
The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 57

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
... ths_ #1. OOPS AGAIN DC had previously announced that _JLA_ #27 (scheduled for January 27) would be the first of a three-part story teaming the JLA with the JSA in battle against the 5th Dimension. DC has now delayed that story until February's _JLA_ #28. _JLA_ #27 will now feature a lead-in to the JLA/JSA team-up, guest-written by Mark Millar (_Superman Adventures_) and guest-illustrated by Mark Pajarillo and Walden Wong, the art team from _The Kingdom: Kid Flash_ #1. The corrected solicitation ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 25 Feb 2024
... ials (Go to #25) stand for: "It Still Does Nothing." Stop. Send article to Mr. Badger. He won't believe it unless he holds it in his grimy little paws. Suspend test pending independent verification of your truthfulness. Subtract 10 points. Go to #28. Add 20 points. Go to #28. In the article, the Baby Bells: want to run the info highway (Go to #29) want to run it and be free to create much of the programming (Go to #30) will probably get "channel hopping" banned as "unlawful use of a carrier." (G ...

The Groom Lake Desert Rat: Issue 29

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Published in 
 · 12 Feb 2024
The Groom Lake Desert Rat: Issue 29
... s that the aliens speak "a higher form of Hungarian," we have three sources that suggest, however facetiously, that the Hungarians themselves are aliens. One is The Curve of Binding Energy quote above. Another is the quote from Teller's War in DR#28... Fermi, the Italian physicist, once mused over the number of stars in the universe and its age, saying that if aliens existed they should already have visited earth. Indeed, Szilard joked, "They call themselves Hungarians." Teller also delighted in ...

Issue # 30 DTACK GROUNDED Newsletter - April 1984

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Published in 
 · 6 May 2023
... cknowledge mistakes - FNE [ Hey! This IS an American publication - isn't it? ] Thomas Wieland, the European Theatre DSEx Herr Direktor, would like us to remind you (again) that he did NOT write that letter about PASCAL on the front page of issue #28. He also writes: "I would like to know how far you want to go on developing HALGOL before you send your last free update. (Will you then) stop working on HALGOL or will you go on and charge for updates? What made you reverse your free update policy? ...

Issue # 29 DTACK GROUNDED Newsletter - March 1984

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Published in 
 · 6 May 2023
Issue # 29 DTACK GROUNDED Newsletter - March 1984
... er, yes? (Why do we get the impression that not many of you are sorry for us?) SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW? We left work today at about 5:15 PM, having integrated the first half of the LET function into HALGOL and having done the final editing of newsletter #28. After having dinner, we put a new ribbon in our EPSON FX-80 and proceeded to print out two copies of the newsletter. This takes about two hours, with disk commands needed every ten minutes. (Our Eagle word-processor can hold four compressed pages of ...
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