

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 months ago
... g classes, Cormac McCarthy's novel The Crossing , globe coin bank circa 1950's, drafts of poems and essays, guitar slide, No Depression issue #16. On the windowsill, a Sagrado Corzon De Jesus candle you bought for sixty cents. It's unlit. You sit typing the notes you hope will lead to some pieces for your next zine. Your notes define mediocrity, aren't inspired, and bring you down. In every writing class or group you've been a part of, someone invariably says they write because they "hate writing." You wonder if your reason for writing is good enough: you enjoy it. You love the creation, the countless rewrites, the reading, t ...

Phrack Inc. Volume 16 Issue 70 File 10

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 3 months ago
... 70 X30=00000000b010d294 SP=00000000b0142e70 PSTATE=600003c9 -ZC- NS EL2h ********** Disassembly ********** 0xb0113abc: d2b00000 movz x0, #0x8000, lsl #16 0xb0113ac0: f2c00800 movk x0, #0x40, lsl #32 0xb0113ac4: f8206841 str x1, [x2, x0] 0xb0113ac8: f0000000 adrp x0, #0xb0116000 0xb0113acc: 911ac000 add x0, x0, #0x6b0 ********** Memory Dump ********** ... X00: 0x0000004080000000 000000407fffff60: Cannot access memory ... X02: 0x00000000800c5000 ... 00000000800c4fe0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 00000000800c4ff0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 00000000800c5000: 0x21969a71a5b30938 0xc6d843c68f2f38be 00000000800c5010: 0xd7a1a2d7948ff ...

1-Proof of Earth's Expansion

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Published in 
 · 4 months ago
1-Proof of Earth's Expansion
... y 550d8hr5", incl. 17 Hektor Asteroid #624 232 Irregular? Nereid Neptune 240 Irregular?; eccentric orbit Neptune every 359d21hr9' Psyche Asteroid #16 248 Irregular? Amalthea Jupiter 262 Irregular (262x146x143) Davida Asteroid 274 Irregular? Juno Asteroid #3 288 Irregular; rotates every 7.25 hrs; orbits Sun at 13º, 4.36 yrs Interamnia Asteroid #704 338 Irregular? Hyperion Saturn 360 Irregular (360x280x225); orbits Saturn every 21d6hr38' Mimas Saturn 400? Nearly spherical; orbits Saturn every 22hr37'; huge crater Proteus Neptune 416 Nearly spherical Enceladus Saturn 421 Nearly spherical; orbits Saturn every 32hr53'; light craters, ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 69

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... Section 6: New Comic Reviews Super-Family Titles (cont) Superman Adventures #39, by Cory Strode Team Titles JLA #37, by Edward Mathews Young Justice #16, by Edward Mathews Section 7: New Comic Reviews Miniseries and Specials Batman & Superman: World's Finest #10, by Simon DelMonte Son of Superman, by Joshua Elder Section 8: The KC Mailbag Superman Inc writer Steve Vance, the two-part Transilvane story, finding collectors in your area, Hypertime, and a few other odds and ends. EDITORIAL STAFF: --------------- Jeffery D. Sykes, Publisher and Co-Editor-in-Chief Shane Travis, Co-Editor-in-Chief and Executive Editor of Comic Reviews DISCLAIMERS: --- ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 68

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... ush Bug under house arrest. Great hilarity ensues, mostly at the expense of the poor Subs. Kupperberg gets another crack at Ambush Bug in _Supergirl_ #16. The running joke here is that AB doesn't recognize Supergirl and thinks that something strange has happened to Superman's look and memory (in fairness, they did have red kryptonite in those days!). While lacking Giffen's wit, the story is a nice self-contained tale about two of my favorite characters. Plot and humour gel in the absolutely wonderful _DC Comics Presents_ #81, as Ambush Bug decides to team up with Superman to defeat the villainous Kobra. The Bug finds a pretty red rock which he g ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 66

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... tom Zone criminals -- and no cousin Kara), John Byrne still managed to reintroduce a new version of Supergirl. Supergirl first appeared in _Superman_ #16 (story and pencils by John Byrne, with inks by Karl Kesel). While most of the issue dealt with (as the cover says) "the perfidious perils of the pusillanimous Prankster!" (a fun read by the way), the final two pages had a team of scientists investigating an anomaly under the frozen Antarctic ice. Arriving at the site, they find the temperature registering at 126 degrees and, beneath the slush, the unconscious figure of a lovely blonde woman, dressed in a variation of Superman's costume. The sto ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 65

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... place on the team, and I think Atom has a place on the team." And the JLA/JSA crossover, set to occur around _JLA_ #45 and #46 and _JSA_ #15 and #16, will bring back Hawkman and iron out the continuity confusion that has been plaguing him for so long. NICIEZA BRINGS THE SUPERMEN OF AMERICA CENTER STAGE Writer Fabian Nicieza, best known for creating Marvel's excellent _New Warriors_ series, is taking another crack at the teenaged superhero. This time it's the Supermen of America in a 6-issue series debuting in January of 2000 and pencilled by Dougie Braithwaite (_Green Arrow_). In a recent interview with Newsarama (http://anotheruniv ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 63

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... mp Clark. "I give up!" he says. "I can't win." Advice to the lovelorn is all well and good, but Superman's real metier is fighting crime. In _Action_ #165 from February 1952, Superman had to track down the Crime Czar, but first he had to deal with "The Man who Conquered Superman". The story begins when Perry orders Clark to track down the mysterious new Crime Czar. At the same time, astronomers sight a mysterious space craft in the sky. It lands conveniently in Metropolis Park. A hatch opens and out steps an alien from the distant planet Mercury. He looks remarkably like Superman, though his hair is straight, not curly. He's dressed in yellow wi ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 61

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... ---- [25] "When She Was Good...", Supergirl #1M [23] "Love Is All That Anti-Matters", Superboy and the Ravers #17-19 [ 7] JLA battles Prometheus, JLA #16-17 [ 6] All Young Justice, #1-3,1M [ 5] JLA and Sandman vs Star Conqueror, JLA #22-23 [ 5] "Hexed!", Superboy #55 [ 2] "OMAC: One Million and Counting!", Superboy #1M [ 2] "Hide 'N' Seek", Superman Adventures #20 _Superboy_ (courtesy of Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett) returned with a bang, beating last year's landslide winner, _JLA_. It's also worth noting that the three _Supergirl_ entries garnered 26 votes between them -- perhaps Peter David could have won for best story if his vote hadn't been ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 60

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... ing the human side of the hero. Louise Simonson and Jurgens each take part in writing about the issue of wife-beating in _Superman: The Man of Steel_ #16 and _Superman_ #72. The tale, titled "Crisis At Hand", hearkens back to _Action Comics_ #1, where Siegel and Shuster had Superman deal harshly with a wife-beater. In "Crisis At Hand", Superman is unable to help a neighbour who is beaten by her husband. The issue of spousal abuse is dealt with in a very frank (yet not preachy) way, as we see how dysfunctional and tragic the situation is to everyone involved. In part 1, Clark is awoken by the sounds of a beating. Realizing it is his own neighbour ...
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