dr beter audioletter's journal picture

dr beter audioletter

Administrator: eZine
Created 19 Mar 2023
80 Articles


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is November 3, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) #80. Beginning with this AUDIO LETTER I'm making a small shift in my recording schedule from the end of each month to early in the month. This change will help reduce conflicts with holidays and other problems during the course of the year. For years now a familiar slogan has been used in the advertisements for a popular pain reliever. The slogan was so effective that it helped build annual sales of nearly half a billion dollars. The pain reliever became #1 in America with 37% of the market, and yet for weeks now this famous slogan has been...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is September 30, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 79. Throughout the Middle Ages the Christians of Central Europe shared a terrible fear which is all but forgotten today. It was a fear which caused Christian parents to exercise special care over their children at the time of the Jewish holy day of Passover. Their greatest dread was that their child might be kidnapped and never seen again because it was widely believed that the Jews practiced human sacrifice at Passover and that the victims were Christian children. That ancient blood fear of the Jews by Christians largely died out in the ...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is August 27, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 78. On the first day of this month of August 1982, a heart-rending symbol of the Beirut holocaust appeared in newspapers all across America. It was a wire-service photograph of a nurse in hospital in East Beirut cradling a small seven-week-old baby in her left arm as she fed it from a bottle. From the tip of the tiny nose upward the baby's head was swathed in massive bandages covering eyes and all. The little shoulders were wrapped in still more bandages. Where there should have been a pair of infant arms, there was nothing. The baby'...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is July 28, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 77. Early this month, on July 6, there was an unusual news report from Russia. That day an Aeroflot Jet Transport had crashed on take-off from Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. It was a spectacular flaming crash that killed all 90 persons on board. What was unusual about this news item was that it was made public so quickly. Usually plane crashes in Russia are announced more quietly and often after a delay of hours or even days--but not this time. The Aeroflot flight that crashed on July 6 was an international flight bound for Africa. Some of...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is June 30, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 76. On the afternoon of June 25, just five days ago, reporters were summoned to the White House press room for a sudden major announcement. At around 3:00 P.M. the entity known as President Reagan strode in and walked to the microphone. Then, with an announcement about a minute long, he dropped what seemed to be a bombshell. For public consumption he began the announcement with words of praise and regret, but his face was the face of an executioner. Then he came to the only words that really mattered (Note: actual voice recorded; reveals tone)...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is May 31, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 75. Here, in the United States, today is a major holiday, Memorial Day. For most of us it's a day off from our jobs, a day for picnics or to visit friends and relatives. The Memorial Day week-end is famous for traffic jams, highway accidents, and the Indianapolis 500 Auto Race. And Memorial Day is a seasonal turning point, marking the beginning of the traditional summer vacation season. Most of us tend to welcome Memorial Day as the gateway to summer, but Memorial Day also has a more solemn meaning which we sometimes forget. It's the da...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is April 30, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 74. It's now been almost one month since war broke out in the South Atlantic. On the surface it seems that it's only a dispute between Argentina and Great Britain over the barren, wind-swept Falkland Islands and South Georgia Island. In reality, it's far more than that. The so-called Falklands crisis is just the visible tip of a giant military operation. During this month of April 1982, fierce naval battles have taken place--not only in the South Atlantic but also in the South Pacific. Up to now most of the hostilities have been k...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is March 31, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 73. For the past several days two news stories have been competing for top billing here in the United States. One is the conflict in El Salvador surrounding national elections, which were held on Sunday, three days ago. The other is the third space shuttle mission, which ended yesterday. On the face of it, these two headline events would seem to have little in common. The brutal civil war in the jungles of Central America seems part of a different world from that of America's newest space ship, but the fact is that these two news stories ...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is February 28, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 72. On the final Sunday evening of last month, January 31, millions of Americans tuned in their TV sets to watch a special movie on NBC. It was a major production shown in two installments on successive nights. The movie was titled "WORLD WAR III." Viewers were drawn into a snow-swept world of rugged terrain supposedly in Alaska. At a lonely outpost of the Distant Early Warning radar network an unidentified blip appeared on the radar screen. As it did so one crew member, supposedly a Soviet spy, calmly killed all the others, preventing an ...


eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 19 Mar 2023
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is January 29, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 71. On the afternoon of Wednesday January 13 there was a rare blizzard here in Washington, D.C. Government offices and businesses closed up early to allow workers to head home. As commuters fought their way through the worsening snowstorm, the nation's capital turned into one giant traffic jam. The worst jams of all were on the bridges that led across the Potomac River to the nearby suburbs in Virginia. Motorists inched across the snow-swept bridges in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Only a few hundred feet above the jam-packed bridges, jet a...
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