El Hazard: Second Sight

El Hazard is distributed by Pioneer and the brainchild of Hiroki Hayashi. I have no rights to it, not that I'm letting such a fact stop this non-profit production-- I am doing it for fun only, folks. This can, and should be, considered a sequel to another of my El Hazard stories, entitled Oracle. You can find it in the archives, on a few different websites, or by emailing me. For those who haven't read it, I suggest you do before reading this, as it won't make as much sense otherwise, and for those who have? Perhaps a refresher might be in order....
Second Sight
"You weren't at the last wedding," Makoto said conversationally.
Things had calmed down by now, Makoto and Fujisawa had both escaped the immediate clutches of the women (although it was sunset now and Masamichi will be in the clutches of his wife, Mizu, once more).
"There really wasn't a wedding then though, was there," I say, equally as conversational.
We were in the gardens, in Gulistan with its perfumes wafting around us in the heady dusk air. We stood at the ends of the overhang, leaning on it. I faced the edge, looking outwards, while Makoto leaned against it, keeping watch on the garden and anyone who might come by, namely Nanami and Shayla.
"I suppose you saw that, eh, Hayashi?"
I shrug. "My presence wasn't needed then," I explained. "I knew this time would be for real."
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Why didn't you wonder why I didn't come?" will be what I counter with.
Makoto sighed. "What were you doing in the garden, Hayashi?"
"Just looking. The sunset will be beautiful, ten years from today," I mentioned casually.
Makoto grunted non-committedly, taking my word for it. The view really is spectacular, and if I am in the garden in ten years, it really will have been a spectacular sunset that I see.
"Do you know how to record on those discs now, Hayashi?" Makoto asked. One of the things I like about him is that he always uses my name. For some people that is important-- we are defined by what and not who we are. Take Lune Venus, the princess, for example. Makoto never lets me forget I'm more than just my ability.
"Yeah, no problem. You will show me how yesterday. It is easy."
He nods slowly before he realises that the gesture is fairly useless with me. I know he's doing it be the rustling sound of his clothing-- the collars, you see. He will chuckle slightly as he realises his mistake. "If you say so," he said, his good humour returns.
I fumble around for my staff, that branch of wood I found so long ago in the woods when I first arrived in El Hazard. "An exciting day, all around, wouldn't you say, Makoto?"
Makoto laughs lightly. "I suppose so." He looked around a bit. "So, what do you want to do? Boys night out or something? A little rememberance for mister Fujisawa?"
"Paint the town red, that sort of thing, Makoto?" I say with a laugh. "It might be a better idea if you laid low for a day or two."
"Why's that? Did you see something?"
"Well, let's just say that weddings can put women into different moods, get them thinking about different things. Especially women that already show interest in a particular man," I am saying slowly, not quite spelling it out for him, but making sure he knows what stands between the lines. "There is an extra bed in my rooms which you might consider using for a couple of days." I remark thoughtfully. "You will be more than welcome to have used it, and I can tell you that it is be a safe place for you."
Makoto stared at me intently. "Let's go move some of my stuff right now then, shall we?"
"I thought you might say that, and I didn't even have to use my power to do so," I will say with a smile.
They would not think of looking for Makoto in my rooms; no one comes there anyway-- not even me usually, since I am spending most of my time these days away from the palace. I accept this happy medium. If people want to find me, they know that the royal library is a much better place, or perhaps in one of the adjacent workshops Schtalubaugh has.
We moved Makoto's belongings, or a sufficient amount to cover the next couple of days, into my rooms. Later we could get more, if we so desired. For now, some toiletries and clothing would be enough.
A day or two after Makoto had taken up temporary residence in my quarters, he found himself in the most dangerous task of wandering the palace halls. Most dangerous because not only was his mind deep in thought, but because Shayla-Shayla and Nanami Jinnai were on the prowl.
The two women in question, will, at one point before this, ask me about their love lives-- in other words, would they get Makoto. I did not bother to dignify that with an answer, of course. I miss being able to stare at people; it is hard to give people a look when you have no eyes. I think I managed to convey the appropriate idea though when I took off my blindfold.
Makoto made his ways safely through the halls and finds me in a workshop, dictating to a recording device he has repaired.
"...--ative El Hazard proves to be a little more difficult to classify. The Phantom Tribe, or what we have seen, seem to share a single power, telepathic in nature. They are able to project convincing illusions, consisting of sight, sound and touch at the very least (from events related to me by Makoto Mizuhara and Shayla-Shayla of Najato on the Forbidden Isle). I would suggest they stimulate the appropriate centres in the brain, bypassing the sensory nervous system entirely-- it would probably be easier.
Nanami Jinnai, on the other hand, is able to resist the Phantom Tribe ability-- indeed, she does not even notice it. I would suggest her power then is also telepathic in nature-- she is closed off. Whereas everyone else is able to receive such telepathic suggestions, she is not. Nanami does not see through the illusions, to her they do not exist and there is nothing to see through.
Katsuhiko Jinnai, Nanami's brother, also possesses a telepathic power. His ability is not only projective, like the Phantom Tribe's, but also receptive. Katsuhiko is able to communicate with the Bugrom, to understand and be understood by them, without any training or research into their language. Most certainly he is projecting and receiving the 'surface thoughts,' what he and the Bugrom are actually saying. I would suspect that he does the same with humans though. However, I believe the ability to be limited to roughly hearing range, and one must specifi--."
At this point in time Makoto makes a noise that will alert me to his presence. He clears his throat, if you must know. I pressed a button, pausing my dictation.
"Hello, Makoto. I was just dictating some notes. The machine worked perfectly. What can I do for you?"
He started to speak, then stopped, and then starts again. "I was just wondering-- after we stopped the Eye of God... you told me.... Do you know what happened after the first wedding attempt?" he asks me bluntly.
"You are wondering if she is who I will be referring to back then?"
"Yes, that's it exactly," Makoto sighed. Anxiously, he continues, "Is she? She's not the same Ifurita, but you never told me anything more than that I would see her again."
I stood up and will fumble my way towards Makoto. I whisper into his ear: "When you find her, bring her back, at least for a visit. I want to talk to the woman who so stole your heart."
I could feel the tension drain out of Makoto with my words. "Why don't you come back and meet her back at home?"
"This is my home, this world. I am of El Hazard now. I don't know what happens if I go back to Earth; any time I look at that decision, I can see nothing. I don't know if that means I would die there, or if my ability just stops working. Either way I will not go back, so you see you must bring her back here for me to meet her."
Makoto turns to leave. "Thanks, Hayashi. I owe you."
"Makoto," I call out to him before he leaves. "I want to ask you something. Would you tell me how to get to where this other Ifurita is?"
"Why do you ask? Are you interested in what Ifurita is like?"
"There are questions about that period of time I have that she might be able to answer. Besides, that area must be an archeological treasure trove. It could prove to be a great find!"
Makoto laughs. "You never could make up your mind whether or not you liked the past or the future more, Hayashi."
I grinned. "There's a difference?" We both laugh at that one, even though I'm not entirely sure I was joking when I will be asking that.
I went to find princess Lune after I finished recording my musings. I will had to get her permission to go, after all I needed supplies and equipment. At least one other person, as well, since it would be too far to walk, and not a very good idea for me to do the flying.
"I do not believe you will need my services," I say, tapping my head just to the left side of my eye sockets, "while I will be gone.
"Just think of it! The notes they must have made, the devices and Ifurita herself, who has actual _memories_, memories! of the time of the Holy Wars and perhaps before! The place is a veritable font of knowledge! It is our duty to learn as much as we can from it!"
We drank mild coffee, a few cups only, just to be polite you understand, and talk under blossoming trees and tropical plants. Gulistan provided the perfect place to talk and chat and beseech her.
"I should not be gone long," I mention, sipping some of the slightly too sweet coffee. Lune Venus always did like a little bit more sugar in it than I did. "Just to do some preliminaries. Help set things up for a team of archeologists."
I can feel her smile, though I did not see it. "Are there any other reasons? Perhaps who lives there?"
"Makoto and the rest said that there were flora and fauna there that were not native to other parts of El Hazard. I think that therer are many who would give an arm and a leg to study them." I will pause. "But you are not talking about them, are you, Lune?"
"Of course not," she says, knowing better than to shake her head.
"We could learn from her, about our past, about many things."
"'Our?'" Lune queried.
"Our. This land is my home, it is where I belong. I am of El Hazard, Lune." I drank more of my coffee and filled it back up, hoping to dilute the sugar a bit more and make it less sweet. I meet with partial success. "That I will come from somewhere else is not relevant."
"Your tenses are getting worse again, Hayashi," she says, gently reprimanding me.
"Time ceases to matter to me. The past? the future?" I shook my head. "They are concepts which are not the same for me as they are for you. I know them with equal certainty, and it is an effort to remember causality.
"I try to remember which is which, and the difference between what has happened and what will happen, though it means little to me. Only with others does it matter.
"She has to be alone there, by herself, Lune. Alone and grieving," I say, switching the subject back. "No one should have to suffer that."
Lune sighed. Some time will have passed since we first start talking because I can now feel the sun on me when I am in shade.
"Have you seen what will happen if you do not go, or if you will go?"
I shook my head-- after all, she can easily see me do this. "I have not really looked. Nothing especially bad or good happens that I can tell if I stay. My services do not appear to be necessary during that time period. If I go?" I will shrug, "I survive. I do not believe anything bad happens."
I can hear Lune Venus sip her coffee delicately, like everything she does. "You are always necessary, Hayashi, not just as an advisor but as a friend as well." Her voice is as warm as the sun I felt on the side of my face. "Go then with my blessings and support. Have you decided on who to take?"
"Thank you, Lune-- thank you. I have not yet decided or asked anyone. I wanted to have your permission first. I don't want to take too many people. I'll need someone to fly the ship there, someone who knows how to get there, and someone who could potentially help me do some preliminary research. Someone who was there before would be ideal, as would someone who was interested, of course since it will be their choice."
"Do you have anyone in mind?"
"A couple of people occur to me. I don't know whether or not they will go though."
"Can't you just look ahead and see?"
"Yes, but I want to try and control that reflex. Sometimes it is fun not to know what is going to happen. Not easy to do, though, since I think and look at the same time. I'll ask priestess Afura Mann, I believe. She pilots the ship, so I hear, and she knows the way as well."
"Anyone else?"
"Maybe Makoto. Either one of them might be interested in what we can find there, Makoto especially, I think. He probably would have went, I think. His ability may be useful to figure out the function of some of the things, plus he's a friendly face to Ifurita, so I have gathered."
I like this garden best, because the scents are always more intense here. I am smelling something similar to lilac at this moment until the wind shifting when I was smelling a crisp apple and cherry-like scent. The flowers from that particular plant would just be coming into bloom, given the weather. White, with pink veins running to the edge and becoming fringing each petal with red, if I recall correctly. Very soft, as well. Makes silk feel rough, the petals.
We will chat about inconsequentialities for the rest of the time in the the perfumed garden. I will mention, as I will before, and have again, that she takes her coffee too sweet, and she counters that I take it too bitter. To balance out my kind attitude she said, and we laugh. We talk about Fatora, and her attempts to bed Nanami or Shayla-Shayla, and Nanami and Shayla-Shayla's attempts to bed, or be with, at least, Makoto. We will have laughed at that, too. The end comes too quickly, like it does for all good times.
We stand, I smile and I suspect princess Lune does as well. Servants will come after we leave to clean up-- a private conversation means that no servants could be around to overhear when they are needed. Pad across the glass until we hit stone. Is my arm in hers, or her arm in mine? I don't know what the protocol is, considering that I'm blind and she's a princess. Hard to tell who is supposed to lead who. Her, I suspect, since even the perogatives of royalty cannot stand against physical limitations. It does not matter though, not between friends.
I guess it is night time then, because I can hear the low hum of the light fixture, and the air is slightly cooler. I will be tired after I talk and walk with Lune and went to my rooms to sleep a little while. The hum of the light means that probably Makoto was here now.
"Makoto?" I asked, entering the room I can hear the light coming from. The sound of of a page turning comes from the area around the desk. A fairly easy type of guess as to what the reading material will be.
"Hm?" I heard him respond. Hard to say if he's really aware of me right now or still has his head immersed in the book. Often like that, you know-- a trait which will be common to both of us, when I am able to read, on Earth and for a period here. In this very room, in fact, at that very desk, I often spend hours reading, oblivious to the passage of time, or anything else, when I will be able to do such things. I miss that the most, I think. Such precise concentration for any feasible length of time is painful, causing phantom pains in my phantom eyes. Impossible, too, since after a while it all becomes blurry anyway. There's other recording formats available though, both for recording and for playing, so it isn't as bad as you might think. Friends will usually read aloud for me if I ask them to, which is not too often.
"How would you like to go on an archeological dig? You could be of great assistance."
Makoto closes the book, I could hear the familiar sound from where I am standing. "Tell me more," he says, curious as always by the tone of his voice.
"I want to go to the place where the Ifurita that you met is. As it stood it was a treasure trove of artefacts, and who knows what else? Trained archeologists and anthropologists could decipher much from what we find there, not to mention the Yurius' notes and writings. Your ability would make it easier to decipher some of the functions and histories of the items we find, and she might be more receptive to this idea if someone she has previously met comes."
"Is that all?"
"Flora and fauna found nowhere else on this world can be found there, so you have said-- very interesting. There are specialists who would give literally give their good arm for a chance to observe them." I paused, something about the air was different. It felt like Makoto was almost frowning, or was impatient or something. "I will very much like to talk to her, as well."
"Did you see this?"
"No, I'm trying to _not_ use my power, actually. I don't know who goes, or even if we go at all. Lune Venus will give permission, I have asked already."
"Have you asked anyone else yet?"
"No, not yet. I was going to keep it small. You, me, probably Afura Mann, since she can pilot. It should be nice and relaxing, actually for the trip. Very interesting, the dig."
"There's something else-- I can tell, Hayashi. You might be older and had a lot happen to you since we were on Earth, but I still know you well enough to know that there's something else. Why do you want to talk to her?"
I laugh quietly, almost a sigh. "You, you and Lune Venus know me so well to see that I did not tell you everything, but you can't figure out what it is I am not saying, can you?" My face creases in a smile. "You know why, I think. You did it yourself, I bet, just before you left. She's by herself there, after losing Yurius."
"I'll go," Makoto said, sounding like something was caught in his throat. I suppose there was at that, if a memory can catch in a throat.
"Now to ask Afura, and then finish organising the supplies."
"The ship, food, water, some money for a place to stay, those kind of things."
"We didn't really think of that, last time."
"Mizu was pushing you to hurry up. We have time, and I like to travel comfortably."
Afura is even easier to convince. She will be talking to a few minor members of the court, asking her opinion on things and also for her support-- trying to play the politics game.
"Priestess Mann?" I asked, finding her with her little unintentional entourage in a hall near where Mizu and Fujisawa's wedding ceremony took place. "Are you busy? I can talk to you another time if you are."
"There's always time to talk, Hayashi. What did you need to talk about?"
I pointed my head at those trying to curry her favour. The sycophants surrounding her made hasty excuses and leave, their footsteps echoing down the hall.
"Will you walk with me while we talk? I find the gardens to be an especially refreshing place to talk."
My hand snakes out and rests itself on her elbow. She will lead the way.
"I am organising a small expedition, three people including myself, to make preliminary inquiries into an archeological dig. Great potential there, and not just for the archeologists, but biologists too. You have been there, recently."
"You are talking about going back to that place?"
"I want to see if the Ifurita there will let us study her home-- best case scenario is that she would actively help, but I'd settle for just allowing us to. That's why only a few people, and mainly those who have been there before and so she recognises."
"It sounds interesting," Afura will admit. "Why me?"
"You know how to pilot, and you've been there before. You know the way, as well as being somewhat familiar with and to Ifurita. All very good reasons. Besides, who knows what we might find? A bit of scholarly curiousity on your part, perhaps?"
Light laughter trilled along the hall. "You have me. When do we leave?"
"I still have to finish taking care of the logistics. I'll talk to Schtalubaugh and see if there's any questions or provisions he wants to be made. I need to get finalise details on what it is we would like to be able to do, secure negotiating rights as well as find out how far we're willing to go, those sort of things. Not long."
"Well, here we are in Gulistan now, and it looks like business is concluded," Afura says, gently disengaging my hand from her arm.
"Yes, now you should go back to whomever I took you from, and conclude whatever business it was you have with them," I say, smiling.
"Yes, well," Afura trails off, somewhat flustered. "Then again, it is so seldom that we get a chance to have a long chat, and I've been meaning to do so ever since that time with you, me, Mizu and Shayla at the inn, way back when."
"First meeting, isn't it?"
"So, did you ever find a copy of...." Afura and I hid ourselves amongst talk and the memory of books for the rest of the afternoon.
I wear a caftan, pale white they tell me, and I stood near the ship as the final items are loaded onto it. I feel the mist in the air, caressing my cheeks and trying to work its way underneath my blindfold and into my eye sockets, and I know that it is very early morning. Myself and the workers are the only ones around-- I could not sleep in the night, which is not a problem since I can do so on the ship easily enough. So I stand here, waiting for Makoto and for Afura Mann as to loaders finish their job in relative silence.
Footsteps, which would most likely mean the two I am waiting for, but I hear too many, from opposite directions. "Makoto? Afura?" I ask. It would take the slightest of efforts to look ahead a bit and find out for certain, and it does in fact take a considerable amount of effort to control this reflex, but I manage. That is something I want to work on, this trip-- one of the reasons I am going, to see if I _can_ not look ahead.
"Right here," both of them said, coming from my left. So who are the other pair on my right?
"So why didn't you invite us, Hayashi?" Nanami accused.
"Yeah," agreed Shayla. "How come you asked Makoto and Afura, but not us!"
I turn my face towards them, which is not that good an idea since the wind is starting to pick up a bit and is coming from that direction. My hair will be blown against my face and distract me. Dramatic looking? Perhaps, if I had those kinds of looks which I severely doubt I do, but definitely distracting.
"I wanted to keep it a small group-- Makoto and Afura are both interested in any results as well as being useful. How did you find out?"
"We were in the garden and overheard you and Afura talk about it," Shayla answered.
"You're blushing, you know," Afura dryly comments.
"I am?" I asked.
"I meant Shayla. Nanami is too, for that matter."
I nod my head in understanding. "Ah."
"I am not blushing!" Nanami crossly corrected. "Now, are you going to let us get on it now or not?"
"Where Makoto goes, I go. Besides, I don't trust that Ifurita fully."
"I'll _bet_ you don't trust her with Makoto," Afura wryly comments.
"Hey, it's not like that!" Shayla protests.
I rub the bridge of my nose, pinching it with my thumb and forefinger. It didn't look like anything bad happened when I looked at the return, before I asked Lune Venus for permission, so I acquiesce. My plan to catch some sleep on the ship sounds better and better and yet more and more unlikely.
"Just... try not to be too loud. I did not sleep during the night, and was hoping for at least a little nap during an uneventful trip, since day or night obviously does not matter to me."
So we left. The first day is pretty uneventful-- then again I slept through most of it, but I am a light sleeper usually, so nothing too bad, or too loud at least, could happen. The gentle movements of the ship swayed me to sleep, and I will fashion a perfectly servicable sleeping area by clearing some space on the deck and getting out a bedroll.
"How long was I out for?" I ask upon waking up. With me there is never any transitional period between unconsciousness and consciousness, not anymore. I am asleep, and then I am perfectly awake.
Afura Mann answers me. "Three hours."
"How bad was it?"
"They've tried to be quiet while you were sleeping. They've been good."
"The one time something almost started, Makoto just coughed and pointed to you. That seemed to work."
"I'm touched. Really," a smile on my lips, matching the somewhat amused tone of our voices. "Where are they now?"
A moment passed before Afura says, "Oh, sorry. I forgot. They are up front. Simmering, I think."
"Ah. Well," I say, grunting slightly as I stand up and fumble for the railing. "I suppose I should go talk to them or something. Let them know that I'm awake, at least."
"Oh, please don't. It was blessedly quiet and...."
I laugh quietly, joining in with Afura's laughter. I make my way, using the railing to guide me as I walk away from Afura's voice.
"Hayashi, you're awake," Makoto announced.
"Really? I hadn't noticed. Thank you for telling me this, Makoto."
"Hey, don't pick on Makoto," Shayla said, her indignant voice coming from the right of me.
"He was always like this, back on Earth, Shayla," Nanami sighed.
I shrug. "Obvious statements deserve it."
"Heh, he's done worse. Used to get Jinnai so riled up sometimes," Makoto begins.
"Yeah, like the time that," Nanami began to reminisce, but will be shortly cut-off by Shayla.
"So, why are you going on this trip, Hayashi? Aren't there others who might be more qualified?"
"Perhaps. The palace was getting a little too stuffy though. I find what we are going to do of extreme interest; plus, I have my reasons."
"You want to talk to Ifurita?" Nanami enters back into the conversation.
I nod. "I want to talk to Ifurita." I grin lopsidedly. "How else will I get her permission to poke around and look at things there if I don't ask?"
I raise my head, nose to the sky. "We're getting near a town."
"How do you know? Makoto said you weren't going to use your power," Nanami questioned.
"I can smell it in the air. Human habitation smells different than wilderness. If you've been away from people long enough, you can learn to recognise the differences."
"Quite the tracker, aren't we?" Makoto's voice beamed.
"Yes, well, I suppose I will keep Afura a bit of company. It must be rather boring, I suppose, piloting this for a long period of time. Perhaps I should have asked someone else who knew how to, to come along."
Their relative silence tells me that either they are abashed at their neglect, or that they were not interested. We made it to a town before well before nightfall, and manage to find a place to stay with separate rooms.
After washing up, we head out and explore the town a bit, looking for a place to eat. Nanami found a suitable cafe, with tables and chairs outside by the streets. I like to hear the sounds of people as they go by, picking out random snatches of conversations. The best way to understand a people, I think. Afura tells me that the view is nice.
I could feel the air begin to cool-- dusk or later I guess, as I sip at my coffee. "I think I will go back to the inn," I announce, standing up.
"I'd like to go dancing," Nanami says, followed by some rustling and jostling sounds.
"Get your hands off of Makoto!" Shayla's angry voice comes at me from the same direction.
"I think we all should go back, actually. I want to start out early, and it would be best if we were well rested, since we should arrive tomorrow," I explained.
Afura yawned. "I agree. I'm tired anyway, from all that piloting."
"I'll escort you back!" Makoto squeeked out. "Besides, I happen to agree with you."
A hand rests on my elbow; Makoto's by the feel of it. We got back to the inn without incident, my perfectly true and valid reasons diffusing a potential situation. I did not need any ability to see the future to tell me that it would be a long night.
"Lock your door, Makoto," I whisper to him on the way back to the inn while the others are preoccupied. "It might be a good idea, if you want to leave here with your virtue intact."
I admit it, I will be endlessly amused by this: I always am. It really is funny though, and, as it turns out, I was right on both accounts I think.
A light rapping on my door awakens me from whatever slumber I was in. The door opens silently, the hinges being well-oiled. While Makoto may have to fear for his innocence, I am not in the same position as he is, so I left my door unlocked. I had a feeling someone might try this.
I want to use my ability right now to see who it is at my door, but the temptation passes quickly. I will sit up.
"Who's there?" I ask, covering myself with the sheet so that they do not see anymore remnants of my time with the Phantom Tribe other than my eyes. There should not be any worry of that right now though, as I will not hear any sound indicating a light being turned on. "What time is it? Is it morning yet?"
The door closes. "It's me," a voice whispers-- Shayla-Shayla's voice. "I need to talk."
"Makoto locked his door?" I ask, sounding tired for the simple reason that I am.
"Yes. No! How did you know that anyway?"
I hear the sound of a fire, most likely from Shayla using her power; it is coming from the right direction at least. The light should show her my toothy grin. "That's not important. What did you want to talk about?"
"Well, I, uh, that is to say... Makoto and I...." There is a picture of Shayla in my head right now of her looking down at her fingers twidling them with an abashed expression on her face. Amazing what nuances in tone and pitch can convey, isn't it? I suspect I am quite correct with my assumption.
"If you tell him, at least then you will know where you stand, one way or the other. That is what I would do, at least. Declare my intentions and see how he reacts. Get it all out into the open."
"But nothing. I have told him what I have told him, and I could tell you what I told him and what he knows and feels and I could tell you what will happen or what could happen, but it would mean nothing to you, coming from me."
"I--" She exhales, as if holding a breath for a long time. "Thank you. I'm sorry for waking you at this hour." The door opened to leave. Something in her voice was resigned. She already knew what Makoto's answer was; I think Shayla is looking for a reason to go on.
"Shayla?" I called out before she leaves.
"Of course, not everyone is me, and some people like the chase and the games, and after all, I _could_ know how it might all turn out if I chose to, so what I would do is not necessarily what you would do. Still, it is something to think about, even if it is advice is coming from a blind man who lives by himself most of the time, do you?." I put as much kindness into my smile as I can. I wonder if she is looking in my direction? The cloth covering my empty sockets is missing, I will take it off before I went to sleep.
Her voice is full of warmth. "Thank you," she whispered.
I heard the padding of feet, and then feel lips against my left cheek. "Thank you," she whispered into my ear, and then leaves my room as silent as she entered it, closing the door shut behind her.
It is very warm in my room all of a sudden. Perhaps I should open a window to let in a breeze. That would cool it down slightly.
* *
The wakeup call came in the morning-- a light tapping on my door was all that was necessary. My morning ablutions done I will go and knock on the doors of everyone else, rapping on them with my staff. I do not have to worry about getting the wrong person, because we all had rooms next to each other, everyone else surrounding mine.
Breakfast was quick, but not rushed; I think my excitement was beginning to rub off. Shayla is particularly energetic, and she is not usually that much of a morning person, at least, not in my experience. Then again the last time I was in her company after waking, she had a monstrous hangover, so perhaps that requires special dispensation.
"What's with you?" Nanami asked. "You seem unusually happy this morning," she accused.
"Oh, no reason. Nothing to concern yourself about, little girl," Shayla responded, brushing off Nanami's question.
"You didn't try to sneak into Makoto's room last night, did you?"
"Why no, and even if I did, it was locked, so you don't have to worry about that, either."
"Are they often like this, Ura?" I asked the armour cat purring in my lap. Ura definitely liked being with Makoto better-- much more approachable and less aloof now.
"Always." Still not very voluble, but then no armour cat ever is-- I do not think they can be.
"How do you know it was locked unless you tried it?" Nanami will continue her interrogation.
"I just assumed he would lock it. You never know what unwanted guests might come in if you don't," Shayla counters triumphantly.
I raise a hand to signal the waiter that I am ready to pay. The service was pretty good-- I did better back when I first came to El Hazard, mind you, but then I knew the clientele, and did not have to deal with a group such as ours. He arrives and I ask Afura to read it to me. A reasonable price. I nodded and take out some coins-- enough to pay plus an adequate tip.
We are back on the ship and travelling on schedule if not actually slightly ahead of. I like that. We approach the valley. They tell me that the image which had previously cloaked our destination is no longer there, letting all see the lush oasis.
I cannot help myself, I simply must do it, just this once. I use my power, extending it to a minute ahead as I stand at the front of the ship, taking in the dense foliage as well as the remains of ancient technology which litter the area. I glory in what I see, laughing out in joy. El Hazard is so beautiful, I cannot understand why Makoto or anyone else would ever want to leave. Perhaps I can understand Makoto's reasons, but anyone else?
"How long?" I turn around and ask eagerly, letting that image sink into my heart along with the others. "How much longer until we get down there?"
"Not long," was the only reply I got from Shayla, from Nanami, from Makoto from Afura.
Finally, we are at the edges of the oasis; I was almost giddy with delight and anticipation. "Come on! Come on, hurry up! Hurry up!" I urged the others on.
We stood there for a moment, waiting in a glade. She would come to us, they assured me, sensing our presence. They were right.
I hear a wooshing noise and then here a voice that was sad but very good at hiding the sadness behind a somewhat distant imperiousness. "Ah, Makoto and Shayla and Nanami. What brings you here?"
"I do, actually," I answer. "I asked them if they would lead me here." I turn to Makoto in an aside and ask, "This is her?" He grunts an affirmative. I turn back to the new voice, to the Ifurita and ask her a question. "May I see your face?"
She will not say anything for a moment, but she does give her assent because Makoto starts to lead me forward. My hand explores her features, silken hair and heart-shaped face. "You are very beautiful, did you know that?"
She moved her face, looking at someone else.
"Hayashi is an advisor to the princess Lune Venus," Makoto supplied, slightly to the left and behind me. "He came from Earth, like Nanami and I. Some people call him the Oracle."
"I do not speak with the voice of a god, however," I continue, "but I do see things even though I do not have eyes anymore."
"A seer," Ifurita said, nodding. My hand returns to my side, having finished memorising her features. "Why did you come?" The question is addressed to me.
"That has been the subject of many discussions, my reasons, that is. Would you believe we came because I wanted to talk to you?"
Nanami, Shayla and Afura will be strangely silent for this whole conversation-- I could not even tell you where they were, whether they were in the glade with us or by the ship or somewhere else.
"We could talk more about this later, perhaps?" I ask. "If you do not mind some company, that is."
A brief moment passes and then I hear the sound of her feet on the grass, moving away from us. Makoto tugs my arm, indicating we should follow. For the moment it looks like we are allowed to stay.
I do not need my staff right now, not with Makoto guiding me, but I had it with me all the same. I heard rustling sounds behind us which I assume come from Afura, Shayla and Nanami. Perhaps they just did not feel like talking, or had nothing to say, or maybe did not want to interrupt me, before. I am unsure.
Dinner would be nice, as Shayla and Nanami have tried to outdo each other, cooking it. Some of the dishes are a little spicy (I suspect they are Shayla's), but still quite good. Makoto, who is on my right, seemed to think that it is a little too spicy; I heard him gasp and start guzzling down his drink, which happened to be a rather potent wine meant more for sipping.
There was some smalltalk, some general chit-chat and inquiries into health and such. Ifurita was glad to hear that Mizu is now Mrs. Fujisawa, though she only met the two briefly.
"I think I will go to sleep now," Afura announced with a yawn.
I had not realised how late in the night it had become. It always is a surprise to me how long saying nothing can actually take up. We make our peace for the night and are shown rooms to sleep in. I memorise the way to my room and after a few futile moments of trying to fall asleep, I get up and wander the building. Eventually, I find a balcony. I make my way to the edge of it, hands on the railing and staff leaning against my shoulder. I wanted to use my power then, want it so bad I can almost taste it, because then I could see, then I could know again.
But I did not come here for that; I did not come to excercise that ability. Paradoxically enough, I want to know if I can manage without knowing. I relied on my other senses more, and could discern much using only them in fact, and my sense of time was starting to go back in synch with others, but I was not sure if that was a good thing or not.
I manage to quell the desire floating through me, though the act seems to drain me of all will. There is a slight rustling sound to my right and a loud exhalation.
"Who else was here?" I ask.
"Just me," Nanami's neutral voice comes from the right of me. "Couldn't sleep either?" she asks, a cheerful smile hinted in her voice.
"Not really, no. Too excited, I guess. What does it look like, out there?" I ask, communicating I wave a hand, encompassing the rest of the valley.
"It is very peaceful," Nanami began, her voice quiet and almost reverent. "Light reflected from the Eye of God makes the treetops appear cloaked in silver. There is a large pond, perfectly still and calm from what I can tell of it, just at the edge of what I can see which reflects the sky perfectly, dark clouds with their bright edges and all." She gasps then.
"What was that?"
"I never looked at it that way," she said, marvelling as she looks at El Hazard with different eyes. "This is how you see it, saw it," she corrects herself, "see it."
I nod. "From the very start."
"If we ever find a way back, you wouldn't go, would you?" she asked, already knowing the answer I think from the tone of her voice, but asking anyway.
"I've tried to look," I frown at the word, since it doesn't quite fit what it is that I do, but it is the best approximation I can think of. "and I see nothing." I shrug. "Death, or the loss of my powers, or maybe a limit to my ability, I'm not sure. Even if I could see, did know that I had my powers,," I pause, taking in the cool night air. This area smells different than the rest of El Hazard-- not unpleasant, just different. Due to the unique flora and fauna, most likely.
"Even if you didn't?"
"Even if I didn't, no-- I would not go. You'd have to drag me, kicking and screaming, even if I still had my eyes, even if I was the same age, even if... even if. You just saw it the way I do, for a moment, at least. Would you leave?"
"I don't know. Probably, I think, but not so sure as I was this afternoon, for instance," she said whistfully.
"If Makoto left?" I ask, guessing this is perhaps one of the reasons she is awake and talking. I idly wonder if she was here before I was, or whether she tried to find me.
"That's what it comes down to, doesn't it?" I hear conflicting tones in her voice, but it is mostly thoughtful.
"I just want-- I mean, back on Earth, at Shinonome, we never really got the chance: I was always busy, or he was, and," she sighs. I heard her voice from my left-- indicating that she must have moved.
Nanami abruptly switches trains of thought, becoming more brisk and to the point. "I woke up last night, I was thirsty you see," she began matter-of-factly, "and, just on a hunch, I thought I'd check in on Shayla-Shayla."
"She was not there."
"I know, and then I did the obvious and checked Makoto's door. It was locked." She sounded a little worried to me now.
"I suggested to him that it might be prudent to lock his door. Shayla was in my room, not his."
Nanami gasped, shocked. "She was with you?" she asked, not so much shocked as she was extremely pleased with this information. "You sly dog, Hayashi, I didn't think that you and she would...," she trailed off suggestively.
"No! Nothing like that," I say peevishly, taking a moment to regain my composure. "She wanted to talk, nothing more. It is not me she is interested in, anyway." I smile, this time like the sly dog that she claimed I was. "But you are not here to talk about Shayla, are you?" I ask, offering a small kindness to her.
"No, I'm not. I wanted to ask you something."
"I could tell you what I told Shayla, since I think you will ask the same thing she asks. She wanted some relationship advice."
"But I think that you do not exactly want that from me, do you?"
Nanami wordlessly agrees-- at least, I assume it was agreement by her lack of verbal response. "I know how he feels for Ifurita. I won't try to disbelieve that."
"But, I think maybe, over time... I could win...."
"There's more though, isn't there?"
"If it was a bit different, if Ifurita were here, then I could compete against her, but this way?"
I sigh. "How can you compete with someone who is just a memory, right?"
"Exactly," she will say, poking my shoulder lightly.
I shrug. "A memory is something you can deal with, though it might take longer."
She squeezes me with a hug, nearly causing my ribs to crack, and then releases me. "That was for the advice, Hayashi. Thanks."
Nanami's voice gets closer, just to the side of where my right eye would have been-- the intensity of her hug causing me to go slouch down enough so that it is possible for her to do so. I could feel her breath against my skin, warm and moist. "And this," she says breathily, "is for letting me see with your eyes."
She takes off the cloth I cover my eyelids with and kisses the right, and then the left tenderly, tenderly, ever so softly and I think if I was able to shed tears anymore I would now because this act strikes to the core of me and it is too much. This time it is I that hugs her. "Thank you," I whisper once I regain control of my voice.
She pats my back and gently disengages as the moment passes. Soon, I am left by myself standing on the balcony, in the night, with trees I cannot see and a barely felt breeze.
I made it back to my room fine enough after taking a few moments to compose myself. I was awakened by Makoto in the morning. I bit down the almost reflexive action to check my surroundings and what was going to happen that day. I put on a fresh caftan over my night clothes, then I take them off. The caftan is made of finer material than the one I left the palace in; I believe this one is satin.
"Breakfast," I announced, not sure if Makoto was still in the room or not, "and then if Ifurita is willing, business."
"That sounds like a good idea," a muffled Makoto answers from the entrance to my room. It turns out the door was shut, to give me privacy, no doubt.
Breakfast is animated, I can hear everyone's cheerful voices all at once, even Ifurita's. I do not know if she ate then, or if she ate at all for that matter-- something to ask someone later, perhaps. Makoto was to the right of me and Afura Mann to the left. Nanami and Shayla jockeyed for position next to Makoto, but it was Ifurita who ended up sitting next to him, much to their likely consternment.
I put down my bowl and lean forward a bit while turning my head so that I face where Ifurita was sitting. "After breakfast, would you walk with me? I would like to discuss why I am here with you, and a nice walk after breakfast would be nice. It is a good day for a walk: bright sun and few clouds, everyone says."
"This would be acceptable," she responds.
"Whenever you wish to go, there is no need to rush, no reason to hurry."
"We can go now, if you wish."
I patted Makoto on his shoulder and leaned on him for a moment to stand. As I do so I whisper in his ear, "You are on your own today."
Ifurita is standing before me, and places my hand on her elbow, which she offers. "A walk through the forest would be nice, my dear," I say. "A place for private discussions," I add.
And so we walk.
Out of the building and somewhat deep into the woods, she pauses a moment and asks me, "Why did you come?"
"There are several reasons. I would be lying if I said there were not. I came because I am told that this area has species, animal and plant, which cannot be found elsewhere on El Hazard, and there are many who would like to study them. I came because this are contains many devices from the past, and there is much that we could learn from them, as well as Yurius' and your notes on them. I came because I no longer wanted to be at the palace, surrounded by everyone and everything. I came because I like the outdoors, and I love this land, and I wanted to experience more of it." I pause and then ask, "Is there perhaps a glade, or a pool of water, or someplace to sit nearby? We could make our way towards that, if you do not mind. I will continue to explain myself."
A gentle tug indicated movement. "You came because you want the secrets of this place?" Her tone is imperious, questioning.
I not-quite sigh. "The quest for knowledge is a noble pursuit. I came to ask you your permission that we might send a team of researchers, botanists, biologists, archeologists and historians, to see what we can find. If you wish to help us, so much the better. If you wish to be left alone here, this is acceptable also. We will intrude on this place and on yourself only as much as you wish and only if you wish it." Some tension leaves her elbow; she is relaxing.
If I were to look ahead, I could tell the expression on her face and use that information to proceed. I could see where we are and drink in the scene. There is so much that I could find out or use, I could, I could-- it would be so easy to do, but I said I would not. I quell the urge once again. it is easier this time because I realise I will say the same thing regardless of the expression on Ifurita's face.
"I came because he is dead and you are alone," I finally say.
"You wish to replace Yurius?" she asked, colder than ice and harder than stone.
"No." I shake my head. "Not that, never that. I could never do that anyway, my ability lies in another direction. I came because you have no one to talk to, and I thought that you might want someone to hear.
"There is nothing wrong with living in seclusion; there is a place in the middle of nowhere in particular, built into a hill, which I have made my home when I was not at the palace, so I know this. There are two others besides myself who know where this place is, and they help me there, bringing supplies as well as keeping in contact with others and maintaining the place. I will tell you where this place is."
"Why would you do so?"
"In case you wish to talk to someone who respects privacy and the need to be alone. In case you want to talk to someone who will not fear you for what you can do and what you were in the past. Because sometimes you do not want or do not need to be around many people, but only a couple. Because it is a terrible thing to grieve and have no one else to turn to. That is why."
There was a moment of silence before I spoke again, telling her how to find the ancient ruins I had repaired and took residence.
"I will wait one day before I give you an answer to your proposal."
"You are welcome regardless of your answer, you know this."
She made a thoughtful noise, pondering this idea, and then we made our way back to the building we stayed in, to find that Makoto and the others had left for a picnic of some sort. We joined them.
I stay awake most of the night, pacing back and forth in my room, and when its confines are too small for me I wander the building and outside and around it. I want to use my power then, I want it so bad I can feel it in my bones, so bad that I can taste it. I want to know what her answer will be, and I want to know it now. It is easy to be patient when you already know what will happen, but do you know how much harder it is to be patient when you _could_ know what the answer is already?
I retrace our steps through the forest, remembering which word was said at which spot, and then I return. My feet bring me to a balcony overlooking the forest, the same balcony as the night before. I still cannot sleep, but instead remember the conversation with Nanami, and what she did after, which brings me to what Shayla did before she left my room as well. My stomach is in unrest as well, I feel a dread anticipation come upon me. I am nervous. Just nerves, and nothing more.
The sound of birds singing wakes me from my reverie and tells me that the sun is up. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around. The dull thud of a staff hitting the ground announces her identity: Ifurita.
Please say yes. Just one word, that is all I want, one simple, little word. Please.
"Well?" I asked, all anxious and nervous.
"There are details to be worked out about your proposal, but I believe that an arrangement will be possible."
I start breathing again, unaware that I had stopped before, and smile gladly to the air above. It is all okay now. There is no need for me to see ahead after all. I could accept this. I would want to do so, I knew that there would be times in the next couple of days of reaching an agreement where I would be tempted, but that was okay as well. I would eventually remember the difference between the past and the future as well as the reason why I should do so.
"Shall we get started now?" I asked her.
-Khattam shud-
Author's notes: Not much to say, really. There is a companion piece to this which I shall also finally unveil to RAAC, and which is merely the whole text of Hayashi's suppositions on powers in El Hazard. Your comments, your criticisms, are all appreciated. Do not worry about hurting my feelings as a) I've a pretty thick skin and b) my hubris will just make me believe that I'm right and you're wrong anyway.... ^_-
Matthew Lewis is:
Matt on IRC
Sojiro_Seta on Kawaiimuck
a casualty of causality
"Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends, because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"
-excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,