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The "First Time" of Ancient Egypt

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 · 2 months ago
The First Time of Ancient Egypt
In the Histories written by Herodotus of Halicarnassus in the 5 th century BCE, there is a passage in which the author recounts the time span between the era of the first king in Egypt and the time when the country was attacked by the Assyrian king Sennacherib (early 7 th century BCE). Egyptian priests told him that during this long period, a total of 341 human generations had passed. Herodotus notes the calculated years representing all these generations, totaling 11,340 (though his calculation is incorrect; the actual total is 11,366), as he assumed that each generation represented about 33 years. Of course, this period of time does not...

The People of Horakhti

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 · 2 months ago
A cosmic catastrophe 20,000 years ago seems to link Earth with the red planet. The Giza plateau is the ancient guardian holding the secrets of the human race, whose genesis lies in the depths of the stars. Mars, a silent planet at the edge of space, carries the mystery of its origins. In the solar system, it is the only globe similar to Earth, flattened at the poles, with ice caps, and bulging at the equator. Observing the planet’s surface through a telescope in 1877, Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli identified a series of wavy lines, which he called canals, that were once undoubtedly bodies of water: rivers, seas, and oceans. Fur...

The Titans, a Tunnel under the Pacific

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 · 2 months ago
"If the Spaniards, upon entering Cuzco, hadn’t acted with such cruelty, killing Atahualpa, who knows how many ships would have been needed to transport to Spain all those treasures that now lie in the depths of the Earth and may remain there forever, as those who hid them died without revealing the secret." Thus wrote the soldier-priest Cieza de Leon a few years after the murder of the last Inca emperor and the massacres committed by Pizarro and his horde. And with good reason, as the Iberian adventurers, blinded by their greed for riches, acted in the least suitable way to fulfill it. Pizarro took Atahualpa prisoner and declared he would...

Assembler keygen tutorial

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 · 4 months ago
== ASM KEYGEN TUTORIAL - WRITTEN BY TERAPHY [PC97] =================================================== This is the tools i use in this tutorial: Soft-Ice 3.01 W32Dasm 8.9 *Regged* Tasm/Tlink Getting Started: What we should do is to get the registration code, find where the code is being calculated and rip it out. I will use two easy programs as examples, Command Line 97 1.0, and Flywheel V1.02b. Command Line 97 1.0: ( This program has a real simple code calculation. I will guide you step by step how to get the serial, how to rip it and how to make a working keygen...


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Published in 
 · 4 months ago
08/31/99 Par Th3 KiinG 1- Introduction Bienvenue dans mon premier cours de cracking. Aujourdhui nous allons nous attaquer a une sorte de fichier autre que les Exécutable... Nous allons cracker un DCU (Un DCU c'est une sorte de fichier créer par Delphi qui contient un .PAS Compilé). Dabitude, les autheurs de composent pour Delphi ne veule pas distribuer le Code Source de leur controle alors c'est pour cette raison qu'il nous donne juste la version Compilé. 2- *IMPORTANT* *Comme vous avez du le remarquer, il y a 6 *version* (C'est pas vraiment des version différente de Extra Pack, c'est juste que...

How to remove the CD protection in Pandemonium

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 · 4 months ago
Comment cracker PANDEMONIUM La première chose à faire et de lancer le jeu sans le CD. Une boîte de dialogue apparaîtra, vous disant que “The Pandemonium CD Must Be In Drive”. Désassemblez PANDY3.EXE et sélectionnons “Refs” puis “String Data References”. Cherchons “The Pandemonium CD Must Be in Drive”. Vous allez atterri quelque part dans la routine de vérification du CD, regardons: * Referenced by a call at adress |:00436015 :00427C60 A1FCB14600 mov eax, dword ptr [0046B1FC] :00427C65 85C0 test eax, eax :00427C67 741C je 00427C85 :00427C69 E8324EFEFF call 0040CAA0 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj :00427C6E 6810CC4600 push 0046CC10...

How to remove the CD protection in Balls Of Steel

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 · 4 months ago
XVI Comment cracker Balls Of Steel (1.0 et 1.1) Etape 1 : lancez BOS.EXE Etape 2 : vous remarquez que vous êtes obligé d'y jouer avec le CD . Notez le message d'erreur Etape 3 : lancez Norton Commander et copiezBOS.EXE en BOS.ESS pour le backup et en 1.EXE pour W32Dasm Etape 4 : lancez W32Dasm et désassemblez 1.EXE Etape 5 : une fois désassemblez , recherchez dans DATA STRING REFERENCE , la chaîne "CD required".Cliquez 2 fois dessus et vous atterrirait au milieu de la vérif du CD . * Referenced by a CALL at Address: |:0043738F <-- La vérif du CD est appelé depuis cette adresse |:00437124 55 push ebp :00437125 8BEC mov ebp, esp...

How to remove the CD protection in Deathtrap dungeon

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 · 4 months ago
XVII Comment cracker Deathtrap dungeon Vous devez tout d’abord installer le jeu complètement (avec les motions vidéos). Il y a une vérif. du CD avant et pendant le jeu. Il y a plusieurs fichiers d’installer sur votre disque dur: ddconfig.exe, ddstart.exe et un dll appelé dungeon.dll et un sous répertoire asylum. Les trois fichiers mentionnés sont les plus importants pour nous. J’ai d’abord désassemblé ddstart.exe pour voir si la vérif n’était pas là. Bon, il y en avait une, mais le programme lançais aussi dd_cd.exe depuis x :\asylum\ sur lecteur CD ou "x" est la lettre de votre lecteur. Je me demandais pourquoi ne pas copier le répertoir...

How to remove the CD protection in Mortal Kombat 4

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 · 4 months ago
Comment cracker MORTAL KOMBAT 4 Attention, il n’y a pas d’étapes pour ce crack, désolé. Il faut donc bien suivre. Mortal Kombat 4 doit être cracké d’une manière différence des jeux précédemment car les recherches de "Please Insert the CD" ou les choses comme ça ne marche pas. Alors nous allons appliquer le plan 2 et recherchez "GetDriveTypeA" dans l’appel du KERNEL 32. Pour savoir si cet appel a été utilisé, vérifié en désassemblant le programme et vous devriez voir quelque chose comme ça: +++++++++++++++++++ IMPORT MODULE DETAILS +++++++++++++++ Import Module 001: KERNEL32.dll Addr:xxxxxxxx hint(xxxx) Name: ????????????? --- liste de no...

How to crack the Blood 2 protection

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 · 4 months ago
Etape 1 : installez entièrement le jeu avec les vidéos ,... Etape 2 : lancez le jeu sans avoir mis le CD original dans le lecteur . Le programme vous dit : "Please insert the Blood2 cd into your Cd-Rom" ou quelquechose comme ca . Etape 3 : copiez blood2.exe en blood2.exx (pour le backup) et en blood.w32 pour w32Dasm Etape 4 : lancez W32Dasm et désassemblez le fichier Blood.w32 . Après le désassemblage , cliquez sur DATA STRING RÉFÉRENCE et cliquez sur votre message d'erreur (Please insert Blood2 cd into your cd-rom).Cliquez deux fois sur le message et vous arrivez à quelquechose comme cela : :00403FB6 6A08 push 00000008 :00403FB8 51 p...

VLA 3/93 Introduction to ASSEMBLER (part 2)

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 · 5 months ago
- ASMVLA01 - File I/O - 04/14/93 - Lately we have been quite busy with school, so this second issue is a little behind schedule. But that's life... This little issue will quickly show off the DOS file functions: read, write, open, close, create & others. They are all pretty much the same, so there isn't a whole lot to go over. But, as a bonus, I'm going to throw in a bit about how to do a subroutine. Let's do the subroutine stuff first. `Procedures' as they are called, are declared like this: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROC TheProcedure ... ;do whatever...

VLA 3/93 Introduction to ASSEMBLER (part 1)

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 · 5 months ago
Here's something to help those of you who were having trouble understanding the instructional programs we released. Dreaden made these files for the Kabal and myself when we were just learning. These files go over some of the basic concepts of assembler. Bonus of bonuses. These files also have programs imbedded in them. Most of them have a ton of comments so even the beginning programmers should be able to figure them out. If you'd like to learn more, post a message on Phantasm. We need to know where you're interests are before we can make more files to bring out the little programmers that are hiding inside all of us. Lithium...

Lüfterregelung im Atari Falcon F030

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 · 5 months ago
Autor: Robert Schaffner Robert Schaffner Am Schäferpfad 10 63303 Dreieich EMail: Robert Schaffner @ OF2 (MausNet) Tel/Fax: 06103/67197 Wen stört er nicht, der laute ungeregelte Ventilator in Ataris neustem Abkömmling, dem FALCON F030. Es gibt Dinge über die man ziemlich ausführlich diskutieren kann, und es gibt welche, bei denen man erst überhaupt nicht anzufangen braucht, hierzu zählt eigentlich eben auch dieser Ventilator. Weder der Typ des eingebauten Lüfters, noch das Kaufdatum des F030 spielen hierbei eine besondere Rolle - das Gerät ist einfach laut. Da ich noch die letzten warmen Monate des letzten Jahres abgewartet habe, u...

Probleme mit dem Sound-Subsystem des Atari F030

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 · 5 months ago
Autor: Robert Schaffner Robert Schaffner Am Schäferpfad 10 63303 Dreieich EMail: Robert Schaffner @ OF2 (MausNet) Tel/Fax/Modem: 06103/67197 F030 - Platinenrevision B/C Zu Bemerken wäre gleich am Anfang das mir dieser Fehler bis jetzt erst an zwei Falcons der Revision B und C aufgefallen ist. Diese Textdatei kann im allgemeinen nicht auf jeden F030 angewendet werden. Zumal es schon alleine nur im Soundsubsystemeingang schon zwei verschiedene Sound_In Beschaltungen und auch zwei verschiedene Schaltpläne gibt. In jeden Fall sollte man bei Knack- und Kratzgeräuschen währen dem Sampeln, dem Abspielen einer CD ect. zuerst sein ...

Atari Falcon 030 CPU (68030) acceleration modification

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 · 5 months ago
DISCLAIMER The author cannot be responsible for any damage to your equipment, other software or hardware products, or physical or mental well being caused by the use, misuse, abuse, misinterpretation, or inability to use this hardware modification. The author also makes no guarantee as to the compatibility of this hardware modification, I only give an assurance that this hardware modification will function correctly as part of my own personal computer. By using this information leading to the proposed modification you are agreeing to accept FULL responsibility for ANY and ALL circumstances arising from it's implementation. If you do ...

Entomological Techniques for Insect Collection

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Published in 
 · 6 months ago
This article explores several effective methods used by entomologists to collect insects. Hunt by Sight This is the most common method, as the name suggests, involving capturing whatever comes into view. Cutting This method entails mowing grass using a specific net with a 1.5 m long handle, a 60 cm diameter net frame, and a sturdy white fabric bag about 50 cm deep. Grass is mowed swiftly, and the bag's contents are checked every 4-5 mows to prevent insects from escaping or perishing. This approach allows for the discovery of various insects: Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Arachnids. Berlese Funnel This method, al...

Effective Techniques for Insect Trapping Using Natural Baits

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 · 6 months ago
In entomology and pest management, effective trapping methods are essential for studying insect behavior, monitoring populations, and implementing control strategies. Among the various techniques employed, those utilizing natural baits have proven particularly effective. From rotting meats and fermented liquids to colorful visual cues, these baits attract a diverse range of insects. This article explores some trapping methods. Chromotropic traps Chromotropic traps are simple traps that use colors to attract insects. Typically, small bowls or colored ice cream containers (3 coats of spray paint give excellent results) are used, filled almo...

Easter Island mystery

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Published in 
 · 6 months ago
Easter Island mystery
This page is based on EASTER ISLAND: THE MYSTERY SOLVED, by Thor Heyerdahl, Random House, NY, 1989. This book by Heyerdahl has huge amounts of data and plentiful illustrations. Of course I can use only a fraction of this material here. I will present here only selected images from his book, the ones that make it pretty clear what this matter is all about. These images are now available on the Internet for the first time. THE KNEELING STATUES This statue was found during the excavations organized by Heyerdahl, and conducted by highly competent archaeologists, under the leadership of Prof. Skjolsvold, of Oslo University. The statue was fou...

Polynesian controversies

Most of us have heard about the Easter Island. It is the island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that is located about half-way between South America and Polynesia, and that features those striking and unusual "Heads". (Well, actually most of them are not really "Heads", but full-bodied statues that were partially buried in the earth.) This is a long 1998 article where Yuri Kuchinsky analyses the latest debates among Polynesianists about all these subjects.

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 · 6 months ago
JE Terrell, TL Hunt, and C Gosden, THE DIMENSIONS OF SOCIAL LIFE IN THE PACIFIC (including replies by critics), CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY, April, 1997. Why is there so much confusion among modern Polynesian historians and anthropologists? These exchanges in CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY are highly indicative -- the arguments are often quite convoluted, and their tone is often extremely confrontational. Especially sharp are the responses of some of the critics of Terrell et al. While these disputes seem very bitter, one must say that it is not always so easy to see who is wrong and who is right in each particular case. Indeed, the confusion seems so far...

Precolumbian Amerindian horse?

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 · 6 months ago
FRANK GILBERT ROE ON VERY EARLY INDIAN HORSES. By Yuri Kuchinsky. THE INDIAN AND THE HORSE, 1955, by Frank Gilbert Roe, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Greetings, Prompted by the recent interest in these ngs, and by the questions asked about the early American horses, I have been reading the above very interesting volume. It is a very detailed and determined effort by Roe to document from historical sources the history of Indian horse in America, and of the Native traditions associated with it. What are my conclusions so far? Well, it almost seems at this point that the more I try to research this question, the more questions are em...
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