The Mysterious Phenomenon of Flying Humanoids
Connection with the Mothman and Carlos Castaneda's Voladores?

A strange phenomenon was unfolding in 2012 the skies around the world, but the most numerous and intriguing sightings have been reported particularly along the American coast of California, in the Pacific Northwest, across the deserts of Arizona, and in the limestone mountain ranges of Mexico. Many people recounted encounters with mysterious flying humanoids, which were causing concern and raising questions among the civil authorities in the United States and Mexico.
Numerous witnesses claimed to have seen large humanoid creatures soaring or flying hundreds of meters high. The descriptions from these witnesses are remarkably consistent: they described imposing beings, up to two meters tall, with humanoid arms and legs, and dark gray skin. They usually appear without wings, and in some cases, are covered by some sort of cloak or a kind of rigid suit.
These beings hovered in the air without making any sound, except for a faint buzzing noise. Police reported categorize the sightings as "Unidentified Flying Humanoids." The question is simple: are we witnessing natural phenomena or human-made occurrences, or is the phenomenon of flying humanoids extraterrestrial in origin?
Witness Accounts

The testimony of a Mexican police officer should leave no doubt about the authenticity of the phenomenon. On January 18, 2004, Leonardo Samaniego, while chasing a robbery suspect on the streets of Monterrey, experienced something that still causes him sleep disturbances today. "While I was driving, I saw what appeared to be a black sack falling onto the road," Samaniego recalls. "I immediately slammed on the brakes and saw a shape in the darkness. When it rose up in front of me, I first tried to understand what it was."

What the Mexican officer sees appears to have a feminine, yet simultaneously non-human, appearance. "The being first began to hide from the light and then closed its eyes," Samaniego continues. "It had completely black eyes, with nothing resembling eyelids or eyelashes. Suddenly, it turned sharply toward me, and the headgear it was wearing fell to the ground. It looked at me and then started to levitate toward me. I fled in the car, immediately requesting backup over the radio."
As the officer requests help, the creature begins to chase the police car frantically. As soon as the creature lands on the ground, Samaniego put the car in reverse, accelerating to try to hit the being. However, after a few seconds, the being—completely unharmed by the impact—strikes Samaniego, knocking him unconscious. "Later, another officer found me and woke me up."
For many months afterward, the memory of the creature's face haunted the officer's sleep with nightmares. "I dreamed of those eyes almost every night. All I had to do was close my eyes to see that gaze and that face right in front of me. I was very scared, waking up terrified, crying from fear."
Video Testimonies
Even more shocking than Leonardo Samaniego's account is the fact that there may be enough video evidence to prove the existence of Flying Humanoids. In the skies above Santa Monica, California (November 27, 2004), a large humanoid shape was spotted as it glides over the affluent suburb of Los Angeles.
Further south, in Mexico City, numerous humanoids were filmed in various areas of this megalopolis with 22 million inhabitants.

The strange phenomenon has also been reported in North America. Starting in the 1940s, similar sightings begin to occur across the United States. Cases are recorded in the skies over Arizona, Wisconsin, and the state of Washington.
In a location near the state of Washington, many people claim to have seen a humanoid creature gliding at an altitude of 200 meters. The humanoid appeared to have some kind of control panel on its chest and emitted a loud buzzing sound while flying over the countryside.

In June of 1953, an unpleasant encounter was described in detail by a family from Houston, Texas. They reported having noticed the silhouette of what they initially mistook for a large moth crossing the light. The being landed on a branch of a large tree, and that's when they were able to distinguish its humanoid shape. They estimated it to be nearly two meters tall, wearing a rigid black uniform, complete with a helmet and boots. It also seemed to have bat-like wings or possibly a cloak. A few moments later, they heard a rustling sound and saw a bright flash, after which the being had vanished.
In another video, a dark humanoid figure was captured in the skies above Monterrey, not far from the location of Samaniego’s encounter. This area has seen the highest number of reported sightings. Numerous witnesses have shared their experiences with creatures resembling the one described by the police officer, and all accounts point to the presence of a being entirely unknown to humanity.
The city of Monterrey is surrounded by a series of mountain ranges, where stories and legends that date back centuries are told. It is the inhabitants of these mountainous areas who recount tales of strange aerial activities—of beings soaring through the sky only to descend close to the ground, near the people. The mountain ranges surrounding Monterrey are rich in caves and coves, and the locals firmly believe that these cavities are used by the humanoids to hide deep within the Earth.

Ancient Testimonies
However, in these areas, the strange phenomenon seems to have been experienced hundreds of years earlier by the ancient populations of Central America. In all the indigenous cultural traditions of Mexico, references to flying humanoids or large winged creatures can be found in the iconography. Even today, the legend of the "bird man" is passed down, described as a humanoid figure with typical bird-like features, such as wings and talons.

The Maya legends speak of hybrid creatures lurking around villages. Among them is Kamasot, the "bat of death," depicted in Maya carvings as an anthropomorphic creature with the body of a man and the head of a bat, often associated with sacrifices and death.
Many people here believe these creatures may have extraterrestrial origins. In Maya religious traditions, there are constant references to these “gods of the sky” who descend to visit the ancient peoples of Mexico. These stories could be referring to encounters that took place in antiquity between Mesoamerican populations and extraterrestrial astronauts. What began as an ancient historical event has since evolved into a legendary and religious interpretation. It’s also worth noting that other ancient cultures maintain their own versions of the "bird-man" myth.

The Mothman Case

Could there be a connection between the sightings of Unidentified Flying Humanoids and the tales of the mysterious Mothman? Who or what is the Mothman?
Mothman is the name given to a mysterious creature that was repeatedly sighted in West Virginia, Charleston, Point Pleasant, and the Ohio region between November 1966 and December 1967. Witnesses described the entity as being humanoid in size, with wings and large, glowing or reflective red eyes. It was also reported to have an unnatural speed.

The first reported sighting occurred on November 15, 1966. Two couples were driving near the abandoned TNT factory, a remnant from World War II, when they noticed two strange red lights near an old generator by the gate.
As they approached, they realized that the lights were the glowing eyes of a large creature. It had a human-like shape, but was much larger, standing between six and a half and seven feet tall (approximately two meters), with large wings folded against its back. Terrified, they fled towards the town, with the creature following them for some distance in the air. Strangely, it didn’t appear to flap its wings to stay aloft.
Upon reaching Mason County, they reported the encounter to Deputy Sheriff Millard Halstead, who later remarked: “I’ve known the kids since they were born. Roger and Linda Scarberry and Steve and Mary Mallette from Point Pleasant, they’ve never been in trouble, and that night, they were truly scared. I took them seriously—the terror in their eyes was as real as the story they told.”
Carlos Castaneda’s “Voladores” Hypothesis: Dimensional Parasites
Carlos Castaneda, a Peruvian author who passed away in 1998, proposed a chilling theory. According to Castaneda, in 1960, as a young student at the University of California, Los Angeles, he met a Yaqui Mexican shaman named Don Juan Matus in Arizona. With his 1968 book The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, Castaneda began his writing career, detailing his journey into Mesoamerican shamanism. His twelve books sold over 8 million copies in 17 languages.
Castaneda’s hypothesis is unsettling: “The shamans of ancient Mexico discovered that we have a companion who stays with us for life, a predator that emerges from the depths of the cosmos and takes dominion over our lives.” (The Teachings of Don Juan)
According to Castaneda, the Toltec shamans uncovered the presence of dark beings embedded in the human energy field, making them difficult to detect. These shamans saw that these shadowy entities fed off the luminous awareness of individuals, gradually draining away their radiance. These dark entities are inorganic, highly conscious, and advanced beings. Since they move like eerie vampire-like shadows, hopping or flying, they were called los Voladores—"those who fly."
The Voladores feed only on a specific type of energy, and we produce a great deal of it. This makes us ideal prey, to be “milked” daily. The energetic damage they cause is immense. We are magical beings with infinite potential, yet we’re condemned to fragmented awareness. The Voladores regularly consume our radiant “aura,” which naturally regenerates, but like skilled gardeners, they keep the grass perpetually trimmed at a miserably low level.

Shamans see that the remaining glow of our awareness is like a small puddle of light beneath our feet, barely reaching our toes. This remaining awareness is so minimal that it only allows us to function in the socialized world, but it does not enable us to truly understand our situation or recognize that we share the same fate as the animals we raise.
As unconscious slaves, we identify with our predators and perpetuate their nefarious behaviors toward nature. We pollute, deforest, destroy, and exploit our animals without hesitation: we milk them, shear them, take their eggs, and then slaughter them or domesticate them in various ways. We bind them, cage them, clip their wings, horns, claws, and beaks, and train them to be dependent, stripping them of their natural aggressiveness and instinct for freedom,” writes Castaneda.
This tiny puddle of awareness is the epicenter of the egocentrism in which humanity is unconsciously trapped. Our energy has been drained, but they have left us with only the energy that revolves around the Ego! And it is precisely by exploiting our egocentrism that the Voladores create bursts of awareness that they then ravenously consume.
Predators feed on greed, insatiable desire, cowardice, aggression, personal importance, violence, intense emotions, all excesses, self-indulgence, and even self-pity. The energetic flames generated by these “disharmonious” qualities are their favorite food.
The Voladores, however, do not feed on the vibrational quality of awareness, pure love, harmony, balance, peace, or sobriety... In a word, they abhor the energy of evolutionary growth, and they have every incentive to sabotage any increase in our consciousness. According to Don Juan, it is the Voladores who instill in us foolish belief systems, habits, social conventions, and who define our fears and hopes. They are the ones who continually feed our Ego, with no restraint.
It is no wonder, then, that children often fear demons, monsters, spirits, or strange shadows (the "Boogeyman") that they believe hide under the bed, behind doors, or in closets. Small children can see these things, but only when they reach a certain level of socialization do they stop seeing them. What was once visible becomes an unconscious presence, manifesting as unease, fear, despair, depression... the very food of the Voladores!