Gold and the Mesoamerican Pyramids

Everyone knows that the interest of the Spanish in the Americas lay in the gold they wanted to "extract" from the land and its people (for coinage purposes). But few know that the pre-Columbian peoples gave it to them because they believed the Spanish were the "gods" returning after a long absence.
Scholars agree that both the Incas and the Aztecs did not use gold for monetary purposes, nor did they attribute any commercial value to it. Trade was certainly developed, but it was primarily a form of barter; taxes consisted of occasional services and labor since the use of money was entirely unknown. Regarding tools and weapons, the Aztecs were still in the Stone Age, yet they knew how to work gold perfectly.

Contemporary researchers and chroniclers of the time agree that these peoples used gold only to adorn the temples of the gods, the kings (who governed them in the name of the gods), and as funeral offerings (to be buried in the tomb). The Aztecs literally poured all the gold they had at the feet of the Spanish, believing them to be their gods. An eyewitness, Bernal Díaz del Castillo (True History of the Conquest of New Spain), recounts that in 1519 Hernando Cortés left Cuba and, upon reaching the mainland, set up camp on the border between Mayan and Aztec territory, naming it Veracruz. It was there that envoys from the Aztec ruler came to welcome them and offer gifts. As the envoys explained, these gifts were sent by their sovereign Montezuma to the divine Quetzalcoatl, the "feathered serpent," who was the god of wisdom for the Aztecs. He had been a great benefactor who, a long time ago, was forced to leave because of the god of war and had to leave the land to the Aztecs. With a group of followers, he went to the Yucatan, then moved further east; however, he had promised to return on the anniversary of his birth, in the so-called "year of return" (which, according to the Aztec cyclic calendar, repeats every 52 years). According to the Christian calendar, the possible years were 1363, 1415, 1467, and 1519, the very year Cortés appeared from the east at the borders of Aztec territory. With a beard and helmet like Quetzalcoatl (some say the god also had light skin), Cortés seemed to be the fulfillment of their prophecies.

The Aztecs also believed in a Creator of all things, a God who "gives life and death, good fortune and bad." The chronicler Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas (General History) wrote that the Indians "invoked him when they were suffering, raising their eyes to the heavens, where they believed he resided." This God first created the sky and the earth; then, with clay, he formed a man and a woman, but they did not last long. After many attempts, a couple of human beings was created from ash and metal, and from them, the world's population began. At one point, however, everything was destroyed by a great flood that ravaged everything and everyone for a year and a day, except for a priest (Nene) and his wife (Tata), who escaped on a boat, taking seeds of plants and animals with them. How can we not find a parallel between these pre-Columbian traditions, the Old Testament, and the Sumerian myths?
The Aztec annals recorded the time since creation in four ages or "Suns." Their era corresponded to the fifth (ongoing): the Era of the Fifth Sun. Each of the previous eras ended with a catastrophic event, sometimes of natural origin (the flood), other times caused by wars among the gods. The first era, the Era of the First Sun, lasted (traditionally) 4,008 years and was an age when the Creator of all things, of heaven and earth, reigned with his consort; this era ended with the flood. In his Historia de las cosas de la Nueva España, the friar Bernardino de Sahagún attributes the origin of this belief to the Toltecs (predecessors of the Aztecs in Mexico):
"And the Toltecs knew that there are many Heavens.
They said they were divided into twelve sectors, one above the other;
there resides the true god and his consort.
He is the Heavenly God, Lord of Duality;
His consort is the Lady of Duality, Heavenly Lady.
This is what this means:
He is the Lord, above the twelve Heavens."
This story seems to be a synthesis of Mesopotamian religious-astronomical thought, according to which the head of the pantheon was called Anu ("Lord of Heaven") and, with his consort Antu ("Lady of Heaven"), lived on the most distant planet, Nibiru, the twelfth member of our solar system according to Sumerian cosmology (the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru). The Era of the Second Sun was the Golden Age and lasted 4,010 years. The Era of the Third Sun was the era of the Red-Haired People and lasted 4,081 years.

The Era of the Fourth Sun was the era of the Black-Headed People (note that the Sumerians called themselves the "black-headed people"). During this era, Tollan (modern-day Tula), the Toltec capital, was built. Toward the end, the gods began to wage war against each other, bringing death and destruction throughout the region, wild animals overwhelmed humanity, Quetzalcoatl left, and Tollan was abandoned. Five years later, the Chichimec tribes, or the Aztecs, arrived, and the Era of the Fifth Sun began. The chronicle in the Codex Vaticanus Latinus 3738 records that the fourth Sun "began 5,042 years" before the first draft of the text, so the Aztec annals went back 17,141 years.
The Mexica-Nahuatl chronology places the flood at the end of the first Sun, about 13,133 years before the time the codex was written, around 11,600 BCE. And it is precisely around 11,000 BCE that Zecharia Sitchin places the date of the flood based on Sumerian cuneiform tablets.
In the Manuscript of 1558, it is stated that at the end of the Fourth Sun, the gods gathered at Teotihuacan ("Place of the Gods," declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, is the largest pre-Columbian archaeological site in North America, located in the municipality of San Juan Teotihuacán, 40 kilometers northeast of Mexico City). There, Quetzalcoatl seized some "precious bones," took them to Tamoanchan ("Place of Our Origin"), and gave them to the goddess Cihuacoatl ("Snake Woman"):
She took the bones and placed them in a thin-edged terracotta basin.
Quetzalcoatl made his male organ bleed and sprinkled his blood on them.
Under the eyes of the other gods, she mixed the bones made of earth with the god's blood: from this came a mixture similar to clay, with which Macehuales, the first man, was molded. In Sumerian accounts, it was Enki and Ninti ("She who gives life," also known as Ninharsag) who gave life to Adapa.

A distinctive feature of the pyramids of Teotihuacan is that they are similar in several respects to the pyramids of Giza. Both the Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid are built on artificial platforms, and the side measurements are almost the same: 227 meters at Teotihuacan and 230 meters at Giza. Furthermore, it has been observed that the Second Pyramid of Giza is lower than the Great Pyramid, yet their peaks are at the same height because the Second Pyramid is built on higher ground. Similarly, at Teotihuacan, the Pyramid of the Moon, which is smaller, is built on higher ground than the Pyramid of the Sun, so their peaks are at the same height. Additionally, the main avenue on which the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon are aligned is a north-south axis that extends almost 8 kilometers, perfectly straight (René Millon, 1960). However, this axis is not perfectly oriented towards the north but is tilted by 15° to correspond with the Sun passing at the observer's zenith, which happens twice a year when the Sun appears to move from north to south and back again (Zelia Nuttal, 1926).
Another mystery is the so-called "Olmec heads": sixteen have been found so far, carved from basaltic stone, ranging in height from one and a half meters to three meters and weighing up to 25 tons. The first to see one of these heads was J. M. Melgar y Serrano in the location of Tres Zapotes, in the state of Veracruz (Mexico).

He described it in 1869 in the Bulletin of the Mexican Geographical and Statistical Society and noted its Negroid features. Radiocarbon dating places it no later than 1200 BCE: the point is that, theoretically, until 1500 CE, there were supposed to be only indigenous people in America, as it was from that century that the black slave trade began!
Zecharia Sitchin, a translator of Sumerian cuneiform tablets from Iraq, hypothesizes that they were actually Black people whom the Annunaki (aliens from Nibiru) brought from Zimbabwe to work in gold mines in South America.
Additionally, the walls of Sacsayhuamán (Place of the Falcon), an Inca archaeological site in the Cusco region of Peru, in a commanding position on the Carmenca hill, north of the city of Cusco, are truly impressive. These walls are up to 18 meters high and are composed of colossal megalithic stones (made of porphyry and dark Andahuaylillas andesite or trachyte), weighing 10-20 tons. One of the blocks is over 8 meters tall and weighs more than 300 tons, while several others reach four and a half meters in height and three to four meters in width and depth.
The stones are dry-laid, and despite being irregular, they fit together perfectly, to the point that not even a blade or a pin can pass through the joints. It is confirmed that the stones came from quarries located a minimum of 21 km away (in Muyna) and a maximum of 63 km away (in Yucay).
What is astonishing is that the Incas did not know iron or steel (necessary for carving the rock). They had no carts, oxen, ropes, cranes, or pulleys. Furthermore, there were no flat roads to transport the stones, but rather steep mountains with sheer cliffs to cross.

Erich von Däniken (Journey to Kiribati, 1980) was the first to propose the theory of "ancient astronauts" to explain the megaliths of Sacsayhuamán. Zecharia Sitchin built upon these theories, suggesting that the Annunaki (the aliens from Nibiru, a planet in our solar system) were the builders of these walls. Specifically, they were likely the aliens from Enlil's faction, who permanently relocated to South America from the Middle East after the Great Calamity (a war that broke out in 2024 BCE with the faction of Enki and his son Marduk, in which atomic weapons were also used). The Inca annals (Fernando Montesinos, 1628, Memories of the Ancient Histories of Peru) also recorded five successive eras or "Suns." The First Age or First Sun was that of the Viracocha, white and bearded deities. The Second Age or Second Sun was that of the giants, during which there were wars between gods and giants (similar to the Greek mythology of the Titans). The Third Age or Third Sun was that of primitive man. The Fourth Age or Fourth Sun was that of heroes or demigods. Then came the Fifth Age or Fifth Sun, the era of human kings, of whom the Incas were the last in chronological line.

There are also other "coincidences" between Sumerian and pre-Columbian traditions: both Inca and Sumerian astronomy have 12 houses of the zodiac, with many coincident names! For instance, January, the month of Aquarius, was dedicated to Mama Cocha and Capac Cocha, meaning Mother Water and Lord Water. April, the month of Taurus, was called Tupa Taruca, Grazing Deer (there were no bulls in South America). Virgo was called Sara Mama (Mother Corn), and its symbol was the female sexual organ. It is also known that the symbol of the cross was familiar in South America even before the arrival of the Spanish. The cross present on the Maya slab (weighing 5 tons, 4 meters long) at the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque (located in the Mexican state of Chiapas, not far from the Usumacinta River, about 130 km south of Ciudad del Carmen) is well known, and Erich von Däniken interprets it as the image of an ancient astronaut.
Let's remember that there was a cross on the shield of Quetzalcoatl (fig. d); a cross was also the symbol of the planet Nibiru among the Sumerians (fig. a), and the ever-present Egyptian emblem of the Winged Disk had a central cross (fig. b and c).
The Inca annals record a miraculous event that occurred in the third year of the reign of Titu Yupanqui Pachacuti II (in 1433 BCE, according to Sitchin): "there was no dawn for 20 hours." Even more remarkable is that the Bible confirms this: after the Israelites, under Joshua's leadership, entered Palestine and conquered Jericho and Ai, there was a battle with the Canaanites near Beth-Horon.
"And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, And did not hasten to go down for about a whole day."Old Testament, Book of Joshua, 10:13
Thus, the Bible and Inca chronicles corroborate each other on the event of the Earth's rotation stopping for about twenty hours on a day in 1433 BCE (simultaneously observed by the Hebrews in Palestine and the Incas in South America, in Cusco).

There is another confirmation in the writings of Juan de Betanzos (Suma y Narracion de los Incas, 1551) regarding the city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca (72 km west of La Paz, at an altitude of 3,810 meters above sea level): "Once, when the people of Con-Tici Viracocha had already settled there, the earth went dark. But Viracocha ordered the Sun to resume its movement in the direction it still follows today; and so, from one moment to another, he made the Sun begin the day."
But if the Annunaki had come to South America for gold (and the Spanish did find gold), where were the ancient mines from which it was extracted? According to Sitchin, the main mine was right at Tiahuanaco, whose name (in Sumerian!) TI.ANAKU means "place of Titi and Anaku," or "the city of tin," and Titicaca would mean "stone of tin." In fact, in the regions around Lake Titicaca, there is an abundance of gold and silver, copper, and tin. Furthermore, the researcher Arthur Posnansky (A Prehistoric Metropolis in South America, 1914), based on astronomical considerations, dates the site of Tiahuanaco to around 15,000 BCE!

There is a reference in Sumerian literature to the site of Tiahuanaco. In The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin, there is what would be a literal translation of some Sumerian tablets. In the second paragraph of the 11th tablet (p. 258), it says:

"This is now the story of why, in the distant land (South America, in Bolivia, ed.), a new place for chariots (a spaceport) was built, and of the love of Dumuzi (youngest son of Enki, assigned to shepherding in his domain in Egypt) and Inanna (daughter of Nannar and Ningal, twin sister of Utu, lady of Uruk and Harappa), which Marduk (firstborn of Enki and Damkina, worshipped as Ra in Egypt) destroyed, causing the death of Dumuzi. It happened after the conflict between Horus (Egyptian god called Horon in Sumerian tradition) and Seth (son of Marduk and Sapanit, Egyptian god known as Satu in Sumerian tradition) and after the aerial battle in the skies of Tilmun (“Land of the Missiles,” the Fourth Region on the Sinai Peninsula). Enlil (son of Anu and Antu and head of the Annunaki's earthly colony) summoned his three sons to council. Concerned about what was happening, he said to them: at the beginning, we created Earthlings in our image and likeness. Now, however, the descendants of the Annunaki have become in the image and likeness of the Earthlings! First Cain killed his brother, now a son of Marduk is the murderer of his own brother! For the first time, a descendant of the Annunaki has formed an army from the Earthlings.

Into their hands, he has placed weapons made of a special metal, a secret of the Annunaki! Since the days when our legitimacy was challenged by Alalu (deposed king of Nibiru after the north-south war) and Anzu (spaceship pilot and first commander of the Way Station on Mars), the Igigi (the three hundred Annunaki assigned to the spaceships and the Way Station on Mars) have continued to create problems and break the rules. Now the peaks that serve as beacons (the pyramids of Giza, in Egypt) are in Marduk's land, the Landing Place (the spaceport at Baalbek, in Lebanon) is controlled by the Igigi. Now the Igigi are advancing towards the Place of Chariots. In the name of Seth, they will claim all the Sky-Earth stations for themselves! This Enlil said to his three sons; he then proposed taking countermeasures: we must secretly create an alternative Sky-Earth installation! Let it be created in the land of Ninurta (god of Lagash, firstborn of Enlil and Ninmah, who found other gold sources in the Americas), beyond the oceans, among Earthlings loyal to us! Thus, the secret mission was entrusted to Ninurta. In the Mountain Lands (in Bolivia), beyond the oceans, beside the great lake (Titicaca), he built a new Sky-Earth Bond, surrounding it with an enclosure.

At the foot of the mountains, where gold nuggets were scattered, he chose a plain with stable terrain; he marked it for ascent and descent. The stations are primitive, but they will serve their purpose well! Thus Ninurta declared to his father: from there, the gold shipments to Nibiru can continue, and we too, in case of necessity, can ascend from there!"
So, if we give credit to Sitchin's translation of these Sumerian tablets (a translation that other Assyriologists could easily confirm or refute), we must deduce that the Americas were a territory definitively assigned to Enlil's faction (see the article on the Sumerians) after the war of 2024 BCE, and that Tiahuanaco in Bolivia was home to both the main gold mines and the spaceport. Here is a satellite view of the site:
Another site that Sitchin identifies as an ancient gold mine is Chavin de Huantar, located 250 km from Lima, Peru (at an altitude of 3,150 meters above sea level). The photo shows the typical underground tunnels of the mines.