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Atari Support in the "Motor City"

An outsider's view

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 · 2 years ago
NOTICE: This article originally appeared in the February issue of Atari Interface Magazine and may be freely distributed or reprinted in non-profit User Group publications as long as the article's author and Atari Interface Magazine are credited AND this notice is reprinted with the article. All other publications must obtain written permission from Unicorn Publications, 3487 Braeburn Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, Phone: (313) 973-8825 before using this article. Atari Support in the "Motor City" An outsider's view by Gregg Anderson (RACE) Hi folks. I just returned from a little visit with the family in Detroit, Michigan and thought...


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 · 2 years ago
NOTICE : Rainbow TOS must be installed by an authorized Atari dealer. The new Rainbow TOS provides many improvements to your computer's GEM Desktop operating speed and make your computer easier to use. To make sure you have Rainbow TOS installed in your computer, select the Desktop Info option from the Desk menu. This dialog box appears. ------------------------------------- | GEM, Graphic Environment Manager | | TOS | | ------------------------------ | | /|\ | | ATARI | | | | Copyright 1985,86,87,88,89 | | Atari Corporation | | Digital Research, Inc. | | All Rights Reserved | | | | ---------- | | | OK | | | ---------- | --------...

TOS Errors and Bombs

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 · 2 years ago
The enclosed is a list of the most commonly encountered TOS errors/bombs. ERRORS -1 : General Error -2 : Drive not ready - time exceeded -3 : Unknown command -4 : CRC error - disk checks wrong -5 : Bad request -6 : Seek error - track not found -7 : Unknown media - boot sector wrong -8 : Sector not found -9 : Out of paper -10 : Write fault -11 : Read fault -12 : General error 12 -13 : Write protected -14 : Media change detected -15 : Unknown device -16 : Bad sector (verify) -17 : Insert other disk (request) -32 : Invalid function number -33 : File not found -34 : Path not found -35 : Too many open files -36 : Access denied -37 : Invali...

Towns' Little Guide to TOS Revisions

version 1.0, March 1991, Written by John Townsend, Atari Corporation

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 · 3 years ago
This is a small document that explains in very terse terms the differences between the TOS revisions available for ST/MEGA/STE/ Mega STE/TT machines, what patches are needed for what revisions, the formats they are available in, and any notes I can think of. I hope this will clear up some of the confusion with the different TOS versions. If you have any questions on this document, please let me know here on GEnie. My GEnie Address is: TOWNS. Special thanks to Leonard Tramiel, Allan Pratt, and Doug Wheeler for their involvement with this little Document. Thanks again! Comments are welcome.. -- John Townsend Atari Corp. ROM ...

One meg upgrades for Atari ST

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 · 3 years ago
TITLE: *** ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! *** Checked into my arpa/uucp mail node for the first time in about a month and found the following message. Could make for some interesting complaints about the Feb BEST OF BIX section. This is a modification to gert's original posting. You should read it carefully if you are planning to upgrade your ST as there are some important modifications. I got this from a posting on net.micro.atari. ============================================ >From bammi@cwruecmp.UUCP (Jwahar R. Bammi) Wed Dec 18 13:09:35 1985 Path: umcp-cs!seismo!harvard!think!mit-eddie!genrad!decvax!cwruecmp!bammi Newsgroups: net.micr...

Thing implementation of the AV and other protocols

January 1996

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 · 3 years ago
Thing implementation of the AV and other protocols January 1996 Copyright (c) Joe Connor 1995 Copyright (c) Arno Welzel 1995 This English documentation was loosely translated by Joe Connor who translates and supports Thing and many German programs in the UK via the InterActive shareware scheme. Some information about Thing is included following the end of the translation, for more details contact: Post: InterActive, 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ, England Email: The text is an edited extract of the Thing documentation and is not a complete (or necessarily accurate) description of the protocols covered...

ST-Talk USER'S GUIDE Version 1.1

For the Atari 520ST

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 · 3 years ago
Installing ST-Talk After powering-up your computer, go to the "Set RS-232 Config." Accessory on the DESK menu. Make sure you select Full Duplex, Parity None, Bits=8 and Strip bit Off then click the "OK" button. To make these changes permanent, go to the OPTIONS menu and click "Save DeskTop". Make sure you have your TOS system disk (preferably a back-up copy) in Drive A when saving the desktop. Make a back-up copy of your ST-Talk Master Disk. Follow the directions in your 520ST Owner's Manual on how to copy a disk. To run ST-Talk, double-click on the Disk Icon with the left button of the mouse. In the directory window, double-click th...

Press Release from Singular Solutions

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 · 3 years ago
Press Release from Singular Solutions - For immediate release. Contact : Steve Klein 818-792-9567 Singlular Solutions, D2D Systems to ship Atari Falcon 030 Digital Workstation Pasadena, CA - January 11, 1993 - Singular Solutions today announced that the first digital audio workstation built upon the Atari Corporation's latest computer, the Falcon 030(tm), is slated for shipment. The combination of Singular Solutions A/D64x(tm) Audio Interface and D2D EDIT(tm) from D2D Systems of Cambridge, England represents the first professional quality audio production system to employ the extensive digital audio capabilities of the Atari Falco...

Me and My Husband's ST by Merry Iverson (FACCS)

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 · 3 years ago
NOTICE: This article originally appeared in the February issue of Atari Interface Magazine and may be freely distributed or reprinted in non-profit User Group publications as long as the article's author and Atari Interface Magazine are credited AND this notice is reprinted with the article. All other publications must obtain written permission from Unicorn Publications, 3487 Braeburn Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, Phone: (313) 973-8825 before using this article. Me and My Husband's ST by Merry Iverson (FACCS) Since becoming the FACCS editor, I have been trying to learn how to use the ST -- my husband's computer. I thought I sh...


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 · 3 years ago
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ MIDI - VIRUSES ~ ~ ATARI-ST by ATARI-ST ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Niagani Dekcus ~ ~ ~ ~ 21/12/90 Copyright of M.I.A/M.M.A ~ ~ ~ ~ For more infomation please contact ~ ~ The International MIDI Association ~ ~ Or MIDI Manufacturers Association ~ ~ ~ ~ THIS VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS ~ ~ ONLY FOR USE WITH ATARI ST'S ~ ~ ============================ ~ ~ PLEASE CONTACT US FOR MAC'S ETC. ~ ~ genie : virushunt 666. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be on the ALERT! The presence of viruses in computers is a sad but common fact, so why did some silly fool decide to write a p...

A 2.5 MByte RAM Expansion for the Atari ST

by Christopher Hicks (

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 · 3 years ago
Introduction This document details the addition of an extra 2 MBytes of RAM to a standard 520/1040 STF/STFM. The motherboard I upgraded is marked C070789-001 REV D (1040 STF), but this procedure should be OK for other revisions, except that the IC numbers may be different. The existing RAM consisted of thirty-two 256K by 1 DRAMs, mounted under the power supply. This procedure replaces sixteen of these with two 1 MByte SIPs, giving a total of 2.5 MBytes. Disclaimer Although this procedure worked perfectly for me, I cannot guarantee that anyone else can perform this upgrade without damaging their computer. I therefore disclaim any ...

YaK's Quick Intro to VLM Hacking

Hacking the VLM - A Brief Introduction

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 · 3 years ago
YaK's Quick Intro to VLM Hacking From: yaK Hacking the VLM - A Brief Introduction The Good News There is a backdoor left in the VLM which allows the user to get at the edit mode that was used to create the banks of VLM effects. You can get in there and roll-your-own FX, and it's not hard to come up with stuff that is a *lot* better than many of the default FX. The Bad News There is no provision for saving your hacks. They are entirely transient, and you can wave them bye-bye as soon as you switch to another FX bank -and unfortunately, whenever you open the lid of the Toilet to change the CD, it switches banks into a special Jaguar...

Is There a Tactician in You?

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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
NOTICE: This article originally appeared in the February issue of Atari Interface Magazine and may be freely distributed or reprinted in non-profit User Group publications as long as the article's author and Atari Interface Magazine are credited AND this notice is reprinted with the article. All other publications must obtain written permission from Unicorn Publications, 3487 Braeburn Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, Phone: (313) 973-8825 before using this article. Is There a Tactician in You? Wargames on the Ground Tim Feinstra (GRASS) Ready for more? Good, because now we get to a real bonanza of strategy simulations for the Atari. Unli...

SCSI Parity Generator

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 · 3 years ago
The following upgrade was originally found on Jo Even Skarstein's homepage. SCSI Parity Generator This is the Parity generation logic that solves the problem for those Atari users that use SCSI adaptors without parity. As you can see it consists of one single 74HC280 chip. The easiest place to get to the SCSI signals is the harddisk itself. You can use the four pin connector's red pin for +5V and the black for GROUND. This parity generator has been tested with the following adaptors: ICD Link 1 (the first type) Megafile 44 SCSI adaptor Mega S...

CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280

The True Color High Resolution VME Bus Graphics Card for the Atari TT030 and Mega STE

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 · 3 years ago
CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280
CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 Features Version: 1.2b Date: 02/93 CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 The High-Resolution True-Color Graphics Card for the ATARI TT030 and MEGA STE Programmable Color Video Timing Generator for all resolutions from 320 x 200 to 3400 horizontal and 2048 vertical. Supports Overscan resolutions. All SUNRISE cards are equipped with 2MB Video RAM. Fast Dual-Port Video RAMs increase throughput and effectively minimize bus bandwith losses caused by conventional display update cycles. Integrated GRAPHICS ACCELLERATOR for faster drawing operations. No need to exchange or replace crystals or oscillators. More than 70 frequencies rang...

Atari contracted IBM to manufacture the Atari's Jaguar

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 · 3 years ago
The Atari Jaguar
SUNNYVALE, CALIF (JUNE 28) PR NEWSWIRE - Atari Corp. (AMEX: ATC) announced today that it has contracted with the IBM Corp.'s (NYSE: IBM) Charlotte, N.C., facility to manufacture the Atari Jaguar, Atari's new 64-bit multimedia entertainment system. IBM's multi-year contract is valued at $500 million. The Atari Jaguar, to be made in the United States, is an interactive multimedia entertainment system which features over 16 million colors in 24-bit true color graphics and produces shaded 3-D polygons for manipulation in a "real world" in real time. A 32-bit expansion port will allow for future connection into cable and telephone ...

atari desktop.inf and fileviewing

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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
The following trick will enable you to view any file with a program of your own choice, just by double-clicking on the file. Install the program as normal with some (actually any) extension. Save your desktop and load desktop.inf into your favorite editor. Now find the line that correspond to the installation of the fileviewer, and move that line up BEFORE the lines that determines what files are executables. Furthermore edit the extension to *.*@ After doing this, my desktop.inf looks like this: #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 78 13 #W 00 00 00 03 4C 0C 08 C:\APPL\*.*@ #W 00 00 02 0B 4C 0...

Motorola MPEG full motion video chip

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 · 3 years ago
Motorola DSP56001
MOTOROLA'S 56001 PROVIDES AUDIO/VIDEO FEATURES FOR ATARI'S FALCON030 PERSONAL INTEGRATED MEDIA COMPUTER BOSTON, Mass., September 23, 1992 - Motorola Inc.'s Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group today announced that its 56001 digital signal processor (DSP) performs key audio/video functions on the motherboard of the new Atari Falcon030(tm) personal- integrated, media computer. The Falcon030 is a full-scale computer that uses the 32 MHz 56001 to process and manipulate compact-disc-quality digital audio and voice signals which, combined with Atari's integrated software, makes the Falcon030 a complete, personal...


a few known tidbits

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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
WARNING: this is NOT official! Use at your own risk! Anything I'm not pretty sure about is accompanied by "?". If you know something I don't, let me (C.I.S. 70317,1707) know, por favor. #a and #b - key initial and repeat, keyclick and bell (I think) #? parameters comments -- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------- #c color pallettes in octal with no spaces #d ? ?? #D %g %i %lt %f document icon (D for doc?) #F %g %i %lt %f folder icon (F for folder?) #G %i %g %lt %f application is GEM (G for GEM?) #M %ix %iy %i %lt %d %lbl file cabinet icon #P %i %g %lt %f [%inst] TOS with command tail, also use...

The Operating System of the Atari ST

copyright 1987 by John Ogawa

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 · 3 years ago
The Operating System of the Atari ST
No part of this document may be reproduced without permission from the author. Permission is granted to copy this document for non-commercial purposes only. Table of Contents A wide angle view The TOS and some history 2.1 The GEMDOS 2.2 The BIOS 2.3 The XBIOS 2.4 The Line A routines 2.5 Wrapup of TOS GEM 3.1 The AES 3.2 The VDI 3.3 Wrapup of GEM A final wrap up Where to read Where to reach me Hi there. This article is an attempt to describe the workings of the Atari ST's operating system. Be forewarned that I am not an ST wizard, and that any information in here was gained through reading non Atari documentation, playing with the ST, ...
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