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SegaSaturn's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago

Version 1.0
Released January, 2000
Compiled and Maintained by John Hokanson Jr. (
See further down for additional authors.
This file is best viewed in Microsoft Wordpad.


* From the maintainer
* Authors, Contributors, and Special Thanks
* Where can I find future versions of this FAQ?
* Revision History
* Information Needed
* Disclaimer and Copyright


1.1 What is the Sega Saturn?
1.2 What media does the Sega Saturn play?
1.3 Does Sega still develop for the Saturn?
1.4 What is the relevance of "bits" in Video Game hardware?
1.5 Is the Sega Saturn really a 32-bit system?
1.6 Is the Sega Saturn backwards compatible with the Sega CD,
Genesis, or any other older Sega system?
1.7 Will Sega's next system, the Dreamcast, work with Saturn
1.8 How is the Saturn related to the ST-V/Titan arcade board?

2.1 What Saturn packages were sold?
2.2 How was Saturn software packaged?

3.1 What different models of the Saturn were released?
3.2 What's with these licensed Saturns (V-Saturn, Hi-Saturn)?
3.3 What's with the Majesco re-release?
3.4 What's the deal with the different BIOS revisions?

4.1 What different means are there for hooking up my Saturn?
4.2 What about an RGB hookup?
4.3 What power plugs can I use?

5.1 Can the Saturn perform transparency and light sourcing effects?
5.2 Can the Saturn really display a 704x480 resolution?
5.3 How come the FMV on the Saturn doesn't look as good as the FMV
on the Playstation?
5.4 How come the audio is certain Saturn games sounds muffled?
5.5 What is the Video Decoder/MPEG card?
5.6 What is Truemotion?
5.7 What is ADX?
5.8 What is QSound?
5.9 What is Cybersound?
5.10 Were there any games designs to take advantage of Dolby
5.11 Does the Saturn ever use its FM Synthesis capabilities?

6.1 Help! I bought my Saturn new, and games won't save, and I have
to constantly reset the date and time! Why?
6.2 Okay, my Saturn is old or used, and the battery is finally dead.
What do I do?
6.3 How often should I replace the battery?
6.4 Can I replace the battery without loosing all my saved data?
6.5 Does the date and time function on the Saturn really serve a
useful function?
6.6 What games take advantage of the clock/calender?
6.7 Is the Saturn Y2K compliant?

7.1 What is the Saturn's cartidge port for?
7.2 What's the difference between a memory cart and a RAM Cart?
7.3 Do memory carts require battery changes?
7.4 What memory carts & RAM carts are available for the Saturn?
7.5 What games support RAM carts?
7.6 Are the different RAM & Memory carts compatible with each
7.7 What about the cart that comes with King of Fighters '95?
7.8 What is all the bad press concerning Interact Memory Carts
7.9 What is the "Game Shark"?
7.10 Help! My Saturn cartridge port won't work correctly!
(Or: Is frequent use of my cartridge port okay)?
(Or: Can I use any cart without damaging my system)?


9.1 Can I play games from another region on my Saturn?
9.2 I've decided to play games from another region. What are my
9.3 What about NTSC on a PAL console, and visa versa?
9.4 How do I build a 50/60Hz (PAL/NTSC) switch?
9.5 What exactly is a MOD switch or a language switch?
9.6 How can I install a language switch?
9.7 Can I play CDR discs (copied games) on my Saturn?
9.8 What is a MOD Chip?
9.9 Is there a single "one-time" modification that will allow me
to play imports *AND* CDRs without the use of a cartridge?
9.10 What about "Disc Swaping"?
9.11 What is the Sega Satellite?
9.12 ...and what about the ST Key?
9.13 What is the Super Strong Card 2.0?
9.14 How can I use a Game Shark to play imports?
9.15 What if I have a converter catridge like the ST Key or Sega
Satellite and I want to play a RAM cart game?
9.16 Will these methods allow me to play any game from another

10.1 Why would I want to play Japanese imports?
10.2 Where can I get Japanese imports?
10.3 What is the "Saturn Collection"?
10.4 Hey! Cool! There are files on my Japanese Saturn Import
("Omake" Directory)?
10.5 What is Anime?
10.6 What is Hentai?
10.7 Explain the Japanese Rating System please?

11.1 Can I build a custom joystick for my Saturn?
11.2 Is there anyway I can use a better/faster CD drive in my
11.3 What's the port marked "Communication Connection" on the back
of my Saturn?
11.4 How does the link cable work?
11.5 What about the floppy disk drive?
11.6 Can you "soft reset" a Saturn?
11.7 Is there any way to get Saturn software to always play in mono
so don't have to keep entering it in the game's option menu?

12.1 What optional controllers are available for the Saturn?
12.2 Can I extend the cord length of my Saturn controls?
12.3 Whats the difference between the new and old Saturn control
12.4 What is the Sega Mission Stick, and what games supported it?
12.5 What multiplayer adaptors are there, and what games support
12.6 I lost my manual! Can you help?
12.7 ....but what about game manuals?

13.1 How are the Capcom conversions on the Saturn?
13.2 How are the SNK conversion on the Saturn?
13.3 What demo discs were released for the Saturn?

14.1 Are there any Saturn Emulators?


16.1 Is it true the Saturn's processors are underpowered, and it's
hard to program 3D games on the Saturn?
16.2 Were the Saturn's 3D capabilties added at the last minute?
16.3 What is the Sega Jupiter, and why was it never released?
16.4 Is the Satcast really a hoax? I thought it was announced
before April?

17.1 What was the _____ Saturn Game?
17.2 How many Saturns were sold?
17.3 What are the rarest Saturn games?
17.4 What does Sega mean?

18.1 What Saturn Magazines are there?
18.2 What webpages are there on the world wide web concerning the
18.3 What newsgroups are there for the Saturn?
18.4 What electronic mailing lists are there for the Saturn?
18.5 What IRC channels are there for the Saturn?
18.6 What retailers sell Saturn stuff?




From the maintainer

Greetings! And think you for taking the time to read the Sega Saturn
FAQ! This FAQ was a project undertook by me starting in the fall of 1998.
It was something I had been mulling over in my head for quite some time,
and ultimatlely my love for this underrated system prevailed, and I
decided to thow together the myriad of information and frequently asked
questions for distribution on the internet and anywhere else where it
can be easily accessable.

This FAQ is a hodgepodge of info borrowed from other FAQs, USENET posts,
websites, insider industry information, and some contributions by
myself. Credit is naturally given wherever and whenever it's due.

Questions and comments regarding information in this FAQ can be directed
towards me at or if you can't seem to contact me there,
then try or

Please send all corrections to the above address ASAP, so that I might
correct it in the next release. How long this FAQ lasts depends very
much on your support. "^_^"

Thank you, and enjoy!

- John Hokanson Jr.

Authors, Contributors, and Special Thanks

I'd like to take the time to thank the following people. Without
their kind contributions, this FAQ would not be as informative.

- Raymond McKeithen II <>
A lot. 'Nuff said. He is a godsend when it comes to information
about the Saturn.

- Christopher Coleman <>
List of Saturn demo discs.

- Terrence Huey (aka MoonPrince) <>
For some import information (the list of Saturn Collection games).

- Ken Tam <>
Ken's Saturn Catalogue was used for the Games List and was an
invaluable addition!

- Ken Arromdee
This Ken (^_^) allowed me to use select portions of his* FAQ, thus significantly cutting down the time
it took to write certain sections.

- Barry W. Cantin <>
Loads of moral support and other useful tidbits.

- Richter Belmont <>
Japanese system information.

- Jose Barragan <>
Proofreading and miscellaneous input.

- The Axledental DJ <>
Mucho modification information.

- Jerry Lynds
Author of the language switch modification I believe. Also
provided video pinout information.

- Kirk Patten
Contributor to the language switch modification. No e-mail
address provided I'm afraid.

- Lucan Duran <>
Information on what software uses the video decoder card.

With additional contributions by:

- Tyler V. Snow <>
- Victor Ireland <>
- Thomas Baetzler <>
- Brian Osserman <>

Special thanks to:

- Wesley Reiser, who wrote the very first Saturn FAQ in 1996. A pioneer!

- Dave Zydeko, who's was a haven for all Saturn owners.
God bless you Dave! Damn the Sega nazis for making you take it down!

- Special greets to SR Dominguez and Rachael Ryan. Staunch UK supports
of the Saturn (where are these two anyways?).

- Douglas Erickson, who gave me loads of moral support and never took
anything too personally while I posted to r.g.v.s. :)

- Joe Ottoson
- Joshua Kaufman

- The populace of (with the exception of the trolls
"^_^). You helped make this FAQ, even if you never knew.

- All Saturn fans throughout the world! Keep the memory alive! "^_^"

Where can I find future versions of this FAQ?

A copy will be posted to Following that, the
FAQ will be posted on the newsgroups and

The FAQ will also be available through e-mail on request (unless I get
bombarded by requests, in which case I'll stop, and just expand the
archives that carry this FAQ).

Revision History

v1.0 - 1/1/00: First Public Release. Intended primarily just to stir up

Information Needed

The following information is needed for the FAQ. Any assistance you can
lend will be greatly appreciated.

- A decent introduction to the Saturn.
- Need to fill the holes in the RAM cart/Memory cart listings.
Specifically regarding how many "blocks" of save RAM a certain memory
cart has.
- Need information on how to modify a US system to play European games,
and vice-versa.
- Need hookup information, and serial numbers (Power Plugs, S-Video, RCA
A/V, RF Coaxial, ect).
- Saturn Model list is kinda thin. I believe I have every model except
european ones, and those outside US/Japan. Model numbers would also be
appreciated, and some of the information on the models I do list is
pretty thin also.
- Need pack-in information for Saturns from all regions.
- Need Explanation (preferably in-depth but understandable) of "Alpha
Transparency" and why the Saturn can't do it.
- Control Pad pin outs anyone? :)
- Controller section is extremely incomplete. Need help.
- Netlink information (I don't have one!)
- Places that sell Saturn stuff.
- What models accept a 20 pin MOD chip, and what models accept a 21 pin?

And! Anything else you want to see here but don't.

Disclaimer and Copyright

Sega Saturn is a registered trademark of Sega Enterprises Ltd. All
rights reserved. No infringement intended.

All information in this FAQ is provided as is. I take no responsibility
for what you do with it.

You can distribute this FAQ freely provided that it is unmodified and
the author section remains intact.

(c) 1999-2000 John Hokanson Jr. and Saturn FAQ authors.


* 2 Hitachi 28.6MHz, 50-MIPS SH2 32-bit
RISC processors
* Hitachi SH1 32-bit RISC processor
* VDP 1 32-bit video display processor
* VDP 2 32-bit video display provessor
* Saturn Control Unit (SCU)
* Motorola 68EC000 sound processor
* Yamaha FH1 DSP sound processor

* 2MB (16 Megabits) RAM
* 1.54MB (12 Megabits) video RAM
* 540KB (4 Megabits) audio RAM
* 540KB (4 Megabits) CD-ROM cache
* 32KB nonvolatile RAM (battery backup)

* 22.6MHz Yamaha FH1 24-bit digital
signal processor
* 11.3MHz Motorola 68EC000 sound processor
* 32 PCM (pulse-code modulation) channels
* 8 FM channels
* 44.1KHz sampling rate

* VDP 1 32-bit video display processor
* Sprite, polygon, and geometry engine
* Dual 256KB frame buffers for rotation
and scaling effects
* Texture Mapping
* Goraud shading
* 512KB cache for textures
* VDP 2 32-bit background and scroll plane
video display processor
* Background engine
* Five simultaneous scrolling backgrounds
* Two simultaneous rotating playfields
* 200,000 texture-mapped polygons per second
* 500,000 flat-shaded polygons per second
* 60 frames of animation per second
* 24-bit true-color graphics
* 16.7 million colors
* 352 x 240, 640 x 240, and 704 x 480 resolution

* Double-Speed CD-ROM
* 320KB per second transfer speed
* Audio CD compatible
* CD+G compatible
* CD+EG compatible
* CD single (8cm CD) compatible
* Video CD, Photo CD, Electronic Books, digital
karaoke (optional)
* 512KB memory cartridges for game save (optional)

* High-speed serial communications port
* Internal 32-bit expansion port
* Internal multi-AV port for video CD
(MPEG) adaptor
* Composite video/stereo (standard)
* NTSC RF (optional)
* S-Video compatible (optional)
* RGB compatible (optional)
* HDTV compatible (optional)
* Analog control pad

* AC120 volts; 60Hz

* 25W

* Temperature: 41 F to 95 F
* Humidity: 10% to 80% RH

* Width: 260 mm (10.2 in)
* Length: 230 mm (9.0 in)
* Height: 83 (3.2)


1.1 What is the Sega Saturn?

The Sega Saturn is a 32-bit video game console developed by Sega
Enterprises Ltd., and released to the Japanese public on November 22nd,
1994, and with the American and European release following in 1995.

1.2 What media does the Sega Saturn play?

Out of the box, the Sega Saturn plays standard ISO-9660 formated CDs
with software programed for use with the Sega Saturn written on them
(regional code permitting). In addition, the Sega Saturn can play Music
CDs (standard and 8cm singles) by way of full featured CD player
written into the system's firmware.

CD-Gs, and CD-EGs are also supported.

Finally, the Saturn can also play VCD and Photo CD discs with the
optional video decoder card added in. This card retails from about
$60 to $100 and is explained in section 5.5.

1.3 Does Sega still develop for the Saturn?

No. In fact, Sega (all branches) completely abandoned the Saturn when
the Dreamcast came out in Japan in November of 1998.

Some third parties still devlop for the Saturn, but things have died
down enormously this past year.

1.4 What is the relevance of "bits" in Video Game hardware?

From the now defunct* FAQ previously maintained by
Ken Arromdee:

"There are several processor characteristics that measure in bits;
whether or not a processor counts as 32-bit may depend on what you
consider important. (A 32-bit processor might have 32-bit address space,
perform operations on 32-bit quantities, or have a 32 bit wide bus).
It's never legitimate to add the bits in all a system's processors, so
a Sega CD is not a 32-bit system even though it has two 16-bit
processors, nor is a Neo-Geo a 24-bit system."

"When discussing graphics, professionals often use "bits" to refer to
how many colors there are: if a system lets a pixel be one of 2^16
colors, the system has "16-bit graphics". (A common error associated
with this definition is to say that this means the machine can show
2^16 colors at once, although video game systems don't have enough
pixels on the screen to do so.)"

"This contrasts with video game company hype, which usually says either
1) "This is a 16 bit machine, so we'll call the graphics 16 bits", or
2) "This is a 16 bit processor, and we use it for graphics, so we'll
say we have 16-bit graphics"."

""How many bits of graphics" and "how many bits" are about equally
worthless, er, bits, of information. It's only in the FAQ because
people keep asking for it anyway."

"There also seems to be a trend for Usenet posters to deliberately lie
about the number of bits in systems, just to cause more confusion (the
64 bit Jaguar is especially prone to this; one person even quoted from
a Jaguar developer, but altered the quote so as to read 32 instead of

1.5 Is Saturn really a 32-bit system?


The Saturn's central processing units can process 32-bit instructions
and the dual VDPs are capable of the same, as well as displaying a
32-bit color depth. The audio processing end of things is primarily
16-bit, although this has no effect whatsoever upon the performance
capabilities of the other components. Most importantly however, the
Saturn is equiped with a 32-bit wide BUS.

I can think of no legitimate argument for calling the Saturn either a
16 or 64 bit system.

1.6 Is the Sega Saturn backwards compatible with the Sega CD, Genesis,
or any other older Sega system?

No. The Saturn uses proprietary technology that is not directly
compatible with any other system (Sega or Non-Sega). Sega did however
use certain microchips (such as the venerable Motorola 68000 series)
from their older systems. Specifically, the custom 68EC000 controlled
the audio end of things.

An interesting anecdote Raymond illustrates is that up until the
Dreamcast, the main processor in the previous Sega machine was the audio
processor in its direct replacement:

SMS - Z80 CPU, ? Sound CPU
Genesis/MD - 68000 CPU, Z80 Sound CPU
Saturn - SH2 CPUs, 68000 Sound CPU

Emulation of older systems using the Saturn hardware may be possible,
but was never officially explored.

1.7 Does the Dreamcast work with Saturn software?

No. Given the historical failures and financial resources needed to
make backwards compatibility a reality, it may not be a prudent business
decision anyways. Presumably, it might only be a good thing for
retailers want to sell their Saturn backstock.

Some rumors have been circulating about a peripheral known as "Satcast"
which would allow Saturn games to play on the Dreamcast. The "Satcast"
and everything surrounding it was an "April Fools" joke spread primarily
by "Gamers Republic", in which they themselves later identified it as a
hoax. Sega officially has no such product. For more information on this
issue see section 14.4.

1.8 How is the Saturn related to the ST-V/Titan arcade board?

The Sega ST-V arcade board (codenamed "Titan"), is essentially a JAMMA
compatable mainboard that uses the Saturn chipset (supposedly with more
memory ) and accepts cartridges (roughly the size of a Genesis cart). It
was seen in a number of arcades playing games such as Baku Baku and
Virtua Fighter Kids. ST-V to/from Saturn conversions are near perfect
(if not totally) both ways. In fact, Sega's "Hanagumi Taisen Columns"
was created for the Saturn, and then later ported over to ST-V. Much
like the Saturn though, further development on the ST-V has ceased.

My MK-80000A Saturn has "TITAN" written on the mainboard. Other Saturns
may have this as well. Titan is, by the way, a moon of Saturn. "^_^"

If you'd like to know more about the ST-V (including how to purchase
one), I suggest you read Chris Mullins' FAQ at:



2.1 What Saturn packages were sold?

Under Construction.

2.2 How was Saturn software packaged?

Japanese Saturn software usually comes packaged in standard jewlcases
much like music CDs. They often came with spinecards. These are
three-fold peices of light cardboard that hug the spine of the jewlcase
with the shrinkwrap holding it on (they are valuable to collectors, and
necessary if you want to sell the game "complete", so don't throw them
away). The spinecard also indicates that the CD is for use with a Sega
Saturn console, and on Japanese NTSC systems. Most of the time the
spinecard will have a gold and black background with the Japanese Saturn
logo and lettering printed vertically. Saturn collection games will have
red and white spinecard with white lettering, the Saturn Collection logo
under that, the 2,800 yen price featured prominantly. Manual is included
with the cover seen through the front of the jewlcase. The left side of
the manual will usually have a bar similar in design to the spinecard.
The Japanese rating, if there is one, will be included on the manual
front (usually on one of the corners). There is also the insert on the
back which may feature artwork or screenshots from the game. A black
bar on the bottom of the insert contains information much like the
spinecard, licensing information, et cetera.

The US and Europe use much larger jewlcases. On US games the left font
and spine contain a 30 degree stripe pattern (think barber shop). In the
US Sega used a different color stripe pattern for each system. For the
Saturn this happens to be gray and white, with white outlined lettering
displaying "Sega Saturn". In Europe its just solid black, with white
lettering displaying "Sega Saturn". The manual slides in just like a
normal jewlcase. And like a normal jewlcase, it also has an insert in
the back with information about the game.


3.1 What different models of the Saturn were released?

This list is incomplete, but thanks to Chuck Smith and members of the
Saturn Mailing list, as well as Raymond McKeithen II, I was able to get
this far. I would really appreciate help in filling in any gaps.

All US Saturn models are black in color. There were four different
subversions of the Saturn released in the US, and the differences
varried, but were generally minor except in cosmetic and internal
modification cases. Model numbers can be ascertained by viewing the back
of the Saturn.

MK-80000: Manufactured from approximately 8/95 to 3/96, and was the
first to have a notched power cord.

MK-80000A: Manufactured from 3/96 to 7/96. It featured a notched power
cord, no drive access light, round power and reset buttons, and a 1.00a
BIOS. Jumper locations are once again different.

MK-80001: Manufactured starting 7/96. It's similar in appearance to the
MK-8000A model, with difference being the jumper locations.


- Gray Japanese Saturn (?):

The Original Japanese Saturn model is virtually identical to the US
first generation model except it is gray in color with blue buttons and
the cartridge slot flap is also black in color. Like before, it has the
drive access light, and non-notched power cord. Production was
apparently later ended in favor of the white system.

HST-3200 (in HST-0001 box)

- White Japanese Saturn (2):

There are two models of the White Saturn. The first is based off the
first generation Saturn with purple buttons, and the second is identical
to the second generation with gray buttons. The systems come packed with
a matching white controler with multi-colored buttons similar to a Super
Famicom controler except only the bottom row buttons are colored green,
yellow, and blue respectively. It is also rumored that the White Saturn
*may* have a slightly faster CD access time. The Cartridge slot flap is
also gray in color. The white Saturns Raymond has seen all have a 1.01
BIOS, although we can't confirm that hes seen them all.

Raymond McKeithen II <> writes:

"I'd also like to point out that "white" Saturns are no more white in
reality than Dreamcasts are; both are very light gray. I guess that's
an opinion, but to me white means *white* like a piece of paper, not
some off-white (gray) color like you might paint your walls." :P

- Hi-Saturn (2)

The Hi-Saturn is yet another early style Saturn with the MPEG hardware
built in, and Hi-Saturn printed on the CD drive lid. It's manufactured
by Hitachi, and is supposed to cost less then a White Saturn with an
optional MPEG card added in (so, it's a good deal).

Richter Belmont <> has written the following

"First off, the unit is a dark charcoal color. It's not as black in
color as the US Saturn but pretty close. You wouldn't think otherwise
unless you got really close and examined the hues. Also, the buttons
on it are circular, not oval, like subsequent Saturn units. The buttons
are a khaki looking color. The machine has a very drab feel to it. The
box it comes in is very plain looking almost all black with a light
gray/white border."

"The start up screen is different as well. Instead of a bunch of pieces
forming together, the word "Hi-Saturn" shoots out from the middle of the
screen and then flips around till it's readable and then it flashes on
screen like other Saturns do."

"Controllers have the same color layout as the unit. The buttons are
khaki and a gloomy looking blueish/gray. The controllers say Hitachi on

MMP-1000NV: The second model of the Hi-Saturn has a lower, more square
profile, and an add-on LCD monitor for playing games on. The system is
completely flat on top and lacks the bulge of the CD drive. Also
reportedly included an Netlink and a GPS receiver (with only Japanese
regional software being available). This model intended to be a
"portable" system for use in luxury cars though a joint deal with Nissan.
NCS (see contact information) sold these models for about $1,000 two
years ago, and offered a mod to defeat the territorial lockout.

- V-Saturn (2)

Another authorized clone of Saturn. Built by JVC-Victor. There are two
versions of this system. The casing is similar to that of any standard
Saturn. The colors are different, as is the machine's circutry, and
"V-Saturn" is printed on top of the machine.

RG-JX1: Model with oval buttons. Two toned gray with black as bottom
second tone.

RG-JX2: Model with round buttons. Two toned gray with darker gray as
bottom color. From inspecting the later version, as far as I can tell it
is identical in every way to the Sega machine aside from color and
markings, to the point I suspect both are made by the same people, or
at minimum are made out of exactly the same parts (all the plastic
moldings are identical etc.). The boot-up sequence on a V-Saturn has the
polygons form a V-Saturn logo instead of the SegaSaturn logo, of course.
The boot-up screen on the second one shows "Ver. 1.01" just as it does
on white Saturns I've seen...

- Skeleton Saturn (2)

The "Skeleton Saturns" are the final Saturn models to be produced in
Japan (and the world). The first had a limited production run of 5,000.
The single unique feature of this model is the smokey grayish/black
"see-through" case (Yes, you can actually see the guts of the machine),
and "This is Cool" printed on the CD drive lid. Other then that, it's
basicly identical to the second version of the white Saturn. Quite the
collectors item if you can find one. In the US they retailed for a
little over $200 (even though you could pick up a US stock one for much

HST-0022: blue "Sketon Saturn" Saturn released on 3/25/99 in a
promotional tie-in with ASCII's Derby Stallion Saturn game. (it came
with stickers for the game and says something about the game on the
box). There is no "This is Cool" printed anywhere on the system, and
came with the same smokey gray controler as the other one (no clear
blue controler was ever made). The BIOS version is 1.01. Supposedly,
its easier to acquire a blue Skeleton Saturn. Though this may just be
because by the time it was released, few people cared anymore.

Also, reliable sources have stated that the blue Saturn will not play
the Japanese version of "Space Harrier".


All back Saturns. Externally quite similar to the U.S. models except
they naturally run at a 50Hz PAL frequency. Production run model numbers
are very similar except they have a 2 in place of the third digit. I
*think*, a US MK-8000A would be an MK-80200A in Europe. Also, European
machines will have "PAL" next to the BIOS revision number on the system
settings screen, instead of "NTSC", unless the system has been modified.


MK-802000-50: Has the oval buttons, plus the power and access LEDs.
Version 1.01a BIOS.

3.2 What's with these licensed Saturns (V-Saturn, Hi-Saturn)?

After development, Sega licensed the Saturn specifications out to third
parties so they they could build their old clones of the Saturn
hardware. In this way, the Saturn used the same marketing principle as
the 3DO by partnering up with other companies to ensure better market
saturation. Licenses were given to JVC Victor, Hitachi, and Yamaha.

JVC Victor and Hitachi both manufactured V-Saturn and Hi-Saturn
respectively (both of these models are explained in section 3.1).

Yamaha had the option of creating their own model, but apparently chose
not to.

3.3 What's with the Majesco re-release?

In 1998, New Jersey company Majesco Sales Inc., announced that they
would manufacture and sell a new version of the Saturn for $49.99, as
well as certain Saturn games for $14.99. Majesco would be able to get
away with these low prices because the need to invest in R&D wasn't an
issue. Majesco previously did this with their redesigned Sega Genesis
(Genesis 3), which is still sold today in stores such as Toys R' Us
for $20. Preliminary reports seem to indicate that the console would
be more compact, and perhaps even portable. Majesco has also been known
to remove certain features or expansion options from their redesigned
systems (ie. The Genesis 3 lacks the ability to use the Sega CD). This
redesigned system was to be on store shelves by Christmas 1999.

This story repeated again in 1999 from several sources.

In July 1999, another story out of hinted that this deal
may have fallen through.

If anything materializes, it'll be posted here.

3.4 What's the deal with the different BIOS revisions?

Every US and European Saturn will display its set televison standard,
regional ID, and BIOS revision number. This information is located on
the lower right hand corner of the system settings screen (main menu).

I believe middle number indicates what regional software the Saturn is
set to play. This number will change if you have a language switch

1) Japan
2) ???
3) ???
4) US
C) Europe

If anybody wants to confirm this. Please feel free.

The NTSC/PAL identification will also change to reflect what television
standard you're set to run on if the Saturn is modified (ie. an NTSC/PAL
switch is installed.)

For instance:


...indicates that the system is set at at 60Hz NTSC, runs Japanese
software, and has a version 1.00a BIOS.

Japanese Saturns display the BIOS version during the bootup sequence.
For example:

"SEGA ENTERPRISES LTD. 1994 Ver. 1.00" displayed on a Japanese gray Saturn.

Furthermore, Japanese BIOSes and Non-Japanese BIOSes don't appear to be
the same.

1.00 - Japan
1.00a - US and Europe
1.01 - Japan
1.01a - US and Europe

As to what was fixed or added in each BIOS revision; I honestly have no
idea. It's probably also something the fanbase won't be able to find out
for quite a while. Perhaps some documentation will be released, or an
emulator author will stumble across something and be able to tell us


4.1 What different means are there for hooking up my Saturn?

There are three means of hooking your Saturn up to a TV:

- Auto RF Switch

US Part Number: MK-80116 (Sega)
P045 (Interact)
UK Part Number: ???
Japanese Part Number: HSS-0110 (Sega)

RF mixes all the signals (audio and video) together. Decent if you don't
have any other hookups, but not as good as your other options. This
connection also supports mono sound only.

- Composite Video (RCA AV Stereo Cable)

US Part Number: ???
UK Part Number: ???
Japanese Part Number: HSS-0106 (Sega)

Composite separates the video from the audio providing cleaner signals
for both. Two RCA style jacks provided for stereo sound. Just let one
of the jacks hang loose if you have an mono hookup.

- S-Video

US Part Number: ???
UK Part Number: ???
Japanese Part Number: HSS-0105 (Sega)

S-video further splits the signals into Chroma and Luma for the cleanest
picture (outside of RGB). Two RCA style jacks provided for stereo sound.
Just let one of the audio jacks hang loose if you have an mono hookup.


Japanese Part Number:
HSS-0109 (Sega)

Additionally, you can use an RGB cable with an analogue monitor, but
this is not officially supported by Sega in the US or Europe. You can
build a cable however.

RGB is supported in Japan. The official Sega RGB cable is HSS-0109. In
Japan there is a standard for RGB connectors on some TVs or monitors.

4.2 What about an RGB hookup?

Yes, the Saturn A/V output is extremely versatile and supports RGB
without hardware modification (well, maybe).

As mentioned before, you could purchase a RGB cable for the Saturn in
Japan (HSS-0109).

If you want the best video quality, you won't do any better than using
an RGB cable. Thanks to Gamers X and Jerry Lynds, the following
describes the pinout configuration, so you can can construct a stereo
NTSC cable for your Saturn. You will need a 10 pin mini-DIN plug though.
If you can't find one, some rewiring may be necessary.

| O1 O2 O3 |
| |
|O4 O5 O6 O7|
| |
| O8 O9 O10 |
\-----------/ <---- Ground

1) Chrominance
2) Luminance
3) Comp Video
4) Blue
5) Green
6) Red
7) 5 VDC
8) Stereo L
9) Stereo R
10) Sync

If you require better pictures (my ASCII art kinda sucks, you should go

One might be able to coax a cable out of (Redmond Cable).
In the old days NCS had them, and they're still available if you're in
Japan. UK SCART ones are probably still available as well. Note that the
UK cables and the Japanese cables look alike, but the SCART end is wired
differently (and the Japanese one isn't called SCART).

4.3 What about power plugs?

Under Construction.


5.1 Can the Saturn perform transparency and light sourcing effects?

The answer to this question is really dependent on different conditions.

The Saturn is at *least* capable of generating transparent layers for
use in 2D spirte based images. Furthermore, pseudo 3D transparencies
(like the water in Panzer Dragoon) are also possible. These effects can
be done by directly manipulating the hardware registers of the Saturn's

If anybody doubts this (and there have been a few), you can check out
games such as Astal, Darius Gaiden, and Radiant Silvergun. These are but
a few examples. You can also simply powerup your Saturn and check
out the system settings. The menu screens themselves provide a glimpse
at the Saturn's layered transparency effects. Effects such as these are
nothing really new, as they were seen earlier on Nintendo's Super
Famicom, and perhaps on other platforms that preceded the Saturn.

Where the Saturn does have trouble, is in the generation of these
effects in a 3D environment. Along with lightsourcing, three dimensional
transparency must be generated through software routines. This is not a
problem if the developer is familiar with writing Saturn software or
was provided with the necessary programming libraries. For instance,
Sega's "Sonic-R" features 3D transparency throughout the "Radiant
Emerald" course, and lightsourcing can clearly be seen along the
corridors of Lobotomy's "Powerslave".

Brian Osserman <> writes:

"The situation with transparencies on the Saturn is exceedingly odd. The
most common kind is via the background processor, which can more or less
put two properly texture-mapped translucent perspective correct planes.
This is what Panzer Zwei and Panzer Saga use for water, for instance.
Beyond this, I don't remember the details, but Sonic R and Burning
Rangers seem to use two different hacks to get non-dithered
transparencies. I can't remember whether there are any other examples,
though. I think these were cases of exceedingly clever programming,
though, and it's no coincidence they were both late in the Saturn's

5.2 Can the Saturn really display a 704x480 resolution?

Yes. The VDP2 can produce a maximum displayable resolution of 704x480,
with a 24-bit color depth.

US Sega Saturn manuals related a max spec of 720x576 but this is
incorrect as it is inconsistant with the maximum resolution displayable
under the NTSC standard (525 scanlines max). Thanks Raymond! :)

5.3 How come the FMV on the Saturn doesn't look as good as the FMV on
the Playstation?

Full motion video on the Saturn is widely described as being much
grainier or pixelated than what is commonly seen on the Playstation. For
the most part, this has to do with the fact that the Playstation
hardware is handling video decoding in the form of motion JPEG, though
its custom MDEC chip. The end result is a much cleaner video image.

On the other hand, the Saturn uses a software codec written on each game
CD for video playback. This is similar to how it works in a computer
environment like Windows. In the majority of early cases the codec used
happened to be Cinepak, although the move to Truemotion by some
developers greatly increased the quality of FMV in a majority of cases.

Raymond McKeithen II <>:

"Truemotion on average looks better than Cinepak, but Cinepak done
really well beats Truemotion done badly. The very best video quality
I've ever seen (even looks better than the MPEG card, the resolution is
better) on Saturn is Lucid Motion, C's Ware's proprietary system they
use in Desire and Eve The Lost One (I suspect that this is optimized for
cartoon animation). The upcoming Friends from NEC Interchannel is
supposed to have another proprietary format that gets hi-res mode with
24 bit color."

5.4 How come the audio is certain Saturn games sounds muffled?

Although, the quality of components used for the Saturn's audio
reproduction are of high quality, the system has some unfortunate
limitations that creep up every now and then. On certain games, digital
PCM samples can sound muffled and/or scratchy.

All Saturn PCM samples must be loaded into audio RAM while in raw form,
where as the Playstation supports hardware compression. Loading
files in raw form natually means a larger file size, which in turn means
that overall sample quality will suffer in an effort to cram everything
in. This is particularly worse in games that require a great number of
samples loaded into memory all at once. Games such as Virtua Fighter II.
Many fighting games by Capcom and SNK feature similar problems. So while
the Staurn might have an audio suite superior to that of the
Playstation, memory limitations can stymie an attempt to get full
enjoyment out of it.

Streamed yellowbook audio plays directly off the CD. It does not need to
be loaded into RAM, and thus does not have the memory constraint
problems that the PCM samples can face. Macross DYRL, for instance,
streams Apple AIFF files recorded at 16 bit stereo, 22Khz as its

Good programers can often produce excellent digital sound from the
Saturn, while games that were programed for another platform, or ported
from the PSX can often sound rather crude.

"Saturn's sound hardware is phenomenal. It's way, way, better than
the PlayStation's sound - you can basically plug in a synthesizer and
play it through MIDI."

--Saturn Developer, Next Generation, December 1995

5.5 What is the Video Decoder/MPEG card?

The Video Decoder Card is a daughtercard-like peripheral that fits
inside the Saturn though the door the battery is accessed from. It
allows hardware playback of MPEG-1 (version 1) video in certain games,
as well as playback of VCDs. There were versions of the hardware
manufactured by Sega, JVC, Hitachi, and maybe more (help appreciated).

There are 3 versions of the JVC MPEG card. The first is more-or-less
like the Sega card, and the second was called the Twin Operator and
added support for PhotoCD. I think the third is just like the second but
comes in a different package and sold for a lower price.

These cards are somewhare hard to find now, but probably a lot easier
if you're in asia or have a good import source.

Games that used the card include (not necessarily complete list):

Lunar Silver Star Story complete MPEG version
(the only game that requires the card)
Sakura Taisen Hangumi Tsuushin
Sakura Taisen Nekki Radio Show (a.k.a. Steam Radio Show)
Chisato Moritaka disc
Moon Cradle
Wangan Deadheat + Triangle Love
Falcom Classics 1 (disc 2 of the limited edition)
Gungriffon 1 (Japanese version only)

None of these games were released in the US, and VCDs never really
caught on outside of asia (instead, we now have DVD which is considered
far better and uses MPEG-2).

The card fits in all versions of the Japanese Saturn (the Hi-Saturn and
V-Saturns natually come with this capability). Early Japanese Saturns
(i.e. the gray ones) have the connector for it on a second circuit
board inside the unit, later ones have the connector on the main board.
It *should* work in all versions of the US Saturn with the language
switch installed. The JVC version(s) is also said to be PAL compatible,
but I can't confirm that.

5.6 What is Truemotion?

Truemotion is a audio/video compression format developed by the Duck
Corporation. It was used by several Saturn games as an alternative
"middleground" between standard Cinepak that many Saturn games used for
FMV, and the use of the VCD card. Generally speaking, Truemotion is of
much higher quality than Cinepak, but inferior to the MPEG compression
of the video decoder card. Games that use Truemotion usually feature
the "TM" logo both on the packaging and before the game's title screen.
Authough Duck is an American corporation, numerous Japanese licensees
used TM.

Duck's webpage can be accessed at

There have also been rumors that Truemotion would have been the
compression method used by Working Designs to achieve high quality full
screen movies without the video decoder card on Lunar SSS, had the US
Saturn version actually been realized.

5.7 What is ADX?

ADX is an audio compression method developed by the Japanese company
CRI. It appeared on the scene rather late in the Saturn's career, but
was used in a number of Japanese Saturn games.

5.8 What is QSound?

QSound is a patented audio encoding method by QSound Labs which was
created in an attempt to model a three dimensional sound environment
though two speaker stereo equipment. This is accomplished by using a
series of spatial processing algorithms that trick your ears into
thinking a sound is emminating from a different source. QSound does not
require any special hardware to work. I say "attempt" because it
obviously will run into the limitations of using only two speakers
(Dolby Surround it is not).

QSound was licensed for use in certain Saturn games. Namely those
published by Sega and Capcom.

A number of people have commented that QSound really sounds best when
using a set of quality headphones.

QSound Labs has a webpage at:

5.9 What is Cybersound?

Cybersound was a MIDI instrument set used by certain Saturn games such
as NiGHTs and Dragon force. It was also used on other platforms such as
the PC and Macintosh. Since the samples were contained within the
software itself for subsequent digital playback, one could accurately
compare the Cybersound instrument set to a software synthesizer like
those currently being offered by Yamaha. The company that developed
Cybersound (InVision Interactive) is now out of business, and a search
of the newsgroups will reveal a number of people wondering what to do
with a product that is no longer supported (doh! >.<).

5.10 Were there any games designs to take advantage of Dolby _________?

No. If the Saturn were hooked up the proper receiver, I'm sure it would
be possible, but no games were ever written to take advantage of *any*
Dolby standard (Digitial, Surround, Pro-Logic, ect).

5.11 Does the Saturn ever use its FM Synthesis capabilities?

The Saturn is equiped 8 FM synthesis channels driven by the Yamaha
68EC000 sound processor. As of yet, I do not know if this feature was
ever used, nor do I know the quality of the FM synth (I imagine it
would be at least as good as the YM 2612 used in the Megadrive, but that
is mere speculation on my part).

Raymond McKeithen II <> writes:

"Two games from adult developer KID I've heard play music that sounds
like an old PC Adlib card (I'm not kidding, even the "tempo" problems
inherent to Adlib are there), perhaps they were using it. Then again,
it might just be streamed yellowbook audio..."


6.1 Help! I bought my Saturn new, and games won't save, and I have to
constantly reset the date and time! Why?

Check to make sure you pulled out the ribbon from under the battery.
It's there to prevent the battery in your new Saturn from making a
connection and draining itself before you unpack it. Not pulling it
out is a very common mistake among new Saturn owners.

6.2 Okay, my Saturn is old or used, and the battery is finally dead.
What do I do?

You can replace the battery with any type CR2032 lithium battery. Sega
recommends using only UL listed batteries. These can usually be acquired
at your local Radio Shack, Walmart, or anyplace that sells watch or
calculator batteries, and shouldn't set you back more than $5 at the

6.3 How often should I replace the battery?

The battery that comes with a new Saturn lasts about 2 to 3 years max.
Sega recommends you replace your battery once a year. That figure may be
a little too cautious though.

6.4 Can I replace the battery without loosing all my saved data?

If you have a memory cart, you can copy the data to the cart while you
change the battery.

You can also carefully change the battery while the system is turned on.
The manual says don't do this, but that's just for your safety (very
small chance you could shock yourself or something). The battery is out
of the circuit when the system is on so it's safe as far as the system
is concerned.

WARNING: We take no responsibility for any electrical shock that may
result from doing this. Zap Zap! "^_^"

6.5 Does the time and date function on the Saturn really serve a useful

"Useful" is subjective, as there are no-doubt people who could care
less. However, it does indeed serve a purpose. There's a few games that
use the date/time function of the BIOS to trigger certain events.
Christmas NiGHTS was probably the most talked about game in the US to
take advantage of this. But, all in all, Japanese games tended to make
better use of the feature, and in turn, used it much more often. The
dating sim "Roommate" is one such game that prompted some people to
comment that it was almost surealistic in its ability to keep pace with
the passing of time.

6.6 What games take advantage of the clock/calender?

To be completed.

6.7 Is the Saturn Y2K compliant?

Yes. Unlike many popular computer systems, the Saturn's internal
calender runs on a four (as opposed to two) digit year. However, the
catch is, the highest date you can set it to is 12/31/2199. However, the
date WILL roll over into 1/1/2200, and I have no idea how high it will
ultimately go.

More importantly, I can't think of any reason why the year is absolutely
critical to the Saturn's function (or the rest of the date for that
matter). You're more likely to exhibit stange (but entirely non-fatal)
effects related to time, day, and month, before the year is of much


7.1 Whats does the Saturn Cartride port do?

The Saturn comes equiped with a cartridge port located on the top of
the machine near the rear. This port is designed to act as an input for
a number of peripherals, including:

Memory Carts
RAM or ROM Carts
The Sega Netlink
Interact Gameshark
Converter Cartridges

7.2 What's the difference between a Memory Cart and a RAM Cart?

The terminology gets rather confusing, but the general consensus is that
a memory cart will act as a repository for saved games, while a RAM cart
adds extra (R)andom (A)ccess (M)emory for texture storage and thus
better and more fluid sprite animation in certain select Sega Saturn
games. RAM carts do NOTHING whatsoever for Polygon count. That's tied
directly to the Saturn's hardware rendering capabilties. It's merely
for bitmaps.

No RAM carts were ever created for the US market.

To make things worse, Sega used to call their Sega CD Memory Cart a RAM
cart (go figure), and E.M.S. insists on calling everything a RAM *Card*.
Card is a term usually reserved for Playstation memory cards.

Sega manufactures both a Memory Cart and two RAM carts (the latter being
import only). They will always insist you use their official products,
but most people have had no problem with some of the 3rd party products.

7.3 Do memory carts require battery changes?

Sega-brand Saturn memory carts use flash-memory and thus have no battery
to replace.

I'm not sure about third party carts, but I'd assume they'd be the same.

7.4 What Memory Carts & RAM Carts are available for the Saturn?

The following list is incomplete:

Official Sega RAM Cart
Manufactured by Sega Enterprises.
8 megabit (1 Megabyte) capacity. ??? Blocks

Official Saturn memory carts came in at least four different
flavors in Japan:

1) First one is gray, somewhat lighter than the gray Saturn.
2) Later ones are lighter gray, but darker than a white Saturn.
3) A pink one that came with the game Tamagotchi Park.
4) A turquoise one that came with Tokimeki Memorial limited edition.

In the US, and presumably (?) the UK, there is only a black

E.M.S. 8 Meg Memory Cartridge
Manufactured by E.M.S. Industries LDT. of Hong Kong.
8 Megabit (1 Megabyee) capacity. ??? Blocks
Comments: None

E.M.S. 16 Meg Memory Cartridge
Manufactured by E.M.S. Industries LDT.of Hong Kong.
16 Megabit (2 Megabyte) capacity. Approx. 32,511 Blocks.
Comments: Can serve as an import converter. Supports
direct save.

E.M.S. 64 Meg Memory Cartridge
Manufactured by E.M.S. Industries LDT. of Hong Kong.
64 Megabit (8 Megabyte) capacity. ??? Blocks.
Comments: None

Action Replay Plus
Manufactured by E.M.S. Industries LDT. of Hong Kong.
512K of backup memory. ??? Blocks.
1 Megabyte RAM Cart Compatibility.
Can link with PC Comms card.
Comments: Compatible with the Sega HSS-0155. Reffered to
as the 4 in 1. Does NOT support direct save.

Action Replay 4M Plus
Manufactured by E.M.S. Industries LDT. of Hong Kong.
512K of backup memory. ??? Blocks.
4 Megabyte RAM Cart Compatibility.
Can link with PC Comms card.
Comments: Compatible with Sega HSS-0150 and HSS-0163
RAM Carts. Sometimes incorrectly referred to as the 5 in 1
because it covers both the 1 meg and 4 meg RAM cart. Does
NOT support direct save.

Expand RAM Card
Manufactured by E.M.S. Industries LDT. of Hong Kong.
1 Megabyte RAM Cart Compatibility.
Comments: Compatible with Sega HSS-0150 RAM Cart.

4M Expand RAM Card
Manufactured by E.M.S. Industries LDT. of Hong Kong.
4 Megabyte RAM Cart Compatibility.
Comments: Compatible with Sega HSS-0150 and HSS-0163
RAM Carts.

Interact Memory Card Plus
Manufactured by Interact
8 Megabits (2 megabytes) of backup memory. ??? Blocks.
Comments: See section x.x for a special notice.

7.5 What games support RAM carts?

Name Developer Required?

Groove on Fight Atlus 1MB RAM
Cyberbots Capcom NONE - 1 or 3MB modes
Dungeons & Dragons Capcom 1MB RAM (Disc 2 only)
Marvel SH Capcom NONE - 1 or 3MB modes
Marvel SH vs. SF Capcom 4MB RAM
Pocket Fighter Capcom NONE - 1 or 4MB modes
Street Fighter Zero 3 Capcom 4MB RAM
Vampire Savior* Capcom 4MB RAM
X-Men vs. SF Capcom 4MB RAM
Fighters History Dynamite Data East 1MB RAM
Fatal Fury 3 SNK 1MB RAM
King of Fighters '95** SNK 1MB Proprietary ROM
King of Fighters '96 SNK 1MB RAM
King of Fighters '97 SNK 1MB RAM
Metal Slug SNK 1MB RAM
Ragnagard SNK 1MB RAM
Real Bout Fatal Fury SNK 1MB RAM
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special SNK 1MB RAM
Samuari Showdown III SNK 1MB RAM
Samuari Showdown IV SNK 1MB RAM
Cotton 2 Success NONE - 2MB mode
Astra Super Stars Sunsoft NONE - 4MB mode
Waku Waku 7 Sunsoft 1MB RAM


* Refer to section 7.5 for important compatibility information.

** Refer to section 7.6 for important compatibility information.

7.6 Are the different RAM & Memory carts compatible with each

Nearly. Provided you satisfy the RAM reqirements for a particular game.

Vampire Savior has difficulty with older versions of the Action Reply
Plus 4MB cartridge (those manufactured before April 17th, 1998). The
newer revisions of this cartridge (manufactured 2-4 weeks after the
game's release) work fine. Special thanks to Sega Force/Shin Force for
this info.

You can modify you old Action Replay cartridge to work with Vampire
Savior by following these instructions posted on Sega Force's website:

Some people have voiced other problems with using the EMS products, but
this is as of yet unsubstantiated as the number of people who voice no
troubles at all outweighs reports to the contrary. Problems could be
related to any number of causes, including a worn out cartridge port.
Nobody has isolated anything yet.

King of Fighters '95 is *not* a RAM cart game. It won't work with
anything other than its own proprietary ROM cart. See below.

Memory carts should be completely compatible with each other regardless
of the country lockout (with the caveats for the Interact products
explained below). Be advised though that both the Game Shark and the
two EMS 4 in 1s do not support direct save. Files must be moved from the
Saturn's internal memory to the card, and back again when you want to
play. All Saturns will also display saved items in Japanese characters
if a Japanese game is saved. The same is naturally true for the internal

7.7 What about the cartridge distributed with King of Fighters '95?

King of Fighters '95 used a special 1 Megabyte ROM cartridge that
predated the use of RAM cartridges. The ROM cartridge came packaged with
KOF '95, and was manufactured by SNK and Sega. It included all the
additional textures needed by the game in its self-contained (R)ead
(O)nly (M)emory.

The SNK ROM cartridge will not work on any other game. You can not
substitute a RAM cartridge in order to get the KOF '95 to work either.

7.8 What is all the bad press concerning Interact Memory Carts about?

Many Interact products have been getting complaints over the years.
People have complained about save files suddenly being corrupted. These
complaints have held sway over both their Saturn and Playstation memory
products. The Interact nightmare really came into the light when Victor
Ireland, President of Working Designs, advised his customers not to
purchase Interact products.

"We are advising ALL SEGA Saturn owners AGAINST purchasing and/or
using any of the unlicensed Interact memory cartridges (pictured below).
They are sold as "Game Shark", "Memory Card", and "Memory Card Plus."

"The problem with these devices is that they were created without
technical help from SEGA, and since this requires reverse engineering,
they CANNOT be guaranteed to be fully compatible. Also, there are
about 10 or more revisions of the BIOS in these carts, and 5 or more
revisions of the SEGA Saturn BIOS. Finding a fair match is nearly
impossible, and even then, it only means less problems, not the
elimination of Interact RAM problems."

"Another problem is that even though these devices boast "8 megs"
of storage, they actually only contain 4 megs of physical RAM, and they
therefore compress data to achieve 8 megs of storage in only 4 megs of
RAM. The problem with this is that on large save files (such as Dragon
Force, amongst others) the compression time is longer than small save
files, and this can upset the required timings on the SEGA Saturn,
thereby corrupting or even DESTROYING data."

"In fact, these carts can even corrupt the INTERNAL RAM on the Saturn,
requiring that the SEGA RAM be cleared to fix the corruption before any
games can be guaranteed to work correctly once again."

"Most users decide on these cartridges for one of three reasons: Cheat
codes made possible with the Game Shark, relatively cheap price of
these carts ($39 or so) compared to the official SEGA RAM cart ($60
and up), or the difficulty finding the SEGA RAM cartridge in stores,
since store buyers prefer to carry the Interact carts since they are
less expensive and offer better price margins."

"We used to make the Official Saturn RAM cartridge available for
$49.95, delivered to your door, including Federal Express 2 day
shipping, as well as a custom Dragon Force Backup RAM Sticker. However,
SEGA, in their infinite wisdom, deemed that we were only authorized
to publish software and not authorized to sell hardware (as the RAM
cart is considered), and threatened legal action. Since then, they
have given us the stall for the last 5 months and counting with regard
to our request to receive authorization to continue making these scarce
RAM carts available to consumers. As has been the case under SEGA's
new and "improved" management, you, the consumer lose."

"However, if you have a Saturn, we personally don't care WHERE you buy
the Official SEGA Backup RAM cart. Just buy IT, and not these shoddy
Interactproducts. These carts are our #1 support problem on our game
help lines. Users have experienced frequent lockups, corrupt backup RAM
data, destroyed backup RAM data, problems with the Saturn recognizing
the carts, Corrupt internal Saturm RAM when an Interact card was used
once or more, Saturns that load and perform erratically with the carts
installed, etc, etc, etc...the list goes on and on. Would you risk 50,
60, even 100 hours worth of game saves simply to save $20-30? It's just
not worth it. Just say no."

- Victor Ireland <>

A quick look at dejanews archives will reveal plenty of posts made by
people who were having troubles.

Incidentally a similar warning was later issued by WD concerning the PSX
memory cards, and then broadened yet again to include *most* third party
carts/cards. Following that, Interact threated to sue WD over this if
they didn't take the warning down from their webpage. Vic reworded the
message, but the gist remained.

The Working Designs page later goes on to give testimonials of people
suffering from Interact woes. The WD webpage can be accessed at

Check the "Newsroom" section.

7.9 What is the Gameshark?

Under Construction.

7.10 Help! My Saturn cartridge port won't work correctly!
(Or: Is frequent use of my cartridge port okay)?
(Or: Can I use any cart without damaging my system)?

Some people state the Saturn cartridge port contacts are made of cheap
tin instead of a higher quality material (like gold which is a much
better conductor of electricity and tends so last longer), and that the
contacts are much cheaper then that of an NES, SNES, Genesis, ect. and
were never meant for as frequent usage. This was seen as a cost cutting
procedure by Sega, and thus the connectors tend to become corroded or
worn out rather easily.

On the other hand, Raymond McKeithen <> presents a
different take on the qualitive matter:

From my experience (a 4+ year-old Japanese Saturn that works fine
and has never had a problem plus 3 other import ones) and what I've been
able to tell from others, the only people that have trouble with cart
slots are those that use 3rd party cartridges. I believe that once you
do that, the *cart* damages the slot, and then even Sega carts won't
work reliably."

"If you look at the card edge on a Sega cart compared to most 3rd party
carts, there are 2 clear differences. The Sega carts have the edges of
the card filed/tapered so it isn't sharp/abrasive, the 3rd party ones
typically don't. Probably more importantly, look at the thickness of the
circuit boards in the two. Every 3rd party one I've seen has a "thick"
circuit board, which will spread the cart-slot contacts which can
certainly cause a problem if a non-thick one is used afterwards; it may
damage the slot in other ways since it wasn't specifically designed for
thick boards."


For dirty/corroded contacts:

Cleaning the contacts with isopropyl alchohol will help. Just be sure
to thin out the mixture with some tap water until you get about a 50/50
mixture. Using a artist's erasier may also help somewhat, as will a can
of compressed air for removing dirt and deposits. The same can be done
with the cartidges themesleves. Blowing on the contacts may have offer
temporary relief, but you run the risk of moisture on the contacts by
way of your own saliva.

It may be possible to get a replacement contact part if yours become
too corroded and causes frequent problems. Contact Sega of America
at 1-800-USA-SEGA. Also, if anybody knows if and where these parts
can be ordered via third party, please let me know (include addresses
and contact info for these establishments please). You used to be able
to buy aftermarket 70 pin connectors for the NES.

Raymond McKeithen II <> writes:

"With the machine off, remove and insert the cartridge several times.
If there's some minor corrosion on the cartridge or machine contacts,
this should clear it up. This is especially a possibility if you've
never used the cartridge slot before. I've seen exactly the same
situation on another new white Saturn..."


Completely Under Construction.


9.1 Can I play games from another region on my Saturn?

Not out of the box. There are certain hurdles to clear and steps to
take in order to successfully play games from one region, on a system
designed for another region.

Briefly, these hurdles include the territorial lockouts, and the
television system your country uses.

9.2 I've decided to play games from another region. What are my

In many cases, your options of playing imports are wide. Assuming you
have a US or Japanese NTSC Saturn you have three distinct options:

1. Install a language switch.
2. Use "Disc Swapping" (Not Recomended!).
3. Get one of the multitudes of converter cartridges.
4. Use an Interact Game Shark.

European Saturn owners have to ensure that their system will support
NTSC if they wish to play US or Japanese games, On the other hand, US
and Japanese owners will have to support PAL if they wish to play
European games.

Still, yet another distinct possibility....

From the Saturn MOD FAQ by The Axledental DJ <>:

"You (in theory) could disassemble the info on the BIOS chip and rewrite
the bits where it looks for CD authentication, making your machine a
"universal" unit that plays ALL games no matter where it came from,
including a game you might of copied yourself to a gold or silver CD-R
disc. Then youwould burn the patched ROM image to an EEPROM and attempt
to play foriegn/ pirated games."

This unfortunately, would still do nothing with PAL on NTSC or NTSC on
PAL circumstances.

9.3 What about NTSC on a PAL console, and visa versa?

NTSC and PAL are television broadcast frequencies. NTSC is about 60
(actually 59.94) fields per second, 525 lines per frame (each frame is
2 fields). PAL is 50 fields per second and 625 lines per frame. Parts
of Europe and Hong Kong use PAL, while North America and Japan use NTSC.
There were NTSC and PAL versions of the Saturn released in the
appropriate regions, and knowing what system you have is important when
buying games from another region.

The Sony CXA1645M, the video output chip in the Saturn (or at least the
ones we've seen), is capable of outputting both NTSC and PAL signals.
The problem is in instructing the mainboard to run at the correct rate.

If you play a NTSC game on a PAL console and the game is not programmed
to notice what kind of console you're on, there are two effects: first,
the game's screen is squashed because the 525 lines fit on a narrower
portion of the screen, and second, the game runs about 17 percent slower
_if_ the game's timing depends on events that happen at a specified rate
compared to the frame. (Or if its timing depends on the current, but it
probably won't, because part of Japan is 50 hertz but 60 fields per
second.) The opposite happens in reverse: the screen is stretched out
(and probably rolls badly) and the game is too fast. You can correct
this problem by building a 50/60Hz Switch.

Of course, the easist thing to do would be to get NTSC equipment if you
wish to play US or Japanese games, and PAL equipment if you want to play
PAL games. However, then you would need to buy a power converter, and
it can be a pain in the ass....or "arse", depending on who's reading
this. "^_^"

9.4 How do I build a 50/60Hz (PAL/NTSC) switch?

Information is provided on Tony's Sega Saturn page. His dual DPDT
switch mod also does the country modification at the same time. One of
these days I'll provide detailed instructions on building a PAL/NTSC
switch here.

9.5 What exactly is a MOD Switch or a Language Switch?

A MOD Switch or a language switch (it can referred to as both) is quite
simply a modification to your Saturn that will allow you to play
Japanese games on an American system or vice-versa. It subverts the
lockout code normally contained on many Saturn CDs. It, in effect,
tricks the system into thinking it's a Japanese, American, or UK system
when it really isn't. The modification usually consists of a single
DPDT switch that can be toggled between US and Japanese software. This
is arguably that best (certainly most permanent) way to play imports if
you are a serious gamer. Assuming you have all the tools and equipment,
the MOD will also cost you only about $4 for a single DPDT switch and

This should *NOT* be confused with a MOD Chip, which is different (see
next question). The switch does *NOT* allow to to play CDRs, prirated
software, or software developed for another television standard (PAL,
SECAM, ect).

The modification can be performed on virtually any Saturn, although
the procedure for each system is slightly different, and the jumpers
that you need to solder wires to are located on different places on the
bottom of the motherboard, depending on model. Also, performing the
modification will, of course, void your warranty.

If you'd like to do this modification yourself, see the next question.

The video game importer NCS will also perform the modification via mail
order for $35 if you don't want to do it yourself (that price by the
way, includes return postage, but you still have to send the system
yourself and pay for the outgoing postage). Customer satisfaction with
this service has been very high.

You can visit the NCS homepage at:

...or refer to the "Contact Information" towards the end of this FAQ.

9.6 How can I install a language switch?

By far, Jerry Lynds & Kirk Patten have provided the most reliable method
for installing a language switch on your Saturn. This information only
pertains to Japanese and US systems however, and have not been confirmed
to work with PAL equipment.


* For the modification of the Saturn, you will need:
* Phillips Screwdriver, Standard Size
* Phillips Screwdriver, Small
* Flatblade Screwdriver, Small
* Sidecutters
* Pencil Tipped 15 Watt Solder iron
* (1) DPDT Switch, Small
* ~8" 6 strand ribbon cable, or 6 pcs 8" wire
* Needlenose Pliers with Bent Tip
* X-Acto or other sharp knife
* Drill

In its most basic sense the modification consists of hooking a DPDT
switch up across two pairs of two jumpers to allow you to alternate
between two jumper configurations conveniently. Currently, I am aware of
four versions of the Sega Saturn Hardware that are for sale. This
document details performing the modification for each of these versions
of hardware. There do exist other versions of this hardware (ex: the
White Saturn), but they do not differ signifigantly relating to the


Before modifying any of the three hardware configurations, it is
necessary to completely disassemble your Sega Saturn unit. The jumpers
will be located on the main PC board, and in order to access them you
will have to remove this board from the unit. In all three versions of
the hardware, this is located at the very bottom of the case. I have
found it helpful to lay out the parts on a towel or some such to
facilitate easy re-assembly. Be careful when disconnecting wires and
ribbon cables, they are fragile. Note that on the newer versions of the
Saturn, you will have to lift the CD drive off its mounting posts, and
remove a small phillips screw holding the CD grounding strip to the
metal shielding. If you do not do this, you will be unable to lift the
drive, shield, or main PC board from the case. Take your time
disassembling the unit. There is nothing very difficult, but some
components are easily damaged, and it will be easier to re-assemble if
you take care to remember where the components are located. It is not
necessary to remove the battery from the PC board to perform the mod,
but it is a wise precaution. If you do remove the battery, your saved
data will all be lost.
Wiring the Mod

The 6 posts of the DPDT switch will be referred to as A-F, as below. B
and E will be the center terminal designations in this document. An X
signifies that the connection point will not be used in the
modification. Simply connect the corresponding letters on the switch to
the corresponding letters on the main PC board for the version of your

DPDT Switch

Left Right
Version 1

JP# LeftRight
JP11 F E
JP10 D X

This version of the mod is for the original version of the Saturn. This
hardware version will have the MPEG daughter board, and the power
connector will not have any notches in it. The jumpers are located in
one bank on the bottom of the main PC board.

There will be two small traces on the circuit board shorting JP6 and
JP11, or JP7 and JP10. You will have to physically cut these traces
before you wire for the switch to function properly. The common posts of
JP10 & JP11 and JP6 & JP7 are on the right side in both instances.
Version 2

JP# LeftRight
JP11 X A
JP10 B C

JP# LeftRight JP# Left Right

In this version the power cord is notched. This version was manufactured
from approximately 8/95 - 3/96. You will have to remove two small
components from either JP7 and JP10 or JP6 and JP11. They are
unimportant and serve merely to short the jumpers that establish the
world area in which your machine is designed to operate.

JP10 & JP11 are located on the top of the main motherboard near the
center in the configuration shown above. JP6 & JP7 are on the bottom in
a side by side configuration like in the table above. The common post
of JP6 & JP7 is on the right, while the common post of JP10 & JP11 is on
the left.
Version 3

JP# LeftRight

JP# LeftRight
JP11 D X
JP10 F E

In this version the power cord is notched. This version was manufactured
from around 3/96 - 7/96. You will have to remove two small components
from either JP7 and JP10 or JP6 and JP11. They are unimportant and serve
merely to short the jumpers that establish the world area in which your
machine is designed to operate.

In this version of the hardware, the jumpers are all grouped together on
the bottom of the board. The common post of JP6 & JP7 is on the left,
while JP10 & JP11 is on the right.
Version 4

JP# LeftRight JP# Left Right

JP# LeftRight JP# Left Right
JP10 F E JP11 X D

In this version the power cord is notched. This version was manufactured
starting 7/96, it is the second version that does not have a drive light.
You will have to remove two small components from either JP7 and JP10 or
JP6 and JP11. They are unimportant and serve merely to short the jumpers
that establish the world area in which your machine is designed to

In this version of the hardware, the jumpers are all grouped together on
the bottom right of the board. The common post of JP6 & JP7 is on the
right, while JP10 & JP11 is on the left.

In all four versions, you should be able to feed the connecting wires
from under the main PC board to a location near the reset switch. You
should be able to re-assemble the machine with the top not screwed down
and the switch hanging on the outside to test it. When you are ready to
finalize the mod, there is ample room to drill a hole in the top of the
case to the right of the reset switch. In all four versions of the
hardware, there should be room inside the case for a regular microswitch
in this area.

Additional Notes

Again, if you do not understand part of this document, then it is not a
good idea to utilize any of the information contained herein. I do not
intend to answer questions about this from now until the end of time, so
only do this mod if you understand this document as it stands. I will
not answer questions about this unless I feel like it.

You should not have to cut or change any part of your machine except the
jumpers, and drilling a hole for the switch. You can even avoid drilling
the hole to mount the switch if you make the connecting wires long
enough to feed the switch out the battery access door in the rear of the

[John's note:] You can also cut a square hole in the battery door and
mount the switch there. The plastic is very soft and easy to work with
and it holds the switch nicely.


On the other hand, U.K. Saturn owners may find Tony Ross's guide more
informative, as he takes PAL modifications into consideration at the
same time. You can view that particular proceedure here:

9.7 Can I play CDR discs (copied games) on my Saturn?

Not without a MOD chip or a special cartridge. The Saturn has a security
lockout code on each disc that the Saturn must read in an effort to
discourage piracy.

9.8 What is a MOD Chip?

A MOD chip is a little dubious. Japanese, US, and UK software contain
lockout codes that prevent and discourage illegal copying of CDs. This
lockout code should not be confused with the regional recognition codes
of above. When you copy a CD, the CD Burner will not copy this code, so
whenever you put a copied CD in your Saturn regardless of whether or not
it's an import or domestic game, you won't be able to play it. The Saturn
will assume that in the absence of that lockout keycode, the disc is
unsuitable (read: not Saturn software).

The MOD chip is designed to overcome this by fitting in between the drive
ribbon cable, and the drive itself, and allow you to play copied games.
Naturally, we would hope that the only reason why you'd want to play
copied software is for backup purposes. >=)

Gameworld USA ( sells mod chips for your
Saturn for about $39.95, or you can purchase a pre-modded system for
$179.99 ($199.99 and they'll throw in a Action Replay Plus cart).

Games City ( can do it for $80 installed.

MOD chips can also be purchased cheaply in Hong Kong, or so I'm told.

Bear in mind, MODing is much trickier then a language switch, and the 21
pin MOD chips that are sold don't work in every system. If you have an
older Saturn with oval buttons, the MOD *may* not work (see "Saturn
Models") since those require 20 pin MOD chips. The only way to be sure
is to count the number of pins.

9.9 Is there a single "one-time" modification that will allow me to
play imports *AND* CDRs without the use of a cartridge?

There *was*.

Game World USA sold a MOD BOARD for the Sega Saturn. The Sega Saturn Mod
Board allowed gamers to play US Import and CDR back up games. A feat
which no other mod has been able to match before or since.

Unfortunately, Game World USA went out of business before this FAQ could
be posted, and the board itself is no longer manufactured. Somebody may
come out with something simiar some day though.

9.10 What about "Disc Swaping"?

Disc swaping is a risky proposition, and should be discouraged.
It involves opening the lid to the drive while it is running so that
you can swap out the game after it checks and confirms the code on
the first game. Doing this repeatedly can damage your drive electronics,
and it doesn't always work all the time. It also requires you to
*short out* (!!!) the lid sensor on the CD drive, and you constantly
have to swap, or play the entire game in one sitting (annoying for
RPGs). However, it is a last resort measure for playing imports or

From the Saturn MOD FAQ by The Axledental DJ <>:

Either manually, or with the Super Strong Card 2.0, you can do the
infamous "swap trick" to play all foriegn games on your Saturn. What
you do is short / disconnect the lid sensor, so you can have access
to the disc while the Saturn reads it. Put in an American game, let
it load, then immediately after the black SEGA logo, pop the other disc
in. If you did it at the right time and quick enough, you can play
the other game.

The main problem is this, the Saturn also reads the American game's
TOC, Table Of Contents, which has the length of each track. The other
game you swapped may have a totally different TOC, so the music might
dropout, and (most likely)the game will freeze or glitch. On top of
all that, it's difficult to do, and swapping will eventually cause
damage to your Saturn's drive motor. Playstation owners have this
exact same problem too.

9.11 What is the Sega Satellite?

The Sega Satellite is a cheap 3rd party cartridge manufacted by E.M.S
Industries Ldt. of Hong Kong. It allows you to play import games (USA,
Japanese and European) without a switch. The Cartridge is *ONLY* a
converter cartridge and lacks the ability to save games, or act as a
RAM cart like the Action Replay 4 in 1 or 5 in 1 (also by E.M.S). It
also does nothing for CDRs.

It's a plain looking white or blue cartridge with a sticker that says
Sega Satellite, and can be purchased in various places for around $20.

I do not know how reliable they are.

9.12 ...and what about the ST Key?

Same function as the Sega Satellite, but for about half the price.

9.13 What is the Super Strong Card 2.0?

This rather unique catridge device slows down the Saturn's CD drive to
better allow for disc swaping (see below).

From the Saturn MOD FAQ by The Axledental DJ <>:

"There is a rumor that some pirated HK games REQUIRE the Super Strong
Card 2.0. It's totally false, just a rumor generated so dealers can
unload those useless things that they have so much of. NO game requires
any certain brand of converter to be played."

9.14 How can I use a Game Shark to play imports?

From Tyler V. Snow <>

"You can also play imports using Interact's Game Shark accessory. Just
press Start while holding down X+Y+Z when the Game Shark asks if you
want to start the game with/without enhancements. Newer Game Sharks
apparently let you just press Start without having to hold down X+Y+Z
when it asks that question."

9.15 What if I have a converter catridge like the ST Key or Sega
Satellite and I want to play a RAM cart game?

You're screwed.

Well I hesitate to say, but that's not entirely true. There is a way
to swap out the cartridge, and it's rather straightforward way at
that. Simply pull out the converter and replace it with the RAM cart
after the CD player screen says "Checking Disc" and the "Start
Application" button appears.

Suffice it to say, this is stupid as it can screw up your cartridge
port. Never insert or remove a cartridge while the system is running.

You have been warned. If you think that the risk of screwing up your
Saturn doesn't justify the cost of getting a switch installed, or
getting a 4 in 1 cart then continue are your own peril.

From the Saturn MOD FAQ by The Axledental DJ <>:

"I have seen many Usenet posts about people who have damaged their
Saturn by cart-swapping to play import games like KOF'95 and Real
Bout. Despite what you might hear, cartridge swapping WILL damage
your Saturn, maybe the cart port will no longer work, maybe no games
will run, etc. No matter how much you like a game, DON'T SWAP!! It's
not worth one round of King of Fighters '95 (well, maybe =) to risk
your $200 Saturn machine."

9.16 Will these methods allow me to play any game from another region?

Assuming that the mod you choose will allow you to satisfy any extra
peripheral requirements (such as RAM and memory carts), yes.

However, reliable information from NCS tells us the Japanese version of
the shooter known in the US as "In The Hunt" does *not* work on a US
Saturn under any circumstances (switch, converter, etc.).


10.1 Why would I want to play imports?

"Should I, or shouldn't I?" seems to be a dilemma among many Saturn
fans. It's the one million dollar question, and many Saturn supporters
have asked it in one form or another.

The question of whether or not imports are for you rests upon how much
of a gamer you actually are. Imports open up a whole new world of
opportunity for the Saturn gamer. If your into RPGs, anime games, or
just more games period, then importing is something to definately think

Importing is also a bastion for staunch supporters of the Saturn who are
displeased with the PSX catalogue, or simply believe that the Saturn
import tiles can ofter a higher level of enjoyment for them. This is not
to say that you should limit yourself to just the Saturn, and you should
realize that the difficulty level in aquiring imports and the ability to
play them increases significant in many cases, as well as the money
involved. You should decide whether or not the ends will justify the
means in your case. Everybody is unique.

The deciding factor should be made after through analysis of the import
enviroment. Check magazines, post to USENET, visit some of the websites
listed at the bottom of this FAQ and see if anything interests you.

10.2 Where can I get Japanese imports?

Please refer to section XIX.

10.3 What is the "Saturn Collection"?

The Saturn Collection is a basically a series of re-releases in Japan
from Sega on some of the more poplar Saturn titles at a lower price
(about 2,800 Yen). This program was extended to third party titles as
well. The following list is provided by the Sega of Japan website, and
is translated courtesy of Terrence Huey.

Current Saturn Collection (SATAKORE) titles[as of 3/11/99], all 2,800


Terra Fantastica
Dragon Force
Langrisser III
Langrisser IV
Albert's Oddysey
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner
Sword & Sorcery
Falcom Classics
Princess Crown


Sonic Jam
Dynamite Deka(Die Hard Arcade)
K-1 Fighting Illusion
Saturn Bomberman
Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Legends
Silhouette Mirage
Rockman X4
Rockman 8


Virtua Fighter 2
All Japan Pro Wrestling Featuring Virtua
Street Fighter Zero 2


Sega Ralley
DEKA Street
Fire Pro Wrestling 6 Men Scramble
Steep Slope Sliders
J-League Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou! 2
Pro Baseball Greatest Hits '98
Choro Q Park


Bulk Slash
Metal Black
Gun Griffon
Layer Section
Do Donpachi
ThunderForce V
The House of the Dead


Command & Conquer
Advanced World War
Sea Bass Fishing 2
Sankyo Fever Simulation S
Princess Maker 2
The KONBINII~Ano Machi wo Dokusen se yo~
Chaos Seed


Sakura Taisen
Tomb Raider
Enemy Zero


Puyo Puyo Sun
Puzzle Battle 2 X
Jookai Banri no Choujou(Great Wall of China)
Baku Baku Animal World
Puyo Puyo
Tetris S
Magical Drop 3


Tou Tarou Doochuuki
Kochira ?ShokuKuKiYuu Kooen ZenHa Shussho: Nakagawa Land Dai REESU! no Kan
Honkaku Pro Majhong Tetsu? Special
Gyuwanburaa Jiko Shin-ha Tokyo Majong Land
Pro Mahjong Kyoku S
DX Jinsei Game
Side Pocket 3


Koden Koosetsu Jutsu Hyaku Monogatari ~Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi
2-do Rukoto wa SANDOAARU
Techno Motor

10.4 Hey! Cool! There are files on my Saturn Import ("Omake" Directory)?

Some Sega Sattun imports (And even a few domestic games) will have
a directory titled "Omake" somewhere on the disc. Sega Saturn CDs are
formated in standard ISO-9660, and can thus be read by most computer
CD-ROM drives. These "Omake" directories usually contain pictures, text
(of various subject matter), and sometimes even Screen Savers.

"Omake" loosely translated into english means: "A gift for you".

I'd like to get a list of these games, so if somebody wants to send in
submissions of games that have these, I'd be greatful.

10.5 What is Anime?

From the now defunct* FAQ previously maintained by
Ken Arromdee:

"Anime refers to Japanese animation. It's often better done, less
censored, and aimed towards an older audience than, American animation.
(Cautionary note: some American fans go overboard in thinking anime
adult; a lot of series popular in America _are_ aimed at children or
teenagers.) In the past, lots of anime was hacked up and changed for
the US market (Speed Racer, Star Blazers, Robotech), but in the last few
years new companies have released unedited anime with better
translations. The connection with video games is that many Japanese
video games are anime-based or have anime-style art, and moreover such
games are often either not ported or drastically changed for American
release because of supposed lack of interest in anime. Also, much anime
is made _from_ video games; the Fatal Fury, Samurai Spirits (Samurai
Shodown), and Street Fighter II anime are available in America. (The US
TV series, however, of SF2 is not anime.)"

The Saturn has a vast number of anime based or anime themed games in
Japan. Precious few of these made it outside of Japan though without

10.6 What is Hentai?

Hentai is often in reference to sexually explicit or suggestive anime. I
bring this up only because there are a number of Hentai games available
for the Saturn in Japan. *NONE* of these have been ported for the US

The amount of hentai on the Japanese Saturn is greatly exaggerated
however. ^_^ Hentai games on the Saturn basically pale in comparison to
their PC counterparts (usually for the Japanese Windows 95) and have
been censored. Nevertheless, there are nearly 50 hentai titles available
for the Saturn, accounting for about 15% of all titles (figure is a
rough estimate, and does not count illegitimate, pirated, or non-licensed

A lot of the material in the Saturn versions of many hentai games are
simply suggestive (ie. underwear, but little nudity) or implied sexual
encounters with strategically choreographed fadeouts. "^_^;"

While character interaction is normally the focus of many of these
games, the artwork is usually very nice, and i've been told that the
company …LF produces hentai games that are very well written (as far as
plot scripting is concerned).

Note: "Puppy Love" simulations like Tokimeki Memorial, Sakura Taisen,
Roommate, etc., should *NOT* be confused for hentai. Trying to hit on
cute anime chics does not automatically imply the inclusion of mature
themes. =P~

10.7 Explain the Japanese Rating System please?

The Japanese rating system is really quite simple. On many Saturn games
you will see a little colored box (usually on the front of the manual
through the jewlcase), with Kanji in the center. The rating system
breaks down as follows:

Green: Suitable for all ages.
Yellow: Some adult situations
Red: Adult situations/Nudity (18+)

There's also a blue colored box, but it states the same as the green

Raymond McKeithen II <> writes:

"Many early Saturn adult games were what's usually referred to as "red
label" (there is a red rating symbol that says "X18" and some other
stuff on them). These allowed nudity to be shown, but that's about as
far as it goes in what you actually could see (in other words, red-label
equalled about PG-13 for US movie standards). Around Oct. 1996 (think
that's the right date) these were disallowed and we were left with
"yellow label" in which nudity was not allowed but the games still
contain "adult situations" (I'd say, in general, nothing you can't see
on daytime soap operas or something like Melrose Place)."

A variant of this system was also imposed for Dreamcast games, although
it's more of a bar instead of a box, and is located on the back of the
jewlcase insert.


11.1 Can I build a custom joystick for my Saturn?

Sure, but the joystick port appears to be of a proprietary design.
Building a connector may prove dificult. If I can find pinouts, or
anything like that, It'll be provided here.

Some people have provided instructions for modifying an arcade control
stick to work on a Saturn. It involves using some wiring from a
canbalized Saturn controller. It might be a good starting point.

11.2 Is there anyway I can use a better/faster CD drive in my Saturn?

Some people make wild statements to the effect of "Wouldn't it be cool
to stick a Quad-Speed CD-ROM drive in my Saturn?".

The truth is, I honestly don't know if it'd work. I'd err on the side
of caution when I say it probably wouldn't. The CD drives controller
chip may have trouble negotiating with a different model drive, much
less a faster one.

11.3 What's the port marked "Communication Connection" on the back of
my Saturn?

It's used for 2 peripherals: the link cable and the floppy disk drive.
Both peripherals are Japan-only, although the port was included on all
models of the Saturn.

11.4 How does the link cable work?

The link cable hooked two Saturns together for head to head play. Each
Saturn was in turn hooked to its own television set or monitor. You also
needed two copies of the same game. In this way, the link cable was
reminiscent of the "Jag Link" used on the Atari Jaguar.

Games that used link cables (not necessarily complete):

Gun Griffon 2

Raymond McKeithen II <> writes:

"AFAIK the Sega cables were never sold separately but were just packed
in with the above games. GG2 and Steeldom came both ways, Gebockers,
being the first game, I think always came with the cable. There are 3rd
party link cables that apparently don't work right and don't work with
all the games."

"One of the US FPS games (Doom, Duke Nukem, something) I think has a
hidden option for linkmode that may or may not work well. Since there's
no US linkcable they didn't document it, perhaps they didn't finish it
either? I've only read about this on newsgroup posts."

11.5 What about the floppy disk drive?

The floppy disk drive is a rare animal it seems, and it's not even
listed on the peripheral sheet that came in late Saturns though it was
listed earlier. I can't *prove* it came out, but it is shown in some
magazines I have, and Japanese Panzer Dragoon Saga supports it directly,
as does Dezaemon 2, the shooter construction kit. I forget the exact
size, but a single save file of Dezaemon 2 takes most of a memory
cartridge (and obviously can't save to the Saturn's internal memory).

11.6 Can you "soft reset" a Saturn?

Yes. Hold A B and C, and then press start while still holding the
buttons. The game software will reset, usually to the title screen.
Pressing the buttons again will result in the system further resetting
to the CD player.

This may not work in all games, but it works in the games I've seen.

11.7 Is there any way to get Saturn software to always play in mono so
don't have to keep entering it in the game's option menu?

Yes. Most Saturn software will check your systems settings to determine
if you have your Saturn set to output mono or stereo. You can change
the setting by going to "Other Options" in the system settings main
menu, and then select either mono or stereo, depending on what you want.


12.1 What optional controllers are available for the Saturn?

The following information reflects products that are (at the time this
FAQ was written) available in the US. Please mail any corrections to me.
Please check with the company to ensure availability and current price.
Also, many of the information here is taken directly from the
manufacturer. None of the FAQ authors are endorsing ANY of these sticks.
What follows are NOT reviews. This list is guessed it...

- Cobra Light Gun

Compatible for use with both the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation, auto
bullet reload with programmable number of bullets from 1-15. It has
variable speed rapid fire, rapid fire + auto bullet reload combination,
a red LED shooting effect on both sides during play and a single cable
with dual end plug that simplifies hookup to both systems.

- Eclipse Pad | STD/Interact

8 fire buttons, slow motion, LED display panel, programmable with extra
long cord.

- Eclipse Stick | STD/Interact | SV-462A

8 Fire buttons, Independent auto-fire control, Programmable synchro-fire,
Slow motion, LED display panel, Durable metal base, and an extra long

- Naki Lightgun | Naki

No data. Looks like a purple .357 Magnum revolver though.

- Psychopad JR Gamepad

Unleash HYPER programmable mayhem in your favorite fighting and action
games. With HYPER programmable 10 in 1 technology, Psychopad JR
delivers up to 10 moves with a push of a button. Check out these
features: 12 HYPER Programmable buttons, 4 user defined macros, game
default setting, pause and continuos motion control and stay in play

- Strike Pad | nYko Technologies

The Strike Pad from nYko Technologies is a replacement controller for
your Sega Saturn. It features the original factory design layout, six
front fire buttons, tip mounted L & R buttons, an eight way
directional pad and a 6 foot cord. It carries a suggested retail
price of $17.99.

- Super Pad 8 | Interact

Features auto-fire, simulated slow motion, eight way direction pad,
six fire buttons, and an extra-long cord. It carries a suggested a
suggested retail price of $14.99.

- Virtual Gun

Machine Gun fire power! Most Advanced technology! Don't settle for
less. The Virtual Gun out guns the competition with features such as
the Machine Gun mode that combines auto-fire and auto-reloading. Three
speeds of autofire or single fire action. Auto-reload up to 15 shots
or reload manually. Manual reload button. Special button for launching
other game weapons and an exciting LED shooting effect!


NOTES: Slow motion on the Eclipse Pad and Super Pad 8 is acheived by
pressing the pause button rapidly. Therefore the screen may flicker
when these pads are used.

12.2 Can I extend the cord length of my Saturn controls?

Yes. Interact manufactured and sold a 6 foot cord extention as part of
their Performace product line. It plugs in between the Saturn and
whatever control device you are using. Finding it is the difficult
part. sells them for $5. You can try
E-bay or the newsgroups to see if anybody is selling them.

Mad Catz manufactured a similar cable.

12.3 What's the difference between the new and old Saturn control pads?

Sega manufactured two different standard control pads for the US market.

The first these controlers (MK-80100) was packaged in older model
Saturns (those with oval buttons). The controllers were larger, had
a different button design and featured sunken L & R buttons.

The second one (MK-80116) was packaged with newer model Saturns (with
round buttons), and more in line with the Japanese controlers.

Most people who have used both controlers prefer the durability and feel
of the newer, Japanese-style model.

Suprisingly, there were also two different Japanese control pads,
although its harder to tell the difference compared to the US models.

Raymond McKeithen explains:

I'm aware of two primary versions of the [Japanese] controller. They
look the same (not talking about the early crap US controller). They are
also all numbered HSS-0101. However, internally they are completely
different. Saturn controllers have a "plus-sign" shaped piece of plastic
inside the controller under the D-pad. The pad is raised above this and
that's what gives the pad the "rocker" feel as opposed to the mushy feel
of a Nintendo or PSX controller.

1) First version. Easily breakable within hours of play. This plastic
piece *is* plastic, and has ridges in it in such a way that it adds to
its fragility. I don't use pads at all, and a friend broke this one day,
the first time it was ever used. I had a second one that I'd made a
joystick out of, I switched the housings, and that one broke quickly
too. This version has a tan circuit board, and the primary chip on it is
a regular"through-hole" IC with the markings sanded off. The board
doesn't even say "Sega" on it, if I didn't know better I'd think it was
a counterfeit (since one came with the system and the other was a
separate controller it's near impossible, besides it still has the
official plug that says Sega on it etc.).

2) Second version. Durable. Plastic piece is now nylon, and no longer
has ridges. Circuit board is now green, says "Sega" on it, and uses
surface mount chip. With some minor changes all controllers were still
like this until the end.

The gray Japanese controllers that Toys R Us sold were the second
version (ones I've seen anyway) so it must have been changed relatively
quickly. The switches for L/R are different on the two versions too,
they were softer on the first version and I think felt better. Parts
between the two versions for the most part are not interchangable, most
of the plastic parts have been altered in one (non-obvious) way or
another. However, the nylon piece will fit in the old-style, so if
there's some source for that part...

12.4 What is the Sega Mission Stick, and what games supported it?

Mark Phaedrus <> writes:

"More or less. It's an analog stick, with the usual Saturn buttons
(which can be flipped to the left or the right of the stick), as well
as trigger buttons on the stick. Interestingly enough, there's an
expansion connector on the bottom of the stick, as well as support for
mounting something else on the opposite side of the stick from the
button panel, so there's a possibility that someone could add a slide
throttle/extra buttons/whatever at a later date."

To the best of my knowledge, no expansion accessory was ever developed
for the Mission Stick. It was also one of the more expensive Saturn

Because of design differences from the regular digital control pad, not
all games will recognize the Mission Stick (ie. Thunderstrike 2).
Furthermore, certain games such as Solar Eclipse will ignore custom
button configurations you set. I'd like to get list of games that
support/do not support/have problems with the Mission Stick.

There have been rumors on r.g.v.s. that an undocumented feature in
Panzer Dragoon II would allow a gamer to pair up two mission sticks for
dual controls (one controlling your dragon, and the other your
crosshairs). I have no found confirmation of this though...

As with most Sega accessories, a white version was released in Japan.

12.5 What multiplayer adaptors are there, and what games support them?

A multiplayer adaptor is a peripheral that plugs into one of your Saturn
control ports, and acts as a junction box for multiple controlers to be
used simultaneously. Two muliplayer adaptors were created for the Saturn.

The first is the official Sega version which supports up to six
controllers. This version WAS released in the US (MK-80102). The second,
is a special licensed Hudson Soft adaptor packaged with the Japanese
Bomberman game and shaped like Bomberman's head. This version supports
up to 10 controllers, and was NOT released in the US.

There are several multiplayer games designed to take advantage of these
multiplayer adaptors, and I'd imagine its a great thing during parties.

Games that supported multiple players (not complete):

Blast Chamber (up to four players)
Bomberman* (up to ten players)
Bomberman Fight! (up to four players)
Duke Nukem 3D** (up to six, maybe seven, players)
Firepro Wrestling: Six Man Scramble (up to six players)
Guardian Heroes (up to four players)
Madden '98 (???)
NBA Action '98 (???)
NHL '98 (???)
Powerslave** (up to six players)
Three Dirty Dwarfs (up to three players)
Worldwide Soccer '98 (???)

* Bomberman will work with Hudson Soft's own adaptor, or with the
official Sega one. Only one level supports all 10 players.

** Powerslave has a hidden multiplayer game called "Death Tank", which
supports the multitap. Duke Nukem 3D has the sequel, "Death Tank Zwei".

Worms was a 1-16 player game, but it did NOT support the multitap. One
controller was passed from player to player.

12.6 I lost my Saturn manual! Can you help?

Sega of America sold new Core System manuals for $3 plus S/H. They still
might, so give them a call at 1-800-USA-SEGA.

12.7 ....but what about game manuals?

You'd have to contact the individual company that makes the game.
That's too much contact information to list here, but GameSages provides
a handy reference guide at:

This is assuming the companies can or will even provide this service


13.1 How are Capcom conversions on the Saturn?

Under Construction.

13.2 How are Neo-Geo conversions on the Saturn?

Short answer: Close, but not quite the Neo. For the most part, pretty
darn good. Much better than the PSX.

Long answer: The Saturn WILL seem inferior to an actual Neo-Geo system,
but not because of anything relating to processing power. If you were
to compare the Neo Geo CD to the Saturn and PSX, you would find the
Neo-CD has 56 megabits (7 megabytes) of RAM, compared to the 16 megabits
(2 megabytes) of RAM in the Saturn and Playstation. What this means
is that Neo Geo conversions on either system will miss frames of
animation, and probably experience added slowdown. The absense of load
times with the Neo Geo cart system will obviously appeal to arcade
purists as well. The Neo Geo cart system is also free of most memory
constraints as it using the ROM contained inside the cartridge itself
for texture storage. A similar feature was used with the KOF '95 for the
Saturn, which came with its own special ROM cart.

The 1 megabyte RAM cart brings the Saturn's total RAM up to 24 megabits
(3 megabytes), which allows for far smoother animation over PSX
conversions. The difference can clearly be seen when playing PSX and
Staurn Neo Geo conversions side by side. The number of frames of
animation are greater. Metal Slug on the PSX has to stop and swap out
RAM data in mid-level!

Unfortunately, when all is said and done, some of the larger Neo Geo
games will still suffer. SNK never used the 4 megabit RAM cart as
Capcom did, which is ashame as the added 4 megabytes would have brought
the Saturn very close to the Neo CD's capabilities. Furthermore, there
have been complaints about the clarity of sound effects in Saturn
Neo Geo games.

One thing the Saturn does best the Neo-CD in is loading time. The
Saturn's CD drive has a faster acess time than the 1X drive in the
Neo-CD, and there have been reports that it is faster than the 2X in
the CDZ as well. The Saturn also supports CD-XA which allows music to
play as the system loads new data into RAM. The Neo-Geo does not
support CD-XA, which means that music playback must stop as the game
loads between levels.

All Neo Geo conversions were released in Japan only. None of these
were censored, so you can play with all the blood and Mai's bounciness.
It's not the content, it's the principle dammit! ^^;;;

13.3 What demo discs were released for the Saturn?

Christopher Coleman <> has taken the time to
compile a list of every Saturn demo disc (that we know of) released for
the Sega Saturn. If you know more, please e-mail the FAQ maintainer or
Chris directly.

Special thanks is extended to:

Chris Evans, Ryoni Schouten, Glen Varley, Clint Dyer, Robert Worne,
Gloworm, Steve Wargo, Barry W Cantin, Bruce Tomlin, Glen Bussell, Rich
Depping, and Pat Strobel.

Also you may elect to check out Mr. Coleman's Demo CD gallery here:

- Special Discs Section:

** Ferrari Demo

This demo, although never released to the public (it was in-house
only), was a FMV demo of a Ferrari racing through town that was
made to show off the Saturn's prowess when it comes to FMV.

** In House Demos (seen so far: Virtua Cop 2, Virtua Fighter,
Virtual Hydlide)

These demo CDs were circulated internally to SoA, sent from SoJ
to be used to showcase/preview titles, and/or to demonstrate
progress made in the completion of development on a game, and are
labelled "Work in progress" Examples can be seen at the above demo
CD gallery.

- NTSC/American Demo CDs:

** Bootleg Samper Vol. 1

Playable: World Series Baseball, Sega Rally Championship,
Clockwork Knight 2, Bug

Video: Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop, Mystaria, Wing Arms, NHL All
Star Hockey, Panzer Dragoon, Daytona, "other games" (brief shots
of Ghen War, Cyber Speedway, Virtua Fighter Remix, Black Fire,
Astal, Mr Bones, Congo: The Movie, The Mansion of Hidden Souls)

** Bootleg Sampler Vol. 2 (Aka. Sega Screams Vol. 1)

Playable: Virtual On, Daytona CCE, Bug Too!, Three Dirty Dwarves,
Baku Baku Animal

Video: Mr Bones, Sega Worldwide Soccer 97, Fighting Vipers, Virtua
Cop 2, Dark Savior

** Bug! Sampler

Contains a playable level from Bug. Came with the second run of
Saturns in the USA.

** Choice Cuts

A non-playable set of video sampler clips from the following
games: Black Fire, Bug, Clockwork Knight, Myst, Panzer Dragoon,
Solar Eclipse, Virtua Fighter, NHL All Star Hockey, Pebble Beach
Golf, Worldwide Soccer, Daytona USA, VR Virtua Racing

** Christmas NiGHTS

A playable level of NiGHTS with Christmas and winter-specific
graphics added, along with other in-game extras.

** NiGHTS into Dreams Sampler

Two playable levels from NiGHTS (one for Claris, and one from
Eliot). Came with some new Saturn units.

** Panzer Dragoon Playable Preview

A playable level from Panzer Dragoon.

** Rayman Sampler

A playable level from Rayman, produced by Ubi Soft, "Rayman's
Dream Forest". Contained a $5 coupon off on purchase of the full
game (It expired on 5/1/96).

- PAL/European Demo CDS

** Block Rocking Beats

Audio CD - contains tracks from various games. From Saturn Power

** Bootleg Sampler Vol 1

See the entry in the NTSC/American section.

** Christmas NiGHTS

See the entry in the NTSC/American section.

** Eidos Sampler

Contains playable levels of Tomb Raider, Blam Machinehead and
Fighting Force

** Total Saturn #1 coverdisk

Playable levels of Europe '96, Loaded and Actua Golf

** Saturn Power #2 coverdisk

Playable levels of Reloaded, Hardcore 4x4 and Actua Soccer Club

** Panzer Dragoon

Playable demo of level 2 of Panzer Dragoon. Received when sending
in console registration in the UK.

** Pinball Graffiti

A playable table from Pinball Graffiti - "Circus Fantasia"

** Sega Flash Vol 1

Playable: Virtua Fighter 2, Baku Baku Animal, Golden Axe: The
Duel, Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei, Sega Rally Championship

Video: UEFA Euro 96 England

** Sega Flash Vol 2

Playable: NiGHTS, Sega Worldwide Soccer 97, Athlete Kings,
Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei, Baku Baku Animal

Video: "Demo Movie" - Virtua Fighter Kids, The Story of Thor 2,
Three Dirty Dwarves, Exhumed

This CD was also a pack-in with Australian Saturns.

** Sega Flash Vol 3

Playable: Daytona CCE, Virtual On, Tomb Raider, Worldwide Soccer
97 Video: Bug Too!, Fighting Vipers, Virtua Cop 2, NiGHTS, Dark
Savior, Mr Bones

** Sega Flash Vol 4

Playable: Sonic 3D, Die Hard Arcade, Virtual On

Video: Manx TT, Fighters Megamix, Mass Destruction, Saturn
Bomberman, Sky Target, Torico, Amok, Scorcher, Sega Ages 3 in 1

** Sega Flash Vol 5

Playable: Sonic Jam, Sonic 3D, Sega Rally Championship, Die Hard

Video: Last Bronx, Resident Evil, Dragon Force, WipeOut 2097,
Duke Nukem 3D, Sega Touring Car, Enemy Zero

** Sega Flash Vol 6

Playable: Sega Touring Car, Steep Slope Sliders, World Wide Soccer

Video: Lost World, NBA Action 98, Sonic R, Enemy Zero (the intro),
Panzer Dragoon Saga (the intro)

** Sega Flash Vol 7

Playable: World League Soccer, Steep Slope Sliders, Sega Touring
Video: Burning Rangers, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Enemy Zero, Shining
Force III, House of the Dead, Winter Heat, Sonic R, NBA Action 98

** Sega Preview Vol 1

Playable: Alien Trilogy, Loaded, NHL Powerplay '96, Keio Flying
Squadron 2

Video: Tomb Raider, Exhumed

** Total Saturn #2 coverdisk

Playable demo of Impact Racing

** Victory Boxing

Playable demo of JVC's Victory Boxing, was Saturn+ #1's cover disk.

** WipeOut 2097/Saturn Power 5 coverdisk

A playable track from WipeOut 2097. From Saturn Power #5(?), a
UK magazine.

- NTSC/Japan Demo CDs

** Ma Jan Kyo Jidai/Ma Jan Kaigan Monogatari/Sekushi Aidoru Hen

Translating to "Mah Jong Seaside Story - Sexy Idol Edition"
(roughly), this is a playable demo of a rude mahjong game, more
details unknown.

** Teikoku Kageki Dan Tai-in na Meibo

This translates to "Imperial Radical Group Member Name List", but
other than that, not a clue yet as to what the demo CD contains.
A quote from the owner, Clint Dyer: "I have to say, though, that
even after playing it and choosing everything, I have NO idea what
the game is like. The disc didn't have anything playable (that I
could find), but had character bios, interviews, etc."

** Silhouette Mirage

Mentioned in a preview in the UK's Sega Saturn Magazine, this may
be a press only demo, or a Japanese release one.. no other info

** Grandia

There is a sampler/preview demo CD of Grandia available in Japan,
but that's all the info available at the moment.

** House of the Dead

There is a demo CD included in a special pack from Japan that
includes Virtua Cop 1, Virtua Cop 2 and a black stunner as well.

** Sega Flash Vol 1

Playable: Darius Gaiden, Sega Rally Championship, Mobile Suit

Video: Magical Drop, (some isometric Godzilla game?), Guardian

** Sega Flash Vol 9

Playable: Magical Drop 2, <?> Steeldom (a bad Virtual On clone),
<Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine clone by Konami with anime girls
as opponents>

Video: SNK Real Bout <?>, Ogre Battle <?>, Sakura Wars [NB: This
demo CD wouldn't work with an analog controller in either port..
a single screen with a giant exclamation mark and a bunch of
Japanese text came up, and exited to the Saturn startup screen]

** Sega Flash Vol 10

Playable: Tryrush Deppy, Fist, Master of Monsters, Le Livre De

Video: Riglord Saga 2, World Series Baseball 2

** Tech Vol 1 Spring 1995 - Saturn Tsuukei (Total Saturn)

Has an assortment of demos and FMV clips and other oddities:
- graphics of ships, tanks and planes, possibly from a game
- a playable demo of Side Pocket 2
- Interview clips with a Japanese woman (singer? actor? who knows)
- Video clips of two different standup comedians' acts.
- Screenshots from (a lot of) upcoming games
- A couple cartoon strips (manga?) of Sir Polygon

** Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Collection demo disc.

This disk contains CGI images of Virtua Fighter characters from
the individual portrait collections. Each character had their own
collection, with about 10-13 different hi-res pics and this disc
contains 1 picture from each.


14.1 Are there any Saturn Emulators?

Several Saturn emulators have been in development for a while now. All
of them are very incomplete, and *none* of them currently run any games.
All of these run on PCs, save for one Unix emulator. For more
information, I recommend you visit Zophar's Domain at:

- Satan was the very first "emulator", although it really nothing more
than a CD header reader, and doesn't really emulate anything.
Development was discontinued at version 0.1a. Satan ran on Windows 95.

- UltraSat is another CD header reader, and can only read the copyright
information from 15 games. This is a DOS program which was discontined
at version 0.04.

- SSEmu was the first emulator to emulate some of the instruction sets.
It only emulates the Saturn control unit however, and nothing else. This
project has been discontinued at version 0.7a, although the author is
willing to sell his research documentation to interested parties. For
Windows 9x platform.


- A-Saturn seems to be the one most along in development. It currently
emulates 99% of the main SH2 processors, 96% of the 680MC00, and
considerably less of the other chips. A-Saturn runs on Windows 9x and
DOS, and requires Direct X 6.1 or higher. This emulator is still being


- Lucifer (previously Sat'On'Em) is closer to where A-Saturn is. It can
currently emulate 89% of the CPU core. It is a Windows 9x emulator, and
is still in development.


- Semu is the only UNIX/Linux emulator for the Saturn in development.
Very incomplete, but development is continuing.



15.1 Is it true the Saturn's processors are underpowered, and it's
hard to program 3D games on the Saturn?

In a 1995 Next Generation article, it was explained that the Saturn's
twin SH2processors not only don't run in tandem, but also have trouble
acessing emory at the same time (although a RAM cache will help). The
article further went on to explain developers like Peter Molynuex of
Bullfrog and Yu Suzuki of Sega voiced dissatisfaction with the Saturn's
processing archetecture.

Quoted from Yu Suzuki:

"Trying to program for two CPUs has its problems. Virtua Fighter uses
a different CPU for calculating each character. The two CPUs start at
the same time but there's a delay when one has to wait for the other
to catch up. One very fast central processor would be preferable. I
don't thank that all programmers have the ability to program two CPUs -
most can only get about one-and-a-half times the speed you can get from
one SH-2. I I think that only one 100 programmers are good enough to get
that kind of speed out of the Saturn."

Furthermore, the problem is compounded by the fact that most Japanese
programmers use the C programming language, where as assembly is needed
to acheieve optimal performance from the Saturn. Virtua Fighter uses
assembly, and runs 1.8 times faster than it would on a single SH-2.

15.2 Were the Saturn's 3D capabilties added at the last minute?

The claim that the Saturn was originally developed without 3D in mind
appears to be popular USENET myth. Reserach has shown that the Saturn
was originally intended to be more like a home version of the Model 1
arcade mainboard back when it was codenamed the "Gigadrive" (like the
"Megadive" that preceded it). Therefore, the Saturn was always designed
with 3D capabilities. However, the myth is not too far from the truth
in that modifications were undertaken to the hardware after Sega caught
wind of the Playstation specs in 1993. Hayao Nakayama, president of
Sega, demanded that the Saturn be improved to put it on more even terms
with the PSX. At the cost of several months delay (leading some to
speculate the Saturn might be cancled), an additional VDP chip was
added to give the Saturn better texture mapping capabilities in both
2D and 3d games.

15.3 What is the Sega Jupiter, and why was it never released?

When the Saturn was under development, the original plan called for
both a CD-ROM and cartridge based machine equiped with the same chipset.
The latter cartridge based machine was codenamed "Jupiter". The Jupiter
would also support an add on CD-ROM drive with addition RAM, which made
it in effect, a Saturn. However, it was decided that it would be a
hard sell to offer inferior cartridge based versions of games when
cheaper CD versions were available. Consequently, the Jupiter project
was scrapped.

Shortly thereafter, the Jupiter project was retooled to become the
"Mars" (which we know as today as the ill fated 32X). The Mars was
primarily created to fill the gap between the Genesis and Saturn, so
Sega of America would not loose their well established userbase. The
Jupiter and the Saturn were to be compatible with each other, while
the Mars was completely stand-alone. The Mars used two slower running
SH-2 chips (28Mhz to 23Mhz), but otherwise a completely different

15.4 Is the Satcast really a hoax? I thought it was announced before

Some people state that the Satcast must be real because other websites
broke the news before April '99. There seems to be some truth in this.
Indeed, in March of that year, the infamous "Magic Box" appears to have
reported a surprise announcement by SEL regarding the Satcast, and this
was later picked up my, and numerous other non-
professionalor semi-professional gaming sites. The rumor mill *MAY* have
originated inside Sega of Japan. However, it is important to stress that
these sites are often prone to posting rumors. As near as anyone can
tell, Dave Halverson and the jokers over at Gamers Republic decided to
report this established rumor as a bonifide fact for an April Fools joke
(in other words, "Satcast" was never their idea from the beginning).
Other gaming sites quickly picked up the story, and it spread like
wildfire from there (IGN editors were *not* amused when they found out
it was hoax). With the combined strength of rampant internet rumors, the
GR article, and thanks in no small part to a slow-coming clarification
on the issue by the editors of Gamer's Republic, some people still cling
on to the belief that the Satcast is coming.

The important thing to remember is that Sega of Japan has officially
denied that the Satcast exists or will exist.


Ken has given me permission to reprint his Complete Saturn Catalogue
here. Please be advised however that this list is only about 98%
complete, there may be duplicate entries, and neither Ken or myself make
promises as to it's accuracy.

This list includes both import and domestic software (A "J" has been put
in front of all Japanese imports).

Complete Catalog - Vers. 9-9-98 with 758 games listed
By Ken Tam
with a great deal of thanks to Rich Harper
and the members of the

If you're going to show this list, please give us credit.
Especially me. This isn't easy to do.

Need help finding a game?
Netscape and Internet Explorer have 'Find' options.
You can use this to search the list for games by using keywords.
ACT - action ADV - adventure
COR - corridor
DATA- database DSIM- dating sim
FGT - fighting FMV - full motion video
IDC - interactive digital comic
GUN - gun shooter
HRAC- horse racing
KAR - karaoke MISC - miscellaneous
MJ - mahjong PIN - pinball
PUZ - puzzle PLT - platform
RAC - racing RPG - role playing
SHT - shooter SIM - simulator
SPO - sports STR - strategy

RAMC - ram cart compatible (size is marked by 1 and/or 4)
(H) - hentai/yellow label
(HH) - HENTAI/red label

Title Country_Catalog Company Note

2DO Arukotowa (Sega Ages Classics) J_T-5802G Sega MISC
3 x 3 Eyes J_T-21301G Nihon IDC/RPG
3D Baseball US_ Crystal Dyn.SPO
Advanced VG (Variable Geo) J_T-32506G TGL w/puzzle
After Burner 2 J_ Sega SHT
Air's Adventure J_ Gamestudio RPG
Akumazensho 2 J_T-14421G Atlus DATA
Albert Odyssey US_T-12705H WD RPG
Albert Odyssey J_ Sunsoft RPG
Album Club J_ Societa Bikini Girls
Alien Trilogy US_T-8113H Acclaim COR
All Japan Pro-Wrestling: Virtua J_GS-9158 Sega SPO
All Star Baseball '98 US_ Acclaim SPO
Alone in the Dark US_T-29401H THQ COR
Alone in The Dark 2 J_T-10206G Infogrames/EA ACT/PUZ
Amok US_81604 Sega SHT
Anarchy in the Nippon J_T-28902G KSS 3DFGT
Andretti Racing US_T-5020H EA Sports RAC
Anearth Fantasy Stories J_T-27801G Hudson RPG
Angel Grafitti S J_T-7308G Coconuts DSIM
Angel Paradise 2 J_T-2405G Sada Soft Idol
(H)Angel Lips J_T27001G Nihon Sys. MJ
Angelique Special J_T-7615G Koei SIM
Aponashi Gals J_ Human DSIM
Aquazone J_ 9003 Inc. Fish SIM
Arcana Strikes J_T-10311G Takara RPG
Area 51 US_T-9705H Williams SHT
Assault Suit Leynos(Target Earth) J_ Masaya 2DSHT
Astal US_81019 Sega PLT
Asuka 120% Ltd J_ Kodansha FGT
Atari Classics US_T-9706H Williams MISC
Atelier Marie J_T-15033G Imadio
Augusta Masters J_T-11401G T&E Soft SPO
Ayakashi Ninden Plus J_ CRI ACT
Baku Baku US_81501 Sega PUZ
Bakuretsu Hunter R J_T-24903 King RPG
Baroque J_T-33901G Sting RPG
Bases Loaded '96 US Jaleco SPO
Batman Forever US_T-8140H Acclaim ACT
Batsugun J_ Toaplan SHT
Battle Arena Toshinden Remix US_81029 Takara 3DFGT
Battle Arena Toshinden URA US_81054 Takara 3DFGT
Battle Atheletes J_T-24601G AIC SPO
Battle Garegga J_T-10627 Raizing SHT
Battle Monsters US_T-8137H Naxat 2DFGT
Battlestations US EA STR
Bio Hazard Dash J_ Capcom ACT
Black Dawn US VIE SIM
Black Fire US_81003 Sega SIM
Blast Chamber US Activision ACT
Blast Wind J_ Technosoft 2DSHT
Blazing Dragons US_T-15907H
Blazing Heroes (Mystaria) US_81303 Sega STR
Blazing Tornado J_T-4302G Human SPO
Blue Breaker J_T-4314 Human RPG
Blue Seed J_GS-9014 Sega RPG
Body Special 264 J_T-21003G Yanoman PUZ
Bomberman J_T-14314G Hudson PUZ/ACT
Bomberman Fight J_T-14321G Hudson PUZ/ACT
Bomberman Wars J_T-14320G Hudson PUZ/ACT
Bootleg Sampler US_81031 Sega MISC
Bottom of the 9th US_T-9505H Konami SPO
Brain Dead 13 US_T-12103H Readysoft FMV
Break Point Tennis US_T8145H Ocean SPO
Breakthru J_T-21501G Spectrum PUZ
Bubble Bobble(&Rainbow Islands) US_T-8131H Acclaim PUZ/ACT
Bubble Symphony J_ Ving PUZ/ACT
Burning Rangers J_GS-9174 Sega ACT
Burning Rangers US_ Sega ACT
Bug! US_81004 Sega 3DPLT
Bug Too! US Sega 3DPLT
Bulk Smash J_ Hudson 3DSHT
Burning Rangers J_ Sega 3DACT
Bust a Move 2 US_T-8132H Acclaim PUZ
Bust A Move 3 US_T-31103H Natsume PUZ
(H)Can Can Bunny Premiere J_T-19703G KID DSIM(2CD)
(H)Can Can Bunny 2 J_T-19705G KID DSIM
(H)Can Can Extra J_ KID DSIM
Casper US Interplay ADV
Center Ring Boxing US_T-6005H JVC SPO
CG portrait series 9 (Kage) J_GS-9067
Choaniki Kyukyoku Otokonogyakushu J_T-2503G Masiya STG
Chaos Seed Ltd J_ Neverland RPG
Chatting Parodius(Forever w/me) J_T-9513G Konami SHT
Chisato Moritaka J_GS-9172 Sega DATA
Choro Q Park J_T-10314G Takara RAC
Christmas Nights US_81067 Sega ACT
(H)Classmate ~if~ J_ Elf DSIM
(H)Classmate 2 J_ Elf DSIM
Clockwork Fufubuku (1&2) J_ Sega PLT
Clockwork Knight US_81007 Sega PLT
Clockwork Knight J_GS-9004 Sega PLT
Clockwork Knight 2 US_81036 Sega PLT
Clockwork Knight 2 J_GS-9029 Sega PLT
College Slam US_T-8111H Acclaim SPO
Columns Collection J_ Sega PUZ
Command & Conquer US_7028 Virgin STR
Congo: the Movie US Sega COR
Contra: Legacy of War US Konami ACT/SHT
Corpse Killer US Digital Pic FMV/GUN
Cotton 2 J_T-9904G Success 2DSHT,RAMC
Courier Crisis US_T-25415H GTI ACT
Coveni 2, The J_ store SIM
Creature Shock SE US_T-1304H Data East SHT
Creature Shock J_T-1303G Virgin COR
Crow, The US Acclaim FGT
Crimewave US Eidos ACT
Criticom US_T-2302H Vic Tokai 3DFGT
(H)Cross Romance J_T-7103G Nichibutsu MJ/SIM
Crossworld J_T-10503G Shogakukan DSIM
Crusader US_T-5014H EA ACT
Crypt Killer US Konami SHT
Crystal Legend J_GS-9019 Sega PLT
Cube Battler Ltd J_T-21004G Yanoman PUZ
Culdcept J_T-31401G Omiya RPG
Cyberbots: Ltd J_T-1216G Capcom FGTw/book,sheet
Cyberia US_T-12508H Interplay ADV
Cyber Speedway US_81205 Mindscape RAC
D US_T-8106H Acclaim ADV
D J_ Warp ADV
Daisenryaku: Strong J_T-21202G Oz Club STR
Daisuke J_ Gaga DSIM
Darius Gaiden US_T-8123H Acclaim SHT
Darius Gaiden J_T-1102G Taito SHT
Dark Legend US_T-1305H Data East 2DFGT
Darklight Conflict US_T-5022H EA SHT
Dark Savior US_81304 Sega ADV
Dark Savior J_T-22102G Sega ADV
Daytona USA US_81200 Sega RAC
Daytona USA J_GS-9013 Sega RAC
Daytona USA: CCE US_81213 Sega RAC
Daytona USA: CCE J_GS-9100 Sega RAC
Dead or Alive J_T-3603G Tecmo FGT
Deadalus J_GS-9008 Sega COR
Death Crimson J_T-23202G Ecole GUN
Debut S J_ NEC Idol singer SIM
Decathlete US_81115 Sega SPO
Decathlete J_GS-9150 Sega SPO
Defcon 5 US_T-1301 Data East STR
Densetsu Ogre Battle J_T-5305G Artdink STR
(H)Desire J_T-15031G C's Ware
Destruction Derby J_T-18604G Psygnosis RAC?
Detana Twinbee Yahho-! Deluxe Pack J_T-9505G Konami SHT
Dezaemon 2 J_T-16804G
Die Hard Arcade US_81057 Sega ACT
Die Hard Trilogy US Fox Int. MISC
Digital Ange J_ TiMedia DSIM
Digital Dance Mix: Amuro Namie J_GS-9133 Sega
Do Don Pachi J_ Atlus 2DSHT
Doom US_T-25405H GTI COR
Double Header J_T-5703G Jaleco SPO
Double Switch US Sega FMV/ACT
Doukoku Soshite J_T-1315G NEC ADV
Dracula Detective J_T-2103G Ascii ADV
Dragon Ball Z: Legends J_T-13317G Bandai STR/FGT
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Butoden J_T-13302G Bandai 2DFGT
Dragon Force US_T-12703H WD STR
Dragon Force J_GS-9028 Game Arts STR
Dragonheart US_T-8117H Acclaim
(H?)Dragon Knight 4 J
Dragon Master Silk J_T-19503G Datam RPG
Drift King '97 J_T-15019G Mquest RAC
Duke Nukem 3D US_81071 Sega COR
Dynamite Deka (Die Hard Arcade) J_ Sega ACT
Earthworm Jim 2 US_T-13203H Playmates PLT
El Hazard J_T-22202G Pioneer IDC
Elevator Action Returns J_T-19903G Taito ACT
Emit J_T-7602G Koei Learn English
Enemy Zero US_81076 Sega ADV
Enemy Zero J_T-30001G Warp ACT (4CD)
Evangelion J_GS-9141 Gainax ACT,IDC
Evangelion 2 J_GS-9129 Gainax ACT,IDC
Evangelion DCL J_GS-9159 Gainax DATA
Evangelion: IM J_GS-9194 Gainax IDC?
(H)Eve Burst Error J_T-15032G C's Ware
Eve the Lost One J_T-15035G C's Ware
F1 Challenge US_MK-81206 Virgin RAC
Falcom Classics J_ Victor MISC
Falcom Classics Ltd(Ys,Xanadu,DS) J_T-31502G Victor MISC
Fanta Step J_T-5710G Victor 3DADV
Fantastic Pinball J_T-1801G Technosoft PIN
Fantasy Zone J_GS-9136 Sega 2DSHT
Farland Saga J_T-32507G TGL RPG
Fatal Fury: Real Bout Special J_T-3119G SNK 2DFGT
FIFA Soccer '96 US_T-5003H EA Sports SPO
FIFA Soccer 96 J_T-10606G EA SPO
FIFA Soccer '97 US EA Sports SPO
FIFA Road to Cup 98 US_T-5025H EA Sports SPO
Fighter's History D (Karnov's Revenge) J_ Data East w/ram
Fighters Megamix US_81073 Sega 3DFGT
Fighting Vipers US_81041 Sega 3DFGT
Fighting Vipers J_GS-9101 Sega 3DFGT
(H)Final Romance 4 J_T-3003G Videosystem SIM
Find Love J_ AIC MISC
Find Love 2 J_ AIC MISC
Fire Prowrestling 6 Men Scramble J_T-4316G Human SPO
Fist (Pretty Fighter X 2) J_ Imagineer FGT
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball US_T-8138H Acclaim SPO
From TV Animation Slam Dunk J_T-13301G
Funky Fantasy J_ Yoshimoto RPG
Funky Head Boxers J_ Sega uh...SPO
Gaia Breeder J_T-34801G Aspect Life SIM
Gakko No Kowai J_T1205G Capcom ADV
Gal Act Heroism J_ MicroCabin IDC,STR
Galactic Attack (Layer Section) US_T-8116H Acclaim SHT
Galaxy Fight US_ Acclaim 2DFGT
Galaxy Fight J_T-1510G Sunsoft 2DFGT
Galaxy Force 2 J_GS-9197 Sega 3DSHT
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 3 J_T-14311G Hudson STR
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Remix J_ Hudson IDCw/LOTS of stuff
(HH)Galjan Mahjong J_T-29101G Warashi MJ
Game Paradise, The J_ Jaleco SHTw/VHS
Gameware 5 J_T-17006G Sega MISC
Ge Ge Ge Kitaro J_T-13310G Bandai ADV
Gebockers J_T-5303G Riverhill Soft ACT
Gekirindan J_ Taito 2DSHT
Gex US_15904 Crystal Dyn.PLT
Ghen War US_81001 Sega COR
Girl Revolution Utena J_GS-9182 Sega
Goiken Muyou (Anarchy in Nippon) J_T-28902G KSS
Golden Axe: The Duel US_81045 Sega 2DFGT
Golden Axe: The Duel J_GS-9041 Sega 2DFGT
Gotha 2 J_T-7608G Micronet SHT
Gradius Deluxe(1&2) J_T-9509G Konami 2DSHT
(H)Graduation 2 J_T-5301G NEC School SIM
Graduation 3 J_T-10506 NEC School SIM
Graduation Album J_T-10504G NEC DATA
(H)Graduation S J_T-20103G NEC School SIM
Gran Chaser J_GS-9022 Sega RAC
Grandia J_T-4507G Game Arts RPG
Grandia Digital Musee J_T-4512G Game Arts DATA
Grandread J_ Banpresto Space Opera
Great Adventure J_T-23101G Soft Office ADV
Greatest Nine '97 J_GS-9139 Sega SPO
Greatest Nine '98 J_GS-9185 Sega SPO
Grid Runner US_ Virgin ACT
Groove on Fight (Power Instinct 3) J_T-14413G Atlus FGTw/ram?
Groove on Fight (Power Instinct 3) J_ Atlus FGT
GT-24 J_T-5714G Jaleco RAC
Guardian Force J_ Success SHT
Guardian Heroes US_81035 Sega ACT
Guardian Heroes J_GS-9031 Treasure ACT
Gulliver Boy J_T-14303G Hudson RPG
Gun Bird J_T-14402G Atlus SHT
(H)Gun Blaze S J_T-19710G Kid RPG
Gunbuster XTO J_ MediaRings RAC
Gundam Gaiden I J_T-13300G Bandai 3DFGTw/pin
Gundam Gaiden II (Side Story) J_T-13309G Bandai 3DFGT
Gundam Gaiden III (Side Story) J_T-13312G Bandai Book-case,VOstick comp.
Gundam Giren J_T-13327G Bandai STR
Gundam Z J_T-13315G Bandai SHT
Gundam Z Houhen J_T-13320G Bandai SHT
Gun Frontier J_ Xing SHT
Gun Griffon US_81046 Sega GUN
Gun Griffon J_T-4502G Game Arts ACT,MPEG comp.
Gun Griffon 2 J_T-4510G Game Arts ACT
Gussun Oyoyo 2 J_T-20604G Xing PUZ/PLT
Hakaider J_ Sega GUN
Hang-On GP US_81202 Sega RAC
Harukaze V-Force J_ Ving STRw/VHS
Hat Trick Hero S J_T-1103G Taito SPO
(H)Haunted Casino J_ Societa Casino
Heartbeat Scramble J_ Imagineer DSIM
Heir of Zendor: The Legend of the Land US_T-7605H Koei SIM
Henry Explorers(Crypt Killer) J_ Konami GUN
Herc's Adventure US_ LucasArts ACT
Hexen US_T-25406H GTI COR
Hideo Nomo World Series Baseball J_GS-9061 Sega SPO
(H)High School Terra J_T-19715G Kid DSIM
High Velocity US Atlus RAC
Highway 2000 US Natsume RAC
Hi-Octane US RAC
Hokago Renai Club Ltd J_T-19714G Kid DSIM
Hokuto No Ken J_T-20601G
Hop Step Idol J_T-20507G Media Ent. DSIM
Horde, The US_T-15909H Crystal Dyn.STR
House of the Dead, The J_GS-9173 Sega GUN
House of the Dead, The US_81802 Sega GUN
Hunter Lime Collect J_T-22402G Asmik ADV
Hyper 3D Pinball US Virgin PIN
Hyper Dual J_ Technosoft 2DSHT
Hyper Reverthion J_T-1803G Technosoft 3DSHT/FGT
Hyper Securities S J_T-9105G Pack In Security SIM
(H)Idol Star Mahjong J_T-31001G Shar Rock MJ
Image Fight XMultiply J_ Xing SHT
Impact Racing US_T-8139H Acclaim RAC
Incredible Hulk US_T-7905H Eidos ACT
Independence Day US_ FOX SHT
In the Hunt US_T-10001H THQ SHT
In the Hunt J_T-15005G Imagineer SHT
Inspector Minton J_T-5307G Riverhillsoft ACT/ADV
International Victory Goal J_GS-9044 Sega SPO
Irem Arcade Classics J_T-22403G I'MAX MISC
"Iron Man, XO Manowar" US_T-8119H Acclaim PLT
Iron Storm US_T-12701H WD SIM
Jajamaru Ninja J_ Jaleco 3DPLT
JL Go Go Goal! J_T-3602G Tecmo SPO
Johnny Bazookatone US_T-7909H US Gold PLT
J-Swat J_T-20602G Banpresto COR
Jung Rhythm J_T-16607G Altron Rap/dance SIM
Jungle Park Island J_T-18009G Digitalogue MISC
(H)Kakyusei J_T-28002G Elf DSIM
Keio Yugekitai 2 J_T-6003G Victor PLT
King of Boxing (Center Ring Boxing) J_T-6001G Sega SPO
King of Fighters '95 J_T-3101G SNK 2DFGT,RAMC
King of Fighters '96 J_ SNK 2DFGT,RAMC
King of Fighters '97 J_T-3120G SNK 2DFGT,RAMC
Kingdom Grand Prix J_T-18506G Raizing SHT/RAC
Kisuisyoudensetsu Asutaru (Astal) J_GS-9019 Sega ACT
Kiwame S J_ Athena MJ
Kunoichi Torimono J_ CRI ACT
Kururin Pa! J_T-24201G SkyThink PUZ
Kyukyoku Tiger 2 J_T-18715G Naxat SHT
Langrisser 3 J_T-2504G NCS STR
Langrisser 4 J_T-2505G NCS STR
Langrisser 5: The End of Legend J_T-2509G NCS STR
Langrisser Drama(1 & 2) J_T-2507G NCS STR
Lapurus Panic J_T-21503G Shoeisha PUZ
Last Bronx US_81078 Sega 3DFGT
Last Bronx J_GS-9152 Sega 3DFGT
Last Gladiators J_T-18901G Sega PIN
Last Gladiators Digital Pinball US_T-4804H TWI PIN
Layer Section I (Galactic Attack) J_T-1112G Taito SHT
Layer Section II J_T-26409G Taito SHT
Legend of Oasis (Thor) US_81302 Sega ACT/RPG
Linkle Liver Story J_GS-9055 Sega RPG
(H)Literary Fragment, The J_T-21204G OZ CLUB Horror
Loaded US_T-12519H Interplay ACT
Lode Runner J_T-25101G Patra PLT
Lost World US_ Sega PLT
Lost World J_GS-9162 Sega PLT
Lulu de Livre J_GS9118 Sega ACT/ADV
Lunacy US_ Atlus Exploratorive
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue J_T-27905G Game Arts RPG
Lunar: Silver Star J_ Game Arts RPG
Lunar: Silver Star MPEG J_T-27904G Game Arts RPG
Lupin III: Chronicles J_T-18806G Tms ADV/DATA
M ~kimi wo tsutae~ J_T-31202G Nexus DSIM
Machine Head US_T-7914H Eidos COR
Macross: Ai Oboete Imasu Ka (DYRL) J_T-23403G Bandai Double CD
Madou Monogatari J_T-6607G Compile RPG
Madden NFL '97 US_5010 EA Sports SPO
Madden NFL '98 US_ EA Sports SPO
Magical Drop 2 J_GS-9104 Sunsoft PUZ
Magical Drop 3 J_ Sunsoft PUZ
Magic Carpet US_5006 EA/Bullfrog ACT
Magic School Lunar J_ Game Arts Lunar Gaiden
(H)Mahjong Gakuensai J_ Make Soft MJw/card deck
Majong Goku J_T-10601G EA MJ
Majong Taikai 2 J_ Koei MJ
(HH)Majong Wakakusa J_ Naxat MJ
Mansion of Hidden Souls US_81012 Sega ADV
Mansion of Hidden Souls J_GS-9005 Sega ADV
Manx TT US_ Sega RAC
Manx TT J_GS-9102 Sega RAC
Marica J_ Victor IDC/FGT
Marie Atelier J_T-15033G Gust Co ACT/STR
Marriage J_T-10501G Headroom SLG
Martian Successor J_GS-9142 Sega ACT
Marvel Super Heroes US_ Capcom 2DFGT,RAMC?
Marvel Super Heroes J_ Capcom 2DFGT,RAMC
Mass Destruction US_T-18007 ASC ACT
Master of Monsters J_T-6301G Systemsoft STR
Masters Harukanaru Augusta 3 J_T-11401G Polysys SPO
Mechwarrior 2 US_13004 Activision STR
Mega Man 8 US_1216 Capcom PLT
Mega Man X4 US_ Capcom PLT
Meltylancer Ltd J_ Imagineer STR
Metal Slug J_T-3111G SNK ACT,RAMC
Midway Arcade's Greatest Hits US_T-9703
Miku Metal Fighter J_T-6002G Victor ACT
Milky Way Heroes J_T-22301G Microvis STR
Milky Way Plus J_T-22303G Microvis STR
Minataka Hakudo J_T-14414G Atlus 3DADV
(H)Minisuka Polis(Miniskirt Police) J_T-30812G Sadasoft MISC
Minnesota Fats US_ Data East Pool
Mortal Kombat 2 US_T-8103H Acclaim 2DFGT
Mortal Kombat Trilogy US_ Midway 2DFGT
Mr. Bones US_81016 Sega PLT
(H)Mujintou Story R J_T-28901G KSS SIM
(H)My Best Friends J_ Bandai PUZ
Myst US_T-8101H Sunsoft STR
Mystaria US_81300 Sega STR/RPG
Nanatsu Kaze J_ Enix ADV
National Wrestling: Featuring VirtuaJ_GS-9158 Sega SPO
(H)Natsuiro Memories J_ Shar Rock MJ
NBA Action US_81103 Sega SPO
NBA Action 98 US_81124 Sega SPO
NBA Live '97 US_T-5015H EA Sports SPO
NBA Live '98 US_T-5027H EA Sports SPO
NBA Jam TE US_ Acclaim SPO
NBA Jam Extreme US_T-8120H Acclaim SPO
Need for Speed US_T-5009H EA RAC
(H)Neo Generation 2 J_T-5301G Riverhill School SIM
Net Link Browser US_80118B
Next King Ltd. J_ Bandai RPG
NFL '97 US_81111 Sega SPO
NFL Quarterback Club '96 US_T-8109H Acclaim SPO
NFL Quarterback Club '97 US_T-8136H Acclaim SPO
NHL '97 US_T-5016H EA Sports SPO
NHL '98 US_T-5026 EA Sports SPO
NHL All-Star Hockey US_81102 Sega SPO
NHL All-Star Hockey 98 US_81122 Sega SPO
NHL Powerplay '96 US_T-7013H Virgin SPO
(H)Nightruth J_T-20204G Sonnet ADV
Nights Into Dreams US_81020 Sega ACT
Nights (Into Dreams) J_GS-9046 Sega ACT
Nights Into Dreams Sampler US_81063 Sega ACT
Night Warriors (DS 2) US_T-1208H Capcom 2DFGT
Ninku J_GS-9036 Sega 2DFGT
Ninpen Manmaru J_T-35502G Enix PLT
Nobunaga Returns J_T-7614G Koei STR
(H)Nonomura Hitobito J_ Elf ADV
Noon J_T-5206G Micro Cabin PUZ/ACT
Norse by Norsewest US_ Interplay STR
(HH?)Nonomura Hitobito J_ Elf ADV
Nouvelle Fanpasia Gulliver Boy J_T-14303G Hudson RPG (2CD)
Off-World Interceptor Extreme US_T-15908H Crystal Dyn.RAC
Oh-Edo Renaissance J_T-9104G Pack-in STR
(H)Ohsama Game J_T-21904G Societa
(H)Ojousama wo Nera J_T-38101G Crystal IDC
Olympic Soccer US_ US Gold SPO
Omakase Savers J_GS-9030 Sega RPG
Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty J_T-1302G Data East 2DFGT
Outrun J_ Sega RAC
Pandemonium US_T-15914H Crystal Dyn.ACT
Paneltia Story J_T-21510G Sega RPG
Panic Chan J_T-15010G Imagineer ACT/IDC
Panic Chan Ltd J_T-15029G Imagineer w/pins&book
Panzer Dragoon US_81009 Sega SHT
Panzer Dragoon J_ Sega SHT
Panzer Dragoon Sampler Disc US_81018 Sega SHT
Panzer Dragoon Azel (Saga) J_GS-9076 Sega RPG
Panzer Dragoon Saga US_81307 Sega RPG
Panzer Dragoon Zwei US_81022 Sega SHT
Panzer Dragoon Zwei J_GS-9049 Sega SHT
Pastel Muses J_T-30602G Soft Office PUZ
Pebble Beach Golf Links US_81101 Sega SPO
PGA Tour '97 US_T-5011H EA Sports SPO
Phantasy Star Collection J_GS-9186 Sega RPG
(H)Pia Welcome Carrot J_T-19708G Kid DSIM
Planet Joker J_ Naxat 2DSHT
(H)Playboy Karaoke J_ Playboy KAR
(H)Playboy Karaoke 2 J_ Playboy KAR
Pocket Fighter J_T-1230G Capcom 2DFGT,RAMC
Policenauts J_ Konami ADV
Power Drift J_GS-9181 Sega RAC
Powerslave US_T-13205H Virgin COR
(H?)Pretty Fighter X J_T-15001G Imagineer FGT
Prikura Daisakusen J_T-14409G Atlus 3DPLT
Primal Rage US_T-4802H TWI FGT
Princess Crown J_T-14418G Atlus ACT/ADV
Princess Maker 2 J_T-5203G Micro Cabin ADV
Princess Quest J_T-24604G AIC ACT/IDC
Private Idol J_T-30801G SadaSoft Sexy Idol Worship
Private Idol 5 J_T-30811G Sadasoft Sexy Idol Worship
Private Idol 6 J_ SadaSoft Sexy Idol Worship
Pro Pinball US_T-12520H Interplay PIN
Puyo Puyo 2 J_T-6604G Compile PUZ
Puyo Puyo Sun J_ Compile PUZ
Puzzle Bobble 2X J_T-1106G Taito PUZ
Puzzle Bobble 3 J_ Taito PUZ
Pyon Pyon MJ J_ Natsume MJ
Quake US_81066 Sega COR
Quantum Gate J_T-18502G Gaga FMV
Quarterback Attack US_ Digital PicsSPO
Quiz Nanairo J_T-1220G Capcom Quiz
Quo Vadis J_T-174901G Glams STR
Quo Vadis 2 J_ Glams STR
R?MJ J_T-13322G Bandai Mystery Hospital
Rabbit J_ EA FGT
Radiant Silvergun J_T-32902G Treasure SHT
Rampage World Tour US_ Midway ACT
Rayman US_T-17701H UBI Soft PLT
Real Bout Collection (RB & RBS) J_T-3124G SNK 2DFGT,1or4RAMC
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special J_T-3117G SNK 2DFGT,RAMC
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special J_T-3119G SNK 2DFGTw/ram
Real Sound J_ Warp
Refrain Love J_ Riverhill DSIM
Resident Evil US_T-1221H Capcom ADV
Revolution X US_T-8107H Acclaim pseudoGUN
Riglord Saga 2 J_ Sega RPG/STR
Rise 2: Resurrection US_T-8114H Acclaim FGT
Road Rash US_T-5008H EA RAC
Robo Pit US_T-10002H Kokopelli STR
Robopit J_ Altron STR
Robotica US_T-8104H Acclaim COR
Rockman 8 J_ Capcom PLT
Rockman X3 J_T-1210G Capcom PLT
Rockman X4 J_T-1222G Capcom PLT
Rockman X4 Ltd J_T-1221G Capcom PLTw/model
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms IV US_T-7601H Koei STR/RPG
Ronde J_T-14415G Atlus 3DRPG
Roommate Ryoko J_ Datam SIM
Roommate Summer J_ Datam SIM
Roommate 3 J_ Datam SIM
Roukanitcaidantoa J_GS-9043 Sega PUZ/ACT
Ryuteki 5000 years (Dragons of China)J_T-15025 Imagineer IDC
Sailor Moon Super S J_T-15701G Bandai FGT
Sakura Columns J_GS-9138 Sega PUZ
Sakura Radio Show J_GS-9160 Sega
Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars) J_GS-9037 Sega ACT,IDC
Sakura Taisen Ltd (Sakura Wars) J_ Sega ACT,IDCw/mouse&pad
Sakura Taisen 2 (Sakura Wars 2) J_GS-9169 Sega ACT,IDC
Sakura Tsushin J_GS-9134 Sega DATA
Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus J_ Konami 2DSHT
Samurai Collection (3&4) J_T-3123G SNK 2DFGT,1RAMC
Samurai Spirits 3 J_ SNK 2DFGT
Samurai Spirits 4 J_ SNK 2DFGT
Samurai Spirits 4 J_ SNK 2DFGTw/ram
Samurai Spirits RPG J_ SNK RPG
Sangokushi Eiketsu J_T-7603G-11 Koei STR
Sangokushi V J_T-7606H-11 Koei STR
Saturn Bomberman US_81070 Sega STR
Saturn Bomberman J_T-14302G Hudson STR
Savaki J_T-5208G Cyrius FGT
Scorcher US_81214 Sega RAC
Scud US_ Segasoft SHT/ACT
Sea Bass Fishing 2 J_ Victor Fishing SIM
Sega Ages US_T-12707H Spaz MISC
Sega Ages Memorial J_GS-9135 Sega MISC
Sega Ages Memorial 2 J_GS-9163 Sega MISC
Sega Rally J_ Sega RAC
Sega Rally Championship US_81207 Sega RAC
Sega Screams US_81075 Sega
Sega Worldwide Soccer '98 J_GS-9187 Sega SPO
Sengoku Blade J_ Atlus SHT
Sentimental Grafitti J_T-20106G NEC DSIM
Sexy Parodius J_T-9514G Konami SHT
Shadows of the Tusk J_T-14319G Hudson Xband comp.
Shanghai: Triple Threat US_T-13001H Activision STR
Shell Shock US_T-7901H US Gold SHT
Shienryu J_T-29102G Warashi SHT
Shin Kaitei Gunkan J_ Atlus STR
Shin Megami Tensei J_ Atlus ADV
Shin Shinobi Den J_GS-9010 Sega PLT
Shining Force 3 US_ Sega STR/RPG
Shining Force 3 J_GS-9175 Sega STR/RPG
Shining the Holy Ark US_81306 Sega RPG
Shining the Holy Ark J_ Sega RPG
Shining Wisdom US_T-12702H Sega(WD) ACT/RPG
Shining Wisdom J_ Sega ACT/RPG
Shin Kaitei Gunkan J_ Atlus STR
Shinobi Legions US_T-2301H Sega(Vic Tokai) PLT
Shinoken/Ragnagard J_ SNK 2DFGT
Shiroki Majou J_T-14322G Hudson RPG
Shockwave Assault US_ EA SHT
Shukudaiga Tanto J_GS-9042 Sega MISC
Silhouette Mirage J_T-32901G Treasure PLT
SimCity 2000 US_12601 Maxis SIM
Simulation Zoo J_ Gamebank Animal SIM
Six Man Scramble J_T-4316G Human SPO
Skeleton Warriors US_T-13204H Playmates PLT
Skull Fang J_T-1311G Data East 2DSHT
Sky Target US_ Sega SHT
Sky Target J_GS-9103 Sega SHT
Slamdunk J_ Bandai SPO
Slam 'n Jam '96 US_ Crystal Dyn.SPO
Slayers Royal J_ ESP RPG
Snatcher J_T-9508G Konami IDC
Soccer Kids J_ Fujitsu Soccer Tutor
Solar Eclipse US_T-15911H Crystal Dyn.SHT
Sol Divide J_T-14423G Atlus SHT
Soldnerschild J_GS-9155 Sega STR
Solocrisis J_T-23501G Quintet God SIM
Sonic 3D Blast US_81062 Sega 3DPLT
Sonic Council J_T-20611G Banpresto 2DFGT
Sonic Jam US_81062 Sega PLT
Sonic Jam J_GS-9147 Sega PLT
Sonic R US_81800 Sega RAC
Sonic R J_GS9170 Sega RAC
Soukyugurentai Otokuyo J_T-10626 EA SHT
Soul Hackers (Megami Tensei sequel) J_T14420G Atlus RPG
Soviet Strike US_5013 EA SIM
Space Hulk US_T-5007H EA SHT
Space Invaders J_T-1107G Taito SHT
Space Jam US_T-8125H Acclaim SPO
Spot Goes to Hollywood US_ Virgin ACT
Stakes Winner J_T-3107G SNK HRAC
Stakes Winner 2 J_T-3115G Saurus HRAC
(H)Stand By Say You J_T-4312G Human IDC
(H)Stand By Say You <A Cover T-4309G> J_T-4311G Human IDC
(H)Stand By Say You <B Cover T-4312G> J_T-4311G Human IDC
(H)Stand By Say You <C Cover T-4311G> J_T-4311G Human IDC
Star Fighter US_T-8135H Acclaim SHT
Steamgear Mash J_T-10301G Takara 3DPLT
Steep Slope Sliders US_81128 Sega RAC
Steep Slope Sliders J_ Victor RAC
Stellar Assault J_T-4403G Sega SHT
Street Fighter Alpha US_T-1206H Capcom 2DFGT
Street Fighter Alpha 2 US_T-1213H Capcom 2DFGT,art gallery
Street Fighter Anime J_ Capcom Movie
Street Fighter Collection US_T-1222H Capcom 2DFGT
Street Fighter Collection J_ Capcom 2DFGT
Street Fighter: The Movie US_T-8105H Acclaim 2DFGT
Street Fighter Real Battle On Film J_T-1201G Capcom 2DFGT
Street Fighter Zero J_ Capcom 2DFGT
Street Racer US_ UBI Soft RAC
Striker '96 US_T-8133H Acclaim SPO
Strikers 1945 J_T-14407G Atlus 2DSTG
Suchie Pai Adventure J_T-5713G Jaleco 3DACT
Suikoenbu J_T-1302G Sega 2DFGT
Suikoenbu Fuunsaiki J_ Sega FGT
Sugoventure Dragon J_T-19505G Datum P ACT/RPG
Summer Fantasy J_ Bandai V IDC
Super Casino Special J_T-7306G Sega Gambling
Super Mahjongg Grafty J_T-16504G
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo US_T-1215H Capcom PUZ
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo J_ Capcom PUZ
(H)Super Real Mahjong J_ Seta MJ
(H)Super Real Mahjong P7 J_T-16509G Seta MJ
Super Robot Wars F J_T-20612G Quest w/book
Super Robot Wars F Deluxe J_ Quest w/robots
Super Tempo J_T-26413G MQuest PLT
Tactical Fighter J_T-21402G Media Ring FGT
Tactics Formula J_T-34101G Sega RAC
Tactics Ogre J_ Quest STR
Taiheiyo No Arashi 2 J_ Sega STR
Tamagotchi Park J_T-13325G Bandai PUZ/ACTw/4ram
Tempest 2000 US_T-12516H Interplay SHT
Tenchi Muyo IV J_ Pioneer PUZ
Tenchi Muyo Touko J_T-26103G Pioneer IDC
Tenchi Wo Kurau 2 J_ Capcom ACT
Tengai Makyo 4: The Apocalypse J_ Hudson RPG
Ten Pin Alley US_ ASC SPO
Terra Cresta J_ Nichibutsu SHT
Terra Phantastica J_ Sega War SIM
Tetris Plus US_T-5704 Jaleco PUZ
Tetris Plus J_ Jaleco PUZ
Texthoth Ludo J_T-23102G Pai RPG
Theme Park US_ EA SIM
Thor (Legend of Oasis) J_GS-9053 Sega ADV
Three Dirty Dwarves US_14002 Sega ACT
Thunder Force 5 J_ Technosoft SHT
Thunder Force 5 ltd J_ Technosoft SHT
Thunder Force Gold J_ Technosoft SHT
Thunder Force Gold Pack 2 J_T-1808G Technosoft SHT
Thunderstrike 2 US_T-7902H US Gold SIM
Tiger 2 Plus (Kyukyou Tiger 2 Plus) J_T-18715G Naxat SHT
Tilk J_T-32508G TGL RPG
TNN Hardcore 4x4 US_T-13703H ASC RAC
Tomb Raider US_ T-7910H Eidos ACT/ADV
Tokimeki Columns J_T-9512G Konami PUZ
Tokimeki Drama J_ Konami DSIM
Tokimeki Drama 2 J_T-9529G Konami DSIM
(H)Tokimeki Mahjong Graffiti J_T-20202G Sonnet MJ
Tokimeki Memorial J_T-9504G Konami DSIM
Tokimeki Selection J_T-9517G Konami DSIM
Tokyo Mahjongland J_T-4504G Game Arts MJ
Top Angler J_ Naxat Soft Fishing
Torico J_GS-9056 Sega 3DACT/ADV
Toshinden S J_GS-9078 Sega 3DFGT
Toshinden URA J_T-10305G Takara 3DFGT
Touring Car US_81216 Sega RAC
Touring Car J_GS-9104 Sega RAC
True Pinball US_T-16406H Ocean PIN
Tunnel B1 US_T-8149H Acclaim COR
Turf Wind '96 J_T-5707G Jaleco HRAC
Twinbee Yahoo Dlx J_ Konami SHT
Twinkle Star Sprites J_37301G ADK/SNK SHT
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 US_T-9701H Williams 2DFGT
Ultraman J_T-13308G Bandai FGTw/ram
Ultraman Collection J_T-25501G Bandai DATA
Universal Nuts J_ Lay Up ADV
Uno DX J_T-26414G MediaQst. cards
Valora Valley Golf US_2303 Vic Tokai SPO
Vampire Hunter (Night Warriors) J_ Capcom 2DFGT
Vampire Savior (DS3) J_T-1228G Capcom 2DFGT
Vampire Savior (DS3) J_T-1229G Capcom 2DFGTw/4ram
Victory Goal J_ Sega SPO
Victory Goal '96 J_ Sega SPO
Victory Goal '97 J_ Sega SPO
Virtua Cop US_81026 Sega GUN
Virtua Cop J_GS-9060 Sega GUN
Virtua Cop 2 US_81043 Sega GUN
Virtua Cop 2 J_ Sega GUN
Virtua Fighter US_81005 Sega 3DFGT
Virtua Fighter 2 US_81014 Sega 3DFGT
Virtua Fighter 2 J_GS-9079 Sega 3DFGT
Virtua Fighter Kids US_81049 Sega 3DFGT
Virtua Fighter Kids J_GS-9098 Sega 3DFGT
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Akira J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Jacky J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Jeffrey J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Kage J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Lau J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Lion J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Pai J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Sarah J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Shun J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Portrait: Wolf J_ Sega KAR,DATA
Virtua Fighter Remix US_81023 Sega 3DFGT
(H)Virtua Photo Studio J_
Virtua Racing US_T-4801H TWI RAC
Virtual Casino US_31102 Natsume Gambling
Virtual Hydlide US_T-14401H Sega RPG
Virtual Hydlide J_ Sega RPG
Virtual On: Cyber Troopers US_81042 Sega 3DFGT
Virtual On: Cyber Troopers J_ Sega 3DFGT
Virtual Open Tennis US_T-8129H Acclaim SPO
Virtual Open Tennis J_ Imagineer SPO
Virus J_ Hudson ACT/ADV
Voice Idol Maniacs J_ Data East Pool
VR Golf '97 US_ VR Sports SPO
VR Soccer US_ VR Sports SPO
Wachenroder J_GS-9183 Sega ADV
Waku Waku Puyo J_ Compile RPG
Waku Waku Seven J_ Sunsoft 2DFGT
Waku Waku Seven J_ Sunsoft 2DFGTw/ram
Wangan Deadheat 2 J_ Pack-In Driving
Wara Wara Wars J_ Sega STR
WarCraft II US_T-5023H EA/Blizzard STR
Williams Arcade Collection US_ Williams MISC
Willy Wombat J_ Hudson 3DPLT
Wing Arms US_81024 Sega ACT
Wing Arms J_ Sega ACT
Winning Post US_T-7602 Koei SPO
Winter Heat J_GS-9177 Sega SPO
Wipeout US_81211 Sega RAC
Wipeout XL J_ Gamebank RAC
Wizards Harmony J_ Arc Sys IDC?
Wizardry VI & VII J_ Data East RPG
Wonders 3 J_T-26107G Xing MISC
World Advanced 2 J_ Sega STR?
World Advanced 3 J_ Sega STR?
World Cup Golf Pro US_7903 US Gold SPO
World Cup Soccer '98 J Sega SPO
World Evolution Soccer J_ Human SPO
World Heroes J_ SNK 2DFGT
World Series Baseball US_81109 Sega SPO
World Series Baseball 2 US_81113 Sega SPO
World Series Baseball '98 US_81127 Sega SPO
Worldwide Soccer US_81105 Sega SPO
Worldwide Soccer '97 US_81112 Sega SPO
Worldwide Soccer '98 US_81123 Sega SPO
Worms US_16403 Ocean STR
WWF: Arcade Game US_T-8112H Acclaim FGT
WWF In Your House US_T-8126H Acclaim FGT
X-Men: Children of the Atom US_T-8108H Capcom 2DFGT
X-Men: Children of the Atom J_T-1203G Capcom 2DFGT
X-Men vs Street Fighter J_ Capcom 2DFGT
X-Men vs Street Fighter J_T-1226G Capcom 2DFGTw/4ram
(H?)Yakyuken Special J_T-27901G Societa strip
Yellow Brick Road J_ Acclaim ADV
Yukyu Gensokyoku J_T-27805G MediaWorks SIM
Yukyu Kobako J_T-27806G Mediaworks DATA
Yukyu 2nd Album J_T-27807G MediaWorks SIM
Yumimi Mix Remix J_ Game Arts IDC?
Yuna: Galaxy Fraulein J_ Hudson IDC
(H)Yu-No J_T-28004G Elf IDC
Zap! Snowboarding Trix J_ Pony SPO
Zap! Snowboarding '98 J_T-7504G Pony SPO
Zero 4 Champ J_ MediaRings RAC/RPG
Zero Divide: The Final Conflict J_T-31001G Zoom 3DFGT
Zork US_ Activision RPG


17.1 What was the _____ Saturn Game?

First Public Saturn Game: Virtua Fighter
First RPG (Japan): Virtual Hylide
Last US Saturn Game: Magic Knights Rayearth
Last Japanese Saturn Game: ??? (As of yet unknown. Software is still
being published).

17.2 How many Saturns were sold?

It depends entirely on who you ask (or want to believe). Sega quotes
figures slightly under 2 million units in North America, while Next
Generation only claims a 1.6 million unit userbase in North America
(source: December 1997 issue). IGN once gave an a low figure of 1.2
million that had drawn criticism.

In Japan, around 5.5 million seems about right.

The sum total of systems sold worldwide is in the neighborhood of
8 million.

I have no data on Europe, or other regions, so I don't know what
percentage of the pie chart they account for.

17.3 What are the rarest Saturn games?

There's been some debate on USENET as to exactly what Saturn games are
the rarest. I have composed a list of titles which consistantly come up.
All these titles *HAVE* been released one way or another. They are not
vaporware. Also, don't confuse rare with uncommon. There are many games
not on this list that are still hard to find in their own right. This
list could also be slightly skewed as it's being presented from an
American perspective. Foriegn perspectives are welcome.

NEVER under any circumstances let anybody on Ebay persuade you into
thinking an item they'll selling is rare just because they say so. This
if often not the case.

Buster Bros. Collection Capcom
Panzer Dragoon Saga Saga
Return Fire* ???
Mysteria **

* Return Fire *WAS* released. Some people on USENET claim it wasn't,
but this is simply untrue. It has been reportedly seen in a few
bargain bins back in 1998 as well.

** Pretty rare under the "Mysteria" name. Changed to "Blazing Heros"
becuause of copyright issues.

- Contrary to popular belief, Christmas NiGHTs is not thought to be
rare. Some Blockbuster Video chain stores are (or were) selling off
their copies for $5. The only time it might presumably become rare is
if they don't sell to the point that Blockbuster destroys all their

- Reportedly, 10,000 copies of Magic Knights Rayearth were pressed.
However, it appears to be a semi-common item up for sale on Ebay and
USENET (Not to mention WD's own page), and doesn't seem to qualify at
this time (at least nowhere near the level Lunar: Eternal Blue for
the Sega CD does). This may change in the future however.

- Galaxy Fight by Sunsoft *may* be rare. It can be at least categorized
as uncommon.

Black/Matrix* ???
Blue Seed Sega
Psychic Assasin Taromaru** ???
Sakura Taisen LE*** Sega/Red

* Apparently 60,000 (approx) pressed. Supposedly if you didn't pre-order
it in Japan, you didn't get it. It sold something like 47,000 the first
week according to Saturn Fan and was out of the top list the next week.
Nothing drops that quick without help (i.e. it being unavailable). NCS
/never/ got it at all. There were two reprints. The first one had a
different cover, and the second had the same cover as the original,
and only 2,000 were made.

** Only a mere 7,500 of these were pressed before the company folded.

*** The limited edition box set contains, in addition to the regular
edition Sakura Taisen 2-CD set, a white Saturn mouse, a Sakura Taisen
mouse pad (one of two designs) and a laminated character sheet. Only
100,000 of these were made originally, and all were sold almost
instantly. It was re-released 6/20/97 to celebrate Sakura Taisen
winning the CESA Awards, says Red.

(Info courtesy of Ming's Sakura Wars Page at:

I don't know how many were made in the re-release, but the game is not
available from nearly all importers. NCS used to sell copies briefly
for $115 before it ran out of stock, never to be reordered. :(

17.4 What does Sega mean?

Sega is short for "Service Games".

Amusingly enough, it's also slang for "masturbate" in Itallian when it
is pronounced in the same way it's prenounced here in the U.S. What a
coincidence! ^_^;


18.1 What Saturn Magazines are there?

Unfortunately there are no US Saturn magazines (an indication of the
respect the system holds in the US, or lack thereof).

There was however a UK-based Saturn Magazine, and a prominent
Japanese one.

The UK one was called "The Official Sega Saturn Magazine" and it
retailed for about $6.50-$6.95 (USD) at various bookstores in and out
of the UK (Borders is one that definately carried it). Sadly, the demo
disc(s) you could get in the UK with the purchase of the mag were not
available outside the country (something to do with trade laws).

It contains heavy amounts of text and pictures. Import reviews are
included. The magazine was a monthy ordeal, and you could get a 12
month subscription.

The Japanese magazine was titled "Saturn Fan", it is a very popular
monthy Japanese magazine that covers all aspects of the Saturn's
Japanese presense. It was renamed to "Dreamcast Fan" when the Dreamcast
came out, and not longer covers the Saturn. I've mentioned it just in
case anybody is interested in acquiring backissues.

I'd like to get phone numbers and addresses of where to find these
magazines if possible.

18.2 What webpages are there on the world wide web concerning the

The ebb and flow of Sega Saturn related webpages has dwindled
significantly in recent months. However, there are some still alive that
should be worth a visit:

Sega Force
Great source of Saturn information. Including reviews, and analysis
of the Saturn hardware/software.

TK's Saturn Page
Effectively dead since late 1997, but still up (mostly). Back in
the day, this site was really great for Japanese Saturn info in
English. Also includes a sub-site dedicated to the SRPG series,

Dimension S
Covers Sega Saturn, and the Dreamcast. Has reviews, editorials,
news, screenshots, ect. All reader submitted.

Gaming Age - Saturn Section
Has many in-depth reviews and previews of import and domestic
games with accompanying screenshots.

Has many in-depth reviews and previews of import and domestic
games with accompanying screenshots.

Please also check out the Yahoo search engine (
under Sega Saturn. There are a coupld of fanpages still alive.

18.3 What newsgroups are there for the Saturn?

- is the most populated, but you'll have to wade
though a lot of Dreamcast stuff lately.

- is not as populated, but entirely Saturn

- is a good group for import information.

- is a good group if your interested in anime
derived video games (plenty of which are on Saturn).

Your newsreaders may or may not carry these groups. You could also just
use though at

18.4 What electronic mailing lists are there for the Saturn?

The Sega Saturn Mailing List is maintained by Rich Harper and you may
join the list my accessing the following webpage and following the

You can also join manually by sending a message to:

...with the word "subscribe" in the body of the message.

The list has medium traffic and it *IS* moderated. Flaming or abuse
will not be tolerated, and nither will CDR trading. You will recieve
a note outlining the rules of contact upon sending your subscription
request to the listserver.

Recently the Saturn Mailing list has added Dreamcast discussion to its
itinerary (boo!!!).

Be sure to tell those deadbeats I sent you. Maybe they're actually
contribute more to the FAQ. "^_^"

18.5 What IRC channels are there for the Saturn?

There is a Sega IRC channel on EFnet named "#SEGA". For information on
connecting to EFnet, please visit

There is also a Sakura Taisen DALnet channel named "#SakuraTaisen". For
information on connecting to DALnet, please visit:

I'm a semi-frequent lurker on #SakuraTaisen.

18.6 What retailers sell Saturn stuff?

See Contact Information below.


Importers that Stock Saturn Software:

National Console Support
Monday through Friday
10AM to 6PM Eastern Standard Time
121 Baxter St, Suite #1
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (718) 523-5774
Fax: (718) 523-7069
Pager: (917) 788-0699
E-mail: or

347 Fifth Avenue, Suite # 1508
New York, N.Y. 10016
Phone: (212) 447-5980
Fax: (212) 727-8934

Video Source
Mon-Fri: 9:30 AM PST - 6:00 PM PST
Sat: 10:00 AM PST - 3:00 PM PST
Sun: Closed
973 Foxglove Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (408) 720-8575
Fax: (408) 720-8576


Highly incomplete!

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to contribute anything you feel
is needed.

(c) 1999-2000 John Hokanson Jr. and all FAQ authors. All rights reserved.

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