
Fascination Issue 226 and 227

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Published in 
 · 2 hours ago
... monthly issues in the past, of course, but this issue is truly a daily double - with news and features articles we intended for a May/June issue (#126) and those for the more current time frame - July/August (#127). But something always seemed to come up to keep us publishing - SONGBLAZERS announcement, LOVE's closing, a new STUDIO - you name it, it just kept coming! Plus, we had to take a brief time to head out to Las Vegas to give LOVE one final look-see. So, while it's been a while since we've last gotten together and talked about our favorite circus, let me stop yappin' and welcome you to the latest edition of Fascina ...

Phr33k4z0iD Issue 3

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Published in 
 · 3 months ago
... the phone. Once you have completed the activation process via the web, you need to get into the phone to find out all the activation info. Press *3001#12345# select Nam1, and WRITE DOWN ALL THE INFO IN THERE including the system ID, SOC, and phone number. Now comes the technical part. You need to hook your phone up to the datacable and open up nokia-tdma-service full. Click on "read phone" and it will detect your phone and give you the info like ESN and all that crap. NOW, change the drop down menu nuxt to where it says reset values. Make it say FULL FACTORY then click on the reset values button. Next, your phone should power back up. Next to wh ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 70

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... read _Superman for the Animals_ for yourself, the book was bagged with copies of _Superman Adventures_ #41, _Impulse_ #58, and (I believe) _Hourman_ #12, among others. We'll have a complete list in our next issue, along with a review of the book. ____________________________________ RATINGS AT A GLANCE: Titles shipped December 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------ Prepared by Shane Travis <travis@kryptonian-cybernet.com> Key: ---- Issue -- Issue for which 'Current' Rating and Rank are calculated. The 'Previous' columns refer to the issue immediately prior to this. Rating -- Average Rating, in Shields (maximum rat ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 68

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... nove Art and Cover by Jon Bogdanove and Dennis Janke Simyan and Mokkari create a hybrid clone of Jimmy and Superman 3 - SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF TOMORROW #12, "Need to Know" Written by Louise Simonson Art by Paul Ryan and Joe Rubinstein Cover by Paul Ryan and Dennis Janke Lightning-powered Stryke invades STAR Labs, Lexcom, and Cadmus 4 - SUPERMAN #141, "Introducing Outburst!" Written by Dan Jurgens Art by Scot Eaton and Joe Rubinstein Cover by Jurgens and Rubinstein Superman meets Outburst, who helps him against DEO forces 5 - THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #564, "Visions of Death" Written by Karl Kesel and Jerry Ordway Art and Cover by Tom Grummett and ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 67

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... man_ #131, 4.1 Shields), finishing only slightly behind the reintroduction of Cyborg as Ashbury Armstrong's teacher ("Within Human Reach", _Superman_ #129, 3.8 Shields), and tied with "Machinations!" (_Superman_ #126), where Lex stole back his kryptonite ring from Batman. While there were some mixed emotions about the new Brainiac -- much as there have always been about Mr. Jurgens and his writing -- most reviewers thought that this was a suitable coda to Dan's 10-year run. Whether you like or dislike his work, there's no denying that the man has left his own indelible mark on the Superman legacy. "And so it ends..." SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF TOMORRO ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 66

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... SUPER-GIRL There have been a number of different Supergirls in DC's history. The first debuted in August 1958 in "The Girl of Steel" from _Superman_ #123 (first series -- written by Otto Binder with art by Dick Sprang and Stan Kaye). This "Super-Girl" was a magical creation that comes to life when Jimmy Olsen makes a wish on an ancient Indian totem that "a Super-Girl, with super-powers equal to Superman's, would appear and become his companion." I don't have the original story, but I believe in it Super-Girl wore the traditional blue and red outfit. I first came across this story as a reprint in Giant _Superman_ #216, where Super-Girl's appeara ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 65

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... Section 7: New Comic Reviews Super-Family Titles (cont) Superman Adventures #35, by Cory Strode Team Titles JLA #33, by Edward Mathews Young Justice #12, by Gary Robinson Section 8: New Comic Reviews Miniseries and Specials A. Bizarro #3, by G.M. Nelson Batman & Superman: World's Finest #6, by Simon DelMonte JLA Annual #3, by Ed Mathews Section 9: The One, True, Original Superman! Episode 11: Action Archives Volume II -- Empire and Growing Pains (Feb-May 1940) Bob Hughes sets the historical stage and then rounds off the first two years of Action Comics by looking at issues 21-24, including the final tale of the Ultra-Humanite and Superman's fir ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 63

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... f you have enough knowledge of Legion lore, and want to appreciate the story fully, start with the Mark Waid arc, "DOA" in the series _Valor_ (issues #12 on), about the death of Lar Gand, as well as _LSH_ v.4 #54-59, about the adult Legion on the run, before reading "End of an Era". _________________________________________________ End of Section 7 _________________________________________________ THE PHANTOM ZONE: Reviews of the pre-Crisis Man of Steel ------------------------------------------------------------------ TALES OF EARTH-ONE -------------------------------------- by Bob Hughes (bobhughes@ttlc.net) (or see Bob's web page, "Who's Whos ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 62

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... kman -- but there were more old time readers than Schwartz had thought there were, and they wanted to see the old versions again also. So, in _Flash_ #123 in September 1961, they brought back the original Flash and placed his adventures, and by extension all the other heroes of the Forties, on a parallel world called Earth-2. Eventually (in 1963), the entire 1940s Justice Society of America was revived to meet the modern Justice League of America. But this caused a problem for a number of characters. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman had all been members of the Justice Society of America. And their books had never been cancelled, so there was n ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 61

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... an eerie resemblance between the "Phantom Superboy" and a tale published only a couple of years earlier called "The Ghost of Lois Lane!" (_Superman_ #129, May 1959, by Jerry Coleman, Wayne Boring, and Stan Kaye). The splash page shows Superman in his Fortress, confronted by a ghostly figure of Lois Lane. He moans, "Lois ... why don't you stop haunting me? You know I didn't mean to kill you... that it was all an accident!" At the Daily Planet office one day, a glib salesman tries to sell Jimmy an electric typewriter. "It's so sensitive I can move the keys just by blowing on them!" says Jimmy. Lois then goes to return a briefcase to a Professor G ...
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