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Lüfterregelung im Atari Falcon F030

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Published in 
 · 15 Jul 2024
Autor: Robert Schaffner Robert Schaffner Am Schäferpfad 10 63303 Dreieich EMail: Robert Schaffner @ OF2 (MausNet) Tel/Fax: 06103/67197 Wen stört er nicht, der laute ungeregelte Ventilator in Ataris neustem Abkömmling, dem FALCON F030. Es gibt Dinge über die man ziemlich ausführlich diskutieren kann, und es gibt welche, bei denen man erst überhaupt nicht anzufangen braucht, hierzu zählt eigentlich eben auch dieser Ventilator. Weder der Typ des eingebauten Lüfters, noch das Kaufdatum des F030 spielen hierbei eine besondere Rolle - das Gerät ist einfach laut. Da ich noch die letzten warmen Monate des letzten Jahres abgewartet habe, u...

Probleme mit dem Sound-Subsystem des Atari F030

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Published in 
 · 15 Jul 2024
Autor: Robert Schaffner Robert Schaffner Am Schäferpfad 10 63303 Dreieich EMail: Robert Schaffner @ OF2 (MausNet) Tel/Fax/Modem: 06103/67197 F030 - Platinenrevision B/C Zu Bemerken wäre gleich am Anfang das mir dieser Fehler bis jetzt erst an zwei Falcons der Revision B und C aufgefallen ist. Diese Textdatei kann im allgemeinen nicht auf jeden F030 angewendet werden. Zumal es schon alleine nur im Soundsubsystemeingang schon zwei verschiedene Sound_In Beschaltungen und auch zwei verschiedene Schaltpläne gibt. In jeden Fall sollte man bei Knack- und Kratzgeräuschen währen dem Sampeln, dem Abspielen einer CD ect. zuerst sein ...

Atari Falcon 030 CPU (68030) acceleration modification

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Published in 
 · 15 Jul 2024
DISCLAIMER The author cannot be responsible for any damage to your equipment, other software or hardware products, or physical or mental well being caused by the use, misuse, abuse, misinterpretation, or inability to use this hardware modification. The author also makes no guarantee as to the compatibility of this hardware modification, I only give an assurance that this hardware modification will function correctly as part of my own personal computer. By using this information leading to the proposed modification you are agreeing to accept FULL responsibility for ANY and ALL circumstances arising from it's implementation. If you do ...

Entomological Techniques for Insect Collection

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Published in 
 · 12 Jul 2024
This article explores several effective methods used by entomologists to collect insects. Hunt by Sight This is the most common method, as the name suggests, involving capturing whatever comes into view. Cutting This method entails mowing grass using a specific net with a 1.5 m long handle, a 60 cm diameter net frame, and a sturdy white fabric bag about 50 cm deep. Grass is mowed swiftly, and the bag's contents are checked every 4-5 mows to prevent insects from escaping or perishing. This approach allows for the discovery of various insects: Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Arachnids. Berlese Funnel This method, al...

Effective Techniques for Insect Trapping Using Natural Baits

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Published in 
 · 12 Jul 2024
In entomology and pest management, effective trapping methods are essential for studying insect behavior, monitoring populations, and implementing control strategies. Among the various techniques employed, those utilizing natural baits have proven particularly effective. From rotting meats and fermented liquids to colorful visual cues, these baits attract a diverse range of insects. This article explores some trapping methods. Chromotropic traps Chromotropic traps are simple traps that use colors to attract insects. Typically, small bowls or colored ice cream containers (3 coats of spray paint give excellent results) are used, filled almo...

Easter Island mystery

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
Easter Island mystery
This page is based on EASTER ISLAND: THE MYSTERY SOLVED, by Thor Heyerdahl, Random House, NY, 1989. This book by Heyerdahl has huge amounts of data and plentiful illustrations. Of course I can use only a fraction of this material here. I will present here only selected images from his book, the ones that make it pretty clear what this matter is all about. These images are now available on the Internet for the first time. THE KNEELING STATUES This statue was found during the excavations organized by Heyerdahl, and conducted by highly competent archaeologists, under the leadership of Prof. Skjolsvold, of Oslo University. The statue was fou...

Polynesian controversies

Most of us have heard about the Easter Island. It is the island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that is located about half-way between South America and Polynesia, and that features those striking and unusual "Heads". (Well, actually most of them are not really "Heads", but full-bodied statues that were partially buried in the earth.) This is a long 1998 article where Yuri Kuchinsky analyses the latest debates among Polynesianists about all these subjects.

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Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
JE Terrell, TL Hunt, and C Gosden, THE DIMENSIONS OF SOCIAL LIFE IN THE PACIFIC (including replies by critics), CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY, April, 1997. Why is there so much confusion among modern Polynesian historians and anthropologists? These exchanges in CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY are highly indicative -- the arguments are often quite convoluted, and their tone is often extremely confrontational. Especially sharp are the responses of some of the critics of Terrell et al. While these disputes seem very bitter, one must say that it is not always so easy to see who is wrong and who is right in each particular case. Indeed, the confusion seems so far...

Precolumbian Amerindian horse?

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
FRANK GILBERT ROE ON VERY EARLY INDIAN HORSES. By Yuri Kuchinsky. THE INDIAN AND THE HORSE, 1955, by Frank Gilbert Roe, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Greetings, Prompted by the recent interest in these ngs, and by the questions asked about the early American horses, I have been reading the above very interesting volume. It is a very detailed and determined effort by Roe to document from historical sources the history of Indian horse in America, and of the Native traditions associated with it. What are my conclusions so far? Well, it almost seems at this point that the more I try to research this question, the more questions are em...

Evidence: manioc on Easter Island

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
Greetings, Abundant evidence exists for the hypothesis that there were contacts between the Easter Island and the South American mainland in earliest times. This evidence is so plentiful that it is hard to believe that this hypothesis will not be accepted by now by our academic mainstream. And yet it is not. We can only speculate why this may be so. Not only this, but there's also very good evidence that the earliest settlers on Easter Island came from S. America. As archaeological evidence demonstrates, the culture of the earliest Easter Island peoples shows so much affinity with the pre-Inca Tiahuanaco civilization that this matter ...

The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
EQUINOX - Channel 4 - 8 September 1996 The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies In the 21st dynasty of the Pharaos, 3,000 years ago, there took place one night at a temple, the funeral of Henut Taui - the Lady of the Two lands. Compared to the great rulers of Egypt, her burial was a modest affair. But just like the Pharaos, she too was mummified, and her body placed in the depths of a desert tomb, in the belief it would give her immortality. In an unexpected way, it has. Her mummified body waited throughout recorded history - the Greeks and Romans, the Dark and Middle ages, the Renaissance and Napoleon, until in the early 19th century, her tomb...

Old Copper Culture in America

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
Greetings, Here's my promised analysis of the Old Copper Culture in America, and its seeming links with the Mediterranean. I've again summarised Madison, and then included some additional new info. ______________ "Mop-up operations are what engage most scientists throughout their careers. Mopping-up is what normal science is all about. This paradigm-based research is "an attempt to force nature into the pre-formed and relatively inflexible box that the paradigm supplies". No effort is made to call forth new sorts of phenomena, no effort to discover anomalies. When anomalies pop up, they are usually discarded or ignored. Anomalies ...

Dumbing down Polynesia, or the betrayal of history

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
According to the conventional view, most of Polynesia was settled during the last 2000 years by Polynesian-speakers, who were arriving to virgin uninhabited islands. Only one wave of human settlement is allowed. Polynesians were arriving to those uninhabited islands, and gradually developing their new and unique island civilisations in a variety of ways. The prevailing view is Isolationist, since those first explorers are often believed to have lost their navigational skills quickly, and to have lost touch with their cousins on other islands. So the prevailing view is biased towards "local development". And it is also obviously biased tow...

The Rongorongo Puzzles

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
I accept the native Rapanui tradition that rongorongo writing was known on the island from the ancient times. This tradition is backed by considerable evidence. Of utmost importance is the identification by Thomas Barthel of a complex lunar calendrical sequence on Mamari tablet, as described in his GRUNDLAGEN, 1958. All the experts accept this discovery as valid. As S.R. Fischer says in his book (RONGORONGO, Oxford, 1997, p. 233), quoting Jacques Guy, the meaning of this passage can now be considered as known "beyond reasonable doubt". The importance of this breakthrough is that this proves that rongorongo is a complex and sophisticated w...

The Kensington Rune Stone

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
The Kensington Rune Stone
articles by Yuri Kuchinsky posted and discussed in sci.archaeology All these Usenet discussions have made it quite clear that no good arguments against the authenticity of KRS exist. These are only some of the articles I wrote about that famous Kensington Rune Stone that was found by Farmer Ohman about 100 years ago as he was clearing the field for planting. This mystery in rural Minnesota has puzzled the world ever since. Many more articles on this subject, hundreds of them in fact, are available in DejaNews. For some reason, this discussion always evokes strong emotions among various posters. And of course, if you do a WWW search on "K...

An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico Fact or Fraud?

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico Fact or Fraud?
by James D. Tabor The standard textbook wisdom that we all learned from grade school on up is that the Americas were discovered by the Europeans either in 1492 by Columbus, or perhaps even a few hundred years earlier by the Vikings. There seems to be an aversion among the establishment historians to even consider the idea that ancient Mediterranean peoples might have traveled to the Americas in the centuries before our era. Except for certain “fringe” scholarship, particularly promoted by Mormon historians, the standard view is considered indisputable. The very idea that “primitive” peoples from Cyprus, Phoenicia, Greece, or Iberia had th...

The Little People

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Published in 
 · 4 Jul 2024
by Paul Wilson In March 1967, as a 16 year old boy, I had an experience that changed my life and the way I saw things in what was for me, a traumatic way. I had at the time, never heard of the Little People or ever believed in anything along those lines. I was hunting rabbits in a secluded area along the Purgatory River in a place called Nine Mile Bottoms south of Higbee, Colorado. The area was and still is very sparsely populated. The closest farm or house was approximately 7 miles away so I was surprised to come across the bare foot prints of a small child. I knew the area very well as I had cut cedar fence post for my uncle there for a...

Optimizing for FastRAM & 68060 CPU

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Published in 
 · 18 May 2024
Well, so it happend, ct60 arrived to our hands =) Short time after receiving my CT60 I've got some nice c2p source from Evil/DHS by Michael Kalms aka Scout/Appendix where I learned some things about 060 so why not write it here:) Burst mode I was very surprised when I didn't find 'burst mode' bit in CACR register. But this doesn't mean 060 has no burst... 060 operates in burst mode all the time :) And what is this burst mode? If you read my article about 030 timing you know how it works in the 030 cache: every word or long read has its place in data cache (unless the data cache isn't disabled and/or fro...

68030 ST RAM and things around it

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Published in 
 · 18 May 2024
I tell you the truth - I'm always reading about how slow ST RAM is and that Fast RAM is something unbeatable etc, but I never knew WHY. There is only one Falcon timing document - the one published by Rodolphe Czuba with CT2. But in my eyes, this doc is so short/unclear and SHITTILY translated, there's no way to get the idea for non-hw freaks like me. But one nice day I told myself: "It can't be so hard... other ppl understood that, I can too" :-) So I downloaded both uk and fr version of the mentioned doc and started to read... OK, after some weeks :) I've got that damned idea... I have to say I haven't got any osc...

The SNES Tester

World Class Service Tester for Super Nintendo Systems. Plugs into cart slot, controller ports, and video port to run tests.

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Published in 
 · 21 Apr 2024
Tester plugged into SNES cart slot.
The SNES Tester is a rare box used by World Class Service and repair centers to test Super Nintendo systems. It plugs into the cart slot and has cables to both controller ports and the video port. When powered up the software in the tester checks video signals, clock timing, internal memory, and controller data. After that it runs a series of tests like sprite mirroring, scaling, transparency, and music channels. The entire sequence runs about 2 minutes and can be seen in the movie file below. Actual video output is far sharper than seen in the movie. The box itself has Super Famicom labelled on top, but works in a USA NTSC Super Nintendo...

RacerMate Challenge II

RacerMate Bicycle Training System. Bike fits in trainer and transmits info to the NES for display.

DrWatson's profile picture
Published in 
 · 21 Apr 2024
Entire system.
This NES game is missing from almost all lists for people looking for a complete NES collection. It is unlicensed but was available for sale in the USA. The cart is now somewhat rare and the full system is much more rare. A complete system includes the cart, interface box to the controller ports, manual, bike trainer, and handlebar display. A NES console with the lockout chip disabled may also have been available but no pictures of one have been seen. The cart has no lockout chip or lockout defeating circuits so it must be used on a top loader or a system with the lockout chip disabled. Electrical power is used to put more resistance in t...
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