How to connect the Playstation 2 to the PC with a network cable

With this guide I explain step by step how to connect the ps2 to the pc with a network cable and then send files on hdd or Memory Card via an FTP on PC.
- Network Adapter (for Playstation 2 before v12 or slim);
- RJ 45 cross / crossed cable (not the one contained in the network adapter package);
- Network card on pc;
- XLINK on pc;
- Ps2 link on ps2.
1. Burn the ps2 link cd
2. Set from the control panel (for win xp) -> connections: right click on LAN network connection and properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP / IP): Properties -> Use the following ip address -> the ip of the pc and the getaway

3. Connect pc and ps2 with crossed rj45 cable
4. Run the ps2 link cd in the ps2
5. Start XLink on your pc
At this point to start an elf on ps2 select the desired elf file via the very simple xlink;
Instead to start the connection with an ftp (in order to transfer files from mc or hdd to pc)
6. Start the execftp.elf file from xlink
7. Open an ftp program (such as flash fxp) on the pc set the ip of the ps2 that is and the getaway 255.255.255.; Select passive mode, anonymous login, port 21 and connect.

8. Navigate between the mc and hdd and copy the files you are interested in to them
PS: to copy files to hdd you must first mount the partition where it is saved with this command:
SITE MNT / pfs / 0 / hdd: + partition name - for example SITE MNT / pfs / 0 / hdd: + Mp3 if you want to copy a file in the mp3 partition
To enter the command in FlashFXP you must first press Ctrl + r, enter it in the new window and confirm with OK. At this point in pfs / 0 you find the contents of the partition you just mounted and you can send / receive the files.
If there is no partition created on the hdd yet, create one with the dms format program from ps2!