
The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 61

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... an & Superman: World's Finest_ maxi-series. He will be pencilling covers only for _World's Finest_ #6-9 and resume interior art with _World's Finest_ #10. "To cut a very long story short, I have taken time off _World's Finest_, due to the fact that the deadlines set were stopping the creative team from producing their _World's Finest_ work -- notably me," Taylor said. "My page count, per week, went up 50 percent for three months, at the end of which time I was almost at burn out!" It is unknown who will be replacing Taylor for those issues. UPCOMING SPECIALS Thanks to the Another Universe for these spoilers http://www.anotheruniverse.com& ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 55

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 · 7 months ago
... a periodical. The amount of new material was minimal (6 pages), not even including the cover, which was cobbled up from the splash panel of _Action_ #10. But none of this stopped the book from reportedly selling 900,000 copies in three print runs! Inside, two pages were devoted to a recap of Superman's origin. Krypton is mentioned for the first time in a comic, but dismissed in one panel. The editors probably felt the recent newspaper story was sufficient space to spend on a planet which would never be seen again. In a new twist, Clark is found by the Kents, rather than a passing motorist, and adopted from the orphanage. Mary Kent is named. They ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 38

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 · 7 months ago
... (More on that below.) **** I've only seen Bernado inked by two different inkers, Doug Hazlewood on SUPERBOY, and Dan Davis on SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS #10. I saw very little difference in styles. I *love* how Hazlewood blends with Tom Grummett, and I *love* how Dan Davis gels with Paul Pelletier. So from my perspective, it looks like Bernado's the culprit. But you're right. Perhaps a different inker would make a difference. I really think, however, that Bernado's style is more situated towards big massive figures (like Martian Manhunter) than smaller, younger ones (like Superboy). His big figures are impressive. They are not very accurate, but the ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 34

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... e #9 (March). No word yet on a replacement. Jennifer Graves, who pencilled the backup story in SUPERGIRL PLUS #1, provides guest pencils in SUPERGIRL #10. SHUFFLING AROUND, PART 2: LOIS AND CLARK On January 5, ABC began broadcasting LOIS AND CLARK an hour earlier, moving it into the 7:00 PM Eastern time slot (switching places with AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS). Unfortunately, this won't be the last time change that the show experiences. Because of low ratings, ABC has decided not to show LOIS AND CLARK at all during February's sweeps period, meaning that the next new episode of the serious will probably not appear before early March. In additio ...

The Sleuth Kit Informer Issue 6

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Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... d the number of entries to search by half. For example, consider a database with 10 entries. The lower bound is entry #1 and the upper bound is entry #10. The middle entry is entry #5. The value in entry #5 is 55 and it is compared to the goal value, which is 30. Index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Value: 6 12 21 30 55 58 62 77 78 81 Bounds: Lower Mid Upper The middle value is greater than the goal and therefore the upper bound is decreased to #5 and the lower bound remains at #1. Index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Value: 6 12 21 30 55 58 62 77 78 81 Bounds: Lower Upper Another round is performed using the new bounds. The middle entry is identified and compared ...

Reading for pleasure Issue 17

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 · 1 year ago
... s a nice affordable trade paperback reprint of Thomas Berger's 1973 novel about gender identities. (You can find out about other Berger titles in RFP #10.) Lead character Georgie Cornell wears skirts and lipstick, is a "mere" secretary, suffers the usual sexual harrassment on the job--and is a man. In the near-future, alternative America of REGIMENT OF WOMEN, it's the women who fight wars, run major corporations, play sports, swear and spit. The men are supposed to stay in the kitchen and be happy they have a woman to take care of them. Reading REGIMENT OF WOMEN is a continually shifting experience. After two pages I thought it was a cute joke, b ...

Reading for pleasure Issue 13

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 · 1 year ago
... ddle Ages; Sharing The Wealth; My Favorite Books of 1989; and the usual. Supplemental Issue #1: Baseball Books of Spring 1990. Distributed along with #10. #11: Magazines: Special Coverage of Magazines; Featured Author: Dean R. Koontz; reviews by Darryl Kenning, Fred L. Drake, Jr., Cherie Jung; Rotten Rejections; Bram Stoker Awards Nominations; Recent Releases. #12: Featured Authors: George Alec Effinger and Evan Hunter (aka Ed McBain), with bibliographies; reviews by Cherie Jung, Sue Feder, Robert A. Pittman. This is our first mini-mag issue, with separate sections devoted to Science Fiction, Mystery, Horror, and Humor. #13: Halloween 1990 Issue: ...

Reading for pleasure Issue 12

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Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... ddle Ages; Sharing The Wealth; My Favorite Books of 1989; and the usual. Supplemental Issue #1: Baseball Books of Spring 1990. Distributed along with #10. #11: Magazines: Special Coverage of Magazines; Featured Author: Dean R. Koontz; reviews by Darryl Kenning, Fred L. Drake, Jr., Cherie Jung; Rotten Rejections; Bram Stoker Awards Nominations; Recent Releases. #12: Featured Authors: George Alec Effinger and Evan Hunter (aka Ed McBain), with bibliographies; reviews by Cherie Jung, Sue Feder, Robert A. Pittman. This is our first mini-mag issue, with separate sections devoted to Science Fiction, Mystery, Horror, and Humor. (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(* ...

The Groom Lake Desert Rat: Issue 10

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Published in 
 · 1 year ago
Issue #10. July 5, 1994 In this issue... Media Communications 101 Media Communications 101: Or "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Encounters" People often ask us: "Psychospy, you've been interviewed by every major TV network, several national magazines and a dozen local news outlets. What's it like being a big-time media schmuck?" Some readers may be frustrated that they have yet to receive their own fifteen minutes of fame while Psychospy has monopolized what seems like an hour and a half. ...
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