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All the various locations of Atlantis over the centuries

This article presents a table detailing the diverse interpretations of the mythical Atlantis by various scholars, philosophers, and writers across different periods, spanning from the 4th century BC century to the modern day.
The table shows the locations attributed to Atlantis, including notions of it being a distant island in the Atlantic, a symbol of astronomical principles, or even an allegory for political concepts. Each entry lists the name of the scholar or atlantologist, the date or period of their interpretation, and a brief summary of their views on Atlantis.
Author or Atlantologist | Date | Suggested Interpretation |
Abartiague, William d', Basque scholar | 1937 | Territory that connected Europe and America |
Acosta, José de, missionary | 16th century | Island in the Atlantic |
Adcock, Norman, occultist | 1937 | Island in the Atlantic |
Albino, historian | 1598 | America |
Alford, Alan F., writer | 1998 | Another planet |
Ali - Bey (Domingo Badia y Leblich), traveler | 1814 | North Africa |
Allen, J.M., writer | 1998 | Andean Region |
Amelio, philosopher | 3rd century | Astronomical symbolism |
Ammianus Marcellinus, historian | 4th century | Island in the Atlantic |
Anonymous cited by Delisle de Sales | 1779 | Ceylon |
Anville, J.B.B. d', geographer | 18th century | Fantasy |
Aristotle, philosopher | 4th century BC | Fantasy |
Arnobius Afer, rhetorician | 3rd century | Island in the Atlantic |
Atienza, Juan C., writer | 1976 | Island in the Atlantic |
Babcock, W.J., geographer | 1922 | Sargasso Sea |
Bacon, Francis, philosopher | ca. 1600 | North America |
Baer (or Bähr), C.F., writer | 1762 | Palestine |
Baikie, James, Egyptologist | 1900 | Crete |
Bailly, J.S., astronomer | 18th century | Mongolia and Spitzbergen |
Balch, E.S., explorer | 1900 | Crete |
Ballard, G.W., occultist | 1939 | Island in the Atlantic |
Banning, P.W., occultist | 1924 | Island in the Atlantic |
Barbiero, Flavio, admiral and engineer | 1974 | Antarctica |
Barelli, Roberto, writer | 1992 | Another planet |
Bartoli | 1829 | Political allegory |
Baudelot de Dairval, C.C. | 1729 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bauval, Robert, engineer | 1994 | Island in the Atlantic |
Becman, J.C. | 1680 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bellamy, H.S., writer | 1948 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bérard, Victor, scholar | 1929 | Carthage and Gades |
Berlioux, E.F., geographer | 1874 | Atlas Mountains |
Berlitz, Charles, writer | 1969 | Island in the Atlantic |
Besant, Annie W., occultist | 1897 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bettini, Leonardo, scholar | 1963 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bircherod, Jens | 1683 | America |
Björkman, Edwin, scholar | 1927 | Tartessos |
Blake, William, poet | 18th - 19th century | Island in the Atlantic |
Blavatsky, H.P., occultist | 1888 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bock, J.C. | 1685 | Southern Africa |
Bonev, N., astronomer | 1948 | Island in the Atlantic |
Borchardt, Paul | 1925 | Tunisia |
Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M., naturalist | 1803 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bosco, Joseph, archaeologist | 1922 | Malta |
Braghin, A.P., writer | 1940 | Island in the Atlantic |
Bramwell, J.G., scholar | 1938 | Allegory |
Brosse, R.P.E. | 1892 | Island in the Atlantic |
Brosses, Charles de, antiquarian | 18th century | Island in the Atlantic |
Buache, Philippe | 1752 | Island in the Atlantic |
Buffault, Pierre | 1936 | Island in the Atlantic |
Buffon, G.L. de, naturalist | 1749 | Doubtful existence |
Bunbury, E.H., geographer | 1883 | Fantasy |
Butavand, F. | 1925 | Mediterranean and coasts of Tunisia |
Cadet de Gisancourt, L.C., chemist | 1787 | Island in the Atlantic |
Calahan, H.C., journalist | 1946 | Island in the Atlantic |
Carli, G.R. de, scholar | 1785 | Island in the Atlantic |
Casgha, Jean - Yves, writer | 1981 | Island in the Atlantic |
Castellani, Vittorio, astronomer | 1999 | Extension of the British Isles |
Cayce, Edgard, occultist | 1923 - 1944 | Island in the Atlantic |
Cellarius, Christophe, geographer | 1787 | Island in the Atlantic |
Chatwin, C.P., naturalist | 1940 | Islands in the northern and southern Atlantic |
Churchward, James, writer | 1926 | Island in the Atlantic |
Clymer, R.S., occultist | 1920 | Island in the Atlantic |
Collins, Andrew, writer | 1999 | Greater Antilles |
Cotte, Charles | 1919 | Spain |
Courcelle - Seneuil, J.L. | 1907 | Central France |
Coussin, Paul, scholar | 1928 | Fantasy |
D'Amato, G., scholar | 1924 | Island in the Atlantic |
Dawes, Charles G., banker and philosopher | 1919 | Island in the Atlantic |
Delisle de Sales (J. - B.C. Izouard), historian | 1799 | Caucasus and Western Mediterranean |
Dévigne, Roger, writer | 1924 | Island in the Atlantic |
Diogenes Laertius, biographer | 3rd century | Ethical dialogue |
Dominguez, Manuel, writer | 1994 | Island in the Atlantic |
Donnelly, Ignatius, politician | 1882 | Island in the Atlantic |
Duvillé, Daniel, businessman | 1936 | Island in the Atlantic and Ethiopia |
Elgee, Frank, captain | 1908 | Nigeria |
Engel, Samuel | 1767 | Island in the Atlantic |
Erain, Jean d' | 1914 | Arctic |
Eurenius, Johannes, scholar | 18th century | Palestine |
Fabre d'Olivet, Antoine, writer | 1801 | Western Mediterranean |
Fabricius, J.A., scholar | 17th - 18th century | Palestine |
Fawcett, P.H., explorer | 1925 | Brazil |
Fessenden, R.A., engineer | 1923 | Caucasus |
Philo Judaeus, theologian | 1st century | Island in the Atlantic |
Flem - Ath, Rand and Rose, writers | 1995 | Antarctica |
Fondi, Roberto, geologist | 1980 | Island in the Atlantic |
Forrest, H.E., naturalist | 1933 | Territory that connected Europe and America |
Fortier d'Urban, Marquis de | 1838 | Island in the Atlantic |
Frobenius, Leo, explorer | 1926 | Nigeria |
Frost, K.T., scholar | 1909 | Crete |
Gattefossé, R.M., perfumer | 1919 | Island in the Atlantic |
Gentil, E.L., explorer | 1921 | Morocco and Eastern Mediterranean |
Georg, Eugen, writer | 1931 | Island in the Atlantic |
Germain, M.L. | 1911 | Island in the Atlantic |
Iamblichus, philosopher | 3rd - 4th century | Island in the Atlantic and allegory |
Gidon, F., professor | 1935 | North Sea |
Gilbert, A.G., writer | 1995 | Island in the Atlantic |
Ginguené, P.L., historian | 18th - 19th century | Doubtful existence |
Godron, D.A., botanist | 1868 | Sahara |
Gòmara, F.L. de, historian | 1553 | North America |
Gonzales y Saavedra, FJ. | - | Morocco |
Gorsleben, Rudolf | 1929 | Arctic |
Gosselin | 19th century | Fantasy |
Grave, C.J. de | 1806 | Netherlands |
Hafer | ca. 1745 | East Prussia and the Baltic |
Hancock, Graham, writer | 1995 | Island in the Atlantic/Antarctica |
Harris, T.L., occultist | 1858 | Island in the Atlantic |
Heer, Oscar | 1856 | Island in the Atlantic |
Heer, Oswald, paleobotanist | 1835 | Island in the Atlantic |
Hennig, Richard, historian | 1925 | Tartessos |
Hermann, Albert | 1925 | Tunisia |
Heumann, Fritz, scholar | 18th century | Fantasy |
Hissman | 18th century | Fantasy |
Hope, Murry, writer | 1996 | Island in the Atlantic |
Hörbiger, Hans, engineer | 1913 | Island in the Atlantic |
Hosea, L. M. | 1875 | Island in the Atlantic |
Houvellique, M.L., geologist | 20th century | Island in the Atlantic |
Humboldt, Alexander von, scientist | 1807 | Possibly America |
Humboldt, K.W. von, philosopher | 18th - 19th century | Fantasy with historical bases |
Imbelloni, José, anthropologist | 1942 | Myth |
Jacolliot, Louis, mythologist | 1879 | Continent in the Pacific |
Jessen, Otto, geologist | 1925 | Tartessos |
Jirov, Nikolaj F., chemist | 1964 | Island in the Atlantic |
Jolibois, J.F. | 1843 | Island in the Atlantic |
Jowett, Benjamin, scholar | 1871 | Political allegory |
Jurikov, Viaceslav, academic | 1994 | Aeolian Archipelago |
Kadner, S. | 1931 | Arctic |
Kamienski, M., academic | 1952 - 1956 | Island in the Atlantic |
Karst, Joseph, orientalist | 1930 | North Africa and the Indian Ocean |
Khun de Prorok, Byron, explorer | 1925 | Ahaggar Mountains |
Kircher, Athanasius, scientist | 1665 | Island in the Atlantic |
Kirchmaier, G.K., scholar | 1685 | Southern Africa |
Klaproth, Heinrich - Julius von, orientalist | 1783 - 1835 | Island in the western Mediterranean (Tirrenide) |
Knötel, A.F. | 1893 | Morocco |
Kolosimo, Peter, writer | 1959 | Island in the Atlantic |
Kosmas, geographer | 6th century | Biblical flood |
Krantor (Crantor), philosopher | 4th - 3rd century BC | Island in the Atlantic |
Kruger, Jakob | 19th century | America |
Kushi, Michio, macrobiologist | 1992 | Island in the Atlantic |
La Borde, J.B. de | 1791 | Continent in the southern Pacific that included South America and Australia |
Lagneau, Gustave | 1876 | Morocco |
La Motte le Vayer, Francois de, writer | 18th century | Greenland |
Latreille, P.A., naturalist | 1819 | Political allegory and Iran |
Launay, Louis de | 1936 | Mexico |
Leaf, Walter, scholar | 1915 | Crete |
Lecca, Luciano, scholar | 1987 | Island in the Atlantic |
Le Cour, Paul, professional atlantologist | 1926 | Island in the Atlantic |
Ledru, A.P., traveler | 1810 | Island in the Atlantic |
Leet, L. Don, seismologist | 1948 | Fantasy |
Leonardi, Evelino, writer | 1937 | Italy/Tirrenia |
Le Plongeon, Augustus, doctor | 1896 | Island in the Atlantic |
Leslie, J.B., occultist | 1911 | Island in the Atlantic |
Letronne, A.J., Egyptologist | 19th century | Fantasy |
Luce, J.V., philologist | 1969 | Thera (Santorini) |
Lynch, George | 1925 | Brazil |
MacCulloch, J.R., geographer | 1841 | Central America |
Magoffin, R.V.D., archaeologist | 1929 | Crete |
Mahoudeau, P.G., anthropologist | 1913 | Eastern Mediterranean |
Malaise, René, naturalist | 1951 | Island in the Atlantic |
Mallinkrot, Bernard de | 17th century | Fantasy |
Manzi Michel, occultist | 1922 | Island in the Atlantic |
Mariani, G.M. Stelvio, writer | 1997 | Island in the Atlantic |
Marinatos, Spyridion, archaeologist | 1967 | Thera (Santorini) |
Marque, Bernard | 1933 | North Africa |
Martin, T.H., scholar | 1841 | Fantasy |
Martins, Charles | 1864 | Island in the Atlantic |
Mather, Cotton, theologian | 1721 | Island in the Atlantic |
Matthew, W.D., geologist | 1920 | Fantasy |
Mavor, James, writer | 1996 | Thera (Santorini) |
Mentelle, Edmé | 1787 | Island in the Atlantic |
Mercator, Gerardus, cartographer | 16th century | America |
Mercurio Bennici, Elvira, writer | 1982 | Iceland |
Merezkowski, D.S., novelist | 1931 | Island in the Atlantic |
Miller, R. De W., writer | 1949 | Island in the Atlantic |
Montaigne, M.E. de, philosopher | 16th century | Doubtful existence |
Mortillet, Gabriel de, anthropologist | 1897 | Fantasy |
Muck, Otto H. | 1954 | Island in the Atlantic |
Navarro, L.R. | 1916 | Island in the Atlantic |
Négris, Phocion, geologist | 1924 | Island in the Atlantic |
Numenius, philosopher | 2nd century | Allegory |
Olivier, C.M. | 1726 | Palestine |
Origen Adamantius, theologian | 3rd century | Allegory |
Ortelius, Abraham, cartographer | 16th century | North America |
Oviedo y Valdez, G.F., historian | 1525 | Iraq and Central America |
Paiagua, André de | 1900 | Crimea |
Pauw, C. de | 1768 | Central America |
Perrone, G., scholar | 1928 | Island in the Atlantic |
Phelon, W.P., doctor | 1903 | West Indies |
Pincherle, Mario, engineer | 1978 | Empire of Sargon and allegorical abstraction of Eden |
Pitoni, Angelo, explorer | 1996 | Island in the Atlantic |
Pliny the Elder, encyclopedist | 1st century | Doubtful existence |
Plutarch, biographer | 1st - 2nd century | Doubtful existence |
Pollet, Marcel | 1923 | Belgium and Netherlands |
Porphyry, philosopher | 3rd century | Allegory |
Posidonius, philosopher | 2nd - 1st century BC | Island in the Atlantic |
Postel, Guillaume de | 16th century | North America |
Proclus Lycaeus, philosopher | 5th century | Island in the Atlantic and allegory |
Prutz, R.E., poet | 1855 | North America |
Ralinesque, C.S., naturalist | 1836 | America |
Rayn, C.I., von, occultist | 1937 | Island in the Atlantic |
Raynal, G.T. F., historian | 1775 | Island in the Atlantic |
Reclus, Onésime | 1918 | North Africa |
Rienzi, G.L.D. de | 1832 | Island in the Atlantic |
Rosny, Léon de | 1875 | Central America |
Roux, Cloudius, librarian | 1926 | Sahara |
Rudbeck, Olof, scholar | 1675 | Sweden |
Russo, N., scholar | 1929 | Tyrrhenia (Tuscan Archipelago) |
Rutot, A.L., geologist | 1920 | Morocco |
Sanson, Guillaume, cartographer | 1689 | North America |
Saurat, Denis, writer | 1954 | Island in the Atlantic |
Schliemann, Heinrich, archaeologist | 19th century | Doubtful existence |
Schliemann, Paul, writer | 1912 | Island in the Atlantic |
Schuchert, Charles, geologist | 1917 | Fantasy |
Schulten, Adolf, archaeologist | 1922 | Tartessos |
Scott - Elliot, W., occultist | 1896 | Island in the Atlantic |
Serranus (Jean de Serres), scholar | 1570 | Biblical flood, Palestine |
Silbermann, Otto | 1930 | North Africa |
Sinnett, A.P., occultist | 1884 | Island in the Atlantic |
Syrianus, philosopher | 5th century | Island in the Atlantic and allegory |
Smith, William, scholar | 1857 | Fantasy |
Snider - Pellegrine, Antoine | 1859 | Brazil |
Spanuth, Jürgen | 1953 | North Sea |
Spedicato, Emilio, mathematician | 1990 | Island in the Atlantic |
Spence, Lewis, mythologist | 1924 | Island in the Atlantic |
Sprague De Camp, L., novelist | 1948 | Fantasy |
Stacy - Judd, R.B., architect | 1939 | Island in the Atlantic |
Steiner, Rudolf, occultist | 1923 | Island in the Atlantic |
Stewart, J.A., scholar | 1905 | Political allegory |
Strabo, geographer | 1st century BC | Doubtful existence |
Susemihl, Franz, scholar | ca. 1850 | Fantasy |
Swan, John, scholar | 1644 | Island in the Atlantic or extension of America |
Sykes, Egerton, scholar | 1949 | Island in the Atlantic |
Taylor, A.E., scholar | 1929 | Fantasy |
Termier, Pierre, geologist | 1912 | Island in the Atlantic |
Tertullian, theologian | 2nd - 3rd century | Island in the Atlantic |
Tiedemann, Dietrich, historian | 18th century | Fantasy |
Tournefort, J.P. de, botanist | 1717 | Island in the Atlantic |
Ukert, F.A., geographer | 19th century | Fantasy |
Unger, Franz, botanist | 1860 | Island in the Atlantic |
Vaillant, G.C., americanist | 1944 | Fantasy |
Valeri, Silvio, chemist | 1989 | Island in the Atlantic |
Van - Eys | 18th century | Palestine |
Vangoudy, Robert de, cartographer | 1769 | North America |
Vasse, G.G. de | 19th century | Malta |
Verdaguer, Jacinto, poet | 19th century | Catalonia |
Verneau, René, anthropologist | 1888 | Fantasy |
Vibert, Théodor | 1883 | America |
Vigers, Daphne, occultist | 1944 | Island in the Atlantic |
Vivarez, Mario | 1925 | Morocco |
Voltaire, F.M. Arouet de, philosopher | 18th century | Doubtful existence |
Wallace, W.B. | 1899 | Territory that connected Europe and America |
Warren, W.F., scholar | 1885 | Continent at the North Pole |
Wegener, A.L., meteorologist | 1924 | North America |
Wencker - Wildberg, Friedrich, historian | 1925 | Island in the Atlantic |
Whishaw, E.M., archaeologist | 1929 | Island in the Atlantic |
Wilford, Francis, officer | 1805 | British Archipelago |
Wilkins, H.T., writer | 1946 | Island in the Atlantic |
Williamson, George H., writer | 1959 | Island in the Atlantic |
Wilson, Colin, writer | 1996 | Island in the Atlantic |
Wilson, Daniel, ethnologist | 1886 | Fantasy |
Wirth, H.F., writer | 20th century | Arctic |
Zichichi, Antonino, physicist | 1993 | Island in the Atlantic |
Zink, David, explorer | 1978 | Island in the Atlantic |
Zschaetzsch, K.C., writer | 1922 | Island in the Atlantic |