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TraxWeekly Issue 063

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 · 26 Apr 2019


founded march 12, 1995 _| : _____ t r a x w e e k l y # 63
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- | TraxWeekly Issue #63 | Release date: 07-11-96 | Subscribers: 672 | -


Welcome to TraxWeekly #63.

Due to unforseen circumstances, TraxWeekly didn't manage to make it out
during the last to weeks. Sorry about that.

I returned from my two week Australia/New Zealand-International Music
Festival trip Tuesday. Our orchestra managed to be grounded Monday night
at Auckland International Airport thanks to volcanic activity. Luckily,
all that ash managed to shift away by the next morning, so we made it home.

In any case, TraxWeekly is back on track (I hope) for this summer (winter)

This week, we feature an excellent article on the style of Industrial
music from Trifixion, along with an excerpt from "The Mod Revolution" by
Eric Bell. We follow with a lengthy interview with Ryan, and close with
information about a new music distribution group. Please note, I am
currently deluged with numerous emails, and clearing up this backlog of
TW submissions to find decent articles is going to take some time.

Jtown would like to offer a brief apology concerning the vegas interview:
'i am sorry if anyone was offended by opinions expressed in this interview.
i realize that my job as an interviewer is to take a neutral position, and
i will refrain from offering my personal comments or opinions in future
traxweekly interviews.'

NOTICE: On Friday, July 12th, 1996, AudioFile Issue #1 will be distributed
over this listserver. For those of you not acquainted with it yet, AF is
a serious, quality, music/tracking related newsletter. You won't find any
scene commentary or TraxCulture in it, I'm afraid. =) But you will find
some in depth, complex, and useful articles dealing with technical and
musical issues. Any questions concerning AudioFile can be emailed to
Basehead at

Gene Wie (Psibelius)
TraxWeekly Publishing


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General Articles

1. Disertation on Industrial.....................Trifixion
2. Excerpt from "The Mod Revolution".............Eric Bell

Faces in the Crowd

3. Interview with Ryan...........................Kleitus


4. Music Trackers International


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Disertation on Industrial]-------------------------------[Trifixion]--

I've been meaning to write an article on this for quite some time now.
This article is going to try and explain exactly what the term Industrial
Music refers to. Industrial, in the way I'm going to explain it, is going
to pretain to a certain musical genre. Some "main stream"(in the loosest
sense) bands that would be considered industrial by most if not all the
industrial community are Nine Inch Nails (Sadly the most well known), and
Ministry. Believe me when I say there are MANY more industrial bands out
there who don't get any press but are really the innovators in this genre.

First some history on Industrial music. Contrary to popular belief the
term "industrial"(Used to describe this type of music that is) does not
come from the fact that a bunch of punks sampled noises in a factory of
machines working and all that shit. It comes from the record label formed
in 1976 by what is considered the first "Industrial" band, this band is
Throbbing Gristle.

"It was to be a vehicle to explore a new form of expression through
analysis, presentation and aural stimulation. All of the individuals
involved used different means to achieve their goals, but the ideas they
shared were on common ground. Examples of early people on the industrial
label include Monte Cazzazza, Clock DVA, Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing
Gristle, Leather Nun, and William S. Burroughs. Although critics felt they

were too deviant, their brand of confrontation signaled a desire for a
change in the political and social system currently in place. However
bleak and distressing, their music was merely a reflection of the society
that surrounded them. But what's really important in that they cultivated
ideas on topics ranging from serial killing to sex and censorship as well
as countless others which are not encouraged in genteel discussions. This

the first strike against the information war launched by the propaganda
leaders and it positioned them as more than just a musical movement, but
an alternative culture." (quote from the RMI faq)

Brace yourself for another huge quote.
these essential ideas are what makeup(made up perhaps) the Industrial

Organizational Autonomy. A conscious choice to record independently.
To preserve the intention of music and to take it away from the tainted
and greedy major record companies who enjoyed success at others expense.

Access to Information. With the perception of control techniques leaving
any physical boundaries and moving into the realm of the mind and the
mouth, it was of vital importance to discuss and be aware at all times.

Use of Synthesizers and Anti-Music. Using found materials and
unconventional means of composition, industrial music was more
antagonistic its intended audience, than being music true itself. It was
"sounds without content".

Extra-Musical Elements. Because television has become a more powerful
agent of control than any pop music song, the use of films and video
arrangements often accompanied these aural counter attacks.

Shock Tactics. The final blow in the scheme for control has to be the use
of hitting home what you have to say, making sure that it gets noticed.
By far, this last technique is what is most often used by modern day
"industrialists" and most probably the connecting puzzle piece that gave
them such a distinction at all. Unfortunately, we've all witnessed death
and war so often in this day and age, that we're far too jaded to care,
rendering such an attempt almost useless.
(Another major quote from RMI)

During the early 80's and on through the whole century, a number of bands
interpreted the ideas set down by the first in the movement, and brought
into the mix a new breed of industrial music, examples of industrial bands
of the time include: Non, SPK, Einstuerzende Neubauten, Test Department,
Laibach, Rhythm and Noise, Ono, and Trial.

After the 80's and and also during the 80's, some industrial bands
started to take industrial into a very different direction. Industrial,
along with society progresses and evolves. Bands such as Skinny Puppy,
Revolting Cocks, Ministry, Front 242 and Front Line Assembly brewed up a
pleasing mix of dance style beats, sound bites, heavy synths, and general
noise that was very different from the sounds heard in the early days of
industrial.Industrial is still basically the same, except the industrial
scene has seen a lot more use of death metal/heavy metal/rock/grindcore/
whatever style guitar work thrown into the mix. Many hardcore industrial
fans have mixed feelings about the heavy use of guitars in industrial
music these days.

Now for another rather large quote from RMI about some of the extremely
early inspirations for industrial music.

The fascination with noise and machinery which is so much a part of what
one tends to think of as "classic" Industrial music had historic
precedents. In the late 1800's ideophones (noises, concrete sounds) were
used in orchestral music, Luii Russolo performed using his "intonarumore"
(noise machines) (1913) and around 1920 Erik Satie used pistols and
typewriters in the music for his surrealist play Parade. The twenties also
brought the "Futurist" and "Machine Music" schools in both Italy and
France. Other important historical figures include Edgard Varese, whose
"Ionisation" (1930) was the first piece of Western music for percussion
instruments alone and who produced an important tape piece called "Poeme
Electronique" in 1958; the "Musique Concrete" works of Pierre Schaeffer an
others (tape pieces made exclusively from electronically altering
recordings of natural sounds like water drops, glass breaking, etc. He was
also responsible for probably the earliest 'loop' which used groves cut
into vinyl records); and John Cage, whose "First Construction in Metal"
(for metallic percussion) and "Imaginary Landscape No. 4" \ (for 12
radios)were landmarks in American music.
(Again, another quote from the RMI faq)

As you can see there's quite a history behind industrial music. One thing
I would like to stress, not all industrial is a bunch of machine noises,
recordings of things breaking, etc... Some industrial is very melodic, and
uses no element of "noise" what so ever. The industrial band Front Line
Assembly is a good example, they rarely use any "non-musical" sounds, and
rely mostly upon analog synths, drum loops, and samples of "real"
instruments. You may ask, "well that just sounds like techno, what the
hell makes that industrial?" Well, me and TheHacker got into this
discussion #trax quite awhile ago, it would have been interesting to
have had a capture of the whole conversation, but we did come up with
conclusion of how to define industrial, TheHacker saved it to a text file,
but I had an HD crash awhile ago so that's gone, but I remember the basics
of it.

Industrial(This is the music not the movement, the movement is and has
been dead for quite some time) has some very major characteristics these

Created with an Anti-Utopian mind set.
Perhaps the most important trait. No matter what industrial song you
hear,it's gonna be dark, and is generally really angry or somewhat
depressive, sometimes though it can be a kind of neutral sound not really
either... if it sounds happy, the band is being cynical and sarcastic, and
you'll probably have to listen to the lyrics(If it doesn't have any... who
knows ;) ) to really notice this.

Some sort of electronic element.
Self explanatory really, but it's a biggie, all industrial music is
created with some sort of electronics, often exclusively with only
electronic instruments and processed through all sorts of shit.

That's really all there is to the definition, It's extremely open. You may
ask what the difference between industrial and dark techno is.. There
isn't really, but you could make the argument that dark techno uses big
bass b00ms, which industrial music rarely makes use of, but then notice I
use rarely. So it can be considered industrial, I really don't care
really.. The only reason I label music at all, is so that I have a common
frame of reference to use in discussion with other people. And with that,
I bring this rather long article to a close.

Note: Most of this article is an interpretation of the news group in case you don't know what these look
like, I've been abbreviating it RMI the whole time) FAQ. This is a really
great source of information on industrial music in general. Go check it
out for yourself..

Trifixion '96 - Founder of Immolation(The only all industrial tracking
group around) Email addy:


--[2. Excerpt from "The MOD Revolution"]-----------------------[Eric Bell]--

Ripping Good Music from Your Computer ... for Free
by Eric Bell

What Is a MOD?
If you haven't yet explored the world of MOD music, get
ready to experience an exciting, creative, underground
culture of pure musical expression. (If you have, check out
the sidebars for mountains of MOD resources.) MOD composers
create their works primarily just for the pleasure of having
them heard by themselves and others. The scene thrives on
taking minimal resources and getting incredible results by
ingenious creativity and just plain hard work, with a pinch
of larceny thrown in.

How do MODs sound, anyway?

MOD music is based entirely on sample playback. Because of
this, it is often convenient for composers to add "found
sounds" to their tracks. MODs with common sound bites like
"Make my day","Doh!", and the like abound. There are even
programs that extract samples from other MOD files, a
process called "ripping." MOD composers owe a lot to the
musicians who pioneered the use of sample playback in
composition, like Thomas OScience!O Dolby, Paul "N-N-
Nineteen" Hardcastle, and the Art Of Noise.
It's easy to use hackneyed phrases with little thought to
get a "cool" effect with no artistic merit, and this happens
a lot in the MOD world. But then there are the true artisans
of the sampled sound, who really use sampling as a new
instrument. A piece called "Batmeat" built on samples from
the old Batman TV series and the modern movies is an
excellent example of this. This MOD uses every trick in the
MOD book to get new sounds out of the limited number of
samples included in the file.
As mentioned above, MODs are built up from multitrack
sequences called patterns, and patterns in turn are
subdivided into 64 notes, or "rows," of equal duration. This
means that there is a limit on rhythmic expression in MOD
music, unless you use a few funny tricks to achieve the
desired effect. Let's say a composer uses one pattern to
create two bars in 4/4 time. That's 64 rows or divisions for
two bars, or 32 divisions for one bar. Therefore, each
quarter-note can be divided into eight divisions. In basic
tracking, everything is quantized to that level, and it
makes it difficult to get any kind of human feel to the
music. A swinging shuffle feel (relaxed dotted quarter,
eighth-note) is very difficult to achieve without the use of
advanced tweakological techniques.
MODs are very popular for dance and techno music
composition since the note patterns in MODs are subdivided
into small even parts, and because samples reign supreme in
these types of music. Trance, acid, house, acid jazz and
other forms of dance music are very commonly expressed in
MOD format.
Ultimately, the way a MOD sounds is up to the composer,
who has the choice of what samples or instruments to use and
how to use them, as well as what notes to play. Typically
the rigid timing format does limit the sort of feel you hear
in MOD music, but there are some stunning examples out there
of what can be done with some creativity. For example,
"JIMI.MOD" contains samples of Jimi Hendrix's guitar in an
amazing composition that has a fluid guitar part.

The History of MODs - Mahoney & Kaktus

Modules had their beginnings on the Commodore Amiga in the
1980s. This computer contained built in sound capability and
a program called ProTracker popularized the format.
ProTracker Modules defined the basic MOD file format of
patterns, rows, 4 tracks, up to 31 8- bit samples, and the
ProTracker program was the first tracker or MOD composition

I talked with Mathias C. Hjelt, a Sound Blaster AWE32 and
Amiga guru, about the beginnings of MODs. He explained,
"Once upon a time there was a program called (The Ultimate)
SoundTracker for the Amiga. When it was created, it was
designed to suit the Amiga's audio hardware, rather than the
general idea of what a music program should be like.
"Back then, there were no MODs. The music was stored as
Songs, which contained filenames (complete paths with disk
names and all) for the samples that were to be used during
playback. When the music was to be used in a program of some
sort, it was the coder's job to make sure the sample data
was available in RAM, and not only the Song data.

"These early SoundTrackers were rather limited. The
maximum number of instruments per song was 15, and there
werenOt too many effect commands available. The source code
of the SoundTracker was spread widely, and as a result, new
versions with various modifications showed up all the time.
(Some supported an early 15-instrument MOD format, others
didn't.) Because Amiga users in general did not have
Internet access or any other global means of communication,
no one knew what anyone else was doing.
"However, two guys called Mahoney & Kaktus managed to
redefine the Tracker tradition. They made a new format that
supported 31 instruments, and they released a few versions
of a SoundTracker clone called NoiseTracker that made these
cool 31-instrument MOD files that basically had the sample
data attached to the end.
"Another very popular clone was StarTrekker (yeah, it was
spelled like that). It had lots of things that appealed to
musicians, including a built-in sample editor, decent MIDI
support, new editing modes, and so on. StarTrekker 1.3 also
had an 8-channel mode, but this never became a hit. The
sound quality was mediocre and coders didn't like it because
it used too much CPU overhead.
"Pro Tracker was another attempt at improving the
SoundTracker series. New effect commands were added, but the
same MOD format was still used. Pro Tracker became the
absolute number-one choice for most MOD musicians on the
Amiga, as the new versions brought along new features and
new ideas. Still, everything was based on the same old 31-
instrument MOD format.

Incidentally, Mathias runs a wicked insider's Web page on
the AWE32 W3 check it out at

Where to Find MODs
Finding MODs is easy if you have a modem. They are
available on the Internet in large numbers, through music
BBSes, and on all the major online services. You just have
to hunt around a bit. See the sidebars "I want to hear some
MODs!" and "Internet MOD Resources" for details.
The best way to get a handle on the current scene is to
peruse the alt.binaries.sounds.mods newsgroup for
discussions about MODs and uuencoded MOD songs. This is a
common place to release brand-new songs.
I think the best way to explore a lot of MOD songs fast is
to buy a CD-ROM full of them. You can get literally
thousands of MODs on a CD, along with players, trackers, and
utilities, for under $30. (I bought the PowerSource Massive
MOD Collection for $10.) See the on CD-ROM sidebar on page
XX for details.

Sometimes there is confusion about what MIDI is, let alone
what Modules are. Simply, a MIDI song file is a set of
instructions specifying what notes are to be played and
when. When those instructions are sent to a device such as a
soundcard or external synthesizer, music is played. The
actual instruments heard are dependent on the synth used.
MIDI is very similar to a paper player-piano roll ¥ it
contains instructions, not sounds. The sounds come from
whatever piano the roll is played on.
Modules, on the other hand, contain both the instructions
to play the song and the sounds to play them with. The
sounds are stored as digital samples inside the MOD file. So
a MOD song, properly interpreted by a player, should sound
the same on any computer (as long as the sound hardware is
comparable), with any MOD player. Except for one exception:
The Advanced Gravis UltraSound. Read on!

Okay! I Want to Hear Some MODs! Now!!!

I've put links to many of the resources mentioned in this
article on the World Wide Web. Just point your browser to: You'll find Netscape-playable
sound objects of some of the MOD songs covered in the
article for immediate listening, so you can hear MOD samples
without even downloading a player. You can also download
sample MODs, tools, and access all kinds of MOD and Demo
By far the best source of in-depth information on MODs,
how to get 'em, how to find out about 'em, tools, samples,
players, etc. is the alt.binaries.sounds.mods FAQ, which is
available on the Howling Dog Web site and also from Howling
DogOs CompuServe forum (GO HOWLING) and Microsoft Network
area (the Go word is HOWLING).
Mac users on AOL should type keyword MMS, then descend
into Software Libraries, Mac MOD Mania, MOD Software.

For the rest of this article on MOD music, pick up the
July/August issue of Music & Computers magazine, on sale
July 2. To locate the vendor closest to you, please contact
Single Copy Sales Manager Gregg Mason To
subscribe, please contact Subscription Assistant Rosario


/-[Faces in the Crowd]------------------------------------------------------

--[3. Interview with Ryan]---------------------------------------[Kleitus]--

This week in TraxWeekly, we bring you an interview with Ryan.
Ryan brings a...ummm...different feeling to tw interviews, so read on
and enjoy. And beware;>

<kleitus> - (Seth Katzman) Kleitus [Inferno/TW] =
<ryan> - (Ryan Sprott) Ryan [Grey] =

(note: the following interview has gone through a bit of editing for the
sake of clarity, but it is still pretty much the original IRC
capture, with no changes, except where necessary.)

(2nd note: The following quasi-intro, interview, and quasi-conclusion
were all edited by Ryan. Therefore, I proclaim that I am
in no way responsible for the lameness that follows ;) -Kleitus)

[ FEAR... you are about to experience an uninterrupted, unedited (for the
most part) journey into the mind of one of the most annoying people ever to
enter the tracking scene... marvel as this irksome wonder explains the
secret of the mysterious vergazo... exclaim in wonder as he rattles off
the names of countless amiga trackers... gasp as he reveals his
innuendo-laden nickname from his freshman year in high school... for he
has tamed the mighty hose-beast, battled the hordes of lamers, and eaten
countless bowls of tabasco popcorn the whole time... or something ]

(((((( the ryan interview ))))))

<kleitus> ready?
<ryan> boom-chih-boom-chih :)
<ryan> ready! hit me!
<kleitus> dont worry about going nuts with spelling, ill edit everything...
<ryan> my spelling is perfect, thank you very much. :)
<kleitus> btw
<kleitus> jtown is the bully from karate kid;>
<ryan> i knew it!$@% :)
<kleitus> he's beating me right now
<ryan> give him a vergazo
<kleitus> will do...
<kleitus> ok
<ryan> vergazo given? :)
<kleitus> yes...but we'll go into that later:>
<ryan> hahahaha
<ryan> if i pause for a while, it's because i have a tech support caller
<ryan> these people are morons :P
<kleitus> Ok, for all of our tw readers, what's your name, age, group,
school, etc?
<kleitus> social security number? credit card numbers?
<kleitus> jt! argh...
<kleitus> ;>
<ryan> ok, my real name is ryan sprott, and that should be evidence enough
that i am NOT RYAN CRAMER!#$$@@$# :) i'm, um... immortal. :) i'm in grey,
the kick-ass group i helped found (*hug* to all the grey members), and
which i will hopefully talk about a lot during this interview :) i go to
tivy high school in kerrville, texas (a mirror site of hell, or something.
hehe), if that's important... :)
<kleitus> jt says 'ryan lamer' ;>
<ryan> hahahahaha
* ryan gives jtown a vergazo!@
<ryan> i haven't always lived in kerrville... or texas for that matter :) i
was born in germany, and i lived all over europe until i was 8... i've spent
4 years in san antonio and 4 years in el paso (towns in texas, for the
unenlightened :) since then... if any of this is important... :)
<ryan> muh popz was in the army
<kleitus> Ok, can you tell us a little about your group, Grey? Members,
*** Mode change "+b grey!96@planetary.dimness" on channel #interv by ryan
<ryan> grey consists of me, hunz, gblues, luvk, skie, imager, cd, and
qporcupine (member part)
<ryan> "member part" sounds kinda weird :)
<kleitus> oh god...:)
<ryan> we're a music group, mostly, but since we have so many kick-ass
coders and graphicians, we might do... something else :) in the future...
you never know...
<ryan> i had toyed with the idea of starting a group for a long time, but
one night i actually did it :)
<ryan> i invited a bunch of people to #group (we didn't have a name then,
mind you) and just outlined the ideas... i was pretty unorganized about it,
and i believe that grey wouldn't exist if it weren't for my wonderful
friend skie (*hug*)
<kleitus> cool, ok how exactly did you get into the music scene?
<ryan> i'm not done talking about grey, pendejo :)
<kleitus> k...
<ryan> skie named the group, and with a few cries of "yay" grey was born...
i wanted us to be distanced from all the other groups out there who were
naming themselves "interplanetary collision" or something like that... :)
as astrid (i think it was astrid... was it? anyway, it doesn't matter... :)
once said, "one can only take so much outer-space innuendo," and i believe
that's very very very true... or something... here i go rambling again :)
<kleitus> ....:>
<ryan> naming the group "grey" makes us sound like the kind of people who
wear berets and little round glasses and drink cappucino all day
<kleitus> jtown says, "oh, my lord..."
* ryan gives jtown vergazo after vergazo
* ryan is really hyper for some reason
<ryan> wow, i just got an email with the subject line "a quickie" :)
<kleitus> hohohoho
<ryan> hihihihihihihi
<ryan> next question! :)
<kleitus> answer the question of how you got into the scene...
<ryan> oh, doh :) that's right
<ryan> well, i moved here (kerrville/hell) in july 1995, and i met this guy
at the phone company who was a computer freak-dog like myself... we got to
talking, and he introduced me to tracking... he's a REALLY good tracker, but
he doesn't release anything... he doesn't have much time to track anymore,
since he's married and works full time...
<ryan> btw, his handle is "wireman"
<ryan> about 90% of my samples come from him, hehe
<kleitus> aha...
<ryan> the rest from basehead :)
<kleitus> ok, which
<kleitus> durp
<ryan> durp? ahEAHEAHEHAeHAEHa
<kleitus> speaking of samples ( i have to ask it ), what's your opinion
of sample ripping?
<ryan> i think sample ripping is fine... i myself don't own anything i can
sample from, except a bunch of crappy old tapes, so what am i supposed to
do? it seems silly that people would be against sample ripping, really...
<kleitus> true...
<ryan> i mean, some of the old amiga elites ripped samples... heatbeat is a
perfect example
<kleitus> heatbeat ripped for awhile i think, then he got superarrogant
about ripping...
<ryan> and look at people who wrote soundtracker mods... all they were doing
was ripping, in essence... ripping from those wacky st disks :) ... 100%
ripped samples, and they still manage to rock
<ryan> yeah, heatbeat is just a crack baby
<ryan> if you ever read his r.a.w. interview :)
<kleitus> yes, i have:>
<kleitus> for tw viewers, raw homepage (amiga diskmag)
<ryan> ^- kicks ass
<ryan> oh, before we go any further...
<kleitus> yes?
<ryan> there's one particular guy who i'd like to give a remote vergazo
to... i'm not going to mention his name, but he's the guy that said tw
should not contain interviews with "non-elite" people... i don't think i
need to explain why this is stupid as hell... mostly because i find myself
strangely unable to get a good head of steam behind any of my tirades now
that the spotlight is upon me... :)
<ryan> ok, onward. :)
<kleitus> heh ok...
<kleitus> who are some of your favorite composers? amiga/pc
<ryan> hmmm... amiga... right off the top of my head, i'd say dizzy,
audiomonster, jester, bit, bit arts, chorus&sid, heatbeat, airon,
sidewinder, moby, clawz, brainbug, vinnie, virgill, jogeir liljedahl, and
many many many more... i've just exhausted my memory :)
<ryan> and on pc, i'd say i most respect basehead, mellow-d, zake, and of
course wireman... MANY more, but i exhausted all my effort on that
amiga-composer list, hehe :)
<ryan> basically anyone who has a dir on my hd... or whose tunes i don't
delete after 1 listen :)
<ryan> special werd to basehead, gblues, and luvk (plus a few i forgot)
because they're great trackers and (mostly) incredibly nice guys too :)
*hug* everyone
<ryan> btw, anyone who hasn't raided aminet deserves a vergazo
<ryan> hehe
<kleitus> i have to ask...
<kleitus> ...the world must know
<ryan> oh god
<ryan> i hear it coming :)
<kleitus> What is a vergazo?
<ryan> hahahahahaha!!! :)
<ryan> ok...
<ryan> this may be too much for you #trax kiddies, so shield your eyes! :)
<ryan> a vergazo is when you grab your tube steak and smack someone with
it... it's a spanish vulgarity :) the root words are "verga," for the tube
steak itself, and "-azo," a suffix denoting a blow with something...
<ryan> are you happy now? :)
<kleitus> ummmmm
<ryan> hahahaha
<ryan> it's one of my manic eccentricities :)
<kleitus> maybe i should have kept my mouth shut...
<kleitus> c'est la vie...
<ryan> ehaheaheha
<ryan> well, "hi" to everyone who's been given a vergazo that didn't know
what they were getting :)
<kleitus> What are some of your favorite individual tracks of all time
(by other composers)?
<ryan> hmm, lessee
<ryan> "urban culture bomb" by basehead
<ryan> "banana split" by dizzy
<ryan> "ba1" by bit arts (hi base :)
<ryan> well, hmm... let's just say for the sake of brevity...
<kleitus> i'm going to switch background music to ba1 right now...
<kleitus> haven't heard it in a long time...
<ryan> anything by any of the composers i mentioned in my "favorite
trackers" list
<ryan> "ba1" kicks ass, really... at first i didn't like it, but base urged
me to listen to it again and again, and what do you know... i got to love it
<kleitus> Ok, who are some of the most overrated and underrated composers in
the scene?
<ryan> overrated: necros (keep in mind that i have NOTHING against the guy,
he's a really great composer and cool as hell... but he's not the god
everyone says he is), elwood, skaven, pm, rage, captain... keep in mind
that i like all these guys' music to some extent... but putting them on a
pedestal is a bit much
*** kleitus is now known as jtown
<ryan> uh-oh :)
* jtown gives ryan a vergazo for elwood and rage and pm...
*** jtown is now known as kleitus
<ryan> hehehaehaeha
* ryan lol
<kleitus> :>
<kleitus> captain is decent...
<ryan> yeah, captain is decent
<ryan> elwood/rage/pm are all right, really... i'd say mediocre, but i'd get
another vergazo :)
<kleitus> his ancient stuff blowz..
<kleitus> sort of like romeo knight...
<ryan> oh!!
<ryan> speaking of romeo knight
<ryan> EVERYONE go get gblues' remix of "boesendorfer p.s.s.," it KICKS YOUR
<ryan> </plug>
<kleitus> boesendorfer p.s.s. is nice...i still love cosmic dog 2 though...
<kleitus> heheh
<ryan> hehehehe
<kleitus> gblues is the same dude who did the final fantasy mdisk, right?
<ryan> yeah
<ryan> he's in grey :)
<ryan> he rocks
<ryan> (*hug* gb)
<kleitus> ok, now underrated composers?
<ryan> underrated...
<ryan> lots of amiga composers... b.i.t., bit arts, dean, heatbeat, jester,
et cetera... wireman is underrated, but no one's ever heard anything by
him :) and...
<kleitus> it's true that's lots of amiga composers aren't known well on
the PC scene...
<ryan> call me an ass-kisser, but mellow-d is VASTLY underrated... he's got
to be one of the best trackers that ever lived... same with basehead...
their music is just incredible
<ryan> i know people will think "what the hell; basehead and mellow-d are
OVERRATED!" but that's just not the case... people *think* they're
overrated, so they turn around and bash them because it's the thing to do...
it seems like bashing basehead and mellow-d has become what bashing pm and
skaven was... people are just jealous...
<ryan> i mean... why do you think these people are overrated at all, people?
it's because they make great music that stands out from most of the
mediocrity of the scene... i just can't praise 'em enough :)
<ryan> yeah, stuff... :)
<ryan> who else is underrated... everyone in grey :) and ded silence... he
rocks (tho he's not in grey)
<kleitus> dudes like heatbeat and jester are popular tho...
<ryan> yeah, somewhat
<ryan> i had some guy on #trax ask me what aminet was the other night :)
<ryan> (no names)
<kleitus> hmmm ok...
<kleitus> basehead is actually one of the more popular pc guys on the
amiga scene..along with cccatch...
<ryan> yeah... i don't like cccatch that much, actually... he's really good,
but his songs don't really click with me for some reason
<ryan> btw, i met lpegasus yesterday!
<kleitus> is he still in kosmic?
<ryan> he's cool as hell :) (hi lpeg!)
<ryan> yeah, he's still in kosmic... he's on a 6-week road trip, so we might
not see many zack tunes for a while... but never fear
<kleitus> k...
<ryan> his keyboard is broken, too... so donate :)
<kleitus> heh..
<kleitus> on to new stuff.......
<ryan> yay
<ryan> new stuff == good
<kleitus> What style of music do you compose?
<ryan> i don't limit myself at all to one style... i listen to every kind of
music you can imagine, both in the "real" world (hehe) and in the tracker's
world... so i can say "hmm, i think i'll track a house tune" and do it... or
"hmm, i think i'll track some funk" and do it... i don't say "oh, i only
track THIS and THAT" (hi injekted, subhuman :)
<ryan> oh, i forgot
<ryan> underrated: injekted
<ryan> he rules my world
<ryan> i'm his tabasco-sucking texas hosebeast bizatch
<ryan> :)
<ryan> EHAEHaEHa
<kleitus> ultrabeat dude...havent heard much by him...
<ryan> yeah, ultrabeat rewls
<kleitus> you're injekted's bitch?
<kleitus> ;>
<ryan> well, according to him. :)
<ryan> *i* wasn't informed. :)
<kleitus> fair enough :)
<ryan> hehehehehe
<kleitus> heheh
<ryan> werd, this song rules
<ryan> it's on the radio
<kleitus> which tune?
<ryan> by annie lennox
<ryan> hmm, is it by annie lennox?
<kleitus> i couldn't tell you:>
<ryan> it goes "because the world won't stop, and actions speak louder...
listen to your heart, what your heart might say..."
<ryan> it's phat
<ryan> ok, back to the interview :)
<kleitus> Which tune have you been most proud of that you've tracked?
<ryan> none, really. :)
<ryan> hehehe
<ryan> i haven't tracked for a LONG time
<ryan> but i feel a burst of creativity coming on
<kleitus> heh, i havent tracked a complete tune....ever:>
<ryan> hang on, caller
<kleitus> my first tune will hopefully be for MC4...i hope it places in
the top half:>
<kleitus> rookie obviously...
<ryan> ok, i'm back
<ryan> hehe, yeah, i'm entering mc4 too myself
<ryan> hopefully
<kleitus> k...
<ryan> i'm doing a co-op w/ gblues
<kleitus> it takes me while to track...
<ryan> i would have to say i'm most proud of that tune :)
<kleitus> cool...
<kleitus> heh
<ryan> i don't have much time to track, since i work full-time, and when i'm
not working i'm wasting time on irc
<ryan> i'm getting better, though. :)
<kleitus> once into slackdome, one can never come back...
<ryan> haha, don't say that! :)
<ryan> yew scare me
<kleitus> hohoho
<kleitus> actually
<kleitus> one of jtown's nicknames in school is 'slackmaster j'
<ryan> bahahahahahahahahahaha
<ryan> i'll never let him forget that :)
<ryan> my nickname my freshman year was "mr. winky"
<kleitus> good:> i never do...
<ryan> a friend of mine named me after her boyfriend's penis... i have weird
<ryan> hahahahaha
<kleitus> ryan: i'd ask...but i'm still scared from the vergazo answer..;>
<kleitus> damn! too late...
<kleitus> heheh
* ryan lol
<ryan> you didn't have to ask! :)
<ryan> questions, questions
<ryan> :)
<ryan> i'm so impatient
<ryan> i need a vergazo
<ryan> or something
<kleitus> speaking of MC4, what's your opinion on the player controversy?
Do you feel it's fair that users of IT get an advantage since there's no
standalone player for it?
<ryan> yeah, i mentioned this to gd the other night
<ryan> i said that they should just use the format's respective tracker...
ft2 for .xm and .mod... st3 for .s3m... mmedit for .mtm... etc.
<kleitus> yeah...
<kleitus> it's sort of crappy...
<ryan> cubic player fuxors up most of my tunes, sadly :P
<kleitus> so far my tune plays correct in cp, but i havent gotten far
into it...
<ryan> oh, i hold the record for "most tunes rated *" in demonews for a
single composer :)
<kleitus> you seem proud:>
<ryan> haha, i'm not; i want them all deleted :)
<ryan> i don't even have 'em on my hd anymore
<ryan> one thing that kinda pisses me off, though... my tunes aren't that
great, but they do NOT deserve *... i mean... look at "onion breath monster"
by death :) that got *... it's not even comparable to my tunes... great
title tho :)
<ryan> ok, anyway
<kleitus> yeah...
<kleitus> i notice when i begin to track, i hate my tunes the longer i
get into them...
<ryan> yeah, i have a problem tracking... i have great ideas in my head, but
i try to get them into the tracker and they go *thbpt*
<kleitus> yeah, i'm trying something like that...
<ryan> (*thbpt* can be approximated by putting your tongue between your lips
and blowing really hard)
<kleitus> i'm slowly making a rap mod with full vocals:>
<ryan> hahahahaha :)
<kleitus> heheh
<kleitus> my friend will be doing vocals, i'll track it all out...
<ryan> i have lyrics written for a lot of my tunes
<kleitus> the dude who's rapping dj's parties and does performances....
<ryan> i don't put the lyrics in the tunes themselves, though :)
<ryan> one of my tunes goes "i'm bustin a NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT...
<kleitus> jtown says, 'i zee de moon, between de stars...'
<ryan> bahahahaha
<kleitus> hahha
<ryan> "young girl, get out of my mind... my love for you is way out of
line"...fear paul anka
<kleitus> jtown is nuts...
<ryan> yeah, after a lifetime of beating up ralph macchio, i would be too
<ryan> :D
<ryan> jtown == the bully from "the karate kid," for the readers who didn't
<ryan> hmm, i'm starving and i don't have any cash
<ryan> maybe i'll go eat pretzels
<ryan> :)
<kleitus> i'm broke too...
<kleitus> that's why i'm leeching food at jt's:>
<ryan> aren't we all
<ryan> heheahehehaheahea
<ryan> it's pretty sad when i go to work and eat like a pig :) they ask me
"don't your parents feed you at home?" and i tell them the truth
<ryan> "no"
<kleitus> heh
<ryan> my boss bugged the phone here at work
<ryan> and i'm not supposed to be using irc
<ryan> but oh well :)
<kleitus> well..
<kleitus> i sort of figured you dont get paid to chill on irc:>
<ryan> hehe :)
<kleitus> what's your job?
<ryan> tech support for my isp... i also do other stuff (i.e., keep the
whole thing from going under)
<ryan> i get the funniest calls
<kleitus> aha....i'm starting my new job next week...
<ryan> people asking how they can use the internet to talk to their friends
in albania or something
<ryan> "does your friend have a computer?"
<kleitus> hehehe
<ryan> *dead silence*
<kleitus> hahha
<ryan> *in whiny, piercing voice*
<kleitus> I'm becoming a fed, starting monday...
<ryan> a fed??
* ryan backs off
<kleitus> federal agent...
<ryan> !!!!!!
<ryan> you're gonna be a jackbooted gestapo thug? :) (hi g. gordon liddy)
<kleitus> I'm becoming a disgruntled US postal worker...:)
<ryan> werd
<ryan> the government scares me
<ryan> my dad worked for the army for like 25 years
<kleitus> jt still has his job at the bar downtown as a bouncer....
<ryan> hahahahahahahahaha
<ryan> he beats up small italian kids
<ryan> :)
<ryan> who learn karate from miyagi-san
<kleitus> he beats up everyone...
<ryan> and come back to kick his ass
<kleitus> always doing crane kicks and shit on me:>
<ryan> hahahahahaha
<ryan> "ninja vergazo!" *whap*
<ryan> that ought to be a move in "shinobi" :)
<kleitus> heheh, shinobi is classic...
<ryan> yeah, it's my favorite ware :)
<ryan> (i didn't get it on anothernet)
<ryan> hehe
<ryan> i'm proud; i've never traded warez on anothernet
<kleitus> nor I..
<ryan> *** Signoff: ryan (Remote kill by Caliban (no warez))
<ryan> hehe
<kleitus> ok
<kleitus> back to the questions...
<kleitus> hahha
<ryan> :)
<ryan> mo' questions!
<kleitus> ok deeper thought questions...
<ryan> yay :)
<kleitus> WHat do you feel is current direction of the scene? Trackerwise,
and overall in the future...
<ryan> hmmm... well, i don't really know... i think we'll get a lot of
newbies, though (just look at #trax now...). the scene will definitely
grow, and i'm surprised it hasn't grown already... when i learned i could
make music on my computer, i was hooked! :) fascinated... i've always lived
for music, really... but i'm getting off the subject
<ryan> i eat, sleep, and breathe music... i always have
<ryan> we're going to get a big population boom
<kleitus> ...continue...
<ryan> i was done :)
<ryan> we're just going to be inundated with trackers... unfortunately, i
don't think many of them will be very good, or have the willpower to stay
with it and become good
<kleitus> so you feel that IT and FT2 will become the norm for awhile?
<ryan> yeah, i use ft2 myself, but i might use it occasionally... they're
great programs... better than st3, and look how long st3 lasted :)
<ryan> altho i wish pulse would stop changing the damn tracker so much, and
put in mouse/ems support :)
<kleitus> well..atleast he's active in support....
<ryan> caller
<kleitus> Where can one get releases by you and your group, Grey?
<ryan> while it's still up... otherwise bug me
and i'll send you some on irc... :) we might get one of our members
(*cough* cd) to offer grey releases on dcc (actually, cd did that for a
while, but not now since he's a lazy pendejo :)
<kleitus> Ok, any greets? Last words?
<ryan> we're gonna get a web page, soon
<kleitus> cool...Inferno Prods. will have a web page up fall '96....
<ryan> werd
<ryan> hang on, annoying caller from hell
<kleitus> hehe
<ryan> ok, back...
<ryan> last words, greets... hmm... :)
<ryan> lemme think
<kleitus> jtown says, 'Ryan, goto naid '97 so I can show you my leet
karate skilz...
<ryan> hehaehahehaehaeh
<ryan> i can only go to naid if they have it below the mason-dixon line :)
<ryan> damn you scene-dominating yankees
<ryan> support tex97! :)
<kleitus> I think Phoenix might be trying to organize a winter party at
<ryan> that's still too far north :)
<ryan> winter in new york?? i'd die! :)
<kleitus> it's in yankee territory:>, but that's where I'll be going to
<kleitus> organize your own party:>
<kleitus> which scene members are closest to you?
<ryan> ok, greets... i'd like to greet all my friends; you know who you
are... i'd greet everyone individually, but i honestly can't remember now
that the spotlight's on me... :) special greets to everyone in grey, and
to all my friends on #trax (am i repeating myself?)
<ryan> hmm, i'm in texas, so... :)
<ryan> godhead/sidewinder are pretty close to me
<kleitus> k...What's your email address so people can contact you?
<ryan> there's hadji/boomer/malakai/pandorra/rimbo, too
<ryan>, of course :)
<ryan> that might be down, so mail to if it doesn't go
<kleitus> of course:)
<ryan> hehe
<kleitus> welp
<ryan> nooooooooooooo
<ryan> don't end :)
<kleitus> ok
<ryan> oh, greets to lpegasus/basehead/ms saigon, too
<kleitus> here we go...
<ryan> because i've talked to them on the phone or met them :)
<kleitus> i dont have any more questions...
<kleitus> so starting at 4:35 PM EST, you have exactly 5 minutes to rage
while the irclog is going:>
<ryan> ok... :)
<kleitus> note tw viewers: be afraid...
<ryan> i'd like to give a vergazo to all the elitist bastards in the
scene... you know who you are! you make the scene hell for us... or
<ryan> hehe
<ryan> umm
<kleitus> speechless?
<ryan> i'd like to give more vergazos to all the lamers who come into #trax
and annoy us... :)
<ryan> no, i'll never be speechless
<kleitus> ok
<kleitus> if you were...
<ryan> it's just that i can't seem to find anything to rant about :)
<kleitus> that would have been another #trax first...
<ryan> indeed
<ryan> i've been yapping on irc for nearly five nears now... damn
<kleitus> wow
<ryan> it seems like a lot less time than that
<ryan> i didn't get into this scene until august 95, tho
<ryan> let's see, what else can i rant about
<ryan> i'd like to hug all the cuddlebearz on #trax... you know who you are,
again :)
<kleitus> 4 min and counting...;>
<ryan> i'd like to give a big woop! to lpegasus, who's currently on a 6-week
road trip, riding on a bus and staying in remote motels with 40 beautiful
girls who walk around in their underwear, seemingly without shame... lucky
guy zack is :)
<ryan> it ruled meeting you, lpeg :)
<ryan> what else...
*** kleitus is now known as jtown
<ryan> aiee :)
<jtown> wewp
<ryan> hey kleitus, get jt's nickserv password! :)
<jtown> he's seen it but probably forgot it
<jtown> i know his, tho
<jtown> ;>
<ryan> d0e
<ryan> hehaehaeha
<jtown> hmmm... want to say anything else or go back to #trax
<ryan> note to all: my password is not "vergazo," that'd be too obvious :)
<jtown> ?
<ryan> no, i want to keep this going forever!@!#$%@#
<ryan> the never-ending interview
<jtown> ah, ok
<ryan> we'll yak till the cows come home
<ryan> will this be in tomorrow's tw? :)
<jtown> you have 2 minutes left
<ryan> hehe
<ryan> all right
<jtown> minutes left, even
<jtown> unlikely. ;>
<jtown> things don't get done that fast.
<jtown> at least not when i do them ;>
<ryan> i'd like to wonder if elwood knows what kind of furor he stirred
up in the music scene :)
<ryan> heheahehaeha
<ryan> i also wonder if elwood's anything like the guy in that old movie
"the blues brothers," 'cuz if he is, then he's cool :)
<jtown> eeeheh
<ryan> that's 'cuz you're lazy! :)
<ryan> if *i* were in tw, things would be different
*** jtown is now known as SlackMaster_J
<ryan> i would crack the whip over y'all
*** SlackMaster_J is now known as jtown
<ryan> hahahahahaha
*** ryan is now known as MisterWinky
<MisterWinky> awright
*** MisterWinky is now known as ryan
<jtown> time's up
<ryan> nooo!
<ryan> that wasn't two minutes
<jtown> hmmm
<jtown> well then
<ryan> you're just trying to silence me:)
* ryan gives jtown a vergazo!
<jtown> let's play word association. ;>
<ryan> yez! i love word association :)
<jtown> vergazo
<ryan> jtown
<jtown> bill clinton
<ryan> chelsea
<jtown> basehead
<ryan> woop!
<jtown> God
<ryan> <-
<jtown> eeeheheh
<jtown> trax
<ryan> train
<jtown> baygle
<ryan> cheeze
<jtown> elwood
<ryan> boom-tss
<ryan> :)
<jtown> shutup. ;>
<jtown> pig shit
<ryan> traxweekly
<ryan> :)
<jtown> that's enough.;>
<ryan> hahaha
<ryan> it's like being at the shrink again
<jtown> thank you for having this interview. ;>
<ryan> only he would ask me weird-questions
<jtown> eeeeeeeehehheh
<ryan> hahaha
* jtown does crane kicks all over the channel
<ryan> thank you for interviewing me :)
<jtown> hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - yaaaaaaa!
<ryan> haha
<jtown> yer welcome
* ryan passes out vergazos
<ryan> wow, this is one long log
<jtown> ok, back to trax now. ;>
<ryan> hahhaha

[ and so it ends... and you find yourself marveling at your own ignorance
of just what that vergazo thing was... and reaching for the aspirin after
the howler monkey-like "eeeeeeeeeeeeehehehehehe" of jtown... and fearing the
almighty "BUMP-TISS" of elwood percussion... and understanding that ryan
doesn't use a handle because after all these years, all his inspiration for
weird-sounding nicknames is gone... and if he tried, he'd come up with
something dorky like "kal zakath," so why bother. ]

ryan's postscript: i lost my job about 2 days after this interview... coin-
cidence? nah. :)

Well, that wraps up our interview for this week. I hope this
interview brings some new thoughts to our readers. Many musicians take
the scene way too competitively and seriously. Ryan is a reminder that
sceners should simply lighten up a bit. Later...



--[4. Music Trackers International]-----------------------------------------

MTi Information Document
Facts and Queries File

NB: The WWW home page and FTP site are not as yet operational. -Saurax

1. What is MTi?
2. Can you publicize my tracked music?
3. How do I go about requesting to be a member of MTi?
4. What are the terms involved in being a member?
5. How do I contact MTi?
6. When is everything going to become a reality already?!
7. Is there something I can do to help?
8. Will there be a text version of the MTi web site available?
9. Ignorant people skip to this question.
10. With MTi do I have to track a certain number of songs per month?
11. What's in it for Saurax?
12. What's in it for Daedalus?
13. The MTi email talk list
14. Who are the members of MTi so far?

1. What is MTi? (Music Trackers International)
MTi is a non-profit organization with one aim in mind: to publicize
digitally tracked music far and wide, our primary means being the
Internet services - that is, World Wide Web and FTP. You or your
music group can have FTP space and WWW space for your music!

MTi is NOT a group. It is simply a service for the tracking
community" of the scene.

2. Can you publicize my tracked music?
Yes! Our FTP and Web sites offer music, which is divided into two
sections: country and composer. MTi wants to distribute *your*
music, under specific conditions of cause. There is no "catch",
only the fact that your attitude is positive towards what you do as
a musician. Obscenities will not be in your favour. It is
recommended that you possess an Internet E-mail address (or access
to one).

3. How do I go about requesting to be a member of MTi?
Firstly, it does not matter if you are part of a group; MTi still
wants to publicize your music. In fact, MTi supports groups too!
There are certain terms that must be followed and disobeying these
terms will, indeed, not be in your favour. See Section 4.

4. What are these terms?
Here they are:
(1) MTi only supports the following module formats:
ù MOD/NST/WOW Standard 4/8/16/etc modules formats
ù FastTracker XM
ù ScreamTracker III S3M
ù Impulse Tracker IT
ù MultiTracker MTM
Other formats (ie. 669, AMS, DSM, DMF, OKT, ULT, STM, PSM, PTM, etc.)
are accepted occasionally, but certainly NOT on a regular basis!
(2) All music styles are accepted. (eg. Techno, Rock, Trance, Classic,
(3) Modules may not exceed 2 megabytes (not strict term, exceptions are
(4) Present a Professional Attitude in regards to your music, and others.
(5) It doesn't concern us if you are a member of a "demo" etc group: you
may still publicize your modules here. Kosmic/NOISE members allowed
too! :)
(6) Upon each submission of your module to us, please include a completed
module description file (MDZ format | email me for more info).
** This is no longer required, but preferred :).
(7) Samples may be ripped. It does not concern us.
(8) Pattern content of other composers' modules are allowed in your modules
required that you have acquired permission from the original composer
to do so.
(9) If you are a member of MTi you may use our name - but only when the
situation is linked to tracking/modules. (ie. as one of your
(10)We will not hold ourselves responsible for any criminal act on your
part. This includes, but is not limited to, copyright violations.
(11)Keep MTi updated on where to contact you. ie. inform us of email
address changes.
(12)While MTi will offer FTP and WWW access for your work, everyone will
have access to your material. MTi, and the members of its staff cannot
accept responsibility for any unauthorized commercial use of your work.
(13)MTi reserves the right to remove you from our database due to
disobedience of these terms or unforeseen circumstances.

5. How do I contact MTi?
You can only contact MTi via Internet E-mail at this time.
To submit queries and suggestions, please send E-mail to:
Saurax :
Or you can usually find either one of us on IRC..
AnotherNet Servers:, Channel: #trax

6. When is everything going to become a reality already?!
In the very near future, just hang in there :) ... my ISP says that
the leased line should be installed here by the end of June, so MTi,
at latest, should be around by the end of July 96.

7. Is there something I can do to help speed up the arrival of MTi?
Well, that depends :). A lot of time, effort and finance is going
into the MTi project. Donations of any type will be welcomed and
will definitely go to a good cause.

8. Will there be a text version of the MTi web site for my browser?
Yes! Even in the construction stages of the web there is a text
version available.

9. What is MTi?
Go to Query Number 1.

10. With MTi do I have to track a certain number of songs per month?

11. So, Saurax, what's in it for you?
My intention is not for personal gain, but gain for MTi as a whole.
Trackers need support and hopefully MTi can give them that support.

12. So what's in it for Daedalus then?
A chance to try and help the scene move into the future...
and to ensure that it's a household topic around the world... =)

13. The MTi Email Talk List
Feel free to join the MTi talk list, where members and supporters
of MTi share their views of MTi, tracking and the scene in general!
Simply email majordomo@www.netafrica with no subject (ie. leave the
subject field blank) and in the body of the message just type
subscribe mti
and you'll be able to post and receive mail in the talk list.

14. Who are the members of MTi so far?
The member list is constantly increasing so it would be painful to
continuously update this text file with a member list. If you are
seriously interested in knowing who the members of MTi are, email
me at and I shall send you the latest
available member list, or ask me on IRC and I shall send it to you
via DCC.

Saurax - President | MTi :
Daedalus - VP | MTi :



TraxWeekly is available via FTP from: /demos/incoming/news (new issues) /demos/info/traxw/ (back issues)

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [name] (NOT address)
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and must be readable and
understandable. NO HIGH ASCII IS ALLOWED. Different country code
pages cause major problems in international distribution, so we
must stay with regular text. Profanities and other derogatory
subjects should be avoided if possible.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 6:00pm EST (North
America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.


e contact the TraxWeekly staff at the following addresses:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Staff: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
Fred (Fred Fredricks)
Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
Kleitus (Seth Katzman)
Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Populus (Nicolas Roberge)
Trifixion (Tyler Vagle)
Zinc (Justin Ray)
Reporter: Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Graphics: Stezotehic (...)....................(...)
Squidgalator2 (...)
White Wizard (...)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995,1996 - TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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