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Administrator: eZine
Created 22 Aug 2019
152 Articles

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 029

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Last words By Rumrunner/Void l This issue of Saxonia has with no doubt been the hardest to finish. Not because each task is intensely demanding, more because of the lack of support. I'm getting tired of trying to release a mag more or less on my own, with a just couple of people who helps me. What I miss most is articles from different people. I write most myself, then Ghandy and Browallia gives me a couple of articles. Hell, the three of us might aswell just send a couple of mails back and forth, then we even wouldn't have to bother about getting music, spending time putting a mag together, getting cliparts, checking if everything ...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 028

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Tired of Carving in Sand? Do something that Last Forever Instead! RESPONSIBLE CREW Menthos - Co Editor, also chief editor of the Magazine 'Amiga Zine' Cefa - Co Editor and spanish master. New owner of A4000 060. Browallia - Main Editor, arrogant, but friendly... huh? ying and yang? :COWS:AND:SNA + a new BIG Better and Bitter issue! ::::::::::::K - improvements and innovations! www :::::E + 4 hQ interviews as usual! .nukleus :::::F - adding a gallerypart (World premiere!) .se :::::I + suprises and disappointments /cns ::::G ::::H ::::T ::::S Still intrested in...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 027

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Yet more mysteries By Rumrunner/VOID l When I coded the first issue of Versus, the chart made in cooperation between us in Void and Nukleus, I came across a rather strange (or perhaps not so strange) phenomenon. Well, it all worked good until I added some music. What happened was that once in a while, the computer crashed. I lost no code, as I'm used to save everytime before running changed code, something every assemblycoder soon learns to do. What was strange was that when adding some code, the mag hung upon exit, even if the code wasn't run. Adding other code that did run fixed it until yet more code was added and so on it went. ...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 026

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Mysteries 3 By Rumrunner/VOID l b00340104void-272-104.raw In issue two of Saxonia, I wrote two articles named (surprise, surprise) Mysteries one and two. This time, I though that I should share one of my mistakes with you so perhaps you wont use too much time sorting it out if you do the same mistake. It started when I coded the new Voidcharts. I had some textroutines and mouse/keyboardroutines in place, and I wanted to add a logo to the top of the screen. It just so happens that in an Amiga, you have the magnificent blitterchip and I decided to use this to copy the logo to the screen. Now, the logo was in two bitplanes, you kn...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 025

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Intel assembler By Rumrunner/VOID l Ofcourse it had to happen. Since I started an informatics-course at Høyskolen I Vestfold, I bought first an old pentium2 to do some schoolwork on, then later a laptop, to make work at the schoolplace easier. Coming from the Amigascene and being a coder, I had to look into intelassembler after awhile. To put it short, I have never seen anything that ugly on computers before, apart from the Windows openingscreen. Let's start off brutally by comparing some instructions : 1 move.b (a0),d0 (68000) mov al,[ebx] (intel) move.w (a0),d0 (68000) mov ax,[ebx] (intel) move.l (a0),d0 (68000) mov eax,[ebx] (in...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 024

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Sane - don't make me laugh By Rumrunner/VOID l People running Windows on their computer have one advantage that almost nobody else have, perhaps except mac-folks. There are never any problems finding a driver for different hardware. On other operatingsystems, like bsd or linux, things are a bit different. Some people may remember the article I wrote in Saxonia 1, about the printer I didn't get to work on my Amiga. If you don't remember that, I'm speaking of a Lexmark Z22 printer. This isn't all too easy to get to work in linux either. There are no drivers for the printer for the printingsystem named cups, but there's a driver for lp...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 023

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
X and windowmanagers By Rumrunner/VOID l We all know and love the Workbench on our dear Amigas. The situation is quite different in unix. It's all textmode, and even though single programs can open their own graphicsscreen, almost none does. To get a graphical gui, you need X. This is a set of routines that does almost everything, except managing windows and giving you a blowjob. So, in order to move windows, close them, and flipping through them, you need to run a windowmanager on top of x. There are several to choose from. One named twm comes with x. It mostly sucks. What you get is a frame around your windows, and you can pop a w...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 022

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Unix and texteditors By Rumrunner/VOID l On the Amiga the choice of a texteditor is fairly simple. Both CygnusEditor and GoldEd is up to every imaginable task. On Unix I have yet to come across an editor I really like. There are basically two kinds of editors available on Unix. There are the ones for your regular tty (80*25, 80*50 and whatever), and those for X. Some also works in both environments. You have an editor named nano that runs in textmode, which is fast and easy if you just need to type in some lines of text. However, it lacks features like copy and paste. You can cut a whole line and then insert it, but that's all. You ...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 021

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
ICQ : adult flirt on low level ==================== written by Browallia/Nukleus Communication: the oral way for colorizing our purpose to live among others. Which doesn't mean it's a simple task. Even more basic is it show emotional expressions and making sound, which has been around since the first caveman dropped his stone on his big toe. After a little ICQ-chat, I realize Im not far away from this caveman. I couldn't speak, and how to use expressions such as smilies, when you don't know its purposes? A pitty. A good way of communication, is defintly not overrated! I can't tell I'm a frequent user of ICQ, nor a fan of it. But stil...

Saxonia Issue 04 Part 020

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 22 Aug 2019
Jokes Collected by Rumrunner/Void l Well, we need some jokes this time aswell, so let's start off with one about the norwegian prime minister : How do you get Jens Stoltenberg down from a tree? - Cut the rope around his neck -=- - Do you know how to save Jens Stoltenberg from drowning? - No - Excellent -=- What did Jens Stoltenberg say to Bjarne Håkon Hansen when they met in the halls of the office building? - You can't get to sleep either? -=- You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop off, and on your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is...
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