yes, but I won't. I will say that
we will be contributing immensely to the virus community. Notice, I did
not say Vx. Whenever I refer to the virus community, I am not refering
specifically to virus writers, virus collectors or Vx BBS sysops. I am
refering to everyone who has an interest in viruses. Whether its stopping
them or making them. It may be a split community, but I still percieve it
as ONE community.
I am not going to ramble, I am not going to ramble... Anyway, enjoy
the issue. If you like this magazine, please let us know.
Snail Mail:
P.O. Box 252
New City, NY 10956
Table Of Contents
40hex-13.000.............You're soaking in it!
40hex-13.001.............Letters To The Editor/Virus News
40hex-13.002.............Self Dis-Infecting .EXEs
40hex-13.003.............Removing Scan Strings From F-Prot
40hex-13.004.............Paul Fergusons Response to 40H12
40hex-13.005.............Mirror Virus Courtesy of TridenT
40hex-13.006.............Shifting Objective 3 Virus
40hex-13.007.............TiC's 40hex Index #1
40hex-13.008.............New Feature: This Old Virus.
Greets going out to: Omega and all the TridenT guys, Nowhere Man and the
[NuKE] people, The Attitude Adjuster, Spyder, GhostRider, Anyone and everyone
who sent us mail, articles or viruses, and to all programmers around the world.
Most important greets going out to all P/S members, keep up the great work.