
The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 70

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... ney completes his look at the Superman Specials of the mid-eighties, this time reviewing the Man of Steel's knockabout with Amazo in Superman Special #3. Section 4: New Comic Reviews The Triangle Titles Superman #153, by Thomas Deja Adventures of Superman #575, by G.M. Nelson Superman: The Man of Steel #97, by Mike Smith Section 5: New Comic Reviews The Triangle Titles (cont) Action Comics #762, by Simon DelMonte Superman Y2K #1, by Jeremy Bleichman Super-Family Titles Superboy #71, by Rene' Gobeyn Supergirl #41, by Thomas Deja Section 6: New Comic Reviews Super-Family Titles (cont) Superman Adventures #40, by Cory Strode Team Titles JLA #38, by ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 60

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... ilarious image of Superboy, Robin, and Impulse trick-or-treating while dressed up in their mentors' costumes that graced the front of _Young Justice_ #3. Both this one and the Superboy cover grabbed me and made me want to look inside, and while I think that SB did a better job of delivering on its promise, the humour of this choice was just enough to push it over the top. SF4: Worst Cover from a Superman Family Title ============================================= JS: Honestly, none of the covers struck me as all that bad this year, so I suppose I'm technically choosing the one I'm most indifferent about. The cover of _Supergirl_ #19 showed the Gi ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 59

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... for the last seven pages of _Aquaman_ #53. And Superman, Superboy, Steel, and Supergirl all have small roles or cameo appearances in _JLA/Titans_ #3. Actually, in retrospect, January might have been one of the lightest months for the Superman family in some time... Ratings Panelists: ----------------- AW: Anatole Wilson EM: Edward Mathews MS: Mike Smith CoS: Cory Strode GN: G.M. Nelson RG: Rene' Gobeyn DJ: Derek Jackson GR: Gary Robinson SDM: Simon DelMonte DWk: Douglas Wolk JE: Josh Elder TD: Thomas Deja EJ: Enola Jones JSy: Jeff Sykes VV: Vic Vitek As always, the first rating given after the average is that of the reviewer. The average rat ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 54

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... hen Sink collection will be the first widely-circulated reprint of the _Superman_ comic strip. Well, at least the first since the original _Superman_ #3... Looking on the collection as a whole, the most remarkable aspect is the wide variety of different tones, styles and plots. Indeed, only two of the nine stories ("The Execution of Krypto" and "The Fattest Girl in Metropolis,") contained any real villain! Then again, this collection was meant mostly as a showcase for Superman and his supporting cast (three of whom, as noted, had their first appearances reprinted her) ... and in that it succeeded immensely. The fact that all these characters hav ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 49

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... f a few good stories that were ruined by terrible art. One such story that comes to mind comes from, I believe, _Justice League International Annual_ #3. In this story, Batman and the Martian Manhunter teamed up, and the story [by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis] explored their similarities and their differences. Unfortunately, the whole story was illustrated by, I believe, an artist named Tim Gula. If you've never seen it, don't bother. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad art. Ruined everything... **** I'd like to add much of Louise Simonson's run on _Man of Steel_ to that. I think she has always been given short shrift by the fans simply as an extension o ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 45

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... ---------------- "Lord Acton once wrote, 'Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely,'" quotes a character in ACTION COMICS ANNUAL #3. What would happen if Superman, a person with nigh-absolute physical power, acquires tremendous political and social power as well? That's the question explored by Roger Stern and Tom Grummett in this engaging Annual, a strong part of DC Comics' 1991 Annuals cross-over, Armageddon 2001. The story opens with Superman slugging it out with troops of parademons from Apokolips, and with Kalibak, the son of Darkseid. During the fight, Superman pulls his punches a bit, even though he knows who Kalibak ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 22

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... 13 pages and concerns conditions of coal miners. I'll be summarizing this story in more detail below. This was originally presented in ACTION COMICS #3. 3) The third story is 13 pages and has a short 'hazards of drink' piece which segues into the main story concerning corruption in college football. This was originally presented in ACTION COMICS #4. In addition to these stories there is an invitation to become a charter member of the Supermen of America for only 10 cents to cover mailing costs. There is also a scientific explanation of Superman's strength, a 'meet the creators' page profiling Siegel and Shuster, and a two page text story in whi ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 05

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... g Linear Men held in stasis. Metron stays behind to free them and sends Superman and Green Lantern to get the probe launched by Vril Dox in ZERO-HOUR #3. Metron thinks he can recreate Waverider from the Matt Rider of the Linear Men. Scene 8 (-0:14 New York City) Alan Scott, and Ted Knight, the surviving members of the JSA, are in the hospital at WildcatÕs bedside. StarmanÕs (Ted Knight) sons arrive, and Ted passes his Cosmic Rod to his son David, just as the Time Rift destroys them. Scene 9 (-0:13:00 Chamber of the Leymen) Extant destroys the Leymen in the chamber (Dr. Mist is already gone). Scene 10 (-0:07:34 New York City) Batman, Robin (Tim D ...

The Kryptonian Cybernet Issue 04

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Published in 
 · 7 months ago
... to the Dark AetherÓ ÒGodspawnÓ Part 5 (of 5) Everything concerned with the Zero Hour cross-over that happens in this book is represented in ZERO HOUR #3. For Zero HourÕs purposes, this book greatly expands on HawkmanÕs big scene in ZH #3, and gives the background for some of the other scenes involving the Hawks (both silver age and current). While this is not a good jumping on point for new readers, I found the conclusion to the Godspawn storyline to be incredibly well done (far better than what I was expecting). The ending will lead into next months Zero issue, which should be a great place for a new reader to start. Time anomalies and confusio ...

LiberTORian Issue 08

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Published in 
 · 9 months ago
... wish to not | ism. One need not be opposed to God | lose their right to exercise their | to be a libertarian. And a Liber- | religious freedom. (See #3.) The | tarian who believes in God doesn't | only people today I can think of | necessarily condone "sinful" be- | off hand who are trying to force | havior simply because s/he believes | others to profess their religion | in a person's right to make his/her | are ISIS and similar groups. | own personal decisions as an indi- | | vidual (drugs/ polygamy, etc.). | Synonymous 2, LiberTORian writer. -Page 13- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MEET THE $ENATOR$ WHO VOTED TO $ B ...
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