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Double, Double

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Fan Fiction
 · 4 months ago (jamal k hassan)

Any comments, criticisms, etc. can be emailed to: (Ted "Ryouga" Hsu)
If you really want Ted to get the info fast (or at least a synopsis of your message) email me at: (Jamal "Anime^2" Hassan)

Now, onto the story...


(The Nyuchezzu Class Starship USS Rumicprise-A, NCC-1994-A.) (Lt. Ukyou Kuonji is hosting a little poker game in her quarters. Her companions this game are Commander Akane Tendou, Lt. Ryouga Hibiki, and Dr. Tofu Ono.)

UKYOU: (shuffles cards as she deals) The first game tonight is five- card stud. First card down, nothing wild. High card leads betting. (There is an communicator beeping, and all check. It is Ryouga's.)

RYOUGA: (sheepishly) That's mine. (taps communicator) Hibiki here. (Captain Ranma Saotome is in his ready room, talking to the intercom as he gets up from his desk and comscreen.)

RANMA VO: This is Captain Saotome. Meet me at Transporter Room 3. We'll be receiving another starship Captain in a few moments. It's me on this. Saotome out.

RYOUGA: Understood. Hibiki out. (Ryouga pushes in his seat) Got to run..Ranma calls. It's got to be important.

AKANE: Must be so to interrupt the poker game..I'll go too.

UKYOU: (disgusted) If you two are leaving, I may as well get some sleep.

TOFU: That may not be a bad idea, Ukyou. You have been somewhat edgy lately..) (Akane and Ryouga leave, meeting Ranma at the Transporter room.)

RYOUGA: What's this all about?

RANMA: It's important.

AKANE: How important can it be?

RANMA: If it involves another starship captain..then that means he's coming here to brief us, no doubt.

RYOUGA: I hate it when I can't get a straight answer from that.

RANMA: So do I, but we got to play along. (Suddenly the Transporter pad flashes, and in a shimmer of light, a figure materializes. He is wearing a Captain's uniform, but he looks at Ryouga in shock. Ryouga looks at him in shock in return. Akane and Ranma are shocked as they notice that the Captain looks like Ryouga.. or is it the other way around?)

(Opening notes of title theme as planets glide by)

RANMA VO: Space..the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship RUMICPRISE. Its mission: to explore new seek out new life, and new boldly go where no ONE..has gone before!

(Title theme as Rumicprise hits warp speed)

RumicTrek: The Next Generation

Starring: David Bateson as Captain Ranma Saotome

Also Starring: Carmen Spray as Commander Akane Tendo

Jeremy Weiss as Dr. Tofu Ono

Jason Wages as Lt. Commander Mousse

Ai-Chang as Lt. Commander Akemi Doi

Theresa Martin as Counselor Kasumi Tendo

Evelyn Cheung as Lt. Ukyou Kuonji

Jessica Spier as Lt. Shampoo Nyuchezzu

Ted Hsu as Lt. Ryouga Hibiki

Based on characters and situations created and suggested by Rumiko

Takahashi, Gene Roddenberry, and Jeff Yang.

Concept Designed by Theodore Hsu and Howard Chan

Executive Producers T.D. Hsu and H.Y. Chan

Double, Double (Part 1)

written by Ted Hsu

(see end list for guest stars)

(The Captain and Ryouga are still staring as Ranma goes to them.)

RANMA: I hate to sound frank, but can you introduce yourself?

CAPTAIN: I'm sorry. (recovers himself) I'm Captain Theodore P. Hsu, Commanding Officer of the USS Augustus R. Johnson.

RANMA: Captain Ranma Saotome, Commanding Officer of the USS Rumicprise. This is Commander Akane Tendou, my First Officer, and Lieutenant Ryouga Hibiki, my Security Chief.

HSU: Your Security Chief may help Starfleet in the next mission..can we go to your Ready Room?

(Ready Room of the Rumicprise. The captains are seated, as are Akane and Ryouga. Ukyou has just entered.)

HSU: So you see, Captain Saotome, the Maquis have been getting good officers lately to join them, the latest of which was my former loyal Security Chief, Lt. Alicia Coolidge. I didn't know until it was too late that she was a Maquis sympathizer. Before she left, she took a datadisc, with the record of YOUR Security Chief, Lieutenant Hibiki.

RANMA: And you believe Lieutenant Hibiki can infiltrate them.

HSU: Yes, I can. His record shows he has participated in many anti- Cardassian actions before and during his Starfleet commission, the first being the breakout at Kaldoran. This will help draw out the Maquis. Any officer with his background would fit in with them.

RYOUGA: (hesitant) Why should I help you? It seems if the Maquis sign up an officer, they will absorb him with no problem. Cal Hudson and Ro Lauren are two prime examples of that.

HSU: The Maquis will stop at nothing to end the calm between Cardassia and the Federation. Even when splinter groups of both play dirty, the Maquis must not succeed or there will be war between the Federation and Cardassia! I've seen enough action in Starfleet to know I don't want a repeat of history. After Kaldoran, Lt. Hibiki, I'm sure you don't want it either.

RYOUGA: (concerned) You do have a point. When do I leave?

HSU: As soon as possible after you select a partner for this mission.

AKANE: (puzzled) You seem scared, Ryouga..What is Kaldoran?

RYOUGA: (sadly) Kaldoran was a Cardassian prison I found myself in after we were first sent here, many years ago..I nearly didn't make it out of there after arranging an escape for Federation POWs.

AKANE: (interested) Why?

RYOUGA: They had a more powerful Transporter..and an unknown power flux through the escape ship enabled my fellow prisoners to beam me aboard, letting us escape. (looks to Ukyou) Lt. Kuonji?

UKYOU: Yes, Lieutenant Hibiki?

RYOUGA: Like to join me on a hunting trip?

UKYOU: What are you looking to bag?

RYOUGA: Some Maquis now just in season.

(On board another ship, a battlecruiser of Cardassian make. On the outside is painted the word, "IKAZUCHI.") (Inside the Ikazuchi's Captain's quarters. An attractive woman hands a seated man a datadisc. This is obviously an expected object as the man eagerly pops it in.)

WOMAN: (anxious) I hope you have the fee you agreed to pay me. It cost me much to obtain this information.

MAN: (understanding) Oh, I do..Alicia. (Cut to case being shown to the woman. It is opened, and there is ten ingots of gold-pressed latinum. A small sack is tossed into the case as well and Alicia opens it. In it are some precious stones.)

MAN: Those jewels are a little bonus..and retainer fee. How would you like to join the Maquis, serving with me?

ALICIA: I don't know..there doesn't seem to be much of a life for me with the Federation. (As the Man speaks, we pan up.)

MAN: Take all the time you need. But do consider that once you join in, you're in for the ride. (The face is revealed to be that of..Ryouga Hibiki..or is it? He seems suave, cunning..and evil and dangerous.)

EVIL RYOUGA: After all, there's not a lot left to Kaldoran taught me that.

(On board the shuttlecraft GENMA. Ryouga is in dark marine fatigues, his bandannas around his head, and his belt-sword around his pants. He is equipped with a knife and a Mark II Phaser. Ukyou is also similarly dressed and equipped, with her boots ready with four small spatulas.)

RYOUGA: (to ship comm) GENMA to Rumicprise. RANMA'S VOICE: Rumicprise here, GENMA.

RYOUGA: This was where Lieutenant Coolidge was taken, right? RANMA'S VOICE: According to Captain Hsu's records, it is.

RYOUGA: Got it. Keep tracking us. GENMA out. (switches off comm) Let's see what we can find here..Computer?

COMPUTER VOICE: Awaiting request.

RYOUGA: Scan for trail, possibly ion traces, that could not belong to a Galaxy class Starship.

COMPUTER VOICE: Scanning..Trail found, leading to sector Seiya Santis 4.

RYOUGA: Record coordinates and transmit to Rumicprise.

UKYOU: Why do you think no Galaxy Class Starship?

RYOUGA: It took Lt. Coolidge quickly, and it made a quick run from here. It had to be a smaller craft, but with Transporter ability.

UKYOU: So which do you think..shuttlecraft or runabout?

RYOUGA: Either one is possible..when the coordinates are recorded, we can log in course and find out.

COMPUTER VOICE: Coordinates recorded..and transmitted.

UKYOU: Logging in course.

RYOUGA: That trail could die out at any time..engage!

(In the chamber of the EVIL RYOUGA, we see there is a bit of lavishness, as there is gems, latinum and several other metals of value here. Also a few weapons. EVIL RYOUGA sits down on a terminal and plays the datadisc.)

EVIL RYOUGA: Now to find out about my "good twin".. (Tapping a few commands, EVIL RYOUGA finds out about the life of RYOUGA, bit by bit.)

EVIL RYOUGA: Interesting..(suddenly angry) Kaldoran?!? He escaped? That's impossible..I'M Ryouga Hibiki and I DIDN'T escape! There will be a reckoning when I get to him..this galaxy may not be big enough for TWO Ryouga Hibikis.

(On the GENMA, the shuttlecraft is buffeted by phaser fire. Suddenly, two guards beam over into the back of the craft.)

GUARD 1: Freeze!

GUARD 2: Turn around and reach for the're now in the hands of the Maquis, Federation Scum! (Ryouga and Ukyou turn around..and the guard gape as they see Ryouga.)

GUARD 1: Captain Hibiki!

GUARD 2: Whatare you doing here?

RYOUGA: (thinking:) [What are they talking about? I'd better act quick.] (defensively) Covert actions! My cover may be blown thanks to you two sorry no-account excuses for Maquis!

GUARD 1: I'm sorry about that, SIR!

GUARD 2: But who is that with you?

RYOUGA: (angry) New recruit!

UKYOU: (plays along) Ukyou Kuonji!

RYOUGA: (still angry) Take me back to base, quickly!

GUARDS: (surprised) But can't you fly?

RYOUGA: (furious) Peter Pan could fly, Superman could fly, but your potshots at my shuttlecraft wrecked it! Take me back and that's an order!

GUARDS: (snap to attention) YES SIR!

RYOUGA: (exasperated) It's SO hard to get good help these days..

GUARD 1: (taps communicator) Ikazuchi..Four to beam up. (Ryouga, Ukyou, and the Guards are beamed up into the Cardassian- looking Transporter room of the IKAZUCHI. "Pirate Ship" is the air around here.)

RYOUGA: Ukyou, we're not in Kansas anymore.. (Suddenly, Ryouga and Ukyou are seized by two encircling force fields, surrounding them!)

UKYOU: What the--?


EVIL RYOUGA VOICE: THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW! (EVIL RYOUGA himself enters, armed with a phaser. Four other guards accompany him, armed as well.)

EVIL RYOUGA: You four guards, take her (pointing to Ukyou) to a cell! You two take him (pointing to Ryouga) with me! (The force field is dropped, and Ukyou looks at Ryouga, who shakes his head. The odds don't look good, so she meekly goes with the guards, who have their phasers on her. Ryouga is hustled to another end of the ship and is accompanied by the Evil Ryouga.)

(End Part 1)


(A basketball court. There is a toaster with an Eggo Waffle. The toaster lever is pressed and the waffle sinks into the toaster.)

Announcer VO: When it comes to Eggo waffles.. (Ranma comes out dresses in basketball warmups)

Announcer VO: one likes them more than Ranma Saotome. (Ryouga comes out, dressed in bandanna and basketball warmups)

Announcer VO: Except maybe his longtime rival, Ryouga Hibiki. (Chibi Usa, in little referee's uniform with whistle, motions both towards the toaster, which is on a table in the center of the court.) (Close On Ranma)

Announcer VO: Ranma knows.. (Ryouga in kitchen, eating Eggo waffles)

Announcer VO: Ryouga loves that golden Eggo crispness. (Close on Ryouga)

Announcer VO: Ryouga knows.. (Ranma in kitchen, eating Eggo waffles)

Announcer VO: Ranma loves that delicious Eggo taste. (Ranma and Ryouga crouch, ready to jump for the Eggo waffle)

Announcer VO: Only thing they DIDN'T know was.. (Ranma and Ryouga jump for it, but Chibi Usa gets it and puts in on a plate..see a little footage of the boys in flight)

Announcer VO: much Chibi Usa loves 'em! Ranma and Ryouga: (Unison) HEY! LEGGO MY EGGO!

Announcer VO: Eggo Waffles. The part of this breakfast that's just TOO good to leggo! (Ranma and Ryouga touch the ground, while Chibi Usa eats her Eggo waffle. She points to each of them with her knife and fork)

Chibi Usa: You looking for this? (smiles as she eats) (Ranma and Ryouga look at her, at each other and laugh at all this.) [Commercial End]

Double, Double (Part 2)

written by Ted Hsu

(Ryouga is at the chambers of the Evil Ryouga. The Guards are still present, phasers ready. Evil Ryouga sits at desk.)

EVIL RYOUGA: My story is a rough, and sad a seat? (Ryouga is shoved down into a seat by the guards.)

RYOUGA: (thinks to himself) I'd better not show myself too eager to get to him before I can play him out..(snaps back) So how does your story read?

EVIL RYOUGA: Like you remember..Kaldoran, Lieutenant?

RYOUGA: Kaldoran?!?

EVIL RYOUGA: I tried to escape there once, but was caught in a transporter beam. I didn't make it out then.

RYOUGA: Well, I remember Kaldoran, and I DID make it out thanks to a power flux.

EVIL RYOUGA: So it seems..that power flux gave your escape ship enough power to pull YOU out while leaving ME behind!

RYOUGA: (angry) Get to the point, then..

EVIL RYOUGA: It now seems there are two Ryouga Hibikis, one a Starfleet officer, and the other a Maquis pirate.

RYOUGA: So what made you into a pirate?

EVIL RYOUGA: Now this is where the "sad" part of my story comes in..after being recaptured, I saw the escape ship jet off..and I was left behind. I was cruely tortured by the Cardassians, using what didn't kill me to make me stronger as pit fighter. I hoped to win a valuable prize..freedom! When that didn't happen, I used my powers and abilities to break out, this time stealing a shuttlecraft belonging to a Cardassian pirate. Then I single-handedly took a Ferengi ship with a sneak attack. This launched my career as a pirate and mercenary. Cardassians, Ferengi, Rumulons..even hostile Federation vessels. If I could defeat them, I could get rich and so could my crew. Latinum, credits, gems, precious metals, hardware, even ships..if I could use it, trade it, or sell it, so much the better. I got a small little fleet going and then became known as "The Dark Wolf." (smiles) The Maquis signed me up when they found out how much havoc I had gave Cardassia. In return for a portion of the proceeds, they gave me whatever help I needed, be it crew, supplies, information and technology. (darkens voice) Since then I have struck again and again, my crew taking Cardassian plunder and ships to rain terror and pain. (darkly) When I escaped Kaldoran, I vowed the Cardassians would pay dearly for what they did on me..(Smiles darkly)..and now I'm getting my just rewards with interest! (low) Vengeance is indeed sweet when served cold..and with Cardassians, the colder the sweeter! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! (Ryouga is amazed at the Evil Ryouga's story..could it be for real? For that matter, could that happen to him?)

RYOUGA: (outraged) Under NO circumstances could I see that as a justification for what you did! Attacking and getting vengeance for pain done by one group or splinter groups of people within a race is one thing..inflicting vengeance on the whole race and other innocents is something entirely different! (low) Do you know what your Maquis standing is doing to the galaxy?

EVIL RYOUGA: (low, building) It means we are doing what the Federation should have done..kick the butt of Cardassia! As for splinter groups..there is a saying.."If the splinters are too much for you, then get rid of the log!"

RYOUGA: (serious) Do you know that you are leading actions leading to the deaths of innocents?

EVIL RYOUGA: (angry but cool) Innocents die all the time!

RYOUGA: (angry but cool) But THESE innocents could be spared! If the Maquis continue their operations, there would be all-out war between Cardassia and the Federation! Many will die as victims..of an unwanted war! The last time there was war many DID you want to be blamed for causing the deaths of others by starting war?

EVIL RYOUGA: (angry, slams his fist down) ENOUGH! GUARDS! (Two more guards appear by Ryouga as a door opens, their phasers ready to fire as they are locked on Ryouga.)

EVIL RYOUGA: Take him to his girl friend..and set course for the Maquis base! If you need to, SHOOT TO KILL! (RYOUGA is led out by the Guards.)

EVIL RYOUGA: Communications, let me talk to Ro Lauren and Cal Hudson, immediately!

INTERCOM VOICE: Is that a good idea, sir?

EVIL RYOUGA: (infuriated) Are you questioning me?!?


(Ryouga is in a brig cell with Ukyou, sitting across from her. A force field is up in front of them.)

RYOUGA: (concerned) You holding up okay, Ucchan?

UKYOU: (cynically) If being held by a maniacal Maquis who happens to look like your boyfriend is okay, then, yeah, I'm fine!

RYOUGA: (concerned and tenderly) I'm sorry Ucchan, I didn't know how much you hurt..I'm still shocked at seeing another me, too.

UKYOU: (softly and sadly) Ryo-kun.. (Wraps her arms around his neck as she lays her head down on his shoulders. Ryouga puts an arm around her as his other hand brushes her hair lightly.)

(The Evil Ryouga is in his quarters. Suddenly, the vidscreen beeps, followed by the communicator.)

VOICE: Cal Hudson and Ro Lauren here for you, Captain.

EVIL RYOUGA: Put them on. (The screen blips on, with the faces of Cal Hudson and Ro Lauren present.)

HUDSON: Greetings, Captain Hibiki.

EVIL RYOUGA: Greetings sir. Sorry to call on such short notice.

LAUREN: It had to be important or you wouldn't have called. What is going on there?

EVIL RYOUGA: I have got the datadisc on the officer to impersonate, Lieutenant Ryouga Hibiki. The real lieutenant is also in my brig after he tried to break my loyalty with psychology. He didn't succeed. We're on our way to see if he is who he is, then proceed with the plan. We'll be at the base soon.

HUDSON: Good. Hudson out. (Cut to the Maquis Base. Ro Lauren and Cal Hudson just finished the transmission.)

LAUREN: What can we do about this?

HUDSON: Obviously "Lieutenant Hibiki" was trying to use cold logic in getting our Captain Hibiki to chicken out. How successful he was remains to be seen, but I wouldn't trust either one. When the time comes, we must eliminate both of them..for the good of the Maquis of course.

LAUREN: (Nods) But how can it be done where it's not a problem? We go ahead too soon and the other Hibiki will convince our Hibiki for sure!

HUDSON: The Arena will determine that..if it seems too slack, we will fire phasers into the ring..set to kill them both! Better to eliminate two chumps with one round that way.

(Maquis Base, the IKAZUCHI has docked.) (The Transporter Room of the Maquis receives the Captain, Evil Ryouga, Alicia, and his Starfleet captives, Ryouga and Ukyou. Cal Hudson, Ro Lauren, and four security guards are there.)

RYOUGA: (to himself, shocked when he recognizes the non-guard Maquis) Cal Hudson..Ro Lauren!

HUDSON: Welcome home, Dark Wolf.

EVIL RYOUGA: Thank you, sir. (Motions to Alicia) This is a prospective new candidate to the Maquis Cause.

ALICIA: Sir. (Salutes)

HUDSON: (smiles) At ease. (To Evil Ryouga) She's got spirit and respect. She'll do well. (Sees Ryouga and is astonished) If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! (Blinks as he notices that the two Hibikis are exact duplicates of each other) No wonder you said you can impersonate him.

EVIL RYOUGA: I thought the medical files here could check to see if we WERE the same..that way no discrepancies could be found.

LAUREN: These guards will aid you. Guards, take them to the Sick Ward for DNA Analysis. (Ryouga and Ukyou are hustled out by the guards.)

RYOUGA: (yelling as a parting shot) Jean-Luc Picard and Benjamin Sisko would PUKE if they found out what you two were doing!

EVIL RYOUGA: I'd better go along to make sure they don't escape. Come, Alicia, while I show you around. (Ryouga and Ukyou exit surrounded by the guards, with Evil Ryouga and Alicia following.)

HUDSON: (glowering under his anger) How DARE he yell Sisko's name like that in my presence!

LAUREN: (also steamed) And how dare he yell Picard's name in mine! Joining the Maquis was not easy to do, especially when it meant going against Jean-Luc Picard, (sadly) who was a father to me!

HUDSON: Nor me, either. It wasn't easy going against an old friend like Ben Sisko.

LAUREN: What did it get us? A job to beat Cardassians at the cost of those who placed the greatest faith in us.

HUDSON: The job was dangerous when you were initiated..but now I know that "Lieutenant Hibiki" MUST be eliminated, and Captain Hibiki as well to prevent any doublecross on his part.

LAUREN: Can't we just slip in our Hibiki for theirs?

HUDSON: We don't know how close their Hibiki came to causing ours to change sides. We can't chance failure now! We may have to kill BOTH of them!

LAUREN: This may cause divisions in the Maquis..a lot of others think we can pull something out.

HUDSON: We'll let the Arena settle this..once we're sure that Federation Hibiki is the one we want eliminated!

(Maquis Medical Ward 2. Ryouga is connected to one end of an analyzing device, with the Evil Ryouga connected to the other end.)

MEDICAL OFFICER: Computer! Genetic Analysis of subjects. Point out two things: One, is Subject One real Lieutenant Ryouga Hibiki, and Two, are both subjects identical?

COMPUTER VOICE: Working on Query One. Findings: DNA Analysis of Subject in question identical to that of Federation Lieutenant Ryouga Hibiki. Conclusion: Subject IS Lieutenant Ryouga Hibiki. Working on Query Two. Findings: Both subjects have identical DNA stuctures. Conclusion: Both are identical.

MEDICAL OFFICER: Record Findings and switch off.

EVIL RYOUGA: Well, "brother," it's a shame Dad didn't find out he'd have twins.

RYOUGA: Then, "brother," it seems you're the "black wolf" of the family. It's good Dad's not here to see it..he wouldn't have liked it.

EVIL RYOUGA: Let's let the Arena settle that, shall we?

RYOUGA: (Startled) Arena?

EVIL RYOUGA: I'm sure you remember the pit fights you suffered before the transporter incident on Kaldoran made us..(EVIL RYOUGA smiles a bit) Now's a time to relive those memories.

RYOUGA: (to himself) Oh boy...

EVIL RYOUGA: (Clint-like) Do ya feel lucky, punk? (beat) Well, do ya?

RYOUGA: (Clint-like) Man's gotta know his limitations..

(On board the Rumicprise, the bridge.)

RANMA: Akemi, have you locked onto the last coordinates of the shuttlecraft GENMA?

AKEMI: Yes, Captain, I have..they were for the Seiya Santis 4 sector.

RANMA: Get us there post haste..Warp 9!

KASUMI: You really seem nervous about this, Ranma..I can sense it.

RANMA: I am. I'm not sure you how sensed that, though.

AKANE: You must really care about Ryouga.

KASUMI: You are a lot more nervous ever since Capt. Hsu left.

AKANE: And even more so ever since Ryouga and Ukyou left, too.

RANMA: They're part of my you and the rest of the bridge crew. You two, Akemi, Mousse, Shampoo, Tofu-sensei, Emiko, even Tsubasa are like Ryouga and of me that help me and all of us remember where..(pause) and when we came from. (pause) YouUre a part of my roots now, just like IUm a part of all of yours.

KASUMI: I never knew you thought that profoundly, Ranma.


RANMA: Guess thatUs what working under Captain Picard can do for you. I had one of his courses in leadership and integrity when I got my Lieutenant rank. (pause) That was one class IUm thankful for. It taught me to have patience with life and crew..and the responsibility and authority that comes with both of them.

AKANE: That's heavy.

KASUMI: Guess you cared more about Ryouga than we thought.

RANMA: He's been around whenever there was a mission to save Akane, Kasumi..whenever I needed people to go with me he'd be among the first to join. His loyalty was even more that in this time and part of the universe, he's got a cause and friends to fight for. I'm not sure how far he'd develop given the chance..or all of you for that matter. Once it's done though, I'd like to see it.

KASUMI: So would all of us.

RANMA: I just hope that I can see it..

AKANE: Same here.

AKEMI: Me too. (The Arena of the Maquis Base. It looks like a gladiator arena, with rock and stone floors, with steel and metal walls. It seems to have been recently used as there is some blood still on the floor. In one heavily protected box is Ro Lauren and Cal Hudson. In another box, under guard, is Ukyou and Alicia. Both Ryougas are in the center of the ring, studying each other intently.)

EVIL RYOUGA: What weapons do you choose?

RYOUGA: I prefer using none.

EVIL RYOUGA: Suit yourself. (rushes at Ryouga) En guarde! (Ryouga concentrates, placing his wrists to his chest, hands open and facing the Evil Ryouga).

EVIL RYOUGA: Hur-- (cocks right fist as he rushes)

RYOUGA: (before contact) Roaring Lion Bullet! (Ki-blast forms as he finishes, with the blast hitting the Evil Ryouga.)

EVIL RYOUGA: --AAAAAAAAAAGH! (falls back as he feels the impact of the ki-blast. He stands on his feet, dazed.) Never have I felt a ki-blast that strong before!

RYOUGA: When fueled with ki and not malice, any blow is stronger.

EVIL RYOUGA: Good thing I have a few moves of my own! (rushes Ryouga again while building up ki, then dives at Ryouga) Blasting Point Hole! (touches pointed finger at ground at angle, which throws up some debris)

RYOUGA: (leaps away, dodging the mess) Hmm..nice move! Remind me to remember that.

EVIL RYOUGA: Remember THIS! (Charges at Ryouga again) WOLF BLITZ! (Tackles Ryouga with a quick speed and hard charge, taking him to the ground.)

RYOUGA: Whuufff!! (feels the wind knocked out of him)

EVIL RYOUGA: (climbs onto Ryouga's chest) For a long time you had the life I could have I'll make your life mine with your death! (Punch heads for Ryouga's face. Ryouga dodges with his head..and flips up his body, knocking Evil Ryouga off his chest.)

RYOUGA: (panting) Don'!! (Evil Ryouga feels frustrated as the fight rages Evil Ryouga keeps throwing blow after blow, somehow Ryouga dodges or blocks them. The fight goes on in circles, getting closer to the center. We see the Evil Ryouga's aura: It burns dark crimson, and burns more fiercely with each blow thrown.)

RYOUGA: (panting) I'm not..the SAME Ryouga..that came here ten years ago..(concentrates on his next move, focusing ki energy)

EVIL RYOUGA: (panting)'ll DIE..all the same..(quickly cocks fist as a crimson aura surrounds his form.)

RYOUGA: VORTEX PUNCH! (punches into Evil Ryouga's aura; as he punches in, his arm massively surges out a bright cool aqua aura, and the colored auras interact)

EVIL RYOUGA: (in shock) ki-energy from the aura surge around him, yet can't do a thing about it as the ki-energy builds, swirling aqua and crimson, and about to build to a maximum)

RYOUGA: Ki-shield, Ukyou! (Ukyou covers her eyes as her activated her ki-shield shields her upper body. Ryouga crouches and does likewise, his ki-shield shielding his crouched form. Good thing too, as there is a loud BOOM from the ki-energies reacting, forming a powerful explosion with a blinding light and a powerful shockwave.)

EVIL RYOUGA: (all but drowned out by the BOOM) AAAAAAAAH! (There is a pause, and when the dust settles, the Evil Ryouga is drained, his ki spent. All else but Ukyou and Ryouga are dazed.)

EVIL RYOUGA: (weakly) Ohhhhhhhhh...(falls unconscious) (Ryouga leaps up to Ukyou's box and takes a communicator from a dazed guard. Slinging both Ukyou and Alicia over his shoulders, he goes down to the unconscious Evil Ryouga. Usiing a communicator, Ryouga taps some buttons until a beep is heard.)

RYOUGA: Dark Wolf to Ikazuchi.

VOICE: Ikazuchi here.

RYOUGA: Four to beam up, and make it quick! (Light envelops the four as they are back into the Transporter Room of the Ikazuchi.)

RYOUGA: (To two guards) Take her (pointing to Alicia) to the brig, you two (points to two other guards, then to the unconscious Evil Ryouga) take this turkey to sickbay. Tell medical to keep him under close surveillance and gaurded at all times. if need to, sedate him.

GUARDS: At once, sir! (Ryouga and Ukyou go to the bridge, where there is a helmsman and a communications officer.)

RYOUGA: (to ) Helm, plot a course for space station Deep Space 9. Warp 8. All Dark Wolf ships are to meet there. The journey will end there and once negotiations are finished, the wealth will be shared. Notify Gul Dukat and Federation, Ferengi and Rumulon representatives that recovery negotiations will be made once there, and notify the USS Rumicprise that we'll meet her there. If they ask, tell them "Lieutenant Ryouga Hibiki" will be there.


RYOUGA: Just a cover for the time being. Trust me.

(Space Station Deep Space Nine, aka "DS9." Commander Sisko, Major Kira, Doctor Bashir and Odo meet Ryouga, who has Alicia under guard led by Ukyou, and an uncinscious Evil Ryouga on a stretcher led by four guards.)

SISKO: You weren't kidding when you said you had a problem.

RYOUGA: (points to stretcher) I may have overexaggerated, but he lapsed into near-coma after beaming to the ship. Doctor, can you help?

BASHIR: I believe my Sickbay can aid him.

RYOUGA: Thank you, Doctor. Please be careful..he's my kinsman. (Bashir leads guards with stretcher and Evil Ryouga to Sickbay.)

RYOUGA: Constable Odo?

ODO: Yes?

RYOUGA: (points to Alicia) I have the traitor Captain Hsu talked about. I remand her to your custody.

ODO: (takes Alicia) Come on now..a nice cell awaits Maquis like you. (Alicia mutters soemthing under her breath as Odo takes her away.)

RYOUGA: Major Kira?

KIRA: Yes?

RYOUGA: My kinsman, Ryodai Hibiki, went through a lot of traumatic things at the hands of Cardassians long ago. Can you help him heal his trauma?

KIRA: (puzzled) Why do you ask this of me?

RYOUGA: I thought that with the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, you'd understand best how hurt and bitter he is. I also thought you'd be the best able to help him with his pain.

KIRA: I'll do what I can, and thanks for that vote of confidence. (Kira leaves, with Sisko and Ryouga alone.)

RYOUGA: Have the representatives arrived?

SISKO: The last one arrived a short while ago.

RYOUGA: Good..then negotiations can begin. Also, I'd like to make some other arrangements.

(Two weeks later, aboard DS9. Dr. Bashir and Odo hand the Evil Ryouga a key, identification and a dataplayer with a datadisc in it.)

BASHIR: It seems you are alright now, (talks to Evil Ryouga) Ryodai. It seems you've been unconscious for about two weeks.

ODO: Your brother Ryouga said that if you did not recover before he left, to give you these items.

"RYODAI": (puzzled) When did Ryouga leave?

ODO: Three days ago, after finishing negotiations with the Cardassians, Ferengi, Rumulons and Starfleet. Seems you two found out a notorious Maquis agent in the form of a pirate, the Dark Wolf. After the proceeds from the ships and cargoes was negotiated, he rendezvoused with the Rumicprise and left.

BASHIR: He wanted to make sure you got these as soon as you were awake.

"RYODAI": (puzzled) I wonder what they could be.. (He plays the dataplayer, and Ryouga's face and voice is talking.)

RYOUGA (RECORDING): Well, Ryodai, what you have is your share of the proceeds. That key card, when presented at Federation Intergalactic Banks will access an account with roughly 40 bars of latinum. Each crew member has roughly 100,000 credits for their efforts. Your immediate account has about one million credits added to it in case you need it. I know life hasn't been easy for you, Ryodai, but I think I set up a something for you to build on. I hope you use it wisely. As we took down a Maquis player, you, like I must be ever vigilant. (pause) You never know how bad their hate can burn. As a precaution, the crew have been paid and are across the universes, with the ships in their rightful places. This way, no Maquis can track us..they tried to kill us, so be careful. (pause) Good luck, my brother. (The recording blinks out.)

ODO: These special identifications he wanted you to have. (Hands to identifications to Ryodai)

RYODAI: (says) Ryodai Hibiki..hmm..that's me, all right. (thinks) [One day, "brother," we'll meet again..]

(DS9 brig. Alicia is there, head slumped.)

ODO: There was a note for you..from Ryouga Hibiki.

ALICIA: (sits up) What?!?

ODO: Here..(hands her note)..see for yourself.

ALICIA: (reads note) "As the the saying goes, He that sells what isn't his'n must buy it back or go to prison. Next time you take part of another's life for profit, make sure you work for tabloids, not traitors." (crumples note) One day..

(Two weeks later, on board the Rumicprise's lounge, Seven-Upward. Ranma, Ryouga, Ukyou and Akane are there.)

RYOUGA VO: Personal Log, Supplemental. Though I gave my twin I good economic foundation, I hope he uses is wisely. He may be slow to forgive my dismantling his fleet, but it was the best way to avoid the Maquis from finding either of us for a while. Initially, my share of the proceeds was what Ryodai would have given the Maquis if he were still loyal to them..200 bars of latinum and five million credits. After taxes and other transaction fees, my net share was forty percent, or 80 bars and two million credits. This I accepted, claiming I was Ryodai's "legal agent" during all this.

RANMA: Those coordinates you got for the Maquis Base helped. A Federation-Cardassian team has captured some stragglers, although the main players, such as Ro Lauren and Cal Hudson got away.

RYOUGA: Thought so. Even with Cardassian cooperation, it's hard to get a good, quick team these days.

AKANE: You're a little more pensive than usual, Ryouga.

RYOUGA: When I listened to Ryodai's story, on how the Cardassians had treated him, and how he hurt as a made me scared. What would have happened..if I didn't make it out on that mission and he did? Would I be seeing life right now through his eyes?

UKYOU: Maybe, but you chose to help others.

RYOUGA: As long as there is a "maybe" around, Ucchan, I can't help but think..that could have been me out there. (pause) It makes me appreciate the friends I have here.

RANMA: That's about what I said to Akane and Kasumi earlier.

AKANE: Yeah, we're all part of a family now.

EMIKO: (comes up to Ryouga with her special Emiko Surprise Soda Float) And don't you forget it, Ryouga. I don't make my special Emiko Surprise Ice Cream Soda Floats for just anyone.

UKYOU: Nor I my special okonomiyaki. So now (slightly Yiddish tone) eat, eat, you're a growing boy! (pops out special okonomiyaki form behind her, with a heart and a Starfleet insignia on it.) (They all laugh.) (The Rumicprise sails into the unknown galaxy.)

(Special Guest Cast)

Bernie Casey as Cal Hudson

Michelle Forbes as Ro Lauren

Avery Brooks as Commander Benjamin Sisko

Nana Visitor as Major Kira Nerys

Siddig El Fadil as Dr. Julian Bashir

Rene Auberjonois as Constable Odo

(Also Starring)

Shauna Stilwell as Alicia Coolidge

Vivian Cheung as Emiko Sunaoshi

Majel Barrett as Computer Voice

Stunt Double for Evelyn Cheung: Vivian Cheung

Double for Ted Hsu: Gordon Shyr

Story written by Ted Hsu

Directed and Produced by Theo Hsu

Executive Producers T.D. Hsu and H.Y. Chan

Special Effects by Industrial Light and Magic

Sound by Todd-AO

Ranma 1/2 characters and situations are properties of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogokukan and Kitty TV Star Trek: The Next Generation characters and situations are properties of Gene Roddenberry and Paramount Pictures

Copyright 1995 Sole Brother Productions

Author's Note

This draft of "Double, Double" is the revised version. After going through my original story, I found a few discrepancies that could be deal with. Thus, in this version, I dealt with them. I hope you enjoy this!

T.D. Hsu, 8/31/1995

Coming Attractions Include: (first non-"RumicTrek: The Next Generation" fanfic, working title: Stormy Goodbye?!? Ryouga, Come Back To Us!)

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