Expressions for I'm confused

AniphaeS's profile picture
Published in 
 · 22 May 2024
Expressions for I'm confused
1. "Lost in thought" - This means being deeply puzzled or preoccupied. 2. "In a daze" - This describes being in a state of confusion or disorientation. 3. "In a fog" - This means being unclear or uncertain about something. 4. "Mixed up" - This idiom describes being confused or disorganized. 5. "In a muddle" - This means being in a state of confusion or uncertainty. 6. "At sea" - This describes feeling confused or uncertain, like being adrift in the ocean. 7. "In a haze" - This means being unclear or uncertain, like being surrounded by a thick fog. 8. "All at sixes and sevens" - This is a more informal idiom that describes being completely...

Silver Team Responsibilities Split

AniphaeS's profile picture
Published in 
 · 21 May 2024
Silver Team Responsibilities Split Vania Design package deliverables Specifications Report Design Change Tracker Design / Technical Review Tracker Stakeholder Engagement Tracker Stefania Programme TIDP CDM Risk Register Design Risk Register TQs & Concessions Mock up and samples schedule Building Control Tracker There maybe a couple more I need to check with Alvaro QA Process: VR - Check Drawings for design integraty and completeness SA - Check Drawings for alignement with TIDP and that all drawings have been produced. SA - Track QA progress PW - Final review of ALL drawings prior to issue


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 21 May 2024
INGREDIENTI per 8 o 10 persone - 1 pollo da circa 1,800 kg - 1 garretto di vitello ( stinco ) - 800 g di patate - 800 g di carote - 800 g di fagiolini - 1 costola di sedano - 800 g di zucchine - 2 cipolle - 1 mazzetto aromatico ( timo, prezzemolo e alloro ) - 6 spicchi d' aglio - 800 g di pomodori - mezzo limone - 1 quarto di olio - 2 tuorli - 1 cucchiaino di senape forte - 3 dadi da brodo - sale - pepe in grani PREPARAZIONE Mettete sul fuoco una grande pentola con 4 o 5 litri d'acqua, i dadi, le cipolle, il mazzetto aromatico e sei grani di pepe. Portare a bollore quindi immergetevi il garretto e il pollo e fate cuocere per 1 ora...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 May 2024
INGREDIENTI - 1 pollo da circa 1 kg - farina - 1 cipolla - olio d' oliva - 1 bicchiere di vino bianco - il succo di 2 pompelmi - brodo - 2 o 3 cucchiai di panna da cucina - sale e pepe PREPARAZIONE Lavate il pollo, tagliatelo a pezzi e infarinatelo. Affettate la cipolla, mettetela in una grande padella e lasciatela appassire con un po' di olio. Unite i pezzi di pollo e fateli colorire. Bagnate con il vino bianco che lascerete evaporare. Insaporite con sale e pepe e irrorate con il succo di pompelmo e fate cuocere per 40 - 45 minuti. Levate il pollo dal tegame e tenetelo in caldo. Versate nel fondo di cottura la panna e un po` di b...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 May 2024
INGREDIENTI - 12 ali di pollo - 1 cipolla - 1 spicchio d' aglio - qualche foglia di salvia - 1 rametto di rosmarino - olio extravergine di oliva - brandy - 1 cucchiaio di senape - 1 spruzzo di salsa worcester - il succo di un limone - brodo - sale e pepe PREPARAZIONE Fiammeggiate le ali di pollo, poi lavatele e asciugatele. Tritate finemente la cipolla insieme con l' aglio, la salvia e il rosmarino. Fate scaldare in una padella mezzo bicchiere scarso di olio, appena il condimento sarà bollente, unite le ali di pollo, copritele con un coperchio e fatele rosolare prima da un lato e poi dall' altro. Quando saranno colorite, salat...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 May 2024
INGREDIENTI - 12 ali di pollo - 50 g di burro - 1 bicchiere scarso di vino bianco - 1 bicchiere circa di panna - 1 tazzina di passato di pomodoro - sale - pepe PREPARAZIONE Bruciacchiate le ali di pollo sulla fiamma, per eliminare la peluria. Lavatele e asciugatele, poi mettetele in una teglia, disponendole in un solo strato. Distribuite in superficie il burro a fiocchetti. Irrorate con il vino bianco, con la panna e versate il passato di pomodoro. Insaporite con sale e pepe. Coprite con con un foglio di carta di alluminio o con il coperchio e mettetelo sul fuoco, a fiamma bassa. Fate cuocere le ali di pollo per 30- 40 minuti, girandole d...

The alien? Once there were, now they are all extinct!

Aliens do not contact us simply because they are extinct. This is the original hypothesis formulated by astrobiologists at the Australian National University to explain the difficulty of finding signs of life in the universe despite its teeming with potentially habitable planets.

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 19 May 2024
The alien? Once there were, now they are all extinct!
In 1950, while working in the Los Alamos laboratories, Enrico Fermi took part in a conversation with some colleagues, including Edward Teller, during lunch in the laboratory canteen. The conversation was about a recent UFO sighting reported in the press, about which a satirical cartoon made fun. The conversation continued on various related topics, until suddenly, during lunch, Fermi exclaimed “ Where is everybody? ”. Yeah, where is everyone? If aliens exist, why haven't they contacted us yet? To the numerous hypotheses formulated to answer this question, we add that formulated by astrobiologists at the Australian National University ...

Do the Men in Black exist? Is anyone monitoring alien activity on our planet?

In the collective imagination, fueled by the hilarious film trilogy featuring two excellent Hollywood actors, Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, the Men in Black are mysterious characters dressed in black clothes who are concerned with "cleaning up" the evidence of any alien contacts and to address those who have had some type of "close encounter" with alien entities, recommending them not to tell anyone what they have seen.

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 19 May 2024
Do the Men in Black exist? Is anyone monitoring alien activity on our planet?
The origins of the Men in Black can be traced back to the early 1950s, when a UFO enthusiast named Albert Bender founded a small organization, the International Flying Saucer Bureau, and began publishing a magazine called “Space Review”. In 1953, Bender claimed to have been visited by “three men wearing dark suits” who told him to immediately stop publishing classified information about flying saucers. About a decade later, Bender wrote an in-depth book on his strange story, hypothesizing that his mysterious visitors were "shape-shifting" extraterrestrials worried that humanity might learn of their existence. According to Bender, the Men ...

In our DNA there are traces of a completely unknown hominid species

We are the fruit of an intricate genetic mosaic, to which is added a mysterious lineage of humans that has left its signature in the DNA of modern humans.

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 19 May 2024
In our DNA there are traces of a completely unknown hominid species
A 2013 study ( reveals that our genetic makeup is the result of crossbreeding between modern humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans and a fourth mysterious, completely unknown archaic lineage. The analyzes suggest that our genetic makeup is the result of crossbreeding that occurred in Europe and Asia about 30 thousand years ago between four human lineages, one of which, in addition to that of modern humans, the Neanderthals and the Denisovans, is completely unknown to the experts. Neanderthals are an extinct group of humans who lived between 130,000 and 30,000 years ago. Despite ...
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