null magazine's journal picture

null magazine

Administrator: eZine
Created 26 Dec 2020
238 Articles
Null magazine (Null diskmag) is an modern e-zine, about the bbs scene, ansi art, programming, retro computing/gaming and stuff.

The first issues were released in different formats: a dos/win/linux terminal/Raspberry-Pi executable and a text only package; later releases as a text file only.

I converted them, so they are now easy to read.

List of Null diskmag releases:

- NULL mag. issue x001 (September 2018)
- NULL mag. issue x002 (October 2018)
- NULL mag. issue x003 (December 2018)
- NULL mag. issue x004 (February 2019)
- NULL mag. issue x005 (April 2019)
- NULL mag. issue x006 (July 2019)
- NULL mag. issue x007 (October 2019)
- NULL mag. issue x008 (December 2019)
- NULL mag. issue x009 (April 2020)
- NULL mag. issue x00A (September 2020)
- NULL mag. issue x00B (December 2020)
- NULL mag. issue x00C (April 2022)
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NULL mag Issue 0C

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 13 Nov 2022
NULL magazine Issue 0C
i @ n i @ nn L L i dn L i n n@d D H L n ni@ n D D H d ii n W D D @ @Li d n & W D i iHL n @ n 3 & W i iDH n i dn N 3 & L LDD n d i @n m N 3 H WD n n @ L id S m N n D&W n d i H i@ n# S m n D D3& d @ i D Li nM 3 # S n d W WN3 @ i L D Hi dH 3 M # n @ & &mN i i H W DL @f n H M d i 3 3Sm i L D & DH iY n n f H @ i N N# L H D 3 W ik d n Y f i L m mM# H D W N &D LK @ d k Y i H S SHM D D & m n3W PAN iBfX @ K k L D # #fH D W n 3 S nN& AAA vC/I i n K H PANkiBM MYf W & n N # dm3 AAj c2TbP NkiBfX n D AAAAAXvC nHkY & 3 d PANPAN fXSN Q5As7rioA AXvPANki fXPANkiBfXAAjPc2TbPA NkiBfX 3PAN PANAAAAAAX Nk...

NULL mag Issue 0B

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
. . .. . i @ n i @ nn L L i dn L i n n@d D H L n ni@ n D D H d ii n W D D @ @Li d n & W D i iHL n @ n 3 & W i iDH n i dn N 3 & L LDD n d i @n m N 3 H WD n n @ L id S m N n D&W n d i H i@ n# S m n D D3& d @ i D Li nM 3 # S n d W WN3 @ i L D Hi dH 3 M # n @ & &mN i i H W DL @f n H M d i 3 3Sm i L D & DH iY n n f H @ i N N# L H D 3 W ik d n Y f i L m mM# H D W N &D LK @ d k Y i H S SHM D D & m n3W PAN iBfX @ K k L D # #fH D W n 3 S nN& AAA vC/I i n K H PANkiBM MYf W & n N # dm3 AAj c2TbP NkiBfX n D AAAAAXvC nHkY & 3 d PANPAN fXSN Q5As7rioA AXvPANki fXPANkiBfXAAjPc2TbPA NkiBfX 3PAN PANA...

NULL mag Issue 0A

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
Ü Û ÜßÜ ÛßÜ Üßß Ü Ý ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÛÝ ² ² Ý ² Þ ÝßÜ ÜßÜ Û±²±ßÜ Û±²Û ÛÝ ß Ý ß ßßß ßß ß ß Û°±²±°ßÛ°±°8 ÛÝ Û°±±±±±±±°±8 ÛÝ ARTiCLES Û ° ÛÜ°° ²8 ÛÝ Ûþú-°8 ßÜ Û ÛÝ 0.. index ßßßßß ßßß ÛÝ 1.. intro ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÛÝ 2.. da news Û±²±Û Û± ²Û ÛÝ 3.. youtube bbs channells Û°±°Û Û°±°8 ÛÝ 4.. cyberdecks Û°±°Û Û°°±8 ÛÝ 5.. cd text files Û ° ßÜÜß° ²8 ÛÝ 6.. use android for bbsing ßÜþú- Üß ÛÝ 7.. disk mags ßßßßßßß ÛÝ 8.. irc madness ÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÝ 9.. danger bay bbs Û±²ÛÛ ÛÝ a.. dosbian Û°±°Û ÛÝ z.. about Û°±±Û ÛÝ Û ° ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÝ Ûþú- ±8 ÛÝ ßßßßßßßßßßß ÛÝ TUToRS ÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÝ Û±²ÛÛ ÛÝ b.. bash scripts in bbs Û°±°Û issue ÛÝ c.. setting up a bbs in an rpi Û°±±Û x00A ÛÝ d.. ga...

NULL mag Issue 09 31 From the past

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
weird times... weird from-the-past column... ;) if you don't live underneath a bunker for the last months, you should all ready have heard about that fucking shit called covid19! it seems that this shit, came not just only to infect us, but also imprison us inside our homes, remove our rights and make our lives hard to live. the really fucked up thing, is that our "friend" bill, yes our bill, bill "fucked up" gates, predicted all these!!!! and he didn't just say generic things... he predicted all these, by the letter! just by pure luck... i stumbled upon the following text which is written many years back... and perhaps you have all read...

NULL mag Issue 09 30 zssh terminal tip

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
zssh is another cool way to visit BBSes. it uses SSH, it uses ZMODEM... that's it... you don't need anything else :) if you don't know about it, visit its webpage at: the cool thing is that you can use it in various ways and do stuff on remote machines. the only thing is that to use it in a script, you have to pass a password for the connection, which is not a straight forward thing. but shinobi, found a way... :) using the EXPECT scripting lang. you can provide zssh with the password, via the script instantly, with out the need to type it yourself. use the following script to test it a...

NULL mag Issue 09 29 Run dos apps with python

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
this is a strange thing... :) i recently found some old DOS cdroms, with many goodies in them and wanted to test them under my linux machine. one way was to mount the cd inside a DOSBOX instance and browse the CD via the DOS command line. perhaps this would be a good (perhaps the only) solution back in the days, but now i am much older and i like my GUI file manager :) so... here we are... a python script to the rescue!!! what it does, is simple. i associate the script with the DOS .EXE files and when i double click one of them, in my file manager (pcmanfm) the script runs DOSBOX with the current folder, where the DOS program is, automati...

NULL mag Issue 09 28 Plasma demo textmod

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
another demo for text mode... this time a plasma effect... not very good. at least not so amazing like the fire effect one.. but still counts :) program plasma; uses fastcrt; const width = 80; Var XAnswer,YAnswer, ToAdd, X,Y : Integer; SinArray : Array [0..width] Of Integer; Function Rad(Angle : Real): Real; Begin Rad := Angle*PI/180; End; Begin {set 80x50 mode to have a better resolution ;) } asm mov ax, 1112h xor bl, bl int 10h end; {Now to create our sine array} For X := 0 to width Do Begin SinArray[X] := Trunc(Sin(Rad(X))*1024); End; ToAdd := 0; While Not Keypressed Do Begin wait_retrace; ToAdd := ToAdd + 1; {Here we add our small...

NULL mag Issue 09 27 Dos template in html

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
so... this is something unusual... but it's not! :) this is a basic html template to make web pages look like DOS terminals. it's the one used in the Another Droid webpage ( which i think is very cool! make sure to include a dos truetype font in your website. i use the dos437.ttf which you can find with a search in the internets. you could also use old amiga fonts to make even cooler web pages ;) <html><style> @font-face { font-family: lato; src: url(/dos437.ttf) format('truetype'); } html, body { font-family: lato, courier, sans-serif; height: 100%; width: 100%; background-image: rad...

NULL mag Issue 09 26 Fast crt unit

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
this is DOS Turbo Pascal 6/7 unit for various advanced functions to be used in text mode. you have to use this unit, in order to compile the FILE and PLASMA demos, also included in this issue. the original unit is from Nate Case [natedogg], but i also includedsome bits of mine and made some changes. use Turbo Pascal 7, inside DOSBOX to compile it. { fast crt unit. fully compatible with old crt functions. } { most every function is hundreds times faster than borland's unit } { there are two added functions: procedure fastout(x, y : byte; txt : string; colorattr : byte); ^- this is a fast direct screen write procedure procedure fast...

NULL mag Issue 09 25 Dosbox debugging

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 26 Dec 2020
who told you that reverse engineering and debugging DOS apps is over? on the contrary, it's a must! specially now, that we are loosing source code and registration keys for several old but cool apps, doors and games. the following tutorials will help you to get into the game. some things are easy to do, other needs more advanced skills and knowledge. but keep in mind that DOSBOX is very fucking awesome tool! and it can be used in ways you only have to discover. this is another tool in our arsenal to bring back "dead" software from the old times. even you don't find useful your self, share it with others, perhaps they know what to ...
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