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Rising From the Ashes

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 21 Jul 2024
Rising From the Ashes
The couple walk down the street holding hands as they go home from a wedding. Very obviously in love, the younger lady turns to her husband, saying something that makes him smile. "Dear, I think that was a beautiful ceremony, don't you? Miki-chan and Yuu-kun looked so happy... almost as happy as we were when we got married." Her husband puts his arm around her, embracing her. They stood that way for a moment, before they both realize that it is getting late, and they should be getting home. As they walk on, he comments, "I was surprised at how mature Koishikawa looked. She has certainly grown up in the last few years since our marriag...

The Drogan Schedule

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 21 Jul 2024
The Drogan Schedule
From: Timothy Groves <> Subject: [Macross][FanFic] The Drogan Schedule X-Original-Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 22:21:35 +0000 Disclaimer I don't own Macross. If I did, I would be far too rich to be bothered writing fan fiction. Prologue Trailing mists like some great bird, the VF-1A Valkyrie cut cleanly through the cloud cover and into the clear air below. The sun was just rising behind Seraph 210, burning across Sora's shoulder and illuminating the black and white Valkyrie. Far below her feet, through the wonders of the holographic cockpit, Sora could see the jungle of Viet Nam, mostly untouched by the Zentra...

Drawing Blood

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 Jul 2024
Drawing Blood
This is actually a "bridge" story; it occurs between the fall of Count Lee's castle and D's departure from the Lang home. As usual for my fanfic, D is a bit less taciturn and a bit more vulnerable than in the anime. This is a work of fan fiction and is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property of Hideuki Kikuchi, Orion Home Video, or anybody else. If you are under 18, don't get me in trouble by reading this. (I didn't say don't read it; I said don't get me in trouble.) =============== It didn't happen this way. It couldn't have happened this way. But maybe it should have. Drawing Blood: A Vampir...

Muteki Kojin Daitarn 3

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Muteki Kojin Daitarn 3

Daitarn 3, l'invincibile uomo d'acciaio La storia La serie è ambientata nel primo decennio del XXI secolo. Il professor Haran Sozo, un grande scienziato terrestre trasferitosi su Marte, mette a punto un nuovo tipo di cyborg con volontà propria, chiamato Meganoide. Poco dopo la loro nascita i robot sfuggono al controllo del loro creatore ed occupano Marte uccidendo il Dottor Haran, sua moglie e il loro figlio più grande Ded. I Meganoidi si preparano quindi a trasformare in schiavi-robot tutti gli abitanti della Terra per estendere il dominio del loro impero sull"intero universo. Il figlio minore del dottor Haran, Banjo, aiutato da...

Duck Tales - lista episodi

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Duck Tales - lista episodi
Prima stagione n° Titolo originale Titolo italiano Prima TV 1 "Don't Give Up the Ship (1)" "Non abbandonate la nave" 18 settembre 1987 2 "Wronguay In Ronguay (2)" "Viaggio nel Ronguay" 18 settembre 1987 3 "Three Ducks of the Condor (3)" "I tre paperi del condor" 18 settembre 1987 4 "Cold Duck (4)" "Paperi a sangue freddo" 18 settembre 1987 5 "Too Much of a Gold Thing (5)" "La febbre dell'oro" 18 settembre 1987 6 "Send in the Clones" "Caccia alla Numero Uno" 21 settembre 1987 7 "Sphinx for the Memories" "Paperino e la mummia vivente" 22 settembre 1987 8 "Where No Duck Has Gone Before" "Viaggio nel Paperspazio" 23 settembre 1987 9 ...

Lady Oscar - lista episodi

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Lady Oscar - lista episodi
Lady Oscar / UNA SPADA PER LADY OSCAR (Versailles no bara - La rosa di Versailles) (revisione YAMATO) 1. La grande scelta Oscar! Bara no unmei Oscar! Il destino di una rosa 2. L'arrivo di Maria Antonietta Mae! Austria no cho Danza, farfalla austriaca 3. Un triste presagio Versailles ni hibana chiru A Versailles sprizzano scintille 4. L'intrigo Bara to sake to takurami to? Rose, vino e intrighi 5. La rivincita della contessa Kokisa o namida ni komete Racchiudendo la nobiltà nelle lacrime 6. La congiura sventata Kinu no dress to borofuku Abiti di seta e stracci 7. Una notte a Parigi Ai no tegami wa dare no te de Quale mano ha sc...

A fighter's destiny

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Jun 2024
A fighter's destiny
The black-clad man leapt high into the air. On landing he somersaulted, punched the air, high-kicked and turned to give a victory salute. `Good.' he thought. After all, the tournament was tomorrow and he couldn't go without a little training. As he entered his little house, he paused to look at a photo of his parents by the fireplace. Where were they now? Rumour had it that the vicious gang who had taken them had left his mother alive. If he won this tournament, he would have the money and status to start tracking them down. It was the day he had awaited for years. He leapt high into the air and yelled to the empty concrete arena ...


LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Jun 2024
This is a speculatory tale about Doris Lang from Vampire Hunter D Please don't correct me on my facts, I'm well aware I've taken liberties, but please do reply with constructive criticism or comments. By the way, this story contains elements which may be disliked by those of a sensitive or unimaginative disposition. Pete Cullen <> Hunger Doris locked the door and crossed the room to the small wooden table at its centre. With trembling hands she placed the wire cage on the heavily scratched surface and paused, gritting her teeth as another wave of pain washed over her body. She knew what she had...

The Intelligent Robeast

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Jun 2024
The Intelligent Robeast
This spamfic was initially written as a sort of 'Hello- let me introduce myself' fic for the KAEX Mailing list, which is devoted to Voltron fanfiction that is a pro Kieth\Allura romantic matchup... ya know, there's a surprising amount of Voltron fanfiction out there. I just stumbled into it... The Intelligent Robeast A Voltron Spamfic by David A. Tatum Disclaimer: Voltron, its characters, and its setting do not belong to me. They belong (last I heard) to World Events Productions. This spamfic is only in either parody or tribute (or both) to this series... ------------------------- Lotor growled. Yet again, another robeast had ...

Vampire Miyu: Threads of Desire

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Jun 2024
Vampire Miyu: Threads of Desire
Based on characters and situations created by Toshihira Hirano & Narumi Kakinouchi by Shawn Hagen (Rapscallion and Ner' Do Well) 1998 My thanks to Suika Roberts for giving this a read for me. She didn't proof it so any errors are all my fault. Vampire Miyu: Threads of Desire In early spring Yoshino was always crowded. The village's streets were choked with the traffic of thousands of people, come to see the cherry blossoms--a huge floral carpet, ascending up the mountains. Under the trees people had set up their personal spaces. Plastic tarps laid on the ground on which the revelers sat, drank, sang along with portable kar...

Love and a Soul Sword

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Jun 2024
Love and a Soul Sword
Warning to all of those who read this: this is a lemon, so if you're under aged, it's purdy darn illegal to read this... but I know that you'll probably read this anyway (multiple times, until certain body parts become incredibly uncomfortable). ^_^ Anyway, try not to flame me, this is my first attempt at a lemon... hopefully, it will be good... heh. Love and a Soul Sword A Mamono Hunter Yoko Lemon Fanfic Version 2.0 By Katsuragi Misato "Damn you! Do you really think that I *like* having my dress torn to shreds by every damned demon that I fight?" This is retorted with another blow to the girl's chest, tearing the material...

A Place in This World

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Jun 2024
A Place in This World
an Armitage III #FanFiction by Ukyou Kuonji ---------- Armitage the Third and all those in her world are the creations of Taro Maki. North American rights held by Pioneer. No infringement is intended ---------- It wasn't that she couldn't sleep; nothing of humanity was alien to her, after all. But there just didn't seem to be a point to it right now. She didn't need to sleep, like Ross did, and there was so much to think about. She stared at her former partner's prone form, watching as his massive chest rose and fell with each breath. She listened intently to his quiet snoring. So peaceful, so unlike the way things had...

Just A Second

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Jun 2024
Just A Second
an Armitage III #FanFiction by Ukyou Kuonji ---------- Armitage the Third is the creation of Taro Maki. North American rights held by Pioneer. No infringement is intended ---------- I knew I should be glad for my homeland upon the announcement of the unification, but patriotism was not an emotion that had been given to me. Concern, however, was. And I was concerned. Worried, even. What dangers would this pose to me and my kind? Not the unification; it was the battle taking place far from St. Lowell that worried me. It was a battle that had to take place, so the reports went, before the treaty could be ratified between Earth and Mars. Ther...


LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jun 2024
by Ooshima Tokio She sits there all alone, and I cannot reach her. The girl sitting on the rock by the seashore is my friend, Ariyoshi Juna. Some time ago she gained a great power. And now it is overwhelming her. But I don't care much about that power of hers, and what SEED and that crazy Chris want her to do. It's Juna herself I'm worried about. When she gained the power to feel the emotions of the earth, she also started experiencing the visions. It changed her. Now she's no longer the Juna I used to know. For one thing, she can't eat the usual things you and I eat. She just holds a burger from Meriken Burger, and it...

Azumanga Moon

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jun 2024
Azumanga Moon
A short fanfic by Rob Kelk (robkelk -at - jksrv -dot- com), written for the first AC3 fanfic panel. No, I don't own any of these characters ... - - - - - - - - "Why do we have to *do* this, anyway?" Yukari glared at her best friend. "Nyamo, I told you already - the foreign market likes these crossover stories. If you weren't a stupid P.E. teacher, you'd remember when we did 'Azumanga Fantasy X-2' and 'Azumanga Profile'. Us english teachers don't forget things like that!" "I think that should be 'We English teachers'..." started Chiyo-chan, but she quickly fell silent when she saw Yukari's glare....

The Cool Grip

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jun 2024
The Cool Grip
by James Harris Important - This story is for general entertainment purposes only. City Hunter, Ryo Saeba and all related characters are property of Tsuaka Hojo and respective licensing holders, no copyright violation is intended. Author's Note - OK, I admit it, I'm totally blocked on my Part 3 of my Saint Seiya story (`Requiem' in case you forgot the title). So I figured the best way to shake the cobwebs out was to start on a simpler, more light hearted romp with everyone's favorite hentai gun for hire!! Let me know what you think by email at: --------- It was the type of spring day that Saeko Nogam...

We're a Miracle

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jun 2024
We're a Miracle
written by Shaun Garin Digimon is owned by Toei and Saban and a whole heap of other people. This is something totally different from what I ususally do. I must slap a tag on here but I don't know what to classify this one as. This is set in the Another World era, about a year after the last part of the Digimon Movie. And yes, I AM a Miyako fan. <><><> School Dance. A time for celebration amongst people. Miyako never did like School Dances, simply because, she couldn't dance. All her life, whenever she went to one, she would be near the bleachers, watching the others dance away. Tonight, she watched her friends da...

Dirty Pair: A Problem of Godly Worship

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jun 2024
Dirty Pair: A Problem of Godly Worship
by Fred Herriot 450 Clare Avenue South, Welland, Ontario L3C 3B3 Canada **** **** **** edited by E.B. Kushnir **** **** **** Based on the works by Haruka Takachiho **** **** **** WRITER'S NOTES: This story was originally written as a trib in April 1993 **** **** **** The Angels warped out of hyperspace over planet J-210-B. Until a month ago, the United Galactica believed that no one had migrated to this planet; hence the numbered title. This planet's system was located at the far edge of Delta quadrant, one of the most remote sections in the galaxy. About thirty days ago, the UG Space Fleet destroyer "Par...

Doctor Who and the Maceks

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jun 2024
"Doctor Who and the Maceks" Written by Ryan Gavigan A Sandy Frank Production, NOT! Part One [Opening scene.] [The scene opens upon a laboratory with several scientists and technicians working feverishly at various work stations preparing for an imminent test experiment. The screen pans over to a pair of figures partially hidden in darkness. The smaller figure sitting in a modified wheelchair. The second stands at attention as the first figure speaks.] Figure in wheelchair: Is the Mk IV unit operations test prepared, Snidyr? Snidyr: The final preparations are being completed as we speak, sir. Figure: Good. The test must be completed to ins...

On the Creation of Demon Gods

LupinIII's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jun 2024
On the Creation of Demon Gods
El Hazard was done by AIC and Pioneer. I hold no rights to the characters or situations therein. On the Creation of Demon Gods Makoto kept the Power-key Staff on his person these days. He spent his time in the Royal Library, searching through ancient tomes about the Eye of God, or staring up at the giant weapon. Makoto stalked through the halls of the palace at night, spending so much time looking for something he did not know how to stop searching. Shayla Shayla and Nanami knew what Makoto was looking for, and they knew he was killing himself trying to figure out how the Eye of God worked. The two of them confronted Makoto in the garden,...
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