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Sega Saturn Internal Memory Mod with FRAM – no battery required

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 · 3 years ago
Sega Saturn Internal Memory Mod with FRAM – no battery required
I was burned too many times when I power up my Sega Saturn to notice that my CR2032 had died. The CR2032 on the Sega Saturn is responsible for maintaining power to the internal battery-backed SRAM (i.e. your internal saves) and maintaining the system’s RTCC (real-time clock and calendar). When the battery dies, which seems to happen MUCH too frequently on my Saturn, you lose both the clock’s time and the internal saves. You can easily tell this has happened when you power up the system and you get the following screen prompting you to re-enter the time and date. Ah Snap! If you’re busy like I am, you probably forgot to transfer your saves...

Sega Saturn Disk Swapping Trick

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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
OK, I HAVE JUST LEARNED THIS TRICK!, And it is awesome. Now AS MOST OF YOU KNOW, THERE WERE TWO VERSION OF THE SATURN MODEL 1 AND MODEL 2. MODEL 1: HAS OVAL POWER AND EJECT BUTTONS MODEL 2: HAS ROUND POWER AND EJECT BUTTONS THE VERSION I HAVE IS MODEL 2. WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Saturn console Screw Driver Tape (duct, scotch, packing, etc...) original saturn game (any) backup cd-r saturn game. WHAT TO DO: 1. - Unplug your saturn and rest it on the carpet or your lap or whatever makes you happy! 2. - Flip your saturn upside down, and use the screwdriver to unscrew the five screws. (be careful not to lose them) 3. - Turn your saturn back up, and...

History of the Sega Saturn

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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
History of the Sega Saturn
1994 At the beginning of 1994 the first rumors about a new SEGA wonder console made the rounds in the magazines. Initially, some utopian hardware services were distributed, which then became more and more concrete over the course of the year. In April 94 the German players got to see the first photos of the console, which was held in silver in Japan - at the same time the launch in Japan was planned for September. In November 1994, the wait for Japanese gamers was over - the latest SEGA console was available in department stores for the equivalent of 850 DM (Playstation for 750 DM) with 20 games. Over 400,000 units were sold in the first...

Saturn Empire

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 · 3 years ago
Saturn Empire
What is the Sega Saturn? The Sega Saturn is a 32-bit video game console developed by Sega Enterprises Ltd. Originally designed to bring the 3D arcade experience into the home environment, the Saturn has proven to be a very capable multi-purpose gaming machine. History Released on November 22nd 1994, the Saturn was an instantaneous success in Japan. 170,000 machines were sold on the first day of release. Christmas 1994 brought the userbase up to 500,000 (60% more than the PSX at the time). On average, 17,241 consoles were sold per day [Source: Edge - April '95 pg. 10]. Over time, five million plus consoles found their way into Japanes...

History of SEGA: before the SEGA Master System

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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
SEGA SG-1000
The SEGA MASTER SYSTEM was a very popular system. It spreads in South America and Southeast Asia and several third party games were developed until recently. In July 1983, the memorable SG-1000 was released. SG stands for SEGA GAME. The price was 15.000 yen. The SC-3000 that was released in the same month and was a redesign of the SG-1000 with extracts only the functions required for the game. In July of the following year, the SG-1000II, which had a refined design that had a reputation for being “dumb,” was released, and two joypads became standard equipment. The selling price keeps the same. The SC-3000 was released in July 1983 as a pe...

SEGA Saturn PAR-Swap Method

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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
--=PAR-Swap Method=-- CD-R Swap method using a Pro Action Replay (PAR) v1.2 -For those like me who are having a hard time with a Model 2 Saturn and no mod chip here is a 99% accurate way to play with a 4-in-1/5-in-1 - Pro Action Replay (PAR). You can also use the cheat codes with this method. -->Before you proceed: Using this info might cause your Saturn's CD-Drive motor to burn. Even though I personally don't believe that it will, extensive swapping might cause damage. I take no responsibility for your action; (in plain English) if you fuck up your Saturn, it's your fault. -->Get you Saturn Red E (he he!) 1. Like i...

SEGA Saturn Swap Method

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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
-=Saturn Swap Method=- Written by Anonymous Version 1.0 When I recently had to make a backup of one of my Saturn games that was getting abused by my roomates' lack of care for CDs in particular, I had to find out how to play copied cds on my Saturn just like their official counterparts. Throughout the course of my search, I found that most of the available sources of information were either A) hard to understand for the regular guy or B) incorrect. So I've compiled the information that I found and tried to re-write it in plain English. NOTE: This file was written for North American Sega Saturns in mind. I do not gaurantee that thi...

SEGA Saturn Specifications

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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
Sega Saturn PERIPHERALS - Analog Mission Joystick - Arcade Racer Analog Steering Controller - Controller - Memory Backup Cart - Link Cable - Mouse with Pad - Keyboard - NetLink Modem - RFU Adaptor - S-Video Adaptor - Multitap Unit - Analog Pad - MPEG Adapter CPUs - Two Hitachi SH2 32 bit RISC processor Clock- 28 MHz - One Hitachi SH1 CD-ROM DRIVE - Data Transfer Rate (DMA TO RAM) 150 KB/sec. (Normal) 300 KB/sec. (Double speed) - Maximum Capacity - 660 Megabytes - Features: Audio CD play with reactive display CD+G Compatible CD+EG Compatible CD Single Compatible Optional: Photo CD, Video CD and EBook 2D GRAPHICAL CAPABILITY - VDP1 ...

Tutorial para o emulador de Sega Saturn: Giri Giri Hack

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 · 4 years ago
Tutorial para o emulador de Sega Saturn: Giri Giri Hack
1 - Primeiro, pra quem tá com dificuldades com as Iso+mp3 que tem no site da Emudek. Para se criar um arquivo .CUE, você tem que ter ISO+WAV, e não MP3. Ou seja, primeiramente, você tem que converter as faixas em MP3 para WAV. O Winamp (nas versões anteriores ao Winamp 3) faz isso perfeitamente, é só você selecionar Preferences / Plug-ins / Output / Disk Writer, selecionar o diretório onde os arquivos serão salvos e depois é só executá-los. Nota1: Na hora que você escolher o disk writer, clica em configure... selecione a opção Convert to Format e selecione PCM 44100, 16bit...


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 · 4 years ago
SEGA SATURN TECHNICAL BULLETIN #7 To: Sega and Third Party Developers From: Developer Technical Support Date: June 2, 1995 Re: Saturn Disc Format Specification Change The standard specifications for the Sega Saturn disc format will be changed as follows: Target: Disc Format Standard Standard Specification Version 0.9 1. Recording range in program area ABS TIME LSN FAD First frame 00:00:00 - 0 First sector 00:02:00 0 150 Last sector 63:01:74 283500 283650 Last frame 63:03:74 - 283800 Read out area start time 63:04:00 • The first frame and first sector must be the times shown above. The last sector and last frame must the times shown above ...


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 · 4 years ago
SEGA SATURN TECHNICAL BULLETIN #6 To: Sega and Third Party Developers From: Developer Technical Support Date: June 2, 1995 Re: Saturn System Functions The following table lists system libraries and object files for security codes and area code groups that are provided by SEGA. Use these files without any modifications when accessing resources for the items listed in the table. • For details on each function, see the "Disc Format Standard Specification V.1.0 (ST-040-R3-011805, 12/94)" and the "Saturn System Library User's Manual Version 1.0 (ST-162-R1-092994)" in the "Programmer's Guide Volume 1."


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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
SEGA SATURN TECHNICAL BULLETIN #5 To: Sega and Third Party Developers From: Developer Technical Support Date: June 2, 1995 Re: Error Checking for Data Errors When creating a CD-ROM for Saturn, always execute a read retry to ensure that there are no data errors. ( Mandatory ) Explanation: Although CD-ROMs have a high error correction ability, uncorrectable errors may occur due to drive deterioration, scratches or dust on the disc, or an eccentric disc. Therefore to ensure that there are no data errors, in addition to implementing the "method for increasing the ECC count," always execute a read retry . However, note that executing a retry d...


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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
SEGA SATURN TECHNICAL BULLETIN #4 To: Sega and Third Party Developers From: Developer Technical Support Date: June 2, 1995 Re: Saturn Software Development Standards SEGA Saturn Software Development Standard (Ver1.10 10/18/94 version) / ST-151-R3-SB-102794 is available. What is Software Development Standard? Software Development Standard is a document that covers the standard for achieving consistency in Saturn games of SEGA brand. The contents of the document must be understood, before game development starts. Please note that the games in which standardized items are not adhered to, cannot be released.


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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
SEGA SATURN TECHNICAL BULLETIN #3 To: Sega and Third Party Developers From: Developer Technical Support Date: June 2, 1994 Re: Information Regarding CD Burning 1. If any hardware and/or software other than those listed below are needed, approval from Sega must be acquired first. Materials related to the approval process will be distributed at a later date. Write-once writer - Yamaha CD Expert CDE 100 Write-once writing software - SEGACDW. EXE Media - Sega private media: Model number CDM12PS71 (with Sega Saturn logo) - Sega MEGA CD-R 1.25 m/s (blue-labeled disc with Sega logo for MEGA-CD) WARNING: MEGA CD-R cannot be used for quadr...


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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
SEGA SATURN TECHNICAL BULLETIN #2 To: Sega and Third Party Developers From: Developer Technical Support Date: June 2, 1995 Re: Preemphasis Prohibited The use of "preemphasis" is strictly prohibited, regardless of whether an SCSP is used. (Mandatory) Reason: In the Saturn, the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) at the final level controls the emphasis. Therefore, when a preemphasized CD-DA is played, the sound output from the SCSP is also deemphasized.


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Published in 
 · 4 years ago
SEGA SATURN TECHNICAL BULLETIN #1 To: Sega and Third Party Developers From: Developer Technical Support Date: June 2, 1995 Re: Saturn CD Drive Duty Ratio Restrictions When developing CD-ROM software for the Saturn, note the following restriction: The duty ratio of the Saturn CD drive must be 33% or less after approximately 10 minutes. This restriction is due to a CD drive limitation. • Duty Ratio Definition: Duty ratio = [seek time/(seek time + nonseek time)] x 100 Note: Nonseek time refers to the time used for operations other than seek (such as play or pause).

Saturn Graphics converter v0.25 by Charles Doty

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Published in 
 · 5 years ago
Saturn Graphics converter v0.25 by Charles Doty ( SSConv will convert 24 bit raw files to 15 bit files for the Saturn. SSConv can output a binary or C file. It also supports transparent settings (Sprite). To use 'SSConv' type: SSConv Filein.Raw Fileout.bin Sprite Type [Array Name]\n" ); Filein.Raw is the name of a raw 24 bit image.\n"); Fileout.Bin is the name of Saturn image to save.\n"); Sprite is TRUE or FALSE. This is used to make 0 bytes transparent.\n"); Type is BIN or C. BIN produces a binary file, C produces a C array.\n"); [Array Name] is the name of the C array. Only needed for C array files.\n"); SSCon...

PCX to bitmap scroll plane converter (v0.1) by Charles Doty

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 · 5 years ago
PCX to bitmap scroll plane converter (v0.1) by Charles Doty ( PCXToSat will convert 8 bit PCX files to 8 bit bitmap scroll plane files for the Saturn. PCXToSat can output a binary or C file. To use 'PCXToSat' type: PCXtoSAT Filein.PCX Fileout Type [Array Name] Filein.PCX is the name of a 8 bit PCX file. Fileout (no extension) is the name of Saturn image to save. Type is BIN or C. BIN produces a binary file, C produces a C array. [Array Name] is the name of the C array. Only needed for C array files. PCXToSat will then convert the image to the Saturn format as either a binary file or C array text file. Two files a...


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Published in 
 · 5 years ago
SEGA SATURN F.A.Q. Version 1.0 Released January, 2000 Compiled and Maintained by John Hokanson Jr. ( See further down for additional authors. This file is best viewed in Microsoft Wordpad. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *TABLE OF CONTENTS* ====================================================================== INTRODUCTION * From the maintainer * Authors, Contributors, and Special Thanks * Where can I find future versions of this FAQ? * Revision History * Information Needed * Disclaimer and Copyright ====================================================================== =============...
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