Adventure in Time and Space

Written by Dorothy Millard
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)
Adventure in Time & Space is a two part adventure which takes you to many places, including a deserted space station, visiting cave men, medieval England, into the Alps, a far off planet and the London suburbs, in your search for the gold key which must be returned to its proper place in time. Only then can you save the world from the evil forces.
Walk through
(Start in your laboratory), EXAMINE LABORATORY, INVENTORY (you are carrying a money pouch and wearing jeans and a T shirt), EXAMINE POUCH (the money pouch contains two notes and a couple of coins), EXAMINE JEANS, EXAMINE T (shirt), EXAMINE TIME MACHINE (see a keyhole), EXAMINE BENCH (find a ring of keys), EXAMINE KEYS (car and house keys), INSERT KEYS (wrong ones), N (the door slams shut behind you), N, N (carpark), EXAMINE PEOPLE, EXAMINE CAR, ENTER CAR (you unlock it and climb in), EXAMINE CAR (you find a torch), EXAMINE TORCH, E, S (it's a one-way street), E (outside a house).
GET OUT (of the car), EXAMINE DOOR, OPEN DOOR (you open it and enter to a large entrance hall), W (master bedroom), EXAMINE QUILT (find a piece of paper), READ PAPER (letters AC - note these for later), OPEN WARDROBE, GET CLOTHES (warm), S (bathroom), EXAMINE CABINET (see a bottle of pills, some shaving gear and a can of hairspray), GET PILLS, EXAMINE PILLS, GET CAN, EXAMINE CAN, EXAMINE GEAR (leave the shaving gear), EXAMINE BATH, EXAMINE TOWELS, EXAMINE SHOWER, USE TOILET, N, E, E (lounge), EXAMINE SETTEE (find an ID card), EXAMINE ID (has your name and a photo), EXAMINE TV (find a note), READ NOTE (the password starts with R), S (dining room), EXAMINE TABLE (there are some place mats), EXAMINE MATS (there is a picture of a beautiful woman), GET MATS, EXAMINE FLOWERS, GET FLOWERS,
W (kitchen), EXAMINE CUPBOARD, EXAMINE SHELVES, OPEN REFRIGERATOR, GET FOOD, EXAMINE FOOD, EXAMINE OVEN, W (hall), LOOK MIRROR, W (blue bedroom), EXAMINE BUNK BEDS (there is a lump under the blankets), EXAMINE LUMP (find a sparkling blue gem), EXAMINE GEM, EXAMINE TOYS, GET TOYS, EXAMINE DOLLS, PLAY DOLLS (you play with the dolls), E, S, E (pink bedroom), MOVE CHEST (underneath was hidden a small round key), EXAMINE KEY, W, W (study), EXAMINE DESK (it has a drawer), OPEN DRAWER, GET GLOVES, EXAMINE GLOVES, EXAMINE COMPUTER, ON COMPUTER (you switch it on), TYPE COMPUTER (a message appears on the screen "The second letter in the password is E), E (hall), EXAMINE TABLE (there is an open book), READ BOOK (a paragraph has been underlined "Sailing down the river on a raft"), OPEN DOOR.
S (garden), EXAMINE FLOWERS, EXAMINE LAWN, EXAMINE SHED, DROP KEYS, DROP MATS, WEAR CLOTHES, E (into shed where it's dark), LIGHT TORCH, GET ROPE, EXAMINE ROPE, GET SHOVEL, EXAMINE SHOVEL, W (back to the garden), DIG (you find the *RED KEY*), DROP SHOVEL, GET MATS, S (narrow alleyway), W, N, N, W (back to the carpark), S, S, EXAMINE DOOR (to the laboratory - it has a slot), INSERT ID (the door opens and you go through to the laboratory), INSERT RED (key in the Time Machine - lights flash... you are transported to another place).
(Start in a deserted space station), DROP FOOD, DROP MATS, DROP ROPE, E (locker room), GET SUIT (as you move the spacesuit a passcard falls out), EXAMINE SUIT, GET PASSCARD, EXAMINE PASSCARD, OPEN LOCKER (with the small round key), DROP ROUND (key), EXAMINE LOCKER, GET HELMET, EXAMINE HELMET, W, N, E (sleeping quarters), EXAMINE BUNKS, PUSH NUMBER (on the bunk), TURN HOOK (the bunk moves revealing a secret passage leading east), E (secret room), EXAMINE STAIN (in the middle is a button), PUSH BUTTON (a panel slides across revealing a pair of heavy magnetic boots), GET MAGNETIC (boots), EXAMINE MAGNETIC (boots), W, W, S (to where the airlock is), REMOVE CLOTHES, WEAR SUIT, WEAR HELMET, WEAR MAGNETIC (boots), ENTER AIRLOCK (to outside), U, GET OBJECT (you take small heart shaped object), EXAMINE OBJECT (it's magnetic and resembles a key), D, N (back inside).
DROP SUIT, DROP HELMET, DROP MAGNETIC (boots), N (metallic corridor where you hear a buzzing sound), N (an electronic barrier prevents you), EXAMINE DOOR (there is a small shelf under the light), PUT PASSCARD (on the shelf - the door slides open and you enter the control room), EXAMINE PANEL, WEAR GLOVES, PUSH SWITCH (suddenly there is silence), DROP GLOVES, PUSH BUTTON (you got a cup of instant coffee), EXAMINE COFFEE, DRINK COFFEE (yeuccchhh), E (silence now), N (large room), EXAMINE DOORS (no handles or knobs), EXAMINE LIGHT, EXAMINE PANEL (in the middle there is an octagonal hole), PUT GEM (in the hole - the three doors automatically open).
NW (maze of twisty tunnels), W (to where there is some large mutant insects), EXAMINE INSECTS, SPRAY INSECTS (with the can of hair spray - they crawl off into a hole), D (into the bowels of the space station), READ SIGN (beware - do not go past this point), EXAMINE COBWEBS (you find the *BLUE KEY*), U, E, E (you are starting to feel ill), EAT PILL (you feel better already), E, E, E (a small door to the west is closed), OPEN DOOR (using the small heart shaped object... you go through to the large room), DROP OBJECT, DROP PILLS, S, S, GET FOOD, GET MATS, GET ROPE, INSERT BLUE (key in the Time Machine - lights flash... you are transported to another place).
(Start on an open plain), S (to where the hunting party is), EXAMINE HUNTING (party - they are looking for food), GIVE FOOD (they look pleased, take it and disappear back to their caves), W, EXAMINE RIVER, W, EXAMINE VEGETATION, GET PICK, EXAMINE PICK, E, E, E (bottom of a rocky outcrop), EXAMINE ROCK (you find a pair of studded climbing boots), GET CLIMBING (boots), EXAMINE BOOTS (your size), WEAR CLIMBING (boots), U (top of rocky outcrop), GET AXE, EXAMINE AXE, D, W, N, E (wooded country), CLIMB TREE (you have a view of the surrounding countryside), CHOP TREE, GET TIMBER, EXAMINE TIMBER, W.
NW (mouth of a large cave), ENTER CAVE (a caveman is here brandishing a large club), EXAMINE ROCKS, EXAMINE CAVEMAN, GIVE MATS (he is fascinated by the picture on the place mats and leaves), W (deeper into the cave - the west wall has marks on it), EXAMINE WALL, EXAMINE MARKS (it seems someone has been trying to get through), USE PICK (to create a small hole), DROP PICK, ENTER HOLE (to where the river is), WEAR CLOTHES, EXAMINE CLOTHES (there is a pocket in the jacket), BUILD RAFT, EXAMINE RAFT, S (you climb on the raft and float along with the current to an underground tunnel), EXAMINE RIVER (you find the *GREEN KEY*), PUT GREEN (key in your pocket), SE (the raft tilts and you drop everything except your money pouch and the clothes you are wearing - you land on a path by the river), E, N, GET GREEN (key from your pocket), INSERT GREEN (key into the Time Machine - you notice a screen in the time machine.... the letters "TION" are flashing - you are transported to another place).
(Password is) REACTION (you are on a hilltop), EXAMINE ROCKS (you pick up a piece of flint), EXAMINE FLINT, GET ROCK, D, U (it is too slippery to get back up), W (lonely path), SEARCH UNDERGROWTH (you uncover a rope hanging down from the cave above), CLIMB ROPE (to cave but you find it difficult to see), EXAMINE GROUND (very soft), DIG (you have nothing to dig with - not really necessary anyway as you can feel how soft the ground is), FEEL GROUND (you discover a bag of salt), GET SALT, EXAMINE CREVICE (there's something there, but you can't quite see what), WAIT (until your eyes grow accustomed to the light), EXAMINE CREVICE (you see a package tucked up in one corner), GET PACKAGE, EXAMINE PACKAGE (it is wrapped in brown paper), UNWRAP PACKAGE (find some explosives).
D, E, N (icy path), N (you slip and finish up in an inelegant position), EXAMINE ICE (you notice a piece of coarse string stuck in the ice), GET STRING (it won't budge), BREAK ICE using the small rock), DROP ROCK, GET STRING, THROW SALT (you spread it on the ice), N (to where the snowdrift is blocking the way), INSERT STRING (in the explosives - you create a fuse), DROP EXPLOSIVES, LIGHT FUSE (using the flint - the force of the blast clears the snow drift), E (small village), N (blacksmith's shop), GET SWORD (no way we don't give things away here), BUY SWORD (he doesn't recognise your money and refuses it), REMOVE CLOTHES (warm), TRADE CLOTHES (for the sword and armour), S, WEAR ARMOUR, E (village square), FIGHT KNIGHT (in armour who concedes defeat - you are beginning to feel very cold), N (into an old thatched cottage - you feel the warmth of the fire), S, W, N (back to the blacksmith's shop), REMOVE ARMOUR, TRADE ARMOUR (and sword for the warm clothes), WEAR CLOTHES.
S, E, S (inside the pub), EXAMINE TROPHIES, EXAMINE PICTURES, EXAMINE BENCH, EXAMINE PUBLICAN, BUY DRINK, DRINK DRINK, EXAMINE TABLE (you pick up a small bowl), N, N (cottage), GET STEW (in the bowl), EXAMINE STEW, S, E (to where the old lady is), EXAMINE LADY (she looks hungry), GIVE STEW (she thanks you and tells you to look in the mouth of the publican's trophies), W, S (into the pub), LOOK MOUTH (you find the *YELLOW KEY*), N, W, W, S, S (bottom of steep hill), U (the ground has thawed a little and you manage to scramble to the top but drop the flint), INSERT YELLOW (key in the Time Machine - lights flash... you are transported to another place).
(Start at the bottom of a mountain), U, U (to the top), SEARCH VEGETATION (you notice an old bucket), GET BUCKET, EXAMINE BUCKET, D, D, S (mountain path), CLIMB TREE (you are sitting amongst the branches), BREAK BRANCH (it falls to the ground), D, GET BRANCH, S, EXAMINE POND (the circular pond is slimy, stagnant and uninviting), GET SLIME (in the bucket note do not enter the pond).
W (snow path), CLEAR SNOW (using the branch - you uncover an old rusty oil lamp), GET LAMP (rusty), EXAMINE LAMP, (the rusty lamp looks as if it could be made serviceable), N (you are entering a blizzard), N (the weather is getting bad, are you sure you want to continue?), YES (you are lost in a blizzard), N, GET WOOD (sturdy piece of wood), E, E (to where the snow monster is), EXAMINE MONSTER (it's large and has bright shiny eyes which are looking at you), THROW SLIME ((into the monster's eyes - the slime temporarily blinds it and it stumbles off into the blizzard - don't return here later as the monster has a long memory).
N, E (supply shop), BUY EQUIPMENT (climbing - the shopkeeper takes the notes and coins from your wallet in exchange), DROP POUCH, GET LAMP (the shopkeeper says he needs it), SHOW LAMP (you show the rusty lamp to the shopkeeper who he takes it into his back room and shortly returns with it alight - you thank him and leave through the side door to a narrow winding path), D, S, S, E (you use the climbing equipment to get past the rockslide and up to the ledge), E (dead end where you can see because you have the lamp), EXAMINE SAND (see footprints), FOLLOW FOOTPRINTS (you are standing in front of a large boulder), MOVE BOULDER (too heavy), LEVER BOULDER (using the piece of sturdy wood - you find the *BLACK KEY*), S, W, D, N, N, DROP EQUIPMENT, DROP BUCKET, DROP WOOD, INSERT BLACK (key in the Time Machine - lights flash... you are transported to another place).
(Start in an underground chamber), N (the guard chases you out because you have no authorisation), W (smaller chamber), READ MAGAZINE (see a picture on the front showing someone climbing into a large metallic object), EXAMINE CLOCK (it's not working), WIND CLOCK (it starts to tick), E, READ SIGN (Prohibited Area), WAIT (until the clock chimes 12.00 o'clock), WAIT (once more until the guard rushes past you to find out what's happening), N (metallic looking tunnel), E (storeroom), DROP CLOTHES, GET SUIT (silver), EXAMINE SUIT, WEAR SUIT (you now look like the guard), W, N, E (dead end), GET PICK.
W, W (kitchen - the door closes behind you), EXAMINE BENCH (you find a small knife), PRESS 1 (a red protein pill was emitted from the chute), PRESS 2 (a blue protein pill), PRESS 3 (a purple protein pill - leave the pills they are red herrings), PRESS 4 (nothing happens - if the door is open it closes), PRESS 5 (the door opens), PRESS 6 (a cupboard above your head opens), EXAMINE CUPBOARD (find a whistle), GET WHISTLE, PRESS 7 (nothing happens), PRESS 8 (you hear a click in the distance), E, S (the guard salutes you), W (into an office - the click you heard in the kitchen was this door opening), EXAMINE DESK (you see a paper clip, eraser, notepad and a pen), GET CLIP (leave the rest), E, S, W, NW (damp dreary passage), OPEN DOOR (you don't have the key), PICK LOCK with the paper clip).
N (the door slams shut behind you), W (rocky terrain), EXAMINE ROCKS (one of the rocks has a hairline crack in it), USE PICK (an odd shaped sliver of plastic falls out), GET SLIVER, EXAMINE SLIVER, SW, S (rough ground), EXAMINE TREE (on it you see a blue pear shaped fruit), PICK FRUIT (do not eat it), CUT FRUIT (with the knife - you find a pip inside), S, SE (you are standing outside a tall metal object), E (as you go east a voice booms "Show authorisation please"), SHOW SLIVER (you insert it in a slot and an opening appears, you go through and it closes behind you - you are inside the metallic object), U (to the top), EXAMINE PEDESTAL (you find the *SILVER KEY*), D, N, E (back to the underground chamber), DROP PICK, DROP SUIT, INSERT SILVER (key in the time machine - lights flash... you are transported to another place).
(Start in an underground tunnel), EXAMINE OPENING (you pull out a clear plastic card), EXAMINE CARD (it has numbers embossed on it), S, S, S, W (a giant rat is here), EXAMINE RAT (not friendly), THROW PIP (it gives the rat the pip and it runs off to find the nearest sewer), S (art gallery), EXAMINE PAINTINGS, MOVE PAINTING (you notice some numbers scribbled upside down on the wall... 8961 - turn around to read 1968), S, E (foyer - the door slams shut behind you), EXAMINE BAR (you pick up some food), EXAMINE FOOD, ENTER BAR (to behind the bar), PUSH SWITCH, S, READ SIGN (Beware, Security Door), EXAMINE DOOR (it has a small slot and a nozzle set into it), INSERT CARD (the door slides open).
E (deserted street), S (a vicious wolfhound is here), EXAMINE WOLFHOUND, GIVE FOOD (the wolfhound grabs it and slinks off), E, S (the door's locked), BLOW WHISTLE (door opens), S (into a large warehouse), MOVE CRATES (see a sledgehammer), GET SLEDGEHAMMER, EXAMINE SLEDGEHAMMER, S (small office), EXAMINE SAFE (has a dial), DIAL 1968 (the safe opens), EXAMINE SAFE (find a dirty grey key).
W, S (the shed door is locked), SMASH DOOR (with the sledgehammer), S (small shed), EXAMINE SHELVES (in amongst the paint tins you see a can of solvent), GET SOLVENT, EXAMINE SOLVENT, N, W (river bank), CLEAN KEY (a little dirt came off - you can see a glimmer of gold), USE SOLVENT (it dissolves the dirty grey paint - you have the *GOLD KEY*), N, W, N, N (back to the dreary underground tunnel where the Time Machine is), INSERT GOLD (key in the Time Machine - lights flash... you have been transported to another place).
You have succeeded in finding the GOLD KEY.
You return the key to its proper place in time.
Thanks to you the world is now safe from the evil forces.