
The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 69

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... y of time to have gotten his look right for the X-Plam story ... especially when you consider that there was a memorable two-part Bizarro story under way in _Action_ that same month ("The World of Bizarros" and "Superman Becomes a Bizarro," _Action_ #263 and 264, Apr and May 60), also illustrated by (if memory serves) Wayne Boring. Lois decides to marry X-Plam, who happily points out that "I'm not invulnerable like Superman! But if you married Superman, you'd die in your old age and he'd live on an ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 66

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... od his invention can do for mankind. It's clear from the stories in this issue that Siegel believes in scientific progress, as long as it's targeted towards helping mankind and not producing more weapons of destruction for the military. For _Action_ #26, Wayne Boring produces another cover, this one showcasing still another "S" design -- larger, with a pronounced serif on the top and a long diagonal bar in the middle. A similar symbol is visible on the cape, although this is a yellow "S" on a blue ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 65

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... ow I was supposed to take the threat seriously, but come on, they're apes. Bonus points are awarded to Kaminski for the cameo appearance by Animal Man. In Grant Morrison's run of Animal Man, Buddy Baker went on an adventure that ran from issue #8 to #26 that, for lack of better words, introduced the foundations for Hypertime in 1990.[1] The re-introduction of Buddy Baker into the pages of JLA is a welcomed sight since it can only mean that Morrison will probably be using him in his final story arc. ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 61

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... e that he will be allowed to visit these corners of the DCU when the story is fitting for his style. "The Quality of Mercy" is one of my favorite stories of the run, right up there with "My Dinner with Buzz" and Comet 'revelations' in issues #25 and #26. This Carnivore arc is shaping up to be David's best in a long, long while, and I'm dying to see what's next. Thomas Deja <tdj723@webtv.net> ================================================ SUPERMAN ADVENTURES #31 May 1999 $1.99 US/$3.25 CAN ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 58

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... Jackson Superman: The Man of Steel #86, by Mike Smith Superman #142, by Thomas Deja Section 5: New Comic Reviews Super-Family Titles Superboy #59, by Rene' Gobeyn Supergirl #29, by Thomas Deja Superman Adventures #28, by Cory Strode Team Titles JLA #26, by Anatole Wilson Section 6: New Comic Reviews Team Titles (cont) Young Justice #5, by Gary Robinson Miniseries The Kingdom #1, by Jeff Sykes The Kingdom #2, by Jeff Sykes Section 7: New Comic Reviews Miniseries (cont) Superman: The Doomsday Wars # ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 57

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... and the Ravers #17-19 [ ] "When She Was Good...", Supergirl #1M [ ] "Hide 'N' Seek", Superman Adventures #20 (MasterTrax) [ ] "Power Corrupts ... Absolutely", Superman Adventures #24 (Parasite) [ ] "Yesterday's Man of Tomorrow", Superman Adventures #26 (Mxyzptlk) [ ] All Young Justice, #1-3,1M SF3: Best Cover from a Superman Family Title [ ] JLA #19 (Skeleton hand rolls dice with JLA on faces) [ ] JLA #24 (JLA stands against the rain at sunset) [ ] Steel #48 (Steel wields hammer, Crash's forces fl ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 56

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... l #84, by Mike Smith Superman #140, by Thomas Deja Section 5: New Comic Reviews The Triangle Titles (cont) Adventures of Superman #563, by Dan Radice Super-Family Titles Superboy #57, by Rene' Gobeyn Supergirl #27, by Thomas Deja Superman Adventures #26, by Cory Strode Section 6: New Comic Reviews Team Titles JLA #24, by Anatole Wilson Young Justice #3, by Gary Robinson Miniseries Superman for all Seasons #4, by Douglas Wolk Superman: The Dark Side #3, by Rene' Gobeyn Section 7: New Comic Reviews M ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 54

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... : The Man of Tomorrow #11, by Derek Jackson Superman: Save the Planet #1, by Shane Travis Section 3: New Comics Reviews The Triangle Titles (cont) Adventures of Superman #562, by Dan Radice Super-Family Titles Superboy #56, by Rene' Gobeyn Supergirl #26, by Thomas Deja Superman Adventures #24, by Cory Strode Section 4: New Comic Reviews Team Titles JLA #23, by Anatole Wilson Young Justice #2, by Rene' Gobeyn "Ghosts" Annuals Superman Annual #10, by Thomas Deja JLA Annual #2, by Anatole Wilson Secti ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 51

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... girl) was yelling to them, or Superman borrowed Jimmy's voice-throwing microphone, or maybe Clark Kent isn't Superman after all. [Editor's Note: Or maybe he used his funky Super-ventriloquism power which showed up in a few 1970s stories; _Superman_ #267 comes to mind. --Shane] Derek Jackson <djackson@iconstructs.com> _____________________________________________ THE TRIANGLE TITLES (cont): -------------------------- 28. SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #81 Jul 1998 $1.95 US/$2.75 CAN "Superman" ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 46

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... take long, since White never got his name right once in the story, any way.) The rivalry between Lana and Lois, annoying from the beginning, would get worse as time went on. So would the time paradoxes! In "Superboy Meets Lois Lane!" in _Adventure_ #261 in June 1959, Otto Binder would once again have young Clark and Lois meet. Maybe he forgot he wrote the two previous stories! In this George Papp drawn tale, Lois signs up for Camp Hiawatha in Smallville because it may be her only chance to meet Su ...
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