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Administrator: Dreamcast
Created 2 Jan 2018
286 Articles

Dreamcast: the last SEGA Console. Collection of tutorials from Internet.

Running Linux on the Sega Dreamcast

Looking for a low-cost way to get started with embedded Linux? Or a fun weekend project? In this detailed how-to article, Bill Gatliff explains everything you need to do to install Linux on a Sega Dreamcast gaming console. Even the necessary Linux kernel, bootloader, and utility kernel patches are included and available for download.

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 16 Feb 2024
Running Linux on the Sega Dreamcast
Introduction One of the more challenging aspects of learning about embedded Linux is the scarcity of cheap, compatible hardware. Sure, Linux runs fine on a personal computer, but does being able to run Linux on your workstation mean you can call yourself an embedded Linux guru? Hardly. You may not believe me now, but you will shortly. What's needed to really explore Linux as an embedded operating system is a well-documented, inexpensive and readily available hardware platform that isn't based on an Intel x86-compatible microprocessor. By excluding PCs, the list of candidates becomes: PDAs, internet appliances, and gaming consoles...

F.A.Q sobre o Sega Dreamcast

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 15 Feb 2024
__,aaPPPPPPPPaa,__ ,adP"""' `""Yb,_ ,adP' `"Yb, ,dP' ,aadPP"""""YYba,_ `"Y, ,P' ,aP"' `""Ya, "Y, ,P' aP' _________ `"Ya `Yb, ,P' d" ,adP""""""""Yba, `Y, "Y, ,d' ,d' ,dP" `Yb, `Y, `Y, d' ,d' ,d' ,dP""Yb, `Y, `Y, `b 8 d' d' ,d" "b, `Y, `8, Y, 8 8 8 d' `Y, `8 `8 `b 8 8 8 8 `8 8 8 8 8 Y, Y, `b, ,a P 8 ,P I, `Y, `Ya """" d' ,P d" `Y, `8, `Ya ,8" ,P' ,P' `Y, `Ya, `Ya,,__,,d"' ,P' ,P" `Y, `Ya, `""""' ,P' ,d" `Yb, `"Ya,_ ,d" ,P' `Yb, ""YbaaaaaadP" ,P' `Yba, ,d' `"Yba,__ __,adP" `"""""""""""""' ___ ___ _ / __| ___ __ _ __ _ | \ _ _ ___ ...

Dreamcast Pal Games List

By shining3master Version 1.03 Last Update 07/09/2006 E-mail: shining3master@yahoo.com My website: http://www.geocities.com/shining3master

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Published in 
 · 24 Jul 2023
Table of Content Version History Legal Information Introduction Frequent Questions and Answers PAL Games Information PAL Games List Additional Dreamcast Software and Demo Discs PAL Peripherals List UK Dreamcast Magazines Packaging Mistakes and Errors Credits Plans for Next Update Contact Information 1. Version History Version 1.03: 07/09/2006 On going update Version 1.02: 04/01/2006 Massive update, have finally got around to releasing this update after working on it for the past year. All sections have been updated and a number of spelling error's corrected. Have numbered all the PAL games and have re-listed a few of ...

Manipulate CD images with IsoBuster

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Published in 
 · 23 Dec 2022
Example of a classical image tree structure for a CD-ROM
Ever loaded a CD image without knowing what to do, or burned it only to find out that the CD doesn't work or doesn't respond to your expectations? IsoBuster should be able to help you. IsoBuster is without doubt the best tool for manipulating and extracting files from a CD image. It can read very many formats from the multitude of existing burning software: *.DAO (Duplicator) *.TAO (Duplicator) *.ISO (Nero, BlindRead, Creator) *.BIN (CDRWin) *.IMG (CloneCD) *.CIF (Creator) *.FCD (Uncompressed) *.NRG (Nero) *.GCD (Prassi) *.P01 (Tostada) *.C2D (WinOnCD) *.CUE (CDRWin) *.CIF (DiscJuggler) *.CD (CD-i OptImage) *.GI (Prassi PrimoDVD) ...

How to downsample SFD file (MPEG-1 + ADX)

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Published in 
 · 22 Dec 2022
Create a folder name Downsample in c:\selfboot Start the Mpeg-VCR V3.00 In Mpeg-VCR V3.00 Menu, select Tool/MPEG DeMultiplexer Check the following options accordingly: For Example: Game Silver, File Intro.sfd Input File Stream: C:Selfboot\Data\Moive\Intro.sfd Output File Video: C:\SelfBoot\Downsample\Intro.M1V Output File Audio: C:\SelfBoot\Downsample\Intro.ADX Click save to start the Recording Processed After that you'll got the Intro.M1V & Intro.ADX files in your HD, Close Mpeg-VCR V3.00, it's times to next step Start CinePack Click File menu / Open Select Intro.ADX (which locate in c:\selfboot\Downsample\) Click Fil...

How to translate a Dreamcast game

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Published in 
 · 15 Nov 2022
How to translate a Dreamcast game
What do you need: Hex Workshop 3 Editor Much patience The Crazy Taxi game (for this example) How to do it: I'm going to use Crazy Taxi as an example, as it's the simplest game to start with. First install the program Hex WorkShop 3. Copy the entire game to a folder on your computer's hard drive. Remove the READ-ONLY attribute from all files. Right-click and Properties . Run Hex WorkShop 3 and open the 1st_read.bin file. Search for the texts you see in the image. All texts can be modified following the following rules: You cannot put more letters than the one already present. Do not modify texts that are similar to directories,...

How to convert DIVX to SFD (Sofdec)

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Published in 
 · 15 Nov 2022
How to convert DIVX to SFD (Sofdec)
I present to you the new method to convert DIVX or MPEG 1 or 2 files to the Dreamcast SoftDec (SFD) format, so that you can watch the video on the Dreamcast. Requires: DIVX movie (MPEG4) or Mpeg 1 - 2 The Converter: SEGA Dreamcast Movie Maker (8 Megas) The Player: SFD File Boot CD (300 kb) Instructions: 1 ) Install the program and execute it. 2 ) Select the Image options: In this process you encode the audio from the AVI to SFD (SoftDec) format. It takes about 20 minutes. 3 ) Now set the options as in the image: In this process, the video will be encoded to SFD format together with the already converted sound. It takes about 15 hours. Be ...

SEGA Dreamcast Divers 2000 Series CX-1


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Published in 
 · 11 Nov 2022
SEGA Dreamcast Divers 2000 Series CX-1
The Divers 2000 was a joint venture, between Japanese media giants SEGA , CSK and the Fuji Television Network to produce a multimedia device based on the Dreamcast platform. It launched in March 2000 at the staggering price of 88,888 yen and was limited to just 5000 sets. For this staggering price tag, the Divers 2000, or CX-1 as it more commonly to referred to in Japan, included a working 14-inch TV screen, a built-in Sega Dreamcast console with internet capabilities (33.6 kbps modem), and running a custom Microsoft Windows CE operating system with direct midi-functioning, and special edition versions of the Dreamcast's camera, contr...

Dreamcast GD-ROM device driver

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Published in 
 · 5 Nov 2022
GD-ROM device driver for LinuxSH Project (http://linuxsh.sourceforge.net/) CVS kernel based on NetBSD/Dreamcast drivers/dreamcast/ gdrom.c device driver arch/sh/kernel/ setup_dc.c modify to support GD-ROM interrupt supports: normal MODE1 CD-ROM multi session MODE2 CDROM (Dreamcast bootable CD) GD-ROM by default, mount GD-ROM of the area (JAP/US/PAL) of the used GD-ROM. To mount the GD-ROM type mount -t iso9660 -o session=0 /dev/gdrom /mnt Major: 250 Minor: 0 To make entry, cd <dcroot>/dev mknod gdrom b 250 0 gdrom.c /* DreamCast GD-ROM driver port from NetBSD/Dreamc...

Dreamcast VMU

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Published in 
 · 2 Nov 2022
The standard visual memory. This is the first edition, it was late released in a box similar to the
The VMU was originally a memory card for the Dreamcast that put an LCD screen right in your controller. When you weren’t at home you could take it with you and play mini-games or swap data with your friends. While it was a largely underused feature of the console it did actually improve gameplay for some games like Biohazard: Code Veronica by displaying your life meter on the screen. As you can see there were a fair few variations that made it out into the world.
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