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The launch of the PlayStation back in 1995

This is an article published on Zeta (Italian magazine) in March 1995. I have translated it into English. It is a memo of the January 19 and 20 1995 London's meeting. Hope you like it!

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Published in 
 · 19 Nov 2023
This dinosaur animated in real time was one of the most appreciated demonstrations of the capabiliti
"Whatever you're thinking... it's not enough," was the motto with which Sony presented its latest creation, the PlayStation, at the Technical Workshop held in a London hotel last January 19 and 20. If the message sounds a bit exaggerated to you, it means you haven't had a chance to try Ridge Racer or Toh Shin Den. The conference began with a nervous Phil Harrison , director of software development at Sony Electronic Publishing, entertaining the many visitors with a long speech; incredibly, the entire interactive entertainment industry was present at the meeting. The atmosphere that had been created after only a few minutes wa...

PsxDox #5

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Published in 
 · 5 Mar 2023
PsxDox #5
⁄-------------------------------------------------------------------ø | \---------------------------------------------------------------/ | | | | | | | ⁄------- ⁄------ ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄------- ⁄------ ⁄-- ⁄-- | | | | ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- | | | | ⁄------- ⁄------ ⁄---- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄---- | | | | ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄-- | | | | ⁄-- ⁄------ ⁄-- ⁄-- ⁄------- ⁄------ ⁄-- ⁄-- | | | | | | | /---------------------------------------------------------------\ | ¿-------------------------------------------------------------------Ÿ F I V E -===ccc,. =cc$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$cc. ,,"""""??$$$$$$$c .,ccc$L,, ?bccc. ""...

The Memory Editor

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Published in 
 · 1 Nov 2022
To an experienced GS hacker, the Memory Editor function of the GSPro is one of the most powerful tools around. Without it, some codes would be almost impossible to hack, and testing would be ridiculously time-consuming. Put on your thinking cap (what a gay expression) and concentrate for a moment. So where do I start? Well, the Memory Editor has two main options, besides simple scrolling and editing, which I will discuss later on. First, there is the "Goto Address" option. This is very simple (besides the stupid name); input an address, push "X" and you'll go to that address in memory. Next, there is the "Text Search" option. Its expl...

Nintendo 64 hacking reference

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Published in 
 · 1 Nov 2022
Author: Goldenboy (Jeffrey H.) Version: 2.5 Updated: 9/22/03 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.00 PREFACE 1.10 ..Introduction 1.20 ..Assumptions 2.00 BASIC CODE HACKING 2.10 ..Terms and Definitions 2.20 ..Counting in Hexadecimal 2.30 ..Code Hacking 2.40 ..Code Types 2.41 ....Code Types Explained 2.50 ..Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal 3.00 ASM HACKING 3.10 ..Frequently Asked Questions 3.20 ..Break Points 3.30 ..Using GSCC2K2 Program 3.40 ..ASM OpCodes 3.50 ..N64 Registers 4.00 GUIDE-RELATED 4.20 ..Contact & Info 4.30 ..Credits & Thanks 4.40 ..Legal Information 1.00 | PREFACE 1.10 | Introduction The intent of this guide is to teach you how...

GCNcrypt - Gamecube AR Crypto Program

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Published in 
 · 1 Nov 2022
GCNcrypt - Gamecube AR Crypto Program by Parasyte Program and documentation by Parasyte What's New v1.1 (06-27-2003) * Rewrote most of this readme. (yay?) * Fixed crash when closing the program on Windows 98 * Fixed the "Code Decryption Error" bug on certain official codes * Fixed code encryption, now 100% complete! (Get to hacking, kiddies) + Added the "Game ID" option and auto-verification feature for encryption = Special thanks to Costis, for noticing the LSB in the encrypted codes is used as a parity bit, used for further code verification. And Sappharad, The Phantom, and ShinAkuma for testing codes. v1.0 (06-23-2003) * Initial re...

GameCube Joker Values

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Published in 
 · 1 Nov 2022
by Parasyte NOTE: These are for Action Replay They are not ADDRESSES, they are bit flags. Here are two complete tables for all digital buttons. (Analog controls seem to use two different variables as a whole, so it's quite a bit different, perhaps even more complicated) Controller button values are as follows: Big Endian: (More common) 0001: D-Pad Left 0002: D-Pad Right 0004: D-Pad Down 0008: D-Pad Up 0010: Z 0020: R (digital click) 0040: L (digital click) 0100: A 0200: B 0400: X 0800: Y 1000: Start Little Endian: (Less common) 0001: A 0002: B 0004: X 0008: Y 0010: Start 0100: D-Pad Left 0200: D-Pad Right 0400: D-Pad Down 0800: D-Pad ...

FAQ Playstation

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
Questa è una raccolta di FAQ creata dai vari utenti del gruppo ICCP. Ti preghiamo di leggerle attentamente per trovare possibili soluzioni ai tuoi problemi prima di postarli sul newsgroup. Grazie! Il sito ufficiale del newsgroup è Distribuzione Usenet : it.comp.console it.faq Web : History delle FAQ 4 Luglio 2000 Corretta la FAQ 10.12 su NetYaroze, aggiornate le FAQ sui tormentoni più famosi, aggiornate le FAQ varie, aggiornate le FAQ sulle pistole, aggiornate le FAQ sulle memory card, aggiornati i link ai sit...

Playstation Video-CD

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
Playstation Video-CD
This is a guide to creating Video CDs that can be used with a Sony Playstation. The software created to manage the video-cd in PSX environment was not created by myself or by members of this site and, moreover, I consider it appropriate for comments / suggestions on programming to contact the original author. For more information, visit the website Here is what you need to create a Video-CD for PSX: Any burner, EIDE, SCSI etc ... we still recommend an RW to try your creations on CD-RWs with emulators, in case of wrong burning you avoid sending a CD to the bucket. As a software to burn e...

Playstation 2

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
This is an old Playstation 2 tutorial in Italian language, from the year 2000. I hope you like it :) INDICE INFO TECNICHE PS2 PROTEZIONE REGIONALE DVD SWAP TRICK SWAP TIME TRICK COSTRUIRE UN "CHECK DETECTOR" SCHEMA CONNETTORE AV LA "MODIFICA" CALIBRAZIONE DEL LASER ENTRO Bene bene, sembra proprio che mi sia ritornata la voglia di scrivere... Dopo una lunga assenza dalla scena internazionale :) ritorno nel mondo dell'undergound digitale con questa guida riguardante quella che sembra essere la macchina da gioco piu' desiderata del momento, la PlayStation 2. Almeno per me lo è, infatti, in qualità di videogiocatore accanito, non vedo...

How to modify the Playstation 2 with FreeMCBoot

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
How to modify the Playstation 2 with FreeMCBoot
DISCLAIMER: THIS GUIDE IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSE ONLY. TECH SCENE DOES NOT INCITE, AND NEVER WILL INCITATE, PIRACY FreeMCboot is an exploit that is installed on a PS2 Memory Card and allows you to start backups of Ps1 / Ps2 and homebrew games. It works on all models (already with modifications or original), except in slim versions SCPH-90004 (Data Code 8C). Necessary Ps2 Fat or Slim compatible Branded Ps2 Memory Card (Sony, Datel, Atomic, etc ...) FreeMCBoot FMCB_1.8b_Complete.rar Starting installation There are several ways to start the FreeMCBoot installation: 1 - Memor32 (official website) Note: Memento Firmware (MementoFW_12e.r...

How to load MP3, DIVX, JPEG to the Playstation 2 harddisk

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
This Tutorial briefly explains how to load various files on a formatted Hdd for PS2 using the PC and PS2 connected to the network. Needed : FlashFxp; Execftp; Xlink; Method : Now you have to load the games on hdd; here's how to do it: To load the games on the hard disc there are various methods: using the PS2 player directly or using the pc. The first method is also the simplest as it is enough to start hdloader and insert the game to be copied to hdd inside the PS2 player, but this method is also the most harmful because in the long run it ruins the PS2 lens (as it happened to me, so I don't recommend it ..) There are two other m...

How to exploit the Playstation 2

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
Independence Compiler screenshot
What is it ? : Exploit is a method to start an elf file (Playstation 2 executable) on a Playstation 2 without modification or mod-chip. To do this we exploit a bug that the PS2 have except the Slim ones, the later type, the thinner ones to be clear (from v12 onwards). So first of all we need to have a normal PS2 (the big one, that is, up to v10) and an original playstation game. The elf can be any program, from hdloader to launchelf to start other elves! Needed : Independence Compiler; The program (.elf) to be started on ps2; An original PsOne game; A Memory Card for Ps2 with enough free space (the space required varies depending on the ...

How to use a USB Harddisk with the Playstation 2

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
How to use a USB Harddisk with the Playstation 2
With this guide I will explain how to connect a usb hdd to the ps2 and how to load games and use it !!! This method that I am about to illustrate is especially useful for those who have a ps2 slim (V12 or later) and want to use an hdd to play. Needed : Hdd Usb (both 1.0 and 2.0); PC side software to load games; UsbExtreme (for a fee, useful for those who do not have the modification) or UsbAdvance (free); Method : After connecting the HDD to the PC, download the UsbAdvance package from the Ps2 Programs section and start the .exe program that you find attached on the PC; this program consists of a simple GUI and allows you to format the Ha...

How to connect the Playstation 2 to the PC with a network cable

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
How to connect the Playstation 2 to the PC with a network cable
With this guide I explain step by step how to connect the ps2 to the pc with a network cable and then send files on hdd or Memory Card via an FTP on PC. Needed : Network Adapter (for Playstation 2 before v12 or slim); RJ 45 cross / crossed cable (not the one contained in the network adapter package); Network card on pc; XLINK on pc; Ps2 link on ps2. Method : 1. Burn the ps2 link cd 2. Set from the control panel (for win xp) -> connections: right click on LAN network connection and properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP / IP): Properties -> Use the following ip address -> the ip of the pc and the getaway 255.2...

How to create a Playstation 2 CD and burn an ELF

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Published in 
 · 27 Oct 2022
How to create a Playstation 2 CD and burn an ELF
Needed : CdGenPs2 3.0; The program (.elf) to run on the Playstation 2. I will use the dms team's hdd dump for this tutorial; Windows Notepad; Software for CD burning as Nero; Method : First unzip the program files, in any directory, then open Cdgenps2 and windows notepad. In Notepad enter these codes: BOOT2 = cdrom0: \ progname .ELF; 1 VER = 1.00 VMODE = PAL / NTSC Replace " progname " with the name of the program you want to cd, in my case I'll insert BOOT2 = cdrom0: \ HDDDUMP.ELF; 1 VER = 1.00 VMODE = PAL / NTSC and save the file as SYSTEM. At this point drag the newly created SYSTEM.txt file and the elf file of the HDD...

Tutorial Multi Games Compiler CD brennen Version 0.1

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Published in 
 · 23 May 2022
compact discs
Allgemeines Also in diesem Tutorial soll es sich im großen und ganzen nur um das Brennen der Compilation-CD handeln und weniger um das rippen usw. Lowang hat sich diesem Teil nicht so viel bedeutung geschenkt aber er ist wichtig wenn nicht sogar der allerwichtigste Teil. Zuerst befolgt ihr die Anweisungen die Lowang in seinem Tutorial beschreibt und wenn es um das Brennen geht öffnet ihr mein Tutorial. Was ihr braucht Brenner (ist ja logisch, es soll aber auch leute geben die denken man kann ein CD-ROM dafür benutzen) Adaptec Easy CD Pro 95 Version 2.11 (ist eines der besten für Multi Games CD's, und bekommt ihr bestimmt bei www.cdrs...

CYSNC output on a PlayStation 2

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Published in 
 · 22 May 2022
Playstation 2 3000X
This modification is for people who only want RGBS output on their PS2. Other video modes will not function properly. CSYNC is taken directly from the GPU and routed to the video connector; while also removing sync on green in 31Khz + Modes by not allowing CSYNC to travel to the DAC. The 3000X and lower is different from the later models; as it has a different DAC; which allows to disable SOG conveniently by grounding pin32. This mod can be done multiple different ways. The method below was chosen for the ability to return the unit to stock form. That is why parts are removed as opposed to traces cut. There are two available scart cables ...

Playstation 1 bluetooth controller mod

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Published in 
 · 22 May 2022
Playstation 1 bluetooth controller mod
2 Weeks ago I came across a PS1 controller bluetooth mod by /u/Dementat_Deus on Reddit ( The mod was very clean and I knew right away I wanted to give it a go too. In fact I ordered the parts 15 minutes after I read the post. There is one major issue with this build though that I wanted to address. The Bluefruit EZ-Key Bluetooth module used in this build only has 12 inputs for buttons, but the PS1 controller has 14 buttons. Because of that 2 of the buttons are not working. /u/Dementat_Deus used those but...

Playstation PU-18 8MB RAM Modification

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Published in 
 · 26 Mar 2022
Playstation PU-18 8MB RAM Modification
Parts and tools required A PlayStation with a PU-18 motherboard that uses 4 RAM chips Replacement RAM – 4 x KM48V2105AJ-6 Soldering iron with selection of bits Thin wire No. 2 point Philips screwdriver Solder Fine point wire cutters Rework flux Scalpel or Ex-Acto knife Technical details The original RAM subsystem consists of 4 Samsung KM48V514BJ-6 EDO DRAMs – these are 2 megabit devices organized as 512kB x 8 with 3.3V I/O, 1024 rows and 512 columns – they require 1024 refresh cycles every 16ms. Like most DRAMs, they have a multiplexed address bus where you have to apply the row address (10 bits in this case), assert a strobe (RAS...
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