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Administrator: Dreamcast
Created 17 Nov 2018
37 Articles

SEGA CD Multibios (german)

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 29 May 2022
SEGA CD Multibios (german)
Bevor du irgendetwas machst, bitte zweimal komplett durchlesen, und sicherstellen das ALLES verstanden wurde! Du brauchst einen Lötkolben mit 15-25 Watt und einer Bleistiftspitze (z.b. Ersa Multitip C-25). Lötpistolen sind nicht geeignet! Desweiteren 2 Schalter (Ein/Ein, inklusive), Lötzinn und etwas Kabel (Flachbandkabel ist hilfreich, damit es ordentlich bleibt.. z.B. ein altes IDE Kabel). Lötfett ist hilfreich (für das Verzinnen), aber nicht notwendig. Insbesondere brauchst du gute Beleuchtung und eine ruhige Hand. Wenn du die Konzentration verlierst, mach lieber eine Pause. Ich nehme hier an, das du das Gehäuse auseinandernehmen ...

SEGA CD Multibios

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 29 May 2022
SEGA CD Multibios
Before you do a single thing, read this tutorial from top to bottom, twice, and make sure you understood everything. You will need a soldering iron with 15-25 W and a pen tip . Soldering guns are NOT suitable. A bit of wire (ribbon cable helps avoiding a mess, i.e. use an old IDE cable). Also, two switches, ON-ON , single pole (3 pins, 2 positions, included). Some solder as well of course. Solder grease for tinning the wires and improving contact will be helpful, but isn't necessary. Most of all, you will need good light and a steady hand. If you are loosing concentration or feel you need a break, then take the break! Rather take a b...

Checking the 7805 5V Positive Power (Voltage) Regulator

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 May 2022
Pin out of the LM 7805 5V Positive Power Reg IC
Another fault with a Sega system could be a blown or faulty power regulator. Most Sega system use the " LM 7505" 5V Positive power regulator IC. You will need a Voltmeter or Multi meter to check to make sure it is ok or is faulty. You can pick up multi meters fairly cheaply. The one pictured here only costs $20 AU. Which isn't allot of money and they are very handy for other things too :-) The 7805 power reg IC takes in a DC voltage at the "INPUT" "I" leg (the same voltage as the AC power pack outputs on a Sega system around 9V - 12 V). It's "OUTPUTS" "O" leg is DC +5V which powers the Sega system. "COMMON" is connected to Ground ...

Fixing the internal fuse of a Sega SMS 2, MD 2, Mega CD 2 and others

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 May 2022
Picture of a M205 in-line fuse holder with fly leads. (You can use 3AG size fuse holder.. they are j
This Requires Soldering skills and a basic knowledge of electronic components. This is a more "unique" fix, I have not seen this anywhere on net before. It took a few hours to find this on my Mega CD 2... But should relate to all "newer" Sega hardware. They are not in the MD 1 or SMS 1 as far as I have seen. This info applies to the PAL (AU - EUROPE) and NTSC (USA). (And possibly most other versions as well) The internal fuse is a resistor like component that sits at the back of the Mega CD 2 near were the switch is to sense if the CD lid is open. On this board the fuse is located on the soldering side, labelled "F301", and is rated at 2....

Cleaning a Sega cartridge slot

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 May 2022
Main things you need:- 1. Lint free cloth. (hanky will do fine.. must be "Lint free!) 2. Some "Methylated Spirits" ( May be called something different in different countries) It is a clear cleaning fluid. UN No. 1170. This UN Number will help you ID it if the name is different in your country. UN numbers are used to ID different substances. The same UN number of any substance is the same no matter were you are in the world. There are a few other substances you could use. I will list them here soon. 3. broken part of a thin piece of plastic ruler, or another piece of plastic about 2 mm thick. 1. Now once you have the above parts, Put the l...

How to clean a SEGA cartridge

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 May 2022
How to clean a SEGA cartridge
To clean a sega cartridge you will need the following things. 1. Some cotton buds or ear buds 2. Some "Methylated Spirits" ( May be called something different in different countries) It is a clear cleaning fluid. UN No. 1170. This UN Number will help you ID it if the name is different in your country. UN numbers are used to ID different substances. The same UN number of any substance is the same no matter were you are in the world. There are a few other substances you could use. I will list them here soon. Here is a pic of the printed circuit board (PCB) edge connector that we want to clean. The gold rectangular contacts are on both sides...

Power pack "Plug packs" Pin outs, Polarity and Voltage info

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 May 2022
Pin-out polarity 1
Another area were there isn't much info on the net is about the power adapters! There are some many of them for sega.. but which is which and can you replace them? What do you replace them with?? Well this page solves that! You may be interested to know that all Sega products have a internal 5v Voltage regulator (7805). So that's why you can use adapter with other systems. I have have also tested it too. SEGA System Polarity Voltage mAh Can be also be used with? (TESTED) Game Gear (GG) Center - , Outer + (Pic 2) 9v DC 850 None Master System (SMS1) Center - , Outer + (Pic 2) 9v DC 1000 (1A) SMS1, GG Master System 2 (SMS2) Center -,...

Guide on making a RGB monitor for your Megadrive (or Megadrive 2 or 32x)

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 May 2022
Stereo SCART cable for Megadrive
Well here is the tech stuff. Here is the pin out of the Mega drive 1 A/V port. Also included in the diagram is have to hook up to a SCART connector. I "borrowed" this pic from somewhere on the net. If the person who made it sees this, Please e-mail me so i can put your name on it! OK well this gives us the main pins we are interested in. Ground (GND), Red, Green, Blue and Sync (combined). Now i used a Amstrad CTM644 Color Monitor as my base. I chopped the end off the "Din" plug (Not the 12v lead) and the colours are as follows Cable on monitor Pin on megadrive Red Red Green Green Blue Blue Black Ground (GND) White LUM (NOT USED) Brown...

Sega Megadrive (Version 1) PAL 60hz full colour modification

Dreamcast's profile picture
Published in 
 · 25 May 2022
megadrive pal 60 circuit
What is it? This console modification allows your megadrive to output a valid PAL signal when running in 60hz mode (Japan or USA region). Without this modification, a megadrive modded to run in a 60hz region will give a black and white picture if you use a composite or RF cable. When I first modified my megadrive to be all-region and noticed that 60hz modes did not give a colour picture, I assumed this was because the megadrive was giving out an NTSC signal. This is not the case - my TV supports NTSC too and I tried enabling NTSC mode. I could get a colour picture using an RGB cable, but I was curious and I decided to dig further to disc...
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