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Administrator: lostcivilizations
Created 6 Aug 2022
829 Articles
Welcome to the journal specialized in studying the history of ancient civilizations!

The history written in the books has been patiently reconstructed by scholars who have conducted research on primary historical sources and archaeological finds. Our knowledge has increased day by day and continues to grow, but the mists that shroud our distant past are far from dissipating.

The notion that human civilization slowly and gradually emerged from nothing is hard to believe! Myths and legends from around the world narrate an extraordinary past with gods, heroes, giants, astonishing marvels, immense cataclysms. Civilizations have flourished and fallen multiple times.

Several ancient civilizations, in their myths, mention a primordial and idyllic period in which "Heaven and Earth were united" and the Moon did not yet shine in the sky. Was the arrival in orbit of our current satellite that ruined the harmony, generating catastrophes like the universal flood and cycles that characterize the current world, from the seasons to the precession of the equinoxes?

Understanding these ancient tales is an important step towards discovering where we come from.

Here I want to collect the information available about these ancient myths, with emphasis on "strange finds", misplaced artifacts (OOPArt), and generally everything that traditional history overlooks and try to discover together with you what happened a long time ago, when the Earth was ruled by the immortal "Gods" and not by men!

The journal is open, so everyone is free to write an article on this topic and contribute to the 'search of the true knowledge'.
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