The Adventures of the Tiny Terror
Published in
Fan Fiction
· 1 Oct 2024
... ction! There's nary a Mercedes Lackey book in sight! (A book falls on her head. According to her Finding Books in the Library Rules-it's rule #007, by the way-if a book falls on her head, it's a sign she has to read it. She looks at the cover.) T: Mythology of Ancient China. Hmm...that sounds grippingly-boring. Oh, well, maybe Kindsey'll want it and I can finally get my hands on that copy of the Riverfront Times. Heh, heh, heh. (She returns to her table. The Big Bitch looks up and claws the air threateningly.) T: (holds up the book)Check this out, Kindsey! You like mythology, right? (The Big Bitch regains a semblance of human norm ...