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The Lady in the Radiator 2.5 (ASCII version)

TTTTTTTTTT HH HH EEEEEEE lady in the radiator 2.5
TT HH HH EE lady in the radiator 2.5
TT HHHHHHHH EEEEEEE lady in the radiator 2.5
TT HH HH EE lady in the radiator 2.5
TT HH HH EE lady in the radiator 2.5
TT HH HH EEEEEEE lady in the radiator 2.5
EARLY 1995
This is a zine from Colorado that I help make. Its called
the lady in the radiator. If your a big David Lynch fan you might be able
to figure out where we got the title. Anyways this issue was made in
pagemaker 5. And outputed at 300 dpi. If you want a printed copy send
a stamp and envelope to
1260 Moore Street
Lakewood Colorado, USA 80215
If anyone wants to submit something or tell me where I can stick the
Pagemaker file so more people can enjoy it E-mail me at
Have fun. And don't forget to wear seat belt! ___nohj___
As you can see, we have gone to computer layout for this issue. This probably
won't be permanent because we have grown a bit attached to the cut and paste
layout method. Most likely, we will use the computer for effects like this
(layering text over an image), half toning pictures, and fonts. As usual, a
lot has gone on in our lives and we've been exceptionally lazy (my excuse for
the delay between issues). Issue #3 will be an enormous thing that you will
like. We are trying to organize an informal meeting of everyone involved in
underground publishing, so if you or someone you know is a publisher or
contributor, we'd like your input on where, when and how something like this
could be accomplished. You can leave your input on the sideview voice board
(pg10). We decided we liked the idea of half issues, and we had a bunch of
material and a new guy with a computer (Nohj), so here you go, the lady in
the radiator issue two and a half. -gross
/ \
---/ UNTITLED (guppy lupus) \---
The Mustang's engine screamed down the deserted interstate.
Golden spheres swirled next to Sigtryggur's head.
A radiator fell from the sky and smashed into the windshield,
throwing glass through Sigi's lip. He began to sweat heavily.
This was a very bad idea.
He hadn't noticed the glass in his lip until the sweat reached the wound.
Sigi's eyes clapped shut and he began to claw frantically at the swollen mess
below his nose. Removing his hands from the wheel allowed the Mustang to
pull itself and it's victim over the edge of a bridge, the bottom being his
eternal home.
stumbling drunk through storm drains and always finding smaller passages.
puddles laugh and make me feel small. only reflections of my regret.
false euphoria leads me astray to a point in the tunnel where I get down on
my chest, face in shit, crawl through in order to reach the other tunnel
KISSING (rob christopher)
Black and blue.
Linking through fallen veins.
On the unearthed anniversary of your death.
One moment later
Then stopping.
|Yes, another issue of tlitr. As you can see, we have tried||||||||||||
|to do this on a computer. We have been given a whole |||||
|bunch of Brian Marsland's stuff to print and I am very ||||||||||||
|happy because he's really good. He has lots of stuff for |||||
|you, so write to: ||||||||||||
|BRIAN MARSLAND |||||||||||
|PO Box 6 ||||||||
|Tempe, AZ 85280 |||||||||||||
| |||||||||
|We've also received ||
|comics by Owl Newman, ||||||||||||
|who says in the theme of ||||||||
|"Influences" is expressed |||||
|in the following poem. ||||||||||
|"Influencing each other, ||||||||
|two visions change and grow. |||||||||||||
|Who will be stronger, ||
|good heavens only know." |||||||||||
glazed bars flowed like lust. WANT. sweat by myself. the scent of burning paint.
you never promised this, like you promised me. by the time i realized what was
missing, the smell of burning paint. one of those days when you can cry and no
one sees, because it's raining. i'm not sure if i'm even worth crying for, at
least i don't feel like crying! POUND POUND POUND it pounds on me, pounding
like gears and pins and bars and clothes and girls and machines and lifeless
and fields.
If I were about to say I have found a thing worth doing.
Artistic expression can only take you so far.
After this you'll realize you don't have anything to say.
On the morning of January the second, a battleship grey Plymouth fell from
the sky and crushed Henry Lucas on his way to work.
/BUS\ ___
\___/ --- [o o]
| { } [ ]
| [ - - ] [_o_]
| [ o ] bla bla bla _|_ bla bla bla
_______|______[_]_____________________/ \_____________________________________
MAN#1: Ma, um, as, um, this (word), means spiritually and body, together, to
it, (word)...
MAN#2: Spiritually....spirits.
MAN#1: Spirits, spirits of not so important persons, (word), only a mountain
man, like you, you're a mountain man. A little mountain man, that's what he
is. He's OK, you know, he's a national socialism. I told him the mistake of
national socialism economics. Economically, it was that that...
MAN#2: But it, there, there was, there's much oppression. It's not a true
agreement, though. Whatever my belief really is, it's all the same
oppression of communism, national socialism, Nazism, and fuckin', you know
Islam. It's all oppression of religion, you know, jeeze, you know, when you
stop believing in them. (words)...
MAN#1: In technological...
MAN#2: But they're the cause of all this...
MAN#1: In technological world...
MAN#2: ...Oppression, you know.
MAN#1: In technological world God has to live forever. Not, not only because
he is a leader...
MAN#2: But God, he exists in the rising sun.
MAN#1: Rising sun.
MAN#2: The rising sun of God is real. That is God. Of the infinite, you
know. But that's the only face you see of God is the sun itself when you
look up in the sky with the rising sun, you know. But you don't see you
can't sit and talk with God like we are sitting together talking about the
oppression of the human race, you know, and their different beliefs, you
GROSS: Well, there's prayer. (CONT.)
ZiNeS from Colorado State in the USA
PO BOX 6911 DENVER, CO 80206
PO BOX 505 ARVADA, CO 80001-505
PO BOX 3486 LITTLETON, CO 80161-3486
6135 UTICA ST. ARVADA, CO 80003
PO BOX 480521 DENVER, CO 80248-0521
VOICE BOARD: (303) 607-7585
o ========= survival research labs
| | \
Survival Research Laboratories
The Will to Provoke: An account of fantastic schemes for initiating social improvements
We like this video but we hate reviews so we've just reprinted the
information on the box.
Survival Research Laboratories was founded in 1979 by Mark Pauline and has
operated as an organization of creative technicians dedicated to exploring
the potential for redirecting the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry
and science away from their typical manifestations in practicality or
product. Since 1979 SRL has staged 31 mechanical presentations throughout
the United States before this first foray overseas. Each performance consists
of a unique set of ritualized interactions between machines, robots and
special effect devices with humans present only as operators or audience.
This is a documentary concerning Survival Research Laboratories' 1988
European tour. SRL ferrets out and gleefully satirizes assorted icons of
cultural pride in two of Europe's more allegedly libertarian social
democracies, Holland and Denmark. (used without permission)