
Static Line 42

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 6 Jul 2024
... ulars there and getting more sceners addicted, I'm happy to say that it's a fair bit representative of the scene's favorites. There are too many votes for 2nd Reality tune 2 by Purple Motion, but for a long while 2nd Reality 64 by KB was #1. And that's kinda indicative of the scene, we appreciate quality work that pushes limits. We've also introduced folks to some new favorites - substitutionology by Beek, for example, was a chiptune that won a compo. Well, tiny instruments; the ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 69

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... utes of previously unreleased music, a 36-page supplementary booklet, and 7 bonus tracks. KEEP AN EYE ON THE ONLINE AUCTIONS APBnews.com has reported that a copy of _Action Comics_ #1 was stolen from a Connecticut home, along with a copy of _Batman_ #1. Conservative estimates value the two books at around $200,000 and $63,000, respectively. There are an estimated 75 copies of _Action Comics_ #1 in existence, of which only four are known to be in top condition, though the exact condition of the stol ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 68

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... Tomorrow" by Alan Moore, Curt Swan, George Perez, and Kurt Schaffenberger (_Superman_ #423 and _Action Comics_ #583; also available in collected form). A good bookend to that farewell is the life story of the Golden Age Superman in _Secret Origins_ #1. Roy Thomas' tale is based on the Siegel and Shuster stories, with a timeline from the destruction of Krypton to the events in _Action Comics_ #1. The treat is the art by classic Superman artist Wayne Boring and another classic Superman artist, Jerry ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 67

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... st days. Obviously, this story needed updating as time progressed and Superman eternally remained 29 years old. The scene of Superboy stopping the execution is a nice parallel/tribute to the similar scene from Superman's debut in _Action Comics_ #1. Other fun scenes include the amazement of the officer on the scene of Superboy's first arrest and the fear of a released convict who doesn't want to tangle with Superboy. FDR's invitation for Superboy to stay at the White House is in character for t ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 64

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... ll, I finally have something to report about in this space. Due to a lack of significant Superman content (and a general opinion that the book was just pretty darn bad), we decided not to devote any review space to the _DC One Million 80-Page Giant_ #1. It certainly wasn't worth my five bucks, but your mileage may vary. Now, on to the books we did review! Ratings Panelists: ----------------- BS: Brian Seidman JB: Jeremy Bleichman SDM: Simon DelMonte CoS: Cory Strode JDC: Johanna Draper Carlson SI: ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 63

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... It's his co-writing on _Action_ that has made it my favorite triangle title. As much as I think Millar understands Superman, though, I don't think he understands the characters surrounding him -- a theory borne out by what we see in _Team Superman_ #1. The story is simple: Superman fails in saving a planeload of people from a hijacking attempt. Filled with remorse, Supes takes off for the stars, never to interfere with humanity again. Except it's *not* Supes, but a serial killer given the imaginat ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 61

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... orlds universe as _Superman: Kal_. Elseworlds stories took over the 1994 Annuals with several stories featuring Superman. My favorite was the two part story by Karl Kesel, "The Super Seven" in _Adventures of Superman Annual_ #6 and _Superboy Annual_ #1. The story takes place nine years after the invasion and defeat of Earth by the Malazza-Rem. The aliens turn the planet's population against its super-heroes by threatening to exterminate 5,000 humans whenever a meta-human opposed them. The heroic op ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 60

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... ot a selling point at all. I also did not at all care for the painted covers to Ron Marz' Kandor Saga. The cover that turned me off the most, though, and my selection for worst cover of the year, was the 3-D cover of _Superman Red/Superman Blue_ #1. Now, I'll admit that I have a personal bias against 3-D art in general, but it makes *no* sense to use 3-D for a cover. Since the 3-D glasses tend to come packaged with the book, and store owners won't want you defacing the book just to look at the ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 58

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... acuse: Wizard Press, 1993. 42-53. O'Neill, Patrick Daniel. "The Importance of Being Superman." Superman Tribute Edition. Ed. Gareb S.Shamus and Patrick Daniel O'Neill. Syracuse: Wizard Press, 1993. 94-95. Siegel, Jerry and Joe Shuster. Action Comics #1. 1938. New York: DC Comics, 1992. Superman in Metropolis, Illinois. Metropolis, IL: Metropolis Media Inc., 1997. Tscherne, Joel W. "For Those Who Came in Late..." Superman Tribute Edition. Ed. Gareb S. Shamus and Patrick Daniel O'Neill. Syracuse: Wiz ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 57

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... s, and projects that the corrected copies will reach stores by mid-February. All corrected copies will be shrink-wrapped with a coupon that will give consumers a free copy of an exclusive poster of the wraparound cover to _Crisis on Infinite Earths_ #1. OOPS AGAIN DC had previously announced that _JLA_ #27 (scheduled for January 27) would be the first of a three-part story teaming the JLA with the JSA in battle against the 5th Dimension. DC has now delayed that story until February's _JLA_ #28. _JL ...
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