Tutankhamun's dagger comes from space

Research reveals the meteorite origin of the blade's iron. Thanks to the X-ray fluorescence technique, scientists have confirmed what was written on an ancient papyrus.

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
The Tutankhamuns dagger
Egyptian iron objects are very few, because the ancient Egyptian civilization had not developed iron metallurgy and there were no quarries. Thus, it was considered more precious than gold. In 2016, with the use of the X-ray fluorescence technique, scientists have confirmed the iron of the blade of Tutankhamun's dagger comes from space. The metal is of meteoric origin. What was written on a ancient Egyptians papyrus, "an iron that rained from the sky" seems therefore true. Everything begins with the discovery of an ancient crater caused by the impact of a meteorite. The crater is the Kamil Crater initially discovered in 2008 by Vincenz...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
MOUSSE DI CIOCCOLATO ALL' ACQUA con zuppetta di fragole e zenzero INGREDIENTI - 200 g di fragole - 100 g di cioccolato fondente 70% - 150 g di acqua - 1 pezzetto di radice di zenzero - menta fresca q.b. PREPARAZIONE Prepara una ciotola con acqua molto fredda e ghiaccio. Inserisci all' interno una ciotola più piccola ( meglio se in metallo ) in modo che stia a contatto con l' acqua e il ghiaccio. In un pentolino fondi il cioccolato con l' acqua mescolando di tanto in tanto. Versa il cioccolato fuso nella ciotola adagiata su acqua e ghiaccio e con un frullino, o sbattitore elettrico, monta fino a ottenere una consistenza spu...

The enigmatic 'Stone Wheels': a prehistoric mystery

There are thousands of them and they can only be detected via satellite. They look like 'stone wheels', but no one knows who made them and what they were used for. An archaeological mystery in the Jordanian desert that confuses researchers.

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
The enigmatic 'Stone Wheels': a prehistoric mystery
In March 2006, while flying over the black lava fields near the Azraq oasis in Jordan, the QuickBird satellite photographed a series of crude wheel-shaped shapes. The dimensions of these wheels vary between 25 and 70 meters in diameter. After tracing a first group of formations, the researchers find another and another: thousands of wheels that extend to the north as far as Syria and to the south as far as Saudi Arabia. The quantity, size and extension area of ​​these 'wheels' are nothing short of extraordinary. No one lives in this arid and desolate land, apart from the occasional nomadic Bedouin tribe, and these strange grouping...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
BRUSCHETTA CON RICOTTA AL FORNO carciofi, miele e nocciole INGREDIENTI 100 g di ricotta ( ben sgocciolata da eventuale liquido ) 2 carciofi 1 cucchiaino di miele di castagno 1 manciata di nocciole 1 cucchiaio di rosmarino, timo, origano, salvia tritati 1 cucchiaio di olio extravergine di oliva 2 cucchiaini di succo di limone 2 pizzichi di sale 1 macinata di pepe nero PREPARAZIONE Taglia la ricotta a fette spesse circa 1 cm, trasferiscile in una leccarda rivestita da carta forno e cospargile con il trito di erbe aromatiche e il miele. Cuoci in forno preriscaldato a 160° per 15 minuti. Taglia a fettine sottili i carciofi e condiscili con sa...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
CREMA DI ASPARAGI finocchi, spinaci, mela e lenticchie al cocco INGREDIENTI 200 g di asparagi 200 g di finocchi 30 g di spinacini 1 mela mezza cipolla bianca 100 g di lenticchie secche mezzo cucchiaino di curry in polvere 70 ml di latte di cocco 4 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva 4 pizzichi di sale 1 macinata di pepe 240 g di pane integrale acqua o brodo vegetale q.b. PREPARAZIONE Versa due cucchiai di olio e il curry in una casseruola, tosta leggermente a fiamma bassa per un minuto, aggiungi le lenticchie e copri a filo con acqua. Lascia cuocere dolcemente per 20/25 minuti, poi aggiungi il latte di cocco e un paio di pizzichi d...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
OMELETTE CON PATATE all' erba cipollina, asparagi, ravanelli, porro e crescenza INGREDIENTI - 2 uova - 400 g di patate novelle con la buccia - 300 g di asparagi - 4 ravanelli - mezzo porro - 200 g di crescenza - 3 fili di erba cipollina - 4 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva - 4 pizzichi di sale - 1 macinata di pepe nero PREPARAZIONE Dividi le patate a metà, cuocile a vapore per circa 15 minuti quindi schiacciale leggermente con una forchetta. Taglia il porro a rondelle, gli asparagi a pezzi, e i ravanelli a fettine. Salta le verdure per circa 15 minuti in padella con due cucchiai di olio e un paio di pizzichi di sale aggiungendo ...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
TACCHINO AGLI AROMI con cipollotti caramellati e riso basmati saltato alla bieta INGREDIENTI 200 g di petto di tacchino 2 cucchiai di farina 00 1 cucchiaio di rosmarino e salvia tritata 6 cipollotti 1 carota 1 costa di sedano 160 g di riso basmati (possibilmente integrale) 320 g di acqua leggermente salata 250 g di biete 1 cucchiaino di zucchero di canna 4 pizzichi di sale 1 macinata di pepe 5 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco secco PREPARAZIONE Porta a bollore l' acqua, aggiungi il riso, copri e lascia cuocere a fiamma bassa per 10 minuti. Una volta trascorso il tempo spegni la fiamma, lascia ripos...

Arkaim - Russia's Stonehenge, a true puzzle of the ancient world

Everyone has heard of Stonehenge. If you found yourself on the steppes of the Southern Urals and came into contact with a local tribe, spending months learning their language and gaining their trust, and their leader admitted you to become an honorary member of the clan (against the advice of their shaman) and finally, you asked them if they had ever heard of Stonehenge, well, their answer would probably be yes!

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 18 Apr 2024
The circular stones of Wiltshire have become famous, earning their place in popular culture around the world. Yet, with great surprise, we are increasingly realizing that Stonehenge is not the only example of a megalithic circle in the world. Archaeologists calculate that around 5 thousand similar structures exist across the Earth, at the most disparate geographical coordinates, indicating that this construction had a fundamental meaning for our ancestors. England, therefore, does not have a monopoly on megalithic circles. Some of the most interesting such monuments are found within the borders of the former Soviet Union. Arkaim, is one o...

🥒🥒🥒 Zucchini Cheesy Muffins 🥒🥒🥒

AniphaeS's profile picture
Published in 
 · 17 Apr 2024
🥒🥒🥒 Zucchini Cheesy Muffins 🥒🥒🥒
🥒🥒🥒 Zucchini Cheesy Muffins 🥒🥒🥒 Perfect for brunch, or just because! 🥒🥒 Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 2 large eggs 3/4 cup milk 1/4 cup olive oil 1 cup grated zucchini (water squeezed out) 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, plus extra for topping 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Thinly sliced zucchini for garnish Chopped green onions for garnish Instructions: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and grease a muffin tin or line with paper liners. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, ...

What (or who) is at the bottom of Lake Baikal?

From a height of 354 km, astronaut Michael Reed Barratt photographs the Lake Baikal, the largest natural freshwater basin in the world, as well as the deepest and oldest on the planet, considering its 25 million years. When Barrat sends the images to Earth, a curious detail emerges: on the surface there is a gigantic black ring with an almost perfect circumference.

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 17 Apr 2024
What (or who) is at the bottom of Lake Baikal?
On April 23, 2009 the International Space Station is flying over the frozen Russian territories of Siberia. From a height of 354 km, astronaut Michael Reed Barratt photographs the Lake Baikal, the largest natural freshwater basin in the world, as well as the deepest and oldest on the planet. It is probably 25 million years old. When Barrat sends the images to Earth, a curious detail emerges: on the surface there is a gigantic black ring with an almost perfect circumference. The ring structure looked like a crack in the ice of a type no one had ever observed before. Photo analyzes show that the ring is very large, with a diameter reaching ...
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