ldt022: Loneliness and the Electronic Medium

Published in
Long Dark Tunnel
· 5 years ago
... e used the following channels: #teen #teenchat #teensex Don't be fooled by the difference in suffixes above, they all stand for the same channel. #UnattractiveLowLifesInSelfDenialUsingIRCasanEscapeFromTheirSad,SadLives When doing the tests, we hit these channels at what we considered peak hours, normally 3 PM - 6 PM. These hours coincide with most high schools and most shitty eight-to-five day jobs getting out. Why was the day job factor considered in this experiment? Here are two of the main reasons: There are a lot of thirteen to eighten year olds. That is a given. Multiply that times two and you might have a good figure on the nineteen to thirty-five age group within the channels. Test 1 In our fi ...