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Administrator: xbox
Created 18 Feb 2018
122 Articles

Imaging your XBOX HDD using dd (in QNX OS)

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
This is one method for imaging/cloning your XBOX HDD. It is by no means the only method. Index REQUIREMENTS AND OPTIONS WARNINGS UNLOCKING THE XBOX HD FILE SIZE LIMITS IMAGING USING OPTIONS CLONING 1) REQUIREMENTS AND OPTIONS A Disassembled XBOX (THIS VOIDS THE WARRANTY AND PRESENTS A POTENTIAL SAFETY HAZARD) A fairly recent PC system with an available standard IDE interface. A bootable QNX ( OS. I used QNX because it installs quickly from CD ROM, and has a tiny footprint, but this should be possible with Linux as well. Free OSes rule! A spare IDE/ATA HDD of equal or greater capacity than the XBOX HH, and/or equiva...

Xbox XDK Overview

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
The system software of the Microsoft® Xbox® game system will provide a small, fast, safe, robust, and customizable environment to enable the creation of great games for the Xbox game system. It will provide a set of useful common services to be taken advantage of by game developers, such as networking and file system input/output, so that developers can focus on creating great games. It will also provide an attractive, easy-to-use interface for functions other than running games, such as playing DVD movies or CD music or configuring the Xbox console. The Xbox system software will have these components: The Xbox read-only memory (ROM) ...

Xbox DVD Filesystem Details

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
written by Andrew de Quincey , 5 May 2002 XDVDFS v0.2 Andrew de Quincey ( This document describes the filing system present on XBOX game DVD disks. On a CD or DVD disk, sectors are 2048 bytes long. Xbox media also appear to have regular 8MB spaces reserved for “security placeholders”. It is hypothesised that these are where Microsoft will place digital signatures for each data area on the disk, thus guaranteeing security from corruption or tampering. It appears that the TOC of game DVDs has also been modified so that disks appear to contain much less data than they actually do (preventing casual copying of game data). ...

Xbox Hard Disk Filesystem Contents

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
written by Michael Steil , 8 May 2002 An Xbox that has never played a game or imported an audio CD has the following files on its hard disk volumes: 0 Game Cache 1 /XMTAXBOX.XBE 1347584 Total: 1,347,584 This partition will be deleted when a game is run. The meaning of this file is unknown. 1 Game Cache 2 empty Amazingly, although there are no directory entries, there is a lot of binary data on this partition. Its bzip2-compressed size is about 150 MB. 2 Game Cache 3 /BUFFER.IN 32768 /FFT.IN 286720 Total: 319,488 The meaning of these files is unknown. This partition has a compressed size of more than 7 MB, it also contains addi...

Xbox File Types

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
written by Michael Steil , 2 May 2002 The Xbox hard disk contains files in some different formats, most of which are new: *.xbe XBE files are signed Xbox executables. Their format is similar to the Win32 PE format. *.xtf It is unknown what the XTF files contain. The hard disk contains two of them (Xbox Book.xtf and Xbox.xtf, about 15 MB each). They start with "XTF0 \0\0\0" followed by its file name without extension and compress down to less than 6 MB. They might contain image data, because every fourth byte is 0. *.xip XIP files (Xbox ZIP?) are uncompressed archives containing several files, usually of the types xm, xap and xbx. Offset S...

Xbox Hard Disk Technical Details

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
written by Michael Steil, 1 May 2002 (Updated 26 September 2002) Seagate (10 GB) Harddisk information as reported by hdparm -i Model=ST310211A, FwRev=6.55, SerialNo=6DB2WQW2 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw>15uSec Fixed DTR>10Mbs RotSpdTol>.5% } RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=0 BuffType=unknown, BuffSize=512kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=16 CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=19541088 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:240,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120} PIO modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 *udma2 AdvancedPM=no WriteCache=enabled Drive ...

Xbox CPUID Information

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
written by Michael Steil , 26 June 2002 The Xbox uses a Pentium III compatible CPU manufactured by Intel. The exact features of any IA-32 CPU can be found out using the assembly instruction CPUID. Here is what the Xbox CPU returns: CPUID Function 0 Get maximum supported standard level and vendor ID string Register(s) Contents Comment EAX 2 Maximum supported standard level EBX-EDX-ECX "GenuineIntel" Intel processor CPUID Function 1 Get processor type/family/model/stepping and feature flags Register(s) Contents Comment EAX 0x68a Family 6 (Intel P6/P2/P3) Model 8 (P3 (0.18 痠) with 256 KB on-die L2 cache) Stepping 10 EBX ...

The Xbox Serial EEPROM contents

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2024
written by Franz Lehner and Jeff Mears , 25 September 2002 struct eeprom { /* 256 Bytes */ unsigned char data_hash[20]; // 0x00 - 0x13 HMAC_SHA1 hash of next two fields unsigned char crypted_confounder[8]; // 0x14 - 0x1B see HMAC docs unsigned char crypted_hddkey[20]; // 0x1C - 0x2F encrypted hard disk key unsigned char region[4]; // 0x30 - 0x33 encrypted region code unsigned char serial[12]; // 0x34 - 0x39 Xbox serial number in ASCII unsigned char mac_address[6]; // 0x40 - 0x45 Ethernet MAC address unsigned char pad_1[2]; // 0x46 - 0x47 always zero? unsigned char unknown_2[1...

How to Access the Xbox Hard Disk

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Published in 
 · 20 Feb 2024
written by Michael Steil , 1 May 2002 The Xbox hard disk is protected with an ATA password, i.e. it has to be unlocked by transmitting the 32 byte password to it at boot time, or else any read and write requests will be rejected. Just putting the hard disk into a Linux computer results in loads of errors when the kernel tries to read the partition table, but the hard disk type and layout are correctly detected. To be able to access the data, there are two possibilities: Find out the ATA password and modify the Linux kernel so that it unlocks the hard disk at boot time. Make the Xbox unlock the drive and use it in the Linux computer. Makin...

How to Backup the Xbox Hard Disk

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Published in 
 · 20 Feb 2024
written by Michael Steil , 8 May 2002 With the Xbox hard disk conntected to your linux computer, you can just make an image by running the following line as root: dd if=/dev/hdc of=xbox-image.raw bs=1m Note that you need kernel 2.5 or above and a file system that supports files bigger than 2 GB (e.g. not ext2 or FAT), because the image size will be about 10 GB. It is possible to split the image into 1 GB files: dd if=/dev/hdc bs=1m | split -b 1024m If you want to experiment with the image contents, it might make sense to read the partitions into single files, as described in the table below. (It might be a good idea to com...
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