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1.6: Using the CD-ROM

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 · 4 weeks ago

So you've managed to make it this far in this tutorial series and have wrapped your head around uploading textures to VRAM, drawing sprite primitives with the GPU, handling controller input and rotating sprites using fixed-point integer math, you should be good to go at making a simple game with the knowledge you've gained so far. However, there's one more thing to learn that's very important to know in this endeavor before going forward and that is using the CD-ROM.

The most obvious use of the CD-ROM drive on the PlayStation is, well, to load data files from of course. Such files range from texture images, to level data and even your program executable that the console loads during the boot process. You can only go so far by including resources into your PS-EXE as the console only has 2 megabytes worth of RAM, and more importantly, they take up memory space that cannot be reclaimed even when they are no longer needed (ie. texture images).

This chapter goes over the basic usage and operation of the CD-ROM library for reading files from the CD-ROM.

Compatible with PSn00bSDK: Yes

Tutorial Index

  • Workings of the CD-ROM
  • Ways of Accessing the CD-ROM
  • Using the CD-ROM Library
  • Implementation
  • Creating the CD Image

Workings of the CD-ROM

Before going into the know-abouts on using the CD-ROM we shall first look into a brief explanation of how the CD-ROM format works, as understanding some of the inner workings of the format will aid you greatly in understanding the CD-ROM drive as you develop software for the PlayStation.

CD-ROM Structure

A CD-ROM typically consists of a Table-of-Contents or TOC and a huge spiral track that spans the entire surface of the disc containing sectors of binary data running along the track. The TOC contains information about the location of tracks written on the disc, their pregap and their type of track, a track in this case being the track number to your favorite song in a music CD. The TOC would also contain information of the next writable location in multi-session discs, which would in turn contain another TOC of the next session but this only really applies to CD-R discs.

PlayStation game discs typically contain only one track, with the exception of games, usually early titles, using Red Book CD Audio tracks for music immediately after the first data track of the disc.

CD-ROM Sectors

A CD-ROM sector is a small data block of 2352 bytes but this only applies to plain CD audio tracks, as the usable sector size is reduced to 2048 bytes for data storage (ie. files). The remaining space of the CD-ROM sector is taken up by sync and address bytes used to allow for precise logical block addressing of the disc, alongside error detection and correcting codes to help maintain data integrity of each data sector. This sector format is known as Mode1, with a similar format used by the PlayStation being Mode2/Form1 from the CD-ROM XA specification as used by the Philips CD-i.

As far as the PlayStation is concerned, the console only reads the data part of the sector on data reads, with the sync/address and EDC/ECC correction handled transparently by the hardware unless instructed to ignore EDC/ECC correction on data reads or to read whole sectors including their EDC/ECC data.

CD-ROM XA Extensions

As the PlayStation inherits the CD-ROM XA features from the CD-i as Sony co-developed the Green Book standard with Philips, the console supports playing back of special ADPCOM compressed audio tracks, most commonly known as XA audio.

XA audio are basically special audio tracks compressed using ADPCM, with a maximum sample rate of 37.8KHz mono or stereo. Unlike regular Red Book CD Audio tracks XA audio tracks are interleaved with eight different audio tracks at once (the interleave can be doubled, tripled and quadrupled by using mono and/or 18.9KHz sample rate) and is played at double the speed of plain CD Audio. However, the hardware only supports playing one audio channel at a time.

This has some advantages, for one the drive does not need to change speed when going from audio playback to data reading which can help improve load times. Secondly, XA audio tracks take up less space overall especially when the XA audio data is laid out properly (ie. all audio channels are of roughly the same length to one another). Thirdly, XA audio data can be interleaved with data sectors, and is used for video playback. The Data/XA Audio interleave also explains why some files on a PlayStation game disc (usually .STR video files) cannot be accessed directly under most computer operating systems, usually resulting in read errors.

However, XA audio has one downside and that is it tends to skip during normal playback more than when playing back regular CD Audio tracks.

There is one more feature of XA audio that's seldom used and that is channel switching during playback. This would be useful for adding dynamic music to a game by switching to different channels of different tangents of a level theme depending on the area the player is currently at. One game that makes use of this feature is Klonoa: Door to Phantomile.

The 650MB Limit

Even though the PlayStation can read 700MB discs it cannot read more than 650MB of the disc as the console's CD-ROM controller does not take larger discs into account, as the console was designed before such discs ever existed and the original CD-ROM specification specifies 650MB as the standard capacity.

Ways of Accessing the CD-ROM

There are two possible methods for accessing the CD-ROM of the PlayStation that will work on both PsyQ/Programmer's Tool and PSn00bSDK. The first method and one that is seldom used is the CD-ROM functions included in the console's BIOS, which consists of calling _96_init() to initialize the BIOS CD-ROM subsystem and using the BIOS file I/O functions such as open() and read() with the cdrom: device name. Whilst this method is technically the most efficient option as it does not introduce any code overhead to your PlayStation project as the functions already reside in the console itself, the BIOS CD-ROM functions are rather limited and in a good number of cases, unstable.

For one, calling _96_init() clears all but the DMA channel for the CD-ROM controller, breaking the GPU library unless you call the function before ResetGraph(). The BIOS functions are also quite slow and does not support asynchronous reads, even though the hardware itself clearly supports such operations. It does not even support playing CD Audio nor XA audio tracks directly, so a different method is often most desired.

The other, more preferable method is to use the CD-ROM library called libcd in PsyQ/Programmer's Tool and psxcd in PSn00bSDK respectively. Not only is it faster and more stable than the BIOS CD-ROM functions at the cost of some overhead, but it also offers greater control of the CD-ROM hardware as well. Playing CD Audio and XA audio included.

Using the CD-ROM Library

Using the CD-ROM library is quite simple in principle. The first thing to be done is to initialize the CD-ROM library by calling the function CdInit(). This function not only initializes the CD-ROM hardware but also the CD-ROM library itself.

Initializing the CD-ROM

After calling ResetGraph() in your init routine you can then call CdInit() to initialize the CD-ROM library.

int CdInit(void)

The behavior of this function is very identical in both SDKs, but the PsyQ/Programmers Tool implementation insists that a CD must be inserted otherwise the function will output a lot of error messages to stdout and fail to initialize. PSn00bSDK's implementation does not throw errors when no disc is inserted, as it is written with utility style programs that don't always need to read the disc in mind.

After calling this function, all CD-ROM functions exposed by the library should be usable.

Locating a File

Now that the CD-ROM library is initialized the next step is to locate a file on the disc to be read. Unlike the BIOS CD-ROM functions, the CD-ROM library does not have a concept of file handles and instead, files are read directly from their logical position on the disc. Conveniently, no files on a CD-ROM are fragmented so file read operations from the CD-ROM are quite simple and pretty straight forward.

Locating a file on the disc is done by using CdSearchFile().

CdlFILE* CdSearchFile(const char *filename, CdlFILE *loc)

This function will search the CD-ROM file system for the file specified by filename and stores information about the file, such as it's logical position and file size, to a CdlFILE struct specified by loc. This information is all we need to read a file from the disc. The file name must contain an absolute path from the root directory of the disc as the CD-ROM library has no concept of current directories. The file path must additionally end with a file version identifier, usually ;1.

The return value is just a pointer to the struct specified by loc, but NULL is returned if the file name specified does not exist.

Reading a File

Now that the file we want to read has been located, the next logical step is to read it's contents. This is done by using two CD-ROM functions; CdControl() and CdRead().

CdControl() is kind of a multi-purpose function as it is used to issue raw commands directly to the console's CD-ROM controller and can be used to make the controller do all kinds of things including CD audio playback, but this will be covered in greater detail at a later chapter.

For this instance, we'll be using CdControl() to issue a CdlSetloc command to the CD-ROM controller with the location of the file we just located.

int CdControl(u_char com, u_char *param, u_char *result);

com specifies the command to be issued (CdlSetloc in this case) while param should be a pointer to the loc element in the CdlFILE struct we obtained from the CdSearchFile() call earlier. result can be ignored in this instance so NULL can be specified for that argument. result is where return data from the CD-ROM controller would be stored to if a small buffer is specified.

The reason we must issue a CdlSetloc command is it sets the target location for a read, seek or play operation. The CD-ROM hardware does not yet move it's optical pickup when CdlSetloc is issued alone, seeking only occurs when either of the aforementioned disc operations have been issued and that a target location set by issuing CdlSetloc was set prior.

And finally, we can now start a read operation by calling the CdRead() function.

int CdRead(int sectors, unsigned int *buf, int mode)

As the name says it all, this function starts a data read operation from the disc starting from the logical position specified by a previously issued CdlSetloc command. sectors specifies the number of sectors to read from the disc, the exact number can be determined by taking the size field in the CdlFILE struct, adding it by 2047 then divide by 2048. More will be explained why it had to be computed that way later. The sectors read are then stored to buf, which must point to a buffer large enough to contain all the sectors to be read. mode specifies the CD-ROM mode to use for the read operation, usually CdlModeSpeed is needed for all file read operations so data is read at full speed.

If you haven't guessed from the brief explanation of the operation of CD-ROMs earlier in this chapter, each sector is 2048 bytes long. And because CdRead() only reads in sector units you can only read data in multiples of 2048 bytes. The logical position of files stored on the CD-ROM are also addressed in multiples of 2048 bytes.

The BIOS CD-ROM functions are also limited to reading files in units of 2048 bytes and file seeks are limited to multiples of 2048 bytes as well. Because of this, it is much faster to just load the entirety of a file into memory and parse the file from there, especially as performing several small seeks and read operations would be quite slow, even moreso as the PlayStation's CD-ROM hardware doesn't have very fast access times.

Once CdRead() has been called and the PlayStation's optical pickup seeks to the file's location and begins reading data, the memory buffer specified for buf should start filling with data from the file being read. However, the CdRead() function finishes almost immediately and the buffer may not yet contain the file you're reading yet, so another step is required to make sure the buffer is filled with all the contents of the file you want to load.

int CdReadSync(int mode, unsigned char *result)

This function will wait until the CdRead() operation is actually completed if mode is set to zero. If it is non-zero the function returns the number of sectors remaining in the read operation. This is useful if you want to have a animated loading screen or some such. If a buffer is specified in result the most recent CD-ROM status is written to that buffer, but it can be left NULL if not needed.

The asynchronous nature of the CdRead() function may be utilized for implemented animated loading screens and such.

Finished Routine

With all that taken in, a simple CD-ROM read routine should like this.

CdlFILE filePos; 
int numsecs;
char *buff;

/* locate the file on the CD */
if( CdSearchFile( &filePos, "\\TEXTURE.TIM;1" ) == NULL )
/* print error message if file not found */
printf( "File was not found." );
/* calculate number of sectors to read for the file */
numsecs = (filePos.size+2047)/2048;

/* allocate buffer for the file */
buff = (char*)malloc( 2048*numsecs );

/* set read target to the file */
CdControl( CdlSetloc, (u_char*)&filePos.loc, 0 );

/* start read operation */
CdRead( numsecs, (u_long*)buff, CdlModeSpeed );

/* wait until the read operation is complete */
CdReadSync( 0, 0 );

You may notice that the file size has to be incremented by 2047 then divided by 2048. This is to make sure that the sector count calculated would cover the entirety of a file that is not a perfect multiple of 2048 bytes. If the file to be read were like 1536 bytes, the whole file would be read as one whole sector with the excess bytes being nothing more but padding.

You also have to remember that data reads from the CD are still multiples of 2048 bytes, so the read buffer must be allocated in multiples of 2048 bytes to avoid buffer overflow bugs, which would in turn trash the memory heap.


To keep things simple we'll just implement it on top of the exisitng sample program from the last chapter. Basically instead of reading the sample texture from an array we'll load the texture file from the CD-ROM. This can be quickly implemented by implementing our CD-ROM file read routine as a nice little function.

char *loadfile( const char *filename ) 
CdlFILE filePos;
int numsecs;
char *buff;

buff = NULL;

/* locate the file on the CD */
if( CdSearchFile( filename, &filePos ) == NULL )
/* print error message if file not found */
printf( "%s not found.", filename );
/* calculate number of sectors to read for the file */
numsecs = (filePos.size+2047)/2048;

/* allocate buffer for the file (replace with malloc3() for PsyQ) */
buff = (char*)malloc( 2048*numsecs );

/* set read target to the file */
CdControl( CdlSetloc, (u_char*)&filePos.loc, 0 );

/* start read operation */
CdRead( numsecs, (u_long*)buff, CdlModeSpeed );

/* wait until the read operation is complete */
CdReadSync( 0, 0 );

return( buff );

} /* loadfile */

The sample program from the last chapter will be used to demonstrate the usage of the function, to load the texture image from CD rather than loading from an array. The ever growing sample program should be like this. Tweak the code as you see fit to make it work with the SDK you're using.

#include <sys/types.h>	// This provides typedefs needed by libgte.h and libgpu.h 
#include <stdio.h> // Not necessary but include it anyway
#include <psxetc.h> // Includes some functions that controls the display
#include <psxgte.h> // GTE header, not really used but libgpu.h depends on it
#include <psxgpu.h> // GPU library header
#include <psxapi.h>

#define OTLEN 8 // Ordering table length (recommended to set as a define
// so it can be changed easily)

DISPENV disp[2]; // Display/drawing buffer parameters
DRAWENV draw[2];
int db = 0;

// PSn00bSDK requires having all u_long types replaced with
// u_int, as u_long in modern GCC that PSn00bSDK uses defines it as a 64-bit integer.

u_int ot[2][OTLEN]; // Ordering table length
char pribuff[2][32768]; // Primitive buffer
char *nextpri; // Next primitive pointer

int tim_mode; // TIM image parameters
RECT tim_prect,tim_crect;
int tim_uoffs,tim_voffs;

// Pad stuff
#define PAD_SELECT 1
#define PAD_L3 2
#define PAD_R3 4
#define PAD_START 8
#define PAD_UP 16
#define PAD_RIGHT 32
#define PAD_DOWN 64
#define PAD_LEFT 128
#define PAD_L2 256
#define PAD_R2 512
#define PAD_L1 1024
#define PAD_R1 2048
#define PAD_TRIANGLE 4096
#define PAD_CIRCLE 8192
#define PAD_CROSS 16384
#define PAD_SQUARE 32768

typedef struct _PADTYPE
unsigned char stat;
unsigned char len:4;
unsigned char type:4;
unsigned short btn;
unsigned char rs_x,rs_y;
unsigned char ls_x,ls_y;

u_char padbuff[2][34];

// For the player triangle
SVECTOR player_tri[] = {
{ 0, -20, 0 },
{ 10, 20, 0 },
{ -10, 20, 0 }

void display() {

DrawSync(0); // Wait for any graphics processing to finish

VSync(0); // Wait for vertical retrace

PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); // Apply the DISPENV/DRAWENVs

SetDispMask(1); // Enable the display

DrawOTag(ot[db]+OTLEN-1); // Draw the ordering table

db = !db; // Swap buffers on every pass (alternates between 1 and 0)
nextpri = pribuff[db]; // Reset next primitive pointer


// CD loading function
char *loadfile( const char *filename )
CdlFILE filePos;
int numsecs;
char *buff;

buff = NULL;

/* locate the file on the CD */
if( CdSearchFile( filename, &filePos ) == NULL )
/* print error message if file not found */
printf( "%s not found.", filename );
/* calculate number of sectors to read for the file */
numsecs = (filePos.size+2047)/2048;

/* allocate buffer for the file (replace with malloc3() for PsyQ) */
buff = (char*)malloc( 2048*numsecs );

/* set read target to the file */
CdControl( CdlSetloc, (u_char*)&filePos.loc, 0 );

/* start read operation */
CdRead( numsecs, (u_long*)buff, CdlModeSpeed );

/* wait until the read operation is complete */
CdReadSync( 0, 0 );

return( buff );

} /* loadfile */

// Texture upload function
void LoadTexture(u_int *tim, TIM_IMAGE *tparam) {

// Read TIM parameters (PsyQ)

// Read TIM parameters (PSn00bSDK)
GetTimInfo(tim, tparam);

// Upload pixel data to framebuffer
LoadImage(tparam->prect, tparam->paddr);

// Upload CLUT to framebuffer if present
if( tparam->mode & 0x8 ) {

LoadImage(tparam->crect, tparam->caddr);



void loadstuff(void) {

TIM_IMAGE my_image; // TIM image parameters
u_int *filebuff; // Pointer for the file loaded from the disc

if( filebuff = (u_int*)loadfile( "\\TEXTURE.TIM;1" ) )
// On successful file read, load the texture to VRAM
LoadTexture(tim_my_image, &my_image);

// Copy the TIM coordinates
tim_prect = *my_image.prect;
tim_crect = *my_image.crect;
tim_mode = my_image.mode;

// Calculate U,V offset for TIMs that are not page aligned
tim_uoffs = (tim_prect.x%64)<<(2-(tim_mode&0x3));
tim_voffs = (tim_prect.y&0xff);

// Free the file buffer
free( filebuff );
// Output error text that the image failed to load
printf( "Error: TEXTURE.TIM file not found.\n" );

// To make main look tidy, init stuff has to be moved here
void init(void) {

// Reset graphics

// Initialize the CD-ROM library

// First buffer
SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0, 320, 240);
SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[0], 0, 240, 320, 240);
// Second buffer
SetDefDispEnv(&disp[1], 0, 240, 320, 240);
SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0, 320, 240);

draw[0].isbg = 1; // Enable clear
setRGB0(&draw[0], 63, 0, 127); // Set clear color (dark purple)
draw[1].isbg = 1;
setRGB0(&draw[1], 63, 0, 127);

nextpri = pribuff[0]; // Set initial primitive pointer address

// load textures and possibly other stuff

// set tpage of lone texture as initial tpage
draw[0].tpage = getTPage( tim_mode&0x3, 0, tim_prect.x, tim_prect.y );
draw[1].tpage = getTPage( tim_mode&0x3, 0, tim_prect.x, tim_prect.y );

// apply initial drawing environment

// Initialize the pads
InitPAD( padbuff[0], 34, padbuff[1], 34 );

// Begin polling

// To avoid VSync Timeout error, may not be defined in PsyQ
ChangeClearPAD( 1 );

// Load the font texture on the upper-right corner of the VRAM
FntLoad( 960, 0 );

// Define a font window of 100 characters covering the whole screen
FntOpen( 0, 8, 320, 224, 0, 100 );


int main() {

int i;
int pos_x,pos_y,angle;
POLY_F3 *tri;

TILE *tile; // Pointer for TILE
SPRT *sprt; // Pointer for SPRT

// Init stuff

pos_x = ONE*(disp[0].disp.w>>1);
pos_y = ONE*(disp[0].disp.h>>1);
angle = 0;

while(1) {

// Parse controller input
pad = (PADTYPE*)padbuff[0];

// Only parse inputs when a controller is connected
if( pad->stat == 0 )
// Only parse when a digital pad,
// dual-analog and dual-shock is connected
if( ( pad->type == 0x4 ) ||
( pad->type == 0x5 ) ||
( pad->type == 0x7 ) )
if( !(pad->btn&PAD_UP) ) // test UP
pos_x += csin( angle );
pos_y -= ccos( angle );
else if( !(pad->btn&PAD_DOWN) ) // test DOWN
pos_x -= csin( angle );
pos_y += ccos( angle );
if( !(pad->btn&PAD_LEFT) ) // test LEFT
angle -= 16;
else if( !(pad->btn&PAD_RIGHT) ) // test RIGHT
angle += 16;

ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN); // Clear ordering table

// Rotate the triangle coordinates based on the player's angle
// as well as apply the position
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
v[i].vx = (((player_tri[i].vx*icos( angle ))
-(player_tri[i].vy*csin( angle )))>>12)+(pos_x>>12);
v[i].vy = (((player_tri[i].vy*icos( angle ))
+(player_tri[i].vx*csin( angle )))>>12)+(pos_y>>12);

// Sort the player triangle
tri = (POLY_F3*)nextpri;
setPolyF3( tri );
setRGB0( tri, 255, 255, 0 );
setXY3( tri,
v[0].vx, v[0].vy,
v[1].vx, v[1].vy,
v[2].vx, v[2].vy );
addPrim( ot[db], tri );
nextpri += sizeof(POLY_F3);

// Print player coordinates
FntPrint( -1, "POS_X=%d (%d.%d)\n", pos_x, (pos_x>>12), (pos_x&0xfff) );
FntPrint( -1, "POS_Y=%d (%d.%d)\n", pos_y, (pos_y>>12), (pos_y&0xfff) );
FntPrint( -1, "ANGLE=%d\n", angle );

// Draw and flush the character buffer
FntFlush( -1 );

// Update the display


return 0;

Creating the CD Image

Once you've got the code above compiled it won't do jack for now as it doesn't yet have a CD to read the texture file from. This is where disc image creation comes to play in this chapter.

In the old days, the only preferred way to create PlayStation CD images was with the old, MS-DOS based BUILDCD tool from the old leaked PsyQ SDK dump. This tool is quite difficult to use on modern computers these days largely due to being a 16-bit MS-DOS program, and while Dosbox can be used to get it going on a modern machine it is not exactly ideal, not to mention is very slow.

To make image creation even more tedious with the old BUILDCD method the resulting image file is of a special format intended for early CD burners and special disc cutters, so another tool called STRIPISO is used to convert the image file to that of a usable file format. However, the conversion process does not convert the Table-of-Contents data produced by BUILDCD as well, so having multiple tracks in the disc image was not possible with this method.

While other, more conventional means of disc image creation like MKISOFS would work, it is not exactly ideal for projects that use XA audio or streaming data which require support for mixed Mode2/Form1 and Mode2/Form2 not supported by MKISOFS so you'd be stuck with having to use BUILDCD in the old days. Well... That is until MKPSXISO by yours truly came about, solving this disc image creation dilemma in the PlayStation homebrew scene once and for all. Said tool was so useful that it got used quite extensively around ROM hacking and game translation groups... Or so I heard.

Creating a MKPSXISO Script

Kind of like BUILDCD, MKPSXISO uses a simple script system to define the contents and layout of a CD image. However, it uses a XML based format similar to that you'd find in HTML webpage files, of which, in of itself is quite simple especially if you use a good text editor such as Notepad++ or nedit.

The following is a link to a sample XML script for this tutorial. You must save the link as a file as otherwise your browser's going to treat it as a web page. The file also contains comments that explains the usage of the XML file.
MKPSXISO Sample ScriptThe script file assumes that the above C program is compiled as cdread.exe.

Creating the SYSTEM.CNF File

Before the ISO image can be created, a SYSTEM.CNF file must be created and is a standard requirement for PlayStation game discs to include. The SYSTEM.CNF file is a simple text file that defines a few parameters. The most important being the BOOT variable.


The parameters that immediately follow it TCB, EVENT and STACK are special parameters that change the way how the kernel is set up for the game. The parameters in the sample script are typical values used in most games, so they can be left alone.

Save the text file as SYSTEM.TXT as the script provided will rename it as SYSTEM.CNF as the disc image gets created. This is done so that editing the CNF file is made easier when need-be, such as changing the executable name.

Creating the disc image

Building the disc image with MKPSXISO is just a matter of simply invoking it from the command line with the XML script as the argument.

mkpsxiso mkpsxiso-sample.xml

If things go accordingly you should end up with a BIN/CUE image pair named cdtutorial. Run the disc image in your preferred emulator and the program from the last tutorial should work now, only there's now a slight delay from loading data from the disc.

1.6: Using the CD-ROM
Pin it


Hopefully this chapter has cleared up a lot of things in regards to reading data from the CD, something I feel is still not explained very well. But then I haven't really kept up with the PlayStation homebrew scene in a very long while. In the future, stuff like CD Audio and XA audio playback will be covered.

And this concludes the basics chapter of this tutorial series, and if you've managed to reach this far after reading the first few chapters you should be able to do quite a bit with 2D stuff on the console now... Provided you managed to absorb it all.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!-- The above element is not required, but it doesn't hurt to have it -->

<!-- To build an ISO image from this XML file, simply run MKPSXISO in -->
<!-- the command line with this file as the first argument: -->

<!-- mkpsxiso mkpsxiso-sample.xml -->

<!-- The following element defines an ISO project -->
<!-- Attribute names should be pretty self-explanatory -->
<!-- Cue sheet is not required if CD audio tracks are not defined -->
<iso_project image_name="cdtutorial.bin" cue_sheet="cdtutorial.cue">

<!-- This track element defines a track on the CD image, -->
<!-- whether it is a data track or an audio track. -->
<!-- For this tutorial, only a single data track will be defined. -->
<track type="data">

<!-- The following element defines some identifiers to the disc -->
<!-- image. The first two identifiers are mandatory and must -->
<!-- always contain the text PLAYSTATION. All other identifiers -->
<!-- are optional and can be modified. -->
application ="PLAYSTATION"
volume ="CDTUTORIAL"
volume_set ="CDTUTORIAL"
publisher ="ME"
copyright ="COPYLEFT"

<!-- The following element defines the license file to inject -->
<!-- into the disc image, which is required on some earlier -->
<!-- console revisions that check the license data area, -->
<!-- but you still need a modchip to boot CD-Rs on all consoles. -->
<!-- MKPSXISO expects the raw .DAT files found in the PsyQ -->
<!-- SDK directory in PS\CDGEN\LCNSFILE. This is optional if you -->
<!-- intend to run this sample in emulators. -->
<license file="licensea.dat"/>

<!-- This element defines the contents and directory structure -->
<!-- of the disc image. For this tutorial no directories will be -->
<!-- defined and only a .CNF file and the program executable are -->
<!-- included into the CD. -->

<!-- The file element defines a file to be included into the -->
<!-- disc image. As you can see, the source file can be -->
<!-- renamed with the name attribute. -->
<file name="system.cnf" type="data" source="system.txt"/>

<!-- For this element, the source attribute can be omitted -->
<!-- provided the name attribute is defined. -->
<file name="cdread.exe" type="data">

<!-- Lastly, some dummy sectors must always be placed at the -->
<!-- end of the disc image. It must be a pretty large one to -->
<!-- make sure the console does not go run-away when it -->
<!-- reaches the end of the track -->
<dummy sectors="1024"/>




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