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VLA 3/93 Introduction to ASSEMBLER (part 1)

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 · 6 months ago

Here's something to help those of you who were having trouble understanding the instructional programs we released. Dreaden made these files for the Kabal and myself when we were just learning. These files go over some of the basic concepts of assembler. Bonus of bonuses. These files also have programs imbedded in them. Most of them have a ton of comments so even the beginning programmers should be able to figure them out.

If you'd like to learn more, post a message on Phantasm. We need to know where you're interests are before we can make more files to bring out the little programmers that are hiding inside all of us.



First thing ya need to know is a little jargon so you can talk about the basic data structures with your friends and neighbors. They are (in order of increasing size) BIT, NIBBLE, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, FWORD, PWORD and QWORD, PARA, KiloByte, MegaByte. The ones that you'll need to memorize are BYTE, WORD, DWORD, KiloByte, and MegaByte. The others aren't used all that much, and you wont need to know them to get started. Here's a little graphical representation of a few of those data structures:

(The zeros in between the || is a graphical representation of the number of bits in that data structure.)

1 BIT : |0|

The simplest piece of data that exists. Its either a 1 or a zero. Put a string of them together and you have a BASE-2 number system. Meaning that instead of each 'decimal' place being worth 10, its only worth 2. For instance: 00000001 = 1; 00000010 = 2; 00000011 = 3, etc..

1 NIBBLE: |0000|
4 BITs

The NIBBLE is half a BYTE or four BITS. Note that it has a maximum value of 15 (1111 = 15). Not by coincidence, HEXADECIMAL, a base 16 number system (computers are based on this number system) also has a maximum value of 15, which is represented by the letter 'F'. The 'digits' in HEXADECIMAL are (in increasing order):


The standard notation for HEXADECIMAL is a zero followed by the number in HEX followed by a lowercase "h" For instance: "0FFh" = 255 DECIMAL.

1 BYTE |00000000|
8 BITs

The BYTE is the standard chunk of information. If you asked how much memory a machine had, you'd get a response stating the number of BYTEs it had. (Usually preceded by a 'Mega' prefix). The BYTE is 8 BITs or 2 NIBBLEs. A BYTE has a maximum value of 0FFh (= 255 DECIMAL). Notice that because a BYTE is just 2 NIBBLES, the HEXADECIMAL representation is simply two HEX digits in a row (ie. 013h, 020h, 0AEh, etc..)

The BYTE is also that size of the 'BYTE sized' registers - AL, AH, BL, BH, CL, CH, DL, DH.

1 WORD |0000000000000000|
2 BYTEs À- AH -ÙÀ- AL -Ù
4 NIBBLEs À----- AX -----Ù
16 BITs

The WORD is just two BYTEs that are stuck together. A word has a maximum value of 0FFFFh (= 65,535). Since a WORD is 4 NIBBLEs, it is represented by 4 HEX digits. This is the size of the 16bit registers on the 80x86 chips. The registers are: AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, SP, CS, DS, ES, SS, and IP. Note that you cannot directly change the contents of IP or CS in any way. They can only be changed by JMP, CALL, or RET.

2 WORDs |00000000000000000000000000000000|
4 BYTEs ³ À- AH -ÙÀ- AL -Ù
8 NIBBLEs ³ À----- AX -----Ù
32 BITs À------------ EAX -------------Ù

A DWORD (or "DOUBLE WORD") is just two WORDs, hence the name DOUBLE-WORD. This can have a maximum value of 0FFFFFFFFh (8 NIBBLEs, 8 'F's) which equals 4,294,967,295. Damn large. This is also the size or the 386's 32bit registers: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, EBP, ESP, EIP. The 'E ' denotes that they are EXTENDED registers. The lower 16bits is where the normal 16bit register of the same name is located. (See diagram.)

1 KILOBYTE |-lots of zeros (8192 of 'em)-|
256 DWORDs
512 WORDs
1024 BYTEs
2048 NIBBLEs
8192 BITs

We've all heard the term KILOBYTE byte, before, so I'll just point out that a KILOBYTE, despite its name, is -NOT- 1000 BYTEs. It is actually 1024 bytes.

1 MEGABYTE |-even more zeros (8,388,608 of 'em)-|
262,144 DWORDs
524,288 WORDs
1,048,576 BYTEs
2,097,152 NIBBLEs
8,388,608 BITs

Just like the KILOBYTE, the MEGABYTE is -NOT- 1 million bytes. It is
actually 1024*1024 BYTEs, or 1,048,578 BYTEs


Now that we know what the different data types are, we will investigate an annoying little aspect of the 80x86 processors. I'm talking about nothing other than SEGMENTS & OFFSETS!


Pay close attention, because this topic is (I believe) the single most difficult (or annoying, once you understand it) aspect of ASSEMBLER.

An OverView:

The original designers of the 8088, way back when dinasaurs ruled the planet, decided that no one would ever possibly need more than one MEG (short for MEGABYTE :) of memory. So they built the machine so that it couldn't access above 1 MEG. To access the whole MEG, 20 BITs are needed. Problem was that the registers only had 16 bits, and if the used two registers, that would be 32 bits, which was way too much (they thought.) So they came up with a rather brilliant (blah) way to do their addressing- they would use two registers. They decided that they would not be 32bits, but the two registers would create 20 bit addressing. And thus Segments and OFfsets were born. And now the confusing specifics.


SEGMENT = OFFSET /16 ;note that the lower 4 bits are lost

SEGMENT * 16 |0010010000010000----| range (0 to 65535) * 16
OFFSET |----0100100000100010| range (0 to 65535)
20 bit address |00101000100100100010| range 0 to 1048575 (1 MEG)
À----- DS -----Ù
À----- SI -----Ù
À- Overlap-Ù

This shows how DS:SI is used to construct a 20 bit address.

Segment registers are: CS, DS, ES, SS. On the 386+ there are also FS & GS

Offset registers are: BX, DI, SI, BP, SP, IP. In 386+ protected mode, ANY general register (not a segment register) can be used as an Offset register. (Except IP, which you can't access.)

  • CS:IP => Points to the currently executing code.
  • SS:SP => Points to the current stack position.


If you'll notice, the value in the SEGMENT register is multiplied by 16 (or shifted left 4 bits) and then added to the OFFSET register. Together they create a 20 bit address. Also Note that there are MANY combinations of the SEGMENT and OFFSET registers that will produce the same address. The standard notation for a SEGment/OFFset pair is:

SEGMENT:OFFSET or A000:0000 ( which is, of course in HEX )

Where SEGMENT = 0A000h and OFFSET = 00000h. (This happens to be the address of the upper left pixel on a 320x200x256 screen.)

You may be wondering what would happen if you were to have a segment value of 0FFFFh and an offset value of 0FFFFh.

Take notice: 0FFFFh * 16 (or 0FFFF0h ) + 0FFFFh = 1,114,095, which is definately larger than 1 MEG (which is 1,048,576.)

This means that you can actually access MORE than 1 meg of memory! Well, to actually use that extra bit of memory, you would have to enable something called the A20 line, which just enables the 21st bit for addressing. This little extra bit of memory is usually called "HIGH MEMORY" and is used when you load something into high memory or say DOS = HIGH in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. (HIMEM.SYS actually puts it up there..) You don't need to know that last bit, but hey, knowledge is good, right?


I've mentioned AX, AL, and AH before, and you're probably wondering what exactly they are. Well, I'm gonna go through one by one and explain what each register is and what it's most common uses are. Here goes:

AX is a 16 bit register which, as metioned before, is merely two bytes attached together. Well, for AX, BX, CX, & DX you can independently access each part of the 16 bit register through the 8bit (or byte sized) registers. For AX, they are AL and AH, which are the Low and High parts of AX, respectively. It should be noted that any change to AL or AH, will change AX. Similarly any changes to AX may or may not change AL and AH. For instance:

Let's suppose that AX = 00000h (AH and AL both = 0, too)

mov AX,0
mov AL,0
mov AH,0

Now we set AL = 0FFh.

mov AL,0FFh

:AX => 000FFh ;I'm just showing ya what's in the registers
:AL => 0FFh
:AH => 000h

Now we increase AX by one:


:AX => 00100h (= 256.. 255+1= 256)
:AL => 000h (Notice that the change to AX changed AL and AH)
:AH => 001h

Now we set AH = 0ABh (=171)

mov AH,0ABh

:AX => 0AB00h
:AL => 000h
:AH => 0ABh

Notice that the first example was just redundant...
We could've set AX = 0 by just doing

mov ax,0

:AX => 00000h
:AL => 000h
:AH => 000h

I think ya got the idea...

Used as the destination of an IN (in port)
ex: IN AL,DX

Source for the output for an OUT

Destination for LODS (grabs byte/word from [DS:SI] and INCreses SI)
ex: lodsb (same as: mov al,[ds:si] ; inc si )
lodsw (same as: mov ax,[ds:si] ; inc si ; inc si )

Source for STOS (puts AX/AL into [ES:DI] and INCreses DI)
ex: stosb (same as: mov [es:di],al ; inc di )
stosw (same as: mov [es:di],ax ; inc di ; inc di )

BX (BH/BL): same as AX (BH/BL)

As mentioned before, BX can be used as an OFFSET register.
ex: mov ax,[ds:bx] (grabs the WORD at the address created by
DS and BX)

CX (CH/CL): Same as AX

Used in REP prefix to repeat an instruction CX number of times
ex: mov cx,10
mov ax,0
rep stosb ;this would write 10 zeros to [ES:DI] and increase
;DI by 10.
Used in LOOP
ex: mov cx,100

;do something that would print out 'HI'

loop THELABEL ;this would print out 'HI' 100 times
;the loop is the same as: dec cx

DX (DH/DL): Same as above
USED in word sized MUL, DIV, IMUL, IDIV as DEST for high word
or remainder

ex: mov bx,10
mov ax,5
mul bx ;this multiplies BX by AX and puts the result
;in DX:AX

ex: (continue from above)
div bx ;this divides DX:AX by BX and put the result in AX and
;the remainder (in this case zero) in DX

Used as address holder for IN's, and OUT's (see ax's examples)


DI: Used as destination address holder for stos, movs (see ax's examples)
Also can be used as an OFFSET register

SI: Used as source address holder for lods, movs (see ax's examples)
Also can be used as OFFSET register

Example of MOVS:
movsb ;moves whats at [DS:SI] into [ES:DI] and increases
movsw ; DI and SI by one for movsb and 2 for movsw

NOTE: Up to here we have assumed that the DIRECTION flag was cleared.
If the direction flag was set, the DI & SI would be DECREASED
instead of INCREASED.
ex: cld ;clears direction flag
std ;sets direction flag

BP: Base Pointer. Can be used to access the stack. Default segment is
SS. Can be used to access data in other segments throught the use

ex: mov al,[ES:BP] ;moves a byte from segment ES, offset BP
Segment overrides are used to specify WHICH of the 4 (or 6 on the
386) segment registers to use.

SP: Stack Pointer. Does just that. Segment overrides don't work on this
guy. Points to the current position in the stack. Don't alter unless
you REALLY know what you are doing.

DS: Data segment- all data read are from the segment pointed to be this
segment register unless a segment overide is used.
Used as source segment for movs, lods
This segment also can be thought of as the "Default Segment" because
if no segment override is present, DS is assumed to be the segmnet
you want to grab the data from.

ES: Extra Segment- this segment is used as the destination segment
for movs, stos
Can be used as just another segment... You need to specify [ES:°°]
to use this segment.

FS: (386+) No particular reason for it's name... I mean, we have CS, DS,
and ES, why not make the next one FS? :) Just another segment..

GS: (386+) Same as FS

CS: Segment that points to the next instruction- can't change directly
IP: Offset pointer to the next instruction- can't even access
The only was to change CS or IP would be through a JMP, CALL, or RET

SS: Stack segment- don't mess with it unless you know what you're
doing. Changing this will probably crash the computer. This is the
segment that the STACK resides in.


Heck, as long as I've mentioned it, lets look at the STACK:

The STACK is an area of memory that has the properties of a STACK of plates- the last one you put on is the first one take off. The only difference is that the stack of plates is on the roof. (Ok, so that can't really happen... unless gravity was shut down...) Meaning that as you put another plate (or piece of data) on the stack, the STACK grows DOWNWARD. Meaning that the stack pointer is DECREASED after each PUSH, and INCREASED after each POP.

  _____ Top of the allocated memory in the stack segment (SS) 
| ® SP (the stack pointer points to the most recently pushed byte)

Truthfully, you don't need to know much more than a stack is Last In,
First Out (LIFO).

WRONG ex: push cx ;this swaps the contents of CX and AX
push ax ;of course, if you wanted to do this quicker, you'd
pop cx ;just say XCHG cx,ax
pop ax ; but thats not my point.

RIGHT ex: push cx ;this correctly restores AX & CX
push ax
pop ax
pop cx


Now I'll do a quick run through on the assembler instructions that you MUST know:


Examples of different addressing modes:

        MOV ax,5        ;moves and IMMEDIATE value into ax (think 'AX = 5') 
MOV bx,cx ;moves a register into another register
MOV cx,[SI] ;moves [DS:SI] into cx (the Default Segment is Used)
MOV [DI+5],ax ;moves ax into [DS:DI+5]
MOV [ES:DI+BX+34],al ;same as above, but has a more complicated
MOV ax,[546] ;moves whats at [DS:546] into AX

Note that the last example would be totally different if the brackets were left out. It would mean that an IMMEDIATE value of 546 is put into AX, instead of what's at offset 546 in the Default Segment.
Whenever you see brackets [] around something, it means that it refers to what is AT that offset. For instance, say you had this situation:

MyData dw 55
mov ax,MyData

What is that supposed to mean? Is MyData an Immediate Value? This is confusing and for our purposes WRONG. The 'Correct' way to do this would be:

MyData dw 55
mov ax,[MyData]

This is clearly moving what is AT the address of MyData, which would be 55, and not moving the OFFSET of MyData itself. But what if you actually wanted the OFFSET? Well, you must specify directly.

MyData dw 55
mov ax,OFFSET MyData

Similiarly, if you wanted the SEGMENT that MyData was in, you'd do this:

MyData dw 55
mov ax,SEG MyData


        INT 21h     ;calls DOS standard interrupt # 21h 
INT 10h ;the Video BIOS interrupt..

INT is used to call a subroutine that performs some function that you'd rather not write yourself. For instance, you would use a DOS interrupt to OPEN a file. You would similiarly use the Video BIOS interrupt to set the screen mode, move the cursor, or to do any other function that would be difficult to program.

Which subroutine the interrupt preforms is USUALLY specified by AH. For instance, if you wanted to print a message to the screen you'd use INT 21h, subfunction 9 by doing this:

mov ah,9
int 21h

Yes, it's that easy. Of course, for that function to do anything, you need to specify WHAT to print. That function requires that you have DS:DX be a FAR pointer that points to the string to display. This string must terminate with a dollar sign. Here's an example:

MyMessage db "This is a message!$"
mov dx,OFFSET MyMessage
mov ax,SEG MyMessage
mov ds,ax
mov ah,9
int 21h

The DB, like the DW (and DD) merely declares the type of a piece of data.

  • DB => Declare Byte (I think of it as 'Data Byte')
  • DW => Declare Word
  • DD => Declare Dword

Also, you may have noticed that I first put the segment value into AX and then put it into DS. I did that because the 80x86 does NOT allow you to put an immediate value into a segment register. You can, however, pop stuff into a Segment register or mov an indexed value into the segment register.

A few examples:

mov ax,SEG MyMessage
mov ds,ax

push SEG Message
pop ds

mov ds,[SegOfMyMessage]
;where [SegOfMyMessage] has already been loaded with
; the SEGMENT that MyMessage resides in
mov ds,10
mov ds,SEG MyMessage

Well, that's about it for what you need to know to get started...

And now the FRAME for an ASSEMBLER program

The Basic Frame for an Assembler program using Turbo Assembler simplified directives is:


DOSSEG ;This arranges the segments in order according DOS standards
.MODEL SMALL ;dont worry about this yet
.STACK 200h ;tells the compiler to put in a 200h byte stack
.CODE ;starts code segment


START: ;generally a good name to use as an entry point

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h


;===========- By the way, a semicolon means the start of a comment.

If you were to enter this program and TASM & TLINK it, it would execute perfectly. It will do absolutly nothing, but it will do it well.

What it does:
Upon execution, it will jump to START. move 4c00h into AX, and call the DOS interrupt, which exits back to DOS.

Outout seen: NONE


That's nice, eh? If you've understood the majority of what was presented in this document, you are ready to start programming!

See ASM0.TXT and ASM0.ASM to continue this wonderful assembler stuff...

Written By Draeden/VLA


.STACK 200h


; Your code goes here...

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h



ASM1.ASM - print a string

Well, here's the classic example for the first program in just about every language. It prints a message to the screen by using a DOS function. More specifically, it uses function 9 of interrupt 21h. Here's the mock specification for the function:

|IN: ah = 9 ;ah tells INT 21h which function you want
| DS:DX = FAR pointer to the string to be printed.
| ;the string must terminate with a dollar sign ($)
|OUT: Prints the string to the screen

Other than that function, there's nothing new that can't easily be figured out. The directive SEG, as you might have guessed, returns the segment that the specified label is in. OFFSET returns the offset from the begining of the segment to the specified label. Together, you can form a FAR pointer to a specified label.

Another thing you might wonder about is why I put the SEG Message into AX and THEN Put it in DS.

The answer is: You have to. An immediate value cannot be put into a segment register, but a register or an indexed value can. For instance:

These are legal:

:   mov     DS,AX 
: mov DS,[TheSegment]

But these are not:

: mov DS,50
: mov DS,0a000h

One last piece of info: in the lines:

:Message db "This was printed using function 9 "
: db "of the DOS interrupt 21h.$"

The DB is just a data type. Its the same as a CHAR in C, which is 1 byte
in length.

Other common data types are:

DW same as an INT in C - 2 bytes
DD same as a double int or long int or a FAR pointer - 4 bytes

Well, that's pretty much it for this short section... Try playing around with the 'print' function... Ya learn best by playing with it.

One last side note:
I COULD have put the message in the CODE segment instead, by doing this:


.STACK 200h

Message db "Hey look! I'm in the code segment!$"

mov ax,cs ;since CS already points to the same segment as Message,
mov ds,ax ;I don't have to explicitly load the segment that message
;is in..

mov dx,offset Message
mov ah,9
int 21h

mov ax,4c00h ;Returns control to DOS
int 21h ;MUST be here! Program will crash without it!



The advantage to having all your data in the CODE segment is that DS and ES can be pointing anywhere and you can still access your data via a segment override!

say I'm in the middle of copying one section of the screen memory to another and I need to access the variable "NumLines" I'd do it like this:


mov ax,[CS:NumLines] ;this is in IDEAL mode
-------- Code Segment override

Pretty flexable, eh?


.STACK 200h

Message db "This was printed using function 9 "
db "of the DOS interrupt 21h.$"


mov ax,seg Message ;moves the SEGMENT that `Message' is in into AX
mov ds,ax ;moves ax into ds (ds=ax)
;you cannot do this -> mov ds,seg Message

mov dx,offset Message ;move the OFFSET of `Message' into DX
mov ah,9 ;Function 9 of DOS interupt 21h prints a string that
int 21h ;terminates with a "$". It requires a FAR pointer to
;what is to be printed in DS:DX

mov ax,4c00h ;Returns control to DOS
int 21h ;MUST be here! Program will crash without it!



ASM2.TXT - intro to keyboard and flow control

Alright. This bit of code introduces control flow, keyboard input, and
a way to easily print out one character.

First off, lets examine the easiest one: printing a character.

It's like this: you put the character to print in DL, put 2 in AH and
call interrupt 21h. Damn easy.

Ok, lets look at the next easiest one: keyboard input.

There are quite a few functions related to INT 16h (the keyboard
interrupt.) They are:


0h -Gets a key from the keyboard buffer. If there isn't one, it waits
until there is.
Returns the SCAN code in ah, and the ASCII translation in AL

1h -Checks to see if a key is ready to grab. Sets the zero flag if a
key is ready to grab. Grab it with Fn# 0
This also returns the same info about the key as Fn#0, but does
not remove it from the buffer.

2h -Returns the shift flags in al. They are:
bit 7 - Insert active
bit 6 - Caps lock active
bit 5 - Num Lock active
bit 4 - Scroll lock active
bit 3 - Alt pressed
bit 2 - Ctrl pressed
bit 1 - Left shift pressed
bit 0 - right shift pressed

3h -You can set the Typematic Rate and delay with this function
registers must be set as follows
AL = 5
BH = Delay value (0-3: 250,500,750,1000 millisec)
BL = Typematic rate (0-1fh) 1fh = slowest (2 chars per sec)
0 =fastest (30 chars per second)

4h -Key Click control - not important

5h -STUFF the keyboard
CH = scan code
CL = ascii code

al = 0 no error
al = 1 keyboard buffer is full

10h -Same as #0, but its for the extended keyboard. Checks all the keys.

11h -Same as #1, but for the extended keyboard.

12h -Same as #2, but AH contains additional shift flags:
bit 7 - Sys req pressed
bit 6 - Caps lock active
bit 5 - Num Lock active
bit 4 - Scroll lock active
bit 3 - Right Alt active
bit 2 - Right Ctrl active
bit 1 - Left Alt active
bit 0 - Right Alt active
Al is EXACTLY the same as in Fn#2

WHERE AH= the function number when you call INT 16h

That's neat-o, eh? Now on to flow controll via CMP and Jcc...

CMP is the same as SUB, but it does NOT alter any registers, only the
flags. This is used in conjunction with Jcc.

Ok, Jcc is not a real instruction, it means 'jump if conditionis met.'

I'll break this into 3 sections, comparing signed numbers, comparing
unsigned numbers, and misc.

Note that a number being 'unsigned' or 'signed' only depends on how you
treat it. That's why there are different Jcc for each...

If you treat it as a signed number, the highest bit denotes whether it's
negative or not.

Prove to yourself that 0FFFFh is actually -1 by adding 1 to 0FFFFh. You
should get a big zero: 00000h. (Remember that the number is ONLY 16 bits
and the carry dissapears..)

JA -jumps if the first number was above the second number
JAE -same as above, but will also jump if they are equal

JB -jumps if the first number was below the second
JBE -duh...

JNA -jumps if the first number was NOT above... (same as JBE)
JNAE-jumps if the first number was NOT above or the same as..
(same as JB)
JNB -jumps if the first number was NOT below... (same as JAE)
JNBE-jumps if the first number was NOT below or the same as..
(same as JA)
JZ -jumps if the two numbers were equal (zero flag = 1)
JE -same as JZ, just a different name

JNZ -pretty obvious, I hope...
JNE -same as above...

JG -jumps if the first number was > the second number
JGE -same as above, but will also jump if they are equal

JL -jumps if the first number was < the second
JLE -duh...

JNG -jumps if the first number was NOT >... (same as JLE)
JNGE-jumps if the first number was NOT >=.. (same as JL)

JNL -jumps if the first number was NOT <... (same as JGE)
JNLE-jumps if the first number was NOT <=... (same as JG)

JZ, JE, JNZ, JNE - Same as for Unsigned

JC -jumps if the carry flag is set
JNC -Go figgure...

Here's the rest of them... I've never had to use these, though...

JO -jump if overflow flag is set
JNO -...

JP -jump is parity flag is set
JNP -...
JPE -jump if parity even (same as JP)
JPO -jump if parity odd (same as JNP)

JS -jumps if sign flag is set
JNS -...

Here's the flags really quickly:
bit# 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
symbol: O D I T S Z A P C

O = OverFlow flag
D = Direction flag *
I = Interrupt flag
T = Trap flag
S = Sign flag
Z = Zero flag *
A = Auxiliary flag
C = Carry flag *

The * denotes the ones that you should know.


That's it for now... Until next time...


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