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3,500-Year-Old Tablet with a furniture list

Unearthed ancient tablet dating back some 3,500 years with a primitive cuneiform writing that preserves a furniture list.

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 27 Jul 2024
3,500-Year-Old Tablet with a furniture list
The tablet was discovered during excavations at the archaeological site of Alalakh, in what is now the Turkish province of Hatay, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated in a note. This ancient city flourished in the 2 nd millennium BC as an urban settlement of the Amorites, a Bronze Age people from the Levant, an eastern Mediterranean region, who spoke a Semitic language. The remains of the city have formed a large mound that now covers an area of about 22 hectares (approximately 55 acres). The clay tablet found at Alalakh is relatively small, measuring about 1.6 by 1.4 inches, with a thickness of 0.6 inches and a weight of about 1 ou...

The Mystery of the Golden Fleece

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 26 Jul 2024
Young Phrixus flees on the back of the mythical ram with the golden fleece.
Greek mythology has handed down the exploits of a group of sailors who set out for a distant land in search of an object of inestimable value. These sailors were called Argonauts, named after their ship, Argo. The land they were heading to was Colchis, and the object of their quest was the fleece of a ram, a very special fleece because it was golden. But what really lies beneath the veil (or rather, the fleece) of the myth? Numerous interpretations have been proposed: here we will briefly review some of them, and then focus on the one I find most coherent. We will show, in particular, how comparative mythology, though often overlooked, co...

The mystery of the Voynich Manuscript, written in an unknown language

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 25 Jul 2024
The mystery of the Voynich Manuscript, written in an unknown language
The Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript The Voynich manuscript is one of the greatest enigmas in the history of literature and cryptography. Discovered in the early 20 th century, this ancient book is written in an entirely unknown language and alphabet, featuring enigmatic illustrations that depict plants, astrological symbols, female figures, and incomprehensible diagrams. Despite the efforts of numerous scholars, cryptographers, and linguists, the manuscript remains undeciphered, fueling speculation and theories about its content and origin. Origin and History The manuscript is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish bookseller who purcha...

Discovered an Ancient Megalithic Relief and Stele in Akmola Region

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 25 Jul 2024
Discovered an Ancient Megalithic Relief and Stele in Akmola Region
On July 16, 2024, researchers from the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology, S.A. Yarygin and S.K. Sakenov, who were conducting archaeological excavations in the Zerenda District of the Akmola Region, were informed by the director of the local history museum in Balkashino, Mendibai Kopobayev, about a unique find: an image resembling a human face on a granite boulder in the Kabany Klyuch dam area. During a field visit involving Askerbek Zh. Tulebaev, the team was able to document a relief image and a stone stele that was found nearby in a fallen state. The face is well-crafted, with all details clearly visible—large eyes, a long straigh...

The Mysterious Crystal Skulls

According to a Mayan legend, there are 13 crystal skulls in the world with strange powers, which represented a mysterious deity. What is their true meaning?

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 22 Jul 2024
The Mysterious Crystal Skulls
Early 1900s. During the exploration of South America, a famous English archaeologist and explorer, F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, known as "Mike," who was passionate about pre-Columbian civilizations and searching for traces of Atlantis, met a French orphan girl named Ann le Guillon, whom he adopted and took with him. Upon arriving in Honduras in 1923, the explorer encountered the ancient ruins of a Mayan city called Lubaantun. Four years later, in 1927, the now twenty-year-old girl was celebrating her birthday. During a walk in the area where the excavations were taking place, she was attracted by a peculiar glimmer emerging from the ground in fr...

The Enigmatic Spheres of Costa Rica

In the Central America a mysterious civilization carved incredible and perfect granite spheres and positioned them according to a precise astronomical arrangement: but when? Why? How? Too many questions hover around the "Bolas"

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 21 Jul 2024
Costa Rica is a lush, tropical land: the spheres were found in the middle of the jungle, in an area
Costa Rica: a country located in Central America, covering just 50,000 square kilometers, yet even this small strip of land contains mysteries comparable to those of other, more renowned pre-Columbian origins. This country is known for its enigmatic stone or granite spheres scattered throughout, especially in the capital, San José, which today have become monuments decorating squares and gardens. Unfortunately, the locals do not appreciate the historical and archaeological importance of these timeless monuments, while tourists from all over the world come to this country not only to dive into the splendid Caribbean sea but also specifical...

The Delhi Pillar, the invincible Pillar of Destiny

Is the iron pillar that has resisted rust for 1600 years made of Damascus Steel?

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 20 Jul 2024
The Delhi Column is made of a special iron-phosphorus alloy not unlike todays high-strength Corten s
The term OOPARTS refers to objects that don't fit into the official chronology established by human history. These are objects that, for various reasons, shouldn't exist: either because there was no technology to create them at the time, or because their temporal placement deviates by millions of years from the commonly accepted theories about the course of human events. Finding a metal vase in a coal mine dating back to the Permian period, an era before the dinosaurs, seems "impossible" to scientists, who then have to draw the necessary conclusions. The most frequent outcome is that the OOPART (Out Of Place ARTifact) ends up in a...

First Etruscan dwelling discovered in Corsica

A rare archaeological find reveals the presence of the Etruscans in Corsica with a single-family home and a rich corpus of ceramic fragments.

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 15 Jul 2024
First Etruscan dwelling discovered in Corsica
A single residential building, the first discovered in Corsica outside of public structures, has been unearthed, excavated, and analyzed by archaeologists from Inrap, the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research, as part of a project for the construction of a single-family home in the municipality of Ghisonaccia in Upper Corsica. The building is located in the eastern plain of the island, near the coast facing Italy, where this Etruscan settlement, built and used between the 6 th and 4 th centuries BC, has now been identified. But what exactly is it? "This discovery represents privileged evidence of the presence of...

Discovered prehistoric quicksand trap containing elephants remains

Researchers have discovered evidence of what appears to be a "quicksand trap" from prehistoric times that caused the disappearance of elephants over a million years ago.

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 14 Jul 2024
Partial remains of an extinct elephant
This news is not about ancient civilizations, but still interesting as it shows how hard it was for our ancestors to survive in ancient time. In a study published in the Journal of Iberian Geology, a team of researchers from Spanish institutions examined an archaeological site called Fuente Nueva 3 (FN3), located in the province of Granada in southern Spain. This area preserves some of the earliest evidence of human presence in Western Europe, in the form of carved stones dating back to about 1.4 million years ago. The area has also preserved manuports, which are unmodified stones that were used as percussion tools to break bones and acce...

Discovered human representations of ancient and mythical Tartessos

Archaeologists excavating the Casas del Turunuelo site have discovered the first human representations of the ancient people of Tartessos.

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 14 Jul 2024
Discovered human representations of ancient and mythical Tartessos
This is a news that last year I somehow missed, so here it is. In April 2023 archaeologists from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIS) conducting excavations at the Casas del Turunuelo site have discovered the first human representations of the ancient Tartessian people. The Tartessians , who are believed to have lived in the southern Iberian Peninsula (modern-day Andalusia and Extremadura), are considered one of the oldest civilizations in Western Europe and perhaps the first to prosper on the Iberian Peninsula. In the southwestern Iberian Peninsula of Spain, the Tartessian culture first appeared in the Late Bronze Age. The cultur...

The Sky Disc – Nebra Lunar New Year’s Clock/Calendar

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 13 Jul 2024
Nebra Sky Disc and Sky Simulation at Winter Solstice Dawn
It’s a technical instrument for synchronizing a lunar calendar to the seasons. Two views show stars the Moon passes from Pisces to Gemini, during 7 midwinter nights Side bands show extents of the ecliptic as it sweeps the horizon during one night (not just the Sun during one year) The depicted full Moon (its radius in one view, diameter in the other) shows the width of the band the Moon stays in over months, years, and centuries The arc is Vega, kissing the horizon at True North near midnight around the winter solstice Hanging the disc from successive perimeter holes maintains proper orientation as the celestial sphere moves The crescent...

The Mysterious Power of the Ark of the Covenant

What was this relic, considered among the most sacred of antiquity, and what was its purpose? Among the many hypotheses, could it have been a multifunctional technological object inherited from an advanced antediluvian civilization?

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 12 Jul 2024
The Mysterious Power of the Ark of the Covenant
Among all the mysterious objects of the ancient world today defined as Ooparts (out-of-place artifacts), or those that should not exist, there is the famous "Ark of the Covenant," described in the Bible in the Book of Exodus. Jewish tradition recounts that the Jewish people, led by Moses, fled Egypt, pursued by the Egyptian army across the Sinai Desert. Here, Moses received the Tablets of the Law from God, and God himself requested the construction of a tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant: an object considered among the most sacred in Jewish religious tradition, which, in addition to serving as a reliquary, allowed Moses to speak with God...

The Ruins of Great Zimbabwe, one of the oldest cities in Africa

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 12 Jul 2024
The Ruins of Great Zimbabwe, one of the oldest cities in Africa
This Iron Age site, the symbol modern Zimbabwe took it's name from, lies 17 miles from Masvingo and is the remains of an extensive town built around 1200 AD. The word 'Zimbabwe' is derived from Shona words that mean 'houses of stone' or 'venerated house'. Zimbabwe developed into an empire covering over 1000 square miles. Evidence at Great Zimbabwe, like Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) pottery from China, indicate that the empire had extensive trade. The two main areas of stone wall enclosures are: the Hill Complex, on the long, steep-sided granite hill that rises 260 feet above the surrounding ground; and the land bel...

Phoebe's Fishmen

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 12 Jul 2024
Terracotta from Nineveh (height 12.6 cm) depicting the amphibious deity Oannes or a priest in the at
In 1976, Robert Temple published the first edition of his controversial book "The Sirius Mystery." Back then, as it is today, theories of Paleoastronautics were considered extremist by many researchers, even in a frontier discipline like ufology. However, Temple's extensive expertise and the sheer weight of detail in his arguments earned him respect from a very broad literary audience. His message was certainly courageous, if not considered crazy. Temple argued that a tribe in West Africa, known as the Dogon, in their oral tradition, possessed certain evidence of ancient visits to Earth by highly evolved amphibious beings from the sta...

UFO Phenomenon in the Book of Enoch?

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 11 Jul 2024
Many ufologists and scholars of sacred texts argue that a UFO case, or at least one worthy of investigation from a new perspective, is described in a heretical book: the Ethiopian Book of Enoch, dating back to the 1 st or 2 nd century A.D. It forms the basis of much apocalyptic literature and some currents of Jewish mysticism (to be distinguished from the Book of Secrets of Enoch, manuscripts of which exist from around ca. 1200 in Slavic languages). However, considering the context ("the most secret Jewish theology"), it would not seem far-fetched to hypothesize instead a reference to the so-called Third Book of Enoch, presumably compiled...

The Aliens of Bayan Kara Ula

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 10 Jul 2024
A rare photo of the Bayan Kara Ula discs, which according to Chinese scholars are said to constantly
In the early 1990s, the German magazine Der Bund published an article titled "The Pyramids of Lake Tungfling" concerning the discovery made by a team of archaeologists led by Professor Chi Pen-Lao of the University of Beijing. They uncovered several pyramids, approximately 300 meters tall, located on the seabed of Lake Tungfling in the Yunnan province, on the border between Tibet and China. The age of these pyramids has not yet been determined. According to Professor Pen-Lao, they were swallowed by the lake waters following a terrible cataclysm that occurred about three thousand years ago. On an island in the same lake and on the walls of...

Archaeology of Mysteries

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 10 Jul 2024
Val Camonica (Italy): anthropomorphic figures resembling astronauts. Just a coincidence?
For several years now, there has been a proliferation of new studies and research on various aspects of the past, not always adequately considered, more or less intentionally, by traditional archaeology. Moreover, never before have we needed answers to questions like "Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?" as much as in this period. Throughout the world, artifacts and documents have been found that, if rigorously analyzed, could imply a necessary revision of all acquisitions in the field of historical archaeology concerning humankind. There are impressive architectural structures (such as the pyramids and temples of Egypt...

Aliens in Protohistoric India?

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 10 Jul 2024
The "experts" mocked Heinrich Schliemann, the German merchant who less than a century ago claimed to search for ancient Troy based on the accounts of the Iliad and the Odyssey, which scholars considered a mixture of myths and legends without foundation. But it was precisely Schliemann, the "amateur," who discovered Troy. Perhaps that is indeed the right approach: conducting research with ancient texts in mind, and striving to take them seriously even when what they narrate seems implausible. This is what a Sanskrit scholar, David Davenport, a British citizen born in India, and the Italian journalist Ettore Vincenti did in 1978 after readi...

The giant megaliths discovered in Siberia

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 9 Jul 2024
Megaliths from Siberia drawn by Thomas Witlam Atkinson.
In 1876, in the volume "The Early Dawn of Civilization" published by the Victoria Institute, Journal of the Transactions, written by John Eliot Howard: "In 1876, in Soviet Turkestan in Siberia, Thomas Witlam Atkinson traveled through the steppes, and arrived in a valley surrounded by cliffs where a river flows. There he discovered on a plain 5 enormous stone blocks, the largest measuring over 22 meters in height, 7 meters wide on one side and 5 meters on another, with the other 4 gigantic blocks ranging between 13 and 15 meters in height and sides about 4.5 meters. The 5 monoliths are immense, and the weight of the largest ones has been e...
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