

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
one Flu Dream #2: You're at a table in a dimly-lit bar that is vaguely reminiscent of the original Park Tavern. You are surrounded by the leering, cruel, red drunken faces of what you used to call "preppies." They have squat necks, short hair parted on the side, collars turned up. Your hair is slicked back, you sit slouched, fronting your best James Dean/Bob Dylan slouch; wearing faded jeans, thick tee-shirt, and blue workman's jacket. Huge 20-oz-plus tap beers sit in front of you all. You are trapp ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... snooze button, once again destined to be late for work. Eight Overheard in a bar: Dude #1: Man, Pearl Jam is just Bad Company for the nineties. Dude #2: That means Mother Love Bone was Free! Nine Another Friday night with nothing to do, I trekked to the Edina Theater for the opening of The Replacement Killers , plopped into the fourth row, and found myself right in the middle of a bunch of John Woo Disciples. (Woo, executive producer of the film, has a large cult following in the US, as does star Chow Yun-Fat.) About six of 'em in front of me, with at least another six in front of them, two to my left, another solo to my right, with a whol ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... ;or check your pillows and make sure they can handle the twelve hours of sleep you're gonna get tonight. YOUR NEW ROCK ALTERNATIVE! Back in issue #2 I wrote: "... when it comes to commercial radio, the Twin Cities is just a warm weather Fargo." But get this - Fargo's Edge is better than our Edge! I was up north for a week or so lately, and would spend a part of my afternoons listening to 95X out of Fargo (actually Detroit Lakes, I think) and although the playlist is virtually identical, you do get stuff like INXS' "Don't Change," "Fight for Your Right to Party" by the Beastie Boys, and dada's "Disneyland." Plus, the dj's ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... g to score. If you miss, you crack another cold one and try again when it's empty. If you make the shot, you go for two in a row... Damaged Goods #2 - smack dab in the middle of essays and poems by and about strippers, hookers, junkies, and tattoo artists, is one Bill Tuomala's statement of purpose - an essay titled "birth, school, WORK, death," which he pieced together from his 1996 zine work. $3.75 to Damaged Goods, PO Box 46277, Los Angeles, CA 90046. INFO Everything written by me, except where noted. In an attempt to break even, print readers are going to be paying $1.00 to read future issues ($4.00 for five issues.) This is going o ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... Summer 1990 I think of Louie when I see those beautiful brand-spankin'-new 70 mph road signs. SORRY So I'm in Kinko's photocopying issue #2, and there's babes everywhere. In shorts. In halters. In skirts. In summer dresses. If Kinko's served beer (hey, there's an idea...), I'd hang out there for hours. What I'm trying to do is make excuses for the sloppy photocopying job in the last issue. My apologies, and the other excuse I have was that I was feeling rather smug... SMUG Big Construction (my employer from '88-'96) called and asked me to come back. The company has a nasty habit of burning their talent o ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... ir big hurry? Am I a "B" personality? Passive? That's me. Don't give a shit, slacker, whatever ... ya know all I did here was to obey my Rule #2 of Life. * I was supposed to be at Big Health for six weeks, and now it's been five months. Supposedly I'm talented, but sometimes I don't even try too hard at work. Maybe I'm just too conscientious at this accounting/bookkeeping stuff for my own good. This all reminds me of the fifth grade. We had this spelling bee and it was to be held in the school gym in front of the whole school. In order to qualify to be one of the ten finalists who would compete, we had to take a prel ...

The Lady in the Radiator 2.5 (ASCII version)

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... UST 9, 1994 TIME: EARLY MORNING LOCATION: AT A BUS STOP MAN#1: Ma, um, as, um, this (word), means spiritually and body, together, to it, (word)... MAN#2: Spiritually....spirits. MAN#1: Spirits, spirits of not so important persons, (word), only a mountain man, like you, you're a mountain man. A little mountain man, that's what he is. He's OK, you know, he's a national socialism. I told him the mistake of national socialism economics. Economically, it was that that... MAN#2: But it, there, there was, there's much oppression. It's not a true agreement, though. Whatever my belief really is, it's all the same oppression o ...

CatHack Issue 4

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... --------- -----------hack.uue------------ _=_ _=_ Part 001 of 001 of file HACK.zip _=_ begin 666 HACK.zip M4$L#!!0``@`(``6L#".#.4T6PBX``+\_```(````2$%#2RY#3TW%>WM\4T7V M^-Q[D[046BHOD4>:8BE(RZ6"(H^T/$H#/BCE74!*TR:%8DBRR0VMKL)EZRI- M$+O[<W=Q%_>KX.KZW+(4>:U0O-"*6MZ/\E`07^>:%;#O-KDWOS,W+>K^]O?Y M_?GK?#+GS)DS9V;.G)DY)YW(KV820@J-!MBO)[F^=45VC\E58IKYI&#WF@27 M:5:IU^KUVM<5.>Q'#]79X2U.[(P(?<1.U=L76PIQP=ZP43_'MV;:T>#HJCSP MZLDLNU<H=5J%4I?3E&M=I[7C_8]']A*^CI!E,)3`;4-,DE7ZF6S:E:7482?S M^<J)C<RA1@;RR(<E+'QL7L:=G&^$2&I"T@'!?M!KW\^0&=GB-).WLSXF/@ZV MD*1E4SL]5P ...
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