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computer games walkthroughs

Administrator: paradox
Created 18 Aug 2019
184 Articles

Dragon Skulle

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Dragon Skulle
A solution by Leandro Ferreras This is a simple guide to Dragonskulle, the last game of the "Pendragon Adventure Series". First, I will make a general description of it, and of the different hazards you must face; then I will suggest you the shortest way to reach the end. 1. THE STORY "After escaping from the haunted galleon Blackwyche, Sir Arthur Pendragon arrives at the Island of the Skull. He's looking for the Crystal Skull of Souls, an evil entity whose powers are a tremendous danger to mankind..." Briefly, your mission is to find and destroy a floating skull that's hidden in the heart of the caves, inside the island. Before d...

Maniac mansion

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Maniac mansion
NOTES There are FIVE possible ways to complete this adventure; this solution works with Dave, Syd and Bernard, and should provide insights into solving the other variations. In all rooms you must open the door and in many you must also turn on the light, neither of which is pointed out in this solution. Don't use the flashlight or the batteries will run out (though you can find more!). To find a light switch in the dark, select "WHAT IS" and scan the room by moving the cursor around. There are TWO ways to escape the dungeon. If two kids are trapped there, place one in front of the door and have the other push the loose brick just bel...

Mass effect

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Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Mass effect
Episodes NORMANDY EDEN PRIME CITADEL STATION GALAXY FEROS CITADEL TRIP ILOS NORMANDY NORMANDY After creating your character and watching the various introductory cutscenes, talk to Joker and his co-pilot, then head to the back of the spaceship. Along the way, have a chat with Navigator Pressly, Dr. Chakwas, and the peculiar soldier Jenkins to receive useful information for the Codex and experience bonuses. You can then distribute these bonuses among your abilities by accessing the Squad screen. When you reach Nihlus, talk to him and then to Captain Anderson. At the end of the conversation, listen to the transmission from Eden Prime to fi...

Shadow of the Colossus

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 18 Jun 2024
Shadow of the Colossus
COLOSSUS I The first thing to do when searching for a Colossus is to draw your sword. Unsheathe it and point it in the direction you need to go. In this case, you need to head south, so jump on your horse and set off. When you reach a steep hill, dismount and start climbing the rocks, using the growing plants to help you ascend. Once at the top, follow the path, jump over the small gap, then climb higher and keep going. Pass under the fallen tree and then climb higher again, continuing until you face a large dark block. Jump and grab it, then go to the other side of the well to reach the Colossus. Try to approach the beast with your swor...

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 18 Jun 2024
Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess
Joel isn't a happy Prince after his Father, King Stevius of the Kingdom of Hillsborough, passed on the crown to his first born Myrridian after his death. Joel left the Kingdom vowing to start his own, never to return. Years later, King Myrridian on his wedding day is about to wed Princess Klaudia when a huge army of Dwarves appear and seize Klaudia, declaring that the Ruler of Tunnelworld, Joel is taking Myrridian's bride-to-be for his own pleasure. Distraught at the events, Myrridian has vowed to leave the kingdom and bring back his future Queen but he was never seen again. Prince Maracus, from the House of Stevius is now King an...

The Great Escape

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Published in 
 · 17 Jun 2024
The Great Escape - front cover
"The Great Escape" for the C64. A very short solution - typed by Jaromir Król. This is the Zodiac speaking... . . . ...oops, wrong letter. ;-) Okay, now seriously. More or less. Hello, all the ex-C64 users! You are reading a solution (in a way... it's more of a collection of hints that should let you complete the game) to "The Great Escape" for the C64. This solution was written by me. Who's "me"? Me is me, and my name is Jaromir Król. "Translate" it to Jeremy King if you wish, although names should not be translated, and anyway, this translation is not exactly correct. :) If you are thinking about the C64 JokEmulator now, you are...

The Demon's Forge

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 17 Jun 2024
The Demons Forge - front cover
Demon's Forge A Solve By The Wixer You have been captured by the King's guards for brawling in a tavern. Before you were caught, you killed several of the King's best guards. For this, he sentences you to the Demon's Forge, a deadly maze of puzzles and problems you must solve to get out or die trying! If you get out, the king will give you your freedom and your original things. If not then, oh well! *** Warning, this is not a hint sheet. It is a solution to one of the hardest adventure games of all time. If you want hints, try calling the company. **** The arrow keys are used for movement in this game. Forward is the up a...


paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 15 Jun 2024
Asylum - front cover
Introduction to the Asylum solution I think a lot of people have found Asylum to be a baffling experience. The game is by no means outstanding, but it does hold a kind of fascination. Agreed, there is way too much pointless wandering around, and the game does have its share of questionable puzzles. However, what annoys most people is - I believe - those diabolical mazes. So I hope that the maps will clear up things for you! Naturally, there is also a step-by-step solution. This file will explain how to use the maps and give you a few hints for the game itself. Please refer to the file Asylum_solve.txt for the full solution. A lot of than...

Demon's Winter

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 15 Jun 2024
Demons Winter - MS-DOS front cover
There were five of us..... all brave adventurers. Well, to be honest, all but one of us were brave, but more of our cowardly dwarf companion later. The strongest amongst us was a Ranger who went by the name of Lone. Tall he was, and fast in battle. Our cleric was a fellow called Clarence, He worshipped the god Illo. Illo is the god of life so we knew Clarence's ability to return the dead to life (when his god heard his prayers) would come in handy in our quest. You'd think that Clarence would be a man of peace because of his god's distaste for battle but, don't you believe it. I was surprised to see how often he threw hims...

Champions of Krynn

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
 · 15 Jun 2024
Champions of Krynn - MS-DOS front cover
Welcome, Hero, to the world of Krynn! The War of the Lance is over, and so is the terrible chaos that arised from Raistlins Majere’s, one of the heroes of the lance, struggle to become a god himself. The good forces have been victorious and you and your fellows wander the lands and arrive at a little outpost near the old city of Throtl, in a land that has before suffered the fist of Evil for a long time. Settlers and Knights are just beginning to rebuild what has been destroyed or spoiled by the Goddess Takhisis and her minions. But Evil has not been destroyed. It has just been driven away into the shadows and is again planning and prepar...
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