Amazons International's journal picture

Amazons International

Administrator: eZine
Created 12 Feb 2024
5 Articles

Amazons International, an old ezine written by Thomas Gramstad

Amazons International #5

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 12 Feb 2024
Topics Stormwind: Re: Outlining the Amazon concept D! : Bio EROTICA: Limberjack's tale Thomas: Amazon Newsgroup also? Stormwind: Re: Outlining the Amazon concept Date: Wed, 1 May 91 19:01:14 PDT From: (Stormwind) From: Thomas Subject: Outlining the amazon concept Stormwind writes: i guess the best way to start this off is to ask, what exactly is an amazon, and why do i consider myself one? most amazons are drawn (usually by boris vallejo) as tawny muscular goddesses sporting very little clothing. (I think I've missed out on something here -- where can one find Boris Vallejo's drawings (comic books? ...

Amazons International #4

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 12 Feb 2024
Topics Keith: psychological androgyny Walt K.: Deena Zarra and the Amazon Explorers Club Keith: psychological androgyny Date: Sun Apr 21 17:42:56 1991 From: microsoft! Subject: psychological androgyny The role of gender in behaviour is something I find very interesting. After a lot of thought and discussion with my feminist friends, I've come to see that almost everything that the human animal does is learned behaviour. In particular, the so-called "masculine" and "feminine" characteristics are largely defined by the culture in which one is raised. Since I have little fondness for most of the "feminine" trait...

Amazons International #3

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 12 Feb 2024
Topics Ricci: my profile Thomas: bio Thomas: Outlining the amazon concept -------- From: (ricarda kaeslingk) Subject: my profile Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 23:54:56 EDT I admit it. I am an Amazon and I LOVE IT. It think what qualifies me best as an amazon is the fact that I will face guys on their own level. I am the one in gym class who throws guys against the walls during floor hockey. HA!!! Once during that gym class, I growled and there was the "parting of the Red Sea." Now I know what Moses felt like. I was always picked first because that way that captain knew he wouldn't get hurt. I play basketball with guys...

Amazons International #2

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 12 Feb 2024
[Note: AI # 1 was just an old version of the intro file. -- Thomas] Amazons International # 2 Topics Keith: Bio Stormwind: Bio [Note from moderator: I will accept anonymous postings; however, if you want your name or address withdrawn, you must tell me so, EACH TIME, at the beginning of your posting (and include a pseudonym). Otherwise I'll keep the from-field.] Keith: Bio From: microsoft! Date: Fri Apr 12 12:08:30 1991 I'd like to thank Thomas for starting this mailing list. I've been quietly obsessed by strong women and wrestling for as long as I've been a sexual person. My first sexual fantasies...
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