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8 unsolved mysteries from the ancient Egypt

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 · 11 months ago

The Great Pyramid in Egypt

The Pyramid of Cheops is undoubtedly one of the greatest mysteries in the world. 2.5 million blocks with an average weight of 2.5 tons per cuboid were installed here. The Egyptological literature states that everything concerning this building has been clarified - but doubts about it are legitimate. According to modern theories, the building dates back to around 2,550 BC and was built by Pharaoh Khufu in the 1st century BC, because Herodotus writes in his Histories "he was told that a Pharaoh named Cheops had the pyramid built within 20 years." There is nothing else that connects the pyramid to Cheops. Not a single hieroglyph praises him as the builder of this wonder of the world. Funny - it should actually be full of hieroglyphs in his honor.

giza plateau pyramids
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giza plateau pyramids

All pharaohs are listed in the king list of Abydos, often with famous buildings that they had built. Cheops says nothing about it. Why? Presumably because he wasn't the real builder of the pyramid. All we have of Cheops today is a 7 cm high figurine in the Cairo Museum. A bit small for the builder who built the most gigantic structure in the world.

Other reports (e.g. from the Arabic region) claim that the pyramid was built before the great flood. The precision of the building is fascinating and unmatched. According to investigations by physicists and mathematicians, it is now clear that a whole range of data is "hidden" in the pyramid due to its construction.

The number "Pi" was identified, as well as the distance of a light and much more. What was the purpose of the huge structure? Just a grave? To date, no mummy has been found in the pyramid. Perhaps it represents something completely different.

Arabic traditions speak of secret chambers hidden in the pyramid, in which there are records of the knowledge of humanity at the time and also "gifts from the gods". Are there secret chambers in the pyramid? According to recent studies, there are only three chambers: the King's Chamber, the Queen's Chamber located slightly lower and the unfinished chamber located under the pyramid. Is that really all?

Measurements taken in 1987 by an interdisciplinary team from Waseda University (Tokyo) in the pyramid showed that it was teeming with cavities. A French team has targeted a cavity near the Queen's Chamber and thanks to Rudolf Gantenbrink and his robot, we now know that a 64 meter long shaft with a side of only 20 cm leads from the Queen's Chamber, which ends in a door-like blockage. What's behind it? The “Gifts of the Gods”? The discovery of the "door" took place in 1993. In mid-September 2002, an alleged "live" opening of the door took place, which was broadcast worldwide. However, you couldn't necessarily talk about "live" - ​​even though it was in the picture above. 14 days earlier, a hole had been drilled into the Gantenbrink door and 2 days earlier, a camera from the Egyptian Antiquities Administration had already shown that there was a small cavity behind it and then a new locking stone. Of course, this could easily be sold as a "live opening" two days later - with Zahi Hawass's brilliant self-portrayal.

It has now been discovered that the shaft opposite in the chamber also ends in front of a door after more than 60 meters. When will further research be carried out? Will there be a "real live opening" next time or is the Egyptian Antiquities Authority worried that there might be chambers with things that might not fit the period of Ancient Egypt!

The Serapeum of Saqqara

The Serapeum has been closed for renovations for years and no tourist could see the sensation that is hidden in the artificially created chambers underground. Now it has been opened again and the largest sarcophagi in the world are here!

Sarcophagus in the Serapeum
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Sarcophagus in the Serapeum

Each sarcophagus weighs around 70 tons - carved from a single piece of stone! Add to it the lid, which weighs another 30 tons. The material does not come from a nearby quarry but from Aswan, which is around 1000 kilometers further south! Who were these massive sarcophagi built for? According to the official reports, the sarcophagi were intended for sacred Apis animals - although no Apis animal was ever found in the Serapeum.

When Auguste Mariette opened the sarcophagi in the 19th century, he found inside not the mummy of a sacred bull, but a stinking mass of bitumen and thousands of bone fragments from various animals. This "dismemberment" is completely untypical for Ancient Egypt. Every life form - from scorpions to bulls - was mummified in ancient egypt. Mummification was a religious process because only a well preserved body allowed the deceased to continue to live in the afterlife. This actually means that if for some reason you didn't want the deceased to live on, you have to destroy his body!

Which beings are buried here? Ancient texts speak of the gods creating “hybrid creatures.” Some of the hybrid creatures would have trampled on houses and devastated fields - but people were not allowed to touch the animals that were "made by the gods". When the gods disappeared - what remained were the fearsome creatures, that at some point died of natural causes. It was the time to make sure they never caused harm to humans again! They built a gigantic underground prison, made the largest sarcophagi the world has ever seen, dismembered the animals, put a 30-ton lid on the sarcophagus and hoped they would never return!

The Osireion in Abydos

The Osireion in Egypt impresses with its finely crafted monoliths. According to legend, the head of the god Osiris was buried here. Osiris was one of the heavenly teachers who instructed the ancient Egyptians in various matters.

The 'Osireion' Temple at Abydos
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The 'Osireion' Temple at Abydos

The monolithic remains of the tomb lie in a pit behind the Temple of Abydos, a full eight meters deeper than the temple itself. There is no confirmed age for this structure in Egyptian literature. Monoliths were installed here with millimeter precision and are estimated to weigh up to 80 tons. What resources were used here? What is interesting is that the precision of the stone's processing is exactly the same as in the distant land of the Incas.

Who were the intercontinental teachers?

The underground crypt in Dendera

Beneath the Temple of Dendera in Egypt, there are several chambers with quite impressive wall reliefs. One of these chambers can be visited as a tourist. You enter through a narrow hole in the ground. The chamber is low and just 1.12 m wide. During a length of 4.60 meters you can see a series of strange reliefs on the wall. One of these has caused a lot of discussion in the paleo-SETI scene.

Underground chambers in Dendera
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Underground chambers in Dendera

A picture on the wall is similar to a light bulbs. Inside the "light bulb" there is a snake in a wavy shape, which was interpreted as an electric current. The end of the "snake" leads to a lotus flower, which is compared to the "light bulb socket" in the relevant literature. Finally, something like a cable runs to a box on which the air god kneels. Noteworthy is the baboon with two knives in its hands, which are interpreted as a "protective and defensive force" or as a "danger", similar to our symbol of the skull.

Core drilling in Abusir

The Abusir site is located 15 kilometers away from the Pyramid of Cheops. Diorite blocks were processed there. Diorite is a very hard plutonic rock, even harder than granite. In ancient time circular holes have been drilled into the hard rock. How? The holes in Abusir are not ordinary drilling but core drilling. The drill holes found here are straight and balanced, and the millimeter-precise rotation can even be seen in the drill channels.

Core drilling in Abusir
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Core drilling in Abusir

Our civilization has only known the technology of core drilling since around 1898. Consequently, it has been claimed that the drill holes must come from the 20th century, because this technology was not available at the time of the ancient Egyptians. But the holes haven't been made in recent years, as Flinders Petrie already described them - and that was over 120 years ago.

What kind of equipment was used to create such holes into the rock in ancient Egypt? And for what reason? Many of the holes appear to the viewer in places where they make no sense. Why and with what means was this effort undertaken?

The Narmer's make-up palette

The "Makeup Palette of Narmer" was found in Hierakonpolis. This palette, which is over 5,000 years old, dates back to the 1st Dynasty, making it one of the oldest artifacts in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The green slate is 63 x 40 cm in size and has a very interesting representation on the front for anyone interested in paleo-SETI. You can see two people holding two strange animals on a leash.

The animals depicted cannot be assigned to any known genus - they appear to be hybrid creatures. We learn from historians - including Eusebius - that a long time ago "the gods" came to earth and created "a multitude of miraculous creatures, of many different types and different from each other".

Does the make-up palette show two of these hybrid creatures? Were they dangerous and was that why they were kept on a short leash?

The Narmer palette
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The Narmer palette

Representations of hybrid creatures - whether as figures, as reliefs or as pictures - can be found in all museums around the world. The Narmer palette occupies a special place here for two reasons: firstly because it is one of the particularly old exhibits and secondly because the representation in combination with the two people and the lines is extremely naturalistic.

Antique gears

If you walk through the Egyptian Museum in Cairo with your eyes open, you can discover a number of interesting exhibits that you would never suspect that they come from Ancient Egypt.

Gears in a display case at the cairo museum in egypt
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Gears in a display case at the cairo museum in egypt

For example, I was amazed to discover these gears in a display case. A total of three of these gears of different sizes are presented. In this context, I had to think of some stones in the Mayan metropolis of Copan and a figure from Tikal in Guatemala: there too - many thousands of kilometers away - gears seemed to have been depicted. What were gears needed for in the Egypt of the Pharaohs? Were these artifacts actually in use or were they copies in the sense of "misunderstood technology" of objects observed among "the gods"?

Curious artifact from the Egyptian Museum

One hundred thousand artifacts can be viewed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. But some don't seem to fit at all with the rest of the finds. This also includes this strange object. At first glance it reminds us of something modern, such as a ship's propeller. However, it dates back to Pharaonic times and its purpose is open to speculation.

8 unsolved mysteries from the ancient Egypt
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As far as I know, the object is unique. I have never found a similar object anywhere else! It has been suggested by archaeologists that the object is an unusual antique vase. What does make you think: why does the vase have a hole in the middle?

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