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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 09

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice June, 1998
==================== issue 9

Letter from the Editor

Welcome back! This is a really jam packed issue so I'm
going to keep this as short as possible. I just have a couple
of updates for you.

In our last issue our Aromatherapy segment featured a
recipe for a massage oil to help relax aching muscles. It's
been brought to my attention by one of our subscribers
who share this expterise, that all consumers should be
extremely cautious when dealing with the Wintergreen
essential oil. Apparantly, true Wintergreen is so sparse that
it is synthentic methyl salicylate which is typically sold. This
penetrates the skin very rapidly and is toxic in very low doses.
Wintergreen and Sweet Birch were both mentioned as
essential oils that should be used exclusively by professionals.

Thank you Marge for your contribution.

As promised, here is the first of a 4 part series on Dowsing.
My apologies for the delay in printing, it was unavoidable.
However, I do believe you'll find it worth the wait.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads on the list. I hope you
receive all the pampering you deserve. Ladies, make sure
there's an extra big hug for these dads that took such good
care of you on Mother's Day. :)

Remember to visit the Your Life-Your Choice Mini-Mall.
You might even find the perfect Father's Day gift there.
Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

@ Our sponsors make this
@ newsletter FREE to
@ subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ Discover how others
@ successfully solved your
@ problem.
@ 3. Holistic Dowsing
@ Alternative medicine is always keenly interested
@ in practical tools and aids to diagnosis. Many
@ practitioners already use a pendulum extensively
@ in their work. With this in mind, we have
@ commissioned a series of four articles written by
@ an experienced dowser on this most versatile and
@ fascinating tool.
@ Our sponsors make this
@ newsletter FREE to
@ subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ There is nothing amusing about Stomach
@ (Peptic) Ulcers. Find out what can be
@ done about them.
@ The beauty of Magnetic Therapy is that it can be
@ used to maintain health, as well as prevent or
@ reverse health problems.

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Copyright 1997-1998 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved




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Dear Your Life-Your Choice,

I am 17 years old and in grade 11. It used to be hard
for me to see the blackboard at school. Then my mom
had me take a grape seed extract and now my eyesight
has improved. I can see the blackboard and I don't
need glasses.



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Section 3 Holistic Dowsing
By Joe Mullally


This is a series of practical articles on the principles and uses
of dowsing with a particular emphasis on the alternative health
field. Dowsing is very simple to learn and the 'tools of the trade',
especially the pendulum, are both easy and cheap to construct.
Perhaps it is this very simplicity of methodology and this very
DIY nature of the tools themselves, which account for the 'off
hand' dismissal of these divining techniques by so many of the
'experts' in the various professions who should know better.
For make no mistake about it, dowsing is a very powerful
diagnostic aid. The pendulum itself does not heal, but it helps
enormously in showing us the way - bringing through the
information we need to direct and monitor progress in the
healing processes. Each of these articles is drawn from my
own experience, the remarks of many of my dowsing
colleagues and the teaching materials from my various
courses and workshops over the past seven years. My
primary objectives in this series are - to promote the
dowsing skill to all that would like to learn more about it,
to dispel the many myths and fallacies which surround the
subject and (by focusing directly on the principles which
govern and effect the use of the skill) to equip fellow
dowsers with the knowledge to constantly improve their
results and refine their own methods by drawing from
their own personal experience.

Basically stated, a dowser uses a range of simple devices
to emphasize small involuntary movements in the hand so
they may be readily seen. The most simple and versatile
device for this purpose is the pendulum - a small weight
tied to a piece of string and allowed to 'swing' suspended
between the thumb and first finger of the dominant hand.
Any tiny shifts in the hand itself will naturally be reflected as
obvious movements in the weight on the end of the line. This
'amplification' of small movements so that we may see them,
is the only purpose of any divining tool as far as dowsing
itself is concerned. It is very important to understand this,
for it means that the material from which the different tools
are made is irrelevant as far as the dowsing principle itself
is concerned. And while it is doubtless true that many
dowsers have personal preferences for one material or
another, from a fundamental point of view, one can dowse
with something as simple as a nut on a piece of twine (as
one of the most successful dowsers I know does.) The
next vital question is 'what causes the small dowsing
movements in the hand?' and the short simple answer to
this is 'the intuition!'. For dowsing, is an excellent way of
speaking directly with our intuition. And the skill itself is so
practical and powerful simply because our intuition is such
an immensely powerful faculty. To have any chance of
understanding dowsing then, we must take a closer look
at our intuitive faculty. The first thing to be said of intuition,
is that it resides within our subconscious mind. This is the
part of the mind which constantly monitors and processes
the myriad of different stimuli and impressions reaching us
every moment of our lives. Our conscious mind, by contrast,
can only concentrate/handle one thing at any one time. So,
as you are reading this article avidly(!) and processing it
with your conscious mind, you will be blissfully unaware
of your breathing, heartbeat, an argument in the next room
or the rent man on the stairs. Your subconscious mind takes
care of all these matters automatically and seated comfortably
within it is your highly developed intuitive faculty. Now, let's
suppose for a moment that this intuition wants to tell you the
rent man is coming, it has one major obstacle - it cannot
usually talk to you in plain language. It cannot say 'switch
off the light and play dead you fool, the rent man is outside'.
Language, you see, resides in a different part, the rational
side, of the brain. So the intuition can use only such tools
as it has to hand .... feelings, pictures, imagination, and
body language, to convey what it knows to you. The
difficulty in this, as we all know, is that we may not connect
a 'sudden feeling of foreboding' to the approaching rent man
until he knocks on the door. The intuition processes vast
amounts of valuable information and insight which it dearly
yearns to share, but, in our modern culture, it sadly has few
means of doing so. In order to speak with the intuition, we
must share with it a common language so that the information
it presents to us can be clearly transmitted and understood.
One such language might takes the form of agreed symbol
sets, and this was a highly important function of mythological
stories in ancient times. These myths provided whole societies
with a common set of clearly understood symbols which gave
them excellent access to their creative and intuitive faculties.
Yet another form that such a language can take, is one which
uses our automatic body responses. Since the subconscious
mind controls body functions and mannerisms, the intuition
can converse directly with us by altering muscle responses.
This form of dialogue is the basis for many various techniques
and is also the basis of dowsing communications.

The next article will cover asking questions with the pendulum
and the three stages of learning.
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Section 5 Ulcers Are No Laughing Matter
Brigitte Synesael

Having found a line of herbal combinations specially formulated by top
scientists in North America to provide optimum results, Brigitte has
spent the past 2 1/2 years promoting wellness through the use of herbal
supplementation. Further details can be found at:
Being the editor of Your Life-Your Choice has opened up Brigitte's
awareness and strengthened her conviction to many types of alternative
and complementary forms of medical treatments. The Your Life-Your
Choice Headquarters contains many informative opportunities and can be
found at


Literally speaking, an ulcer is an open sore, often infected.
Frequently this sore is in the stomach or the duodenum, the
part of the intestines which connects with the stomach. These
are referred to as Peptic Ulcers, and there is nothing pleasant
about this experience.

The most common symptom of ulcers is an intense burning
sensation below the breastbone, which is typically felt between
1-3 hours after meals. The pain can be intense enough to cause
its' victim to awaken during the night with an excruciating internal
burning sensation. It could cause headaches, nausea and/or
vomiting. Often severe heartburn in evident. It's possible that a
Peptic Ulcer could develop symptoms such as dark tar-like
stools or spitting up blood. These advanced symptoms may be
indicative of gastro-intestinal bleeding and should be immediately
addressed by your doctor. Bleeding ulcers are potentially life-
threatening and are to be considered a medical emergency.

Although it has been determined that there could be several
contributing factors resulting in Peptic or Stomach Ulcers,
emotional stress and anxiety are generally considered the
primary causes. Among other contributors are prolonged
use of anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids (in particular those
taken for arthritis), excessive smoking, food allergies and
poor nutrition. Recent evidence has also identified a type of
bacteria almost always found in persons who have Stomach
Ulcers. This bacteria, Helicobacter pylori, is rarely found in
those who have been spared from the experience. It is thought
that H. pyloric may be a risk factor for stomach cancer. A
blood test or a biopsy of the stomach lining can determine the
presence of this bacteria.

Even though this can be a serious condition, it is one that is
easily taken care of. From a nutritional perspective, avoiding
dairy products is recommended as they can aggravate the
situation. Also avoid caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods, and soda
pop. Recommended foods are high fiber foods (if you're
dealing with a bleeding ulcer, consume nonirritating fiber like
guar gum and/or psyllium seed), low fat yogurt, avocados,
bananas, squash, yams, steamed broccoli, carrots and carrot
juice. Blue grapes, almonds and almond milk, potatoes, and
cabbage juice can be beneficial in the healing process. Okra,
papaya, persimmons, sprouts and sweet potatoes are also
among the foods that are helpful.

There are also many vitamins that can be beneficial when
dealing with this condition. Vitamin E helps to relieve pain
and reduces stomach acid. Vitamin A helps to heal ulcerated
tissue and protects the stomach lining from irritation. Vitamin
C with bioflavonoids can help to heal ulcers. Vitamin K
prevents bleeding. Vitamin B complex, Zinc, Calcium/
magnesium, and Potassium are all helpful in the healing

There are a great many herbs and herbal combinations that
can be of substantial benefit in healing Peptic Ulcers. This is
not intended to be a complete list, but rather some suggestions
of easily accessible herbs that could be helpful when dealing
with this condition.

* Aloe Vera Juice after meals encourages the healing of
damaged tissue.
* Alfalfa is an excellent source of vitamin K and will help
to control bleeding.
* DGL form of Licorice (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) is a
natural anti-inflammatory that produces a mucus, which
protects the stomach wall. Use 750-1,500 milligrams
2-3 times daily between meals for 8-16 weeks.
NOTE: DO NOT SUBSTITUTE ordinary Licorice
Root. It can elevate blood pressure if used daily for
more than 7 days and should be avoided completely
by those with high blood pressure.
* Slippery Elm soothes irritated mucous membranes.
* Golden Seal is a natural antibiotic that fights infection
and promotes healing for the digestive system.
DO NOT take for more than 1 week or during
pregnancy. It could disturb normal intestinal flora.
* Pau d'arco is a powerful antibiotic which can fight the
presence of bacterial infection in ulcers.
* A chelate form of Calcium/Magnesium helps to soothe
the nerves and to relieve stress.

Again this is just a sampling of herbs that can benefit a Peptic
Ulcer condition. Although helpful, I recommend you use caution
with herbs such as Chamomile and Golden Seal, and do not
suggest they be used on a continuous basis.

One more point to consider is that while both prescription and
over-the-counter drugs may well relieve the symptoms of ulcers,
they do not repair the damaged tissue, which is the real problem.
These are short term quick-fixes that may actually do more harm
than good as they create an illusion that the ulcer is cured or under

Many experts believe that food allergies are also a major cause of
ulcers. If you have a tendency to be prone to Stomach Ulcers, you
may want to consider allergies as a possible source of the real


Section 6 Magnetic Therapy...

This report is written by Boyce N. Berkel, M.D. It was
condensed and adapted by permission from Dr. William
H. Philpotts "Magnetic Health Quarterly" newsletter. Dr.
Philpott is currently doing FDA approved research in Magnetic
Therapy, and is taking applications. For more information on
this timely and very fascinating subject, go to


We are all concerned about our health, or at least we should
be. Waiting until we get sick to act, is like waiting until we get
hungry to plant the corn. The beauty of Magnetic Therapy is
that it meets the needs of both groups. It can be used to
maintain health, as well as prevent or reverse health problems.

Now, how can this be? Understanding how your body
works at the basic level (cellular - tissue - organ - systemic),
will help you understand how Magnetic Therapy plays this
dual role so well.

Your body functions at peak efficiency, only when all levels
(cellular - tissue - organ - systemic), are constantly maintained
in an alkaline state, as well as a state of high oxygenation -
(alkaline/high oxygen).

Conversely, all reactions of injury, pain or illness produce an
acid, low oxygen state in those tissues in which the injury, pain
or illness is being manifested.

Exposure to negative pole magnets, maintain the alkaline/high
oxygen state in tissues where this already exists, and in areas
of injury, pain or illness, reverses the acid/low oxygen state
of the tissues to an alkaline/ high oxygen state.

You may be asking yourself, what conditions in the body
produce this acid/low oxygen state? Well, there are several,
and they cause acute maladaptive reactions. They are: - 1)
Immune system reactions. 2) Deficiency of certain important
enzymes. 3) Conditions that inhibit the actions of these important
enzymes. 4) Addictive reactions to foods and other substances.
5) reactions to toxins.

All of these acute maladaptive reactions have a common
denominator, producing an immediate acid/low oxygen state.
Years of research has shown conclussively that chronic
degenerative diseases such arthritis, diabetes, cancer and
others, are also associated with the same acid/low oxygen
state as the acute maladaptive reactions. In other words,
chronic degenerative diseases are observed to have the
same metabolic disorder as acute maladaptive reactions,
except these reactions have extended over time.

It is easy to see then, how maintaining your health, and
preventing and reversing chronic degenerative diseases,
have the same source. That is, maintaining an alkaline/high
oxygen state.

Exposure to a negative magnetic field produces an alkaline/high
oxygen state in your body, and is essential in helping you
maintain your health, reverse acute maladaptive reactions,
and prevent and reverse chronic degenerative diseases.
But how can you do this?

You need to develop a negative magnetic field exposure
program to help you maintain your optimun alkaline/high
oxygen state. You can do this quite easily by sleeping on
a magnetic bed, with magnets at the crown of your head
while you sleep.

Also, any symptoms you develop, no matter how minor,
should be exposed to a negative magnetic field. Of course
you will want to check with your health practitioner to
determine the cause of the symptoms.

Since maladaptive reactions to foods are a major cause of
symptons that over time progress to chronic degenerative
diseases, in this series we will show how the dual approach
of negative magnetic field exposure and following a 4-Day
Diversified Rotation Diet, can play a major role not only in
helping you maintain your health, but also reversing the
degenerative diseases of arthritis, diabetes, cancer, vascular
diseases and others. We will also show how this dual
approach can help manage major mental diseases, addictions,
and reverse the aging process. You will also find out how
Magnetic Therapy can not only relieve your pain, but increase
your energy, help you get sound - energy restoring sleep, and
improve the quality of your life.



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided for
educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not offering
medical advice or services. We strongly encourage you to
consult with your own physician regarding any
recommendations with respect to your own medical condition.


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