
Static Line 48

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 6 Jul 2024
... #39;s also honest.) Whether it's positive or negative, send all feedback on The Lineup to vince_young@hotmail.com. In the meantime, you may consider the following 16 tunes to be the best tracks of August 2003: -=- THE BEST OF THE BEST -=- "World #204" - Graff - light rock ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/2001/addictanniversary01/mmul/world204.zip -=- THE REST OF THE BEST -=- "Acid Maintenance" - Keith303 - dance ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/ar ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 68

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... ortunity to sit down and write it, preoccupied as I was with some new reading material I recently acquired -- the _Action Comics Archives_, Volumes 1 and 2. These are great! Reprints of the first issues of _Action Comics_ -- Volume 1 from #1 through #20 and Volume 2 from #21 through #36 -- showcasing the Man of Steel in all his pre-wartime glory. This was before Superman faced such outrageous villains as Brainiac and Metallo and Lex Luthor (although Superman did face the Ultra-Humanite in these ear ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 64

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... ecided to make was to get rid of the robots. But they couldn't just disappear. In comic books you have to go out with a bang! Unfortunately, Denny O'Neil and Dick Dillin could only produce a misfire. "Vengeance of the Tomb Thing" in _World's Finest_ #202 (May 1971) starts with Superman flying through a thunderstorm and being blasted by a lightning bolt (excuse me, "a tongue of blue-white fire"). The downed Superman is found by a group of Arab desert bandits who, coincidentally, are pursuing an arch ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 63

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... t (drawn in Wayne Boring style, with no attempt to reconcile it to the current Superboy version). He remembers Pa Kent yelling at him not to fly in the window because people might see him. He remembers the "Rip Van Winkle of Smallville" (_Adventure_ #208). He remembers an emergency when he was taking the train to Metropolis for the first time when a cave-in blocked the tunnel, but he was able to change to Superman in the darkness. He remembers battling "It" (_Action_ #162) and his greatest nemesis, ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 62

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... and the problems inherent in trying to separate early Superman lore into the two worlds. Section 9: The Phantom Zone Supergirl's 25th Anniversary In honor of Supergirl's 40th anniversary, Scott Devarney looks back at Action Comics #555 and Supergirl #20, two issues published for Supergirl's 25th anniversary. Superman Stories Legends -- The Miniseries Sean Hogan looks at the crossover that followed up Crisis, in which Darkseid tried to turn the people of Earth against its heroes, and how this event ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 61

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... -19 [ 7] JLA battles Prometheus, JLA #16-17 [ 6] All Young Justice, #1-3,1M [ 5] JLA and Sandman vs Star Conqueror, JLA #22-23 [ 5] "Hexed!", Superboy #55 [ 2] "OMAC: One Million and Counting!", Superboy #1M [ 2] "Hide 'N' Seek", Superman Adventures #20 _Superboy_ (courtesy of Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett) returned with a bang, beating last year's landslide winner, _JLA_. It's also worth noting that the three _Supergirl_ entries garnered 26 votes between them -- perhaps Peter David could have won fo ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 60

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... picking this particular issue up off the shelf. ST: Once again I find myself agreeing with your logic, but not your conclusion. Nothing was really *bad* this year, but the most yawn-worthy, "Who cares?" cover had to be that of _Superman Adventures_ #20. Superman gets hit with an energy beam -- whoop-de-diddly-do. An image so generic as to be meaningless, nothing about this cover made me want to do anything except pass it over for something more interesting. SF5: Best Writing in a Superman Family T ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 59

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... opted planet. Two months later, though, a Kryptonite meteor fell in public and Superman's weakness was revealed to all in _Action Comics_ #141, a fact that Nelson Bridwell overlooked when he wrote the Mr. and Mrs. Superman story in _Superman Family_ #202, in which he created a completely different story about the discovery of Kryptonite on Earth-2, one set long after Clark and Lois were married. Once rocks from Krypton started falling out of the sky, it wouldn't be long before other objects appeare ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 57

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... Superboy #55 (Superboy and Guardian meet Hex) [ ] "OMAC: One Million and Counting!", Superboy #1M [ ] "Love Is All That Anti-Matters", Superboy and the Ravers #17-19 [ ] "When She Was Good...", Supergirl #1M [ ] "Hide 'N' Seek", Superman Adventures #20 (MasterTrax) [ ] "Power Corrupts ... Absolutely", Superman Adventures #24 (Parasite) [ ] "Yesterday's Man of Tomorrow", Superman Adventures #26 (Mxyzptlk) [ ] All Young Justice, #1-3,1M SF3: Best Cover from a Superman Family Title [ ] JLA #19 (Skele ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 53

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... p from Janet, Superman is able to knock Fine unconscious -- ending the attack. Fine is hospitalized in a psychiatric ward. Neither Superman nor the doctors seem to believe him when he warns that Vril Dox is real -- and he will be back. In _Superman_ #20, Fine loses control of his body after learning of Janet's death, and Brainiac is able to escape during the funeral service. In _Adventures of Superman_ #445 (written by Ordway), we learn that Fine's body is rejecting Dox's alien life-force, and that ...
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